@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ import de.anomic.crawler.RobotsTxt;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlStacker ;
import de.anomic.crawler.ProtocolLoader ;
import de.anomic.crawler.ZURL ;
import de.anomic.crawler.ImporterManager ;
import de.anomic.data.URLLicense ;
import de.anomic.data.blogBoard ;
import de.anomic.data.blogBoardComments ;
@ -144,7 +145,6 @@ import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMSetTools ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMapTable ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroNaturalOrder ;
import de.anomic.plasma.dbImport.dbImportManager ;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.ParserException ;
import de.anomic.server.serverAbstractSwitch ;
import de.anomic.server.serverBusyThread ;
@ -198,58 +198,57 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
public static wikiParser wikiParser = null ;
// storage management
public File htCachePath ;
public File plasmaPath ;
public File indexPrimaryPath , indexSecondaryPath ;
public File listsPath ;
public File htDocsPath ;
public File rankingPath ;
public File workPath ;
public File releasePath ;
public HashMap < String , String > rankingPermissions ;
public plasmaWordIndex wordIndex ;
public CrawlQueues crawlQueues ;
public ResultURLs crawlResults ;
public plasmaSwitchboardQueue sbQueue ;
public CrawlStacker crawlStacker ;
public messageBoard messageDB ;
public wikiBoard wikiDB ;
public blogBoard blogDB ;
public blogBoardComments blogCommentDB ;
public static RobotsTxt robots = null ;
public CrawlProfile profilesActiveCrawls , profilesPassiveCrawls ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultProxyProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultRemoteProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile , defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile , defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile ;
public boolean rankingOn ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOwnDistribution ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOtherDistribution ;
public HashMap < String , Object [ ] > outgoingCookies , incomingCookies ;
public kelondroMapTable facilityDB ;
public plasmaParser parser ;
public volatile long proxyLastAccess , localSearchLastAccess , remoteSearchLastAccess ;
public yacyCore yc ;
public userDB userDB ;
public bookmarksDB bookmarksDB ;
public plasmaWebStructure webStructure ;
public dbImportManager dbImportManager ;
public plasmaDHTFlush transferIdxThread = null ;
private plasmaDHTChunk dhtTransferChunk = null ;
public ArrayList < plasmaSearchQuery > localSearches ; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public ArrayList < plasmaSearchQuery > remoteSearches ; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public File htCachePath ;
public File plasmaPath ;
public File listsPath ;
public File htDocsPath ;
public File rankingPath ;
public File workPath ;
public File releasePath ;
public HashMap < String , String > rankingPermissions ;
public plasmaWordIndex wordIndex ;
public CrawlQueues crawlQueues ;
public ResultURLs crawlResults ;
public plasmaSwitchboardQueue sbQueue ;
public CrawlStacker crawlStacker ;
public messageBoard messageDB ;
public wikiBoard wikiDB ;
public blogBoard blogDB ;
public blogBoardComments blogCommentDB ;
public static RobotsTxt robots = null ;
public CrawlProfile profilesActiveCrawls , profilesPassiveCrawls ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultProxyProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultRemoteProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile , defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile ;
public CrawlProfile . entry defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile , defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile ;
public boolean rankingOn ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOwnDistribution ;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOtherDistribution ;
public HashMap < String , Object [ ] > outgoingCookies , incomingCookies ;
public kelondroMapTable facilityDB ;
public plasmaParser parser ;
public volatile long proxyLastAccess , localSearchLastAccess , remoteSearchLastAccess ;
public yacyCore yc ;
public userDB userDB ;
public bookmarksDB bookmarksDB ;
public plasmaWebStructure webStructure ;
public ImporterManager dbImportManager ;
public plasmaDHTFlush transferIdxThread = null ;
private plasmaDHTChunk dhtTransferChunk = null ;
public ArrayList < plasmaSearchQuery > localSearches ; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public ArrayList < plasmaSearchQuery > remoteSearches ; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public HashMap < String , TreeSet < Long > > localSearchTracker , remoteSearchTracker ; // mappings from requesting host to a TreeSet of Long(access time)
public long lastseedcheckuptime = - 1 ;
public long indexedPages = 0 ;
public long lastindexedPages = 0 ;
public double requestedQueries = 0d ;
public double lastrequestedQueries = 0d ;
public int totalPPM = 0 ;
public double totalQPM = 0d ;
public TreeMap < String , String > clusterhashes ; // map of peerhash(String)/alternative-local-address as ip:port or only ip (String) or null if address in seed should be used
public boolean acceptLocalURLs , acceptGlobalURLs ;
public URLLicense licensedURLs ;
public Timer moreMemory ;
public long lastseedcheckuptime = - 1 ;
public long indexedPages = 0 ;
public long lastindexedPages = 0 ;
public double requestedQueries = 0d ;
public double lastrequestedQueries = 0d ;
public int totalPPM = 0 ;
public double totalQPM = 0d ;
public TreeMap < String , String > clusterhashes ; // map of peerhash(String)/alternative-local-address as ip:port or only ip (String) or null if address in seed should be used
public boolean acceptLocalURLs , acceptGlobalURLs ;
public URLLicense licensedURLs ;
public Timer moreMemory ;
public serverProcessor < indexingQueueEntry > indexingDocumentProcessor ;
public serverProcessor < indexingQueueEntry > indexingCondensementProcessor ;
@ -921,13 +920,13 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
this . acceptGlobalURLs = "global.any" . indexOf ( getConfig ( "network.unit.domain" , "global" ) ) > = 0 ;
this . acceptLocalURLs = "local.any" . indexOf ( getConfig ( "network.unit.domain" , "global" ) ) > = 0 ;
// load values from configs
// load values from configs
this . plasmaPath = getConfigPath ( PLASMA_PATH , PLASMA_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Plasma DB Path: " + this . plasmaPath . toString ( ) ) ;
this . indexPrimaryPath = getConfigPath ( INDEX_PRIMARY_PATH , INDEX_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Index Primary Path: " + this . indexPrimaryPath. toString ( ) ) ;
this . indexSecondaryPath = ( getConfig ( INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH , "" ) . length ( ) = = 0 ) ? indexPrimaryPath : new File ( getConfig ( INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH , "" ) ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Index Secondary Path: " + this . indexSecondaryPath. toString ( ) ) ;
File indexPrimaryPath = getConfigPath ( INDEX_PRIMARY_PATH , INDEX_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Index Primary Path: " + indexPrimaryPath. toString ( ) ) ;
File indexSecondaryPath = ( getConfig ( INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH , "" ) . length ( ) = = 0 ) ? indexPrimaryPath : new File ( getConfig ( INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH , "" ) ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Index Secondary Path: " + indexSecondaryPath. toString ( ) ) ;
this . listsPath = getConfigPath ( LISTS_PATH , LISTS_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
this . log . logConfig ( "Lists Path: " + this . listsPath . toString ( ) ) ;
this . htDocsPath = getConfigPath ( HTDOCS_PATH , HTDOCS_PATH_DEFAULT ) ;
@ -1277,7 +1276,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
//plasmaSnippetCache.result scr = snippetCache.retrieve(new URL("http://www.heise.de/security/news/foren/go.shtml?read=1&msg_id=7301419&forum_id=72721"), query, true);
//plasmaSnippetCache.result scr = snippetCache.retrieve(new URL("http://www.heise.de/kiosk/archiv/ct/2003/4/20"), query, true, 260);
this . dbImportManager = new db ImportManager( this ) ;
this . dbImportManager = new Importer Manager( ) ;
log . logConfig ( "Finished Switchboard Initialization" ) ;