<p>This is essentially the release change-log. We have a <ahref="roadmap.txt">release roadmap</a> and releases published here will (hopefully) match the milestones from the roadmap's vision.
<p>This is essentially the release change-log. We have a <ahref="http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/Dev:Roadmap">release roadmap</a> and releases published here will (hopefully) match the milestones from the roadmap's vision.
<p>Release list in reverse order:
@ -73,6 +73,55 @@ globalheader();
<li>Prevention of unwanted DDoS effects caused by YaCy crawls by doing a target-server load balancing; further prevention is done by robots.txt</li>
<li>New setting of proxy cache size and storage path in submenu 'Proxy Indexing'</li>
<li>Modified cleanup of HTCache</li>
<li>Sorted config list in Config_p.html and sorted file list in Cache Admin menu</li>
<li>Code clean-up: added finals and constants</li>
<li>New Network menu design; showing peer status, Index Receive and Crawl Receive properties as images</li>
<li>Added ICAP support; now an experimental ICAP Server is embedded and Yacy allows other proxies to use the indexing service via icap response modification requests</li>
<li>Single-Peer permanent index transfer (full flush to other peer)</li>
<li>Added a templateCache to httpFileHandler</li>
<li>Added blacklist support for https requests and crawler</li>
<li>Adding functionality to delete entries from Indexing and Crawler Queue</li>
<li>Adding functionality to clear the whole indexing queue</li>
<li>Proxy now supports the X-Forwarded-For Header</li>
<li>Indexing queue now displays total size of enqueued content in kb</li>
<li>Remembering Crawler-isPaused setting by storing status into config file</li>
<li>Splitting of status page into a private and a public accessible part</li>
<li>Adding Queue overview to status page</li>
<li>New symbols for Peer Status, connection status, Index-Receive-Granted and Crawl-Receive-Granted in Network menu, replacing old separate columns</li>
<li>Support for robots.txt</li>
<li>Implementation of a robots.txt parser</li>
<li>Control of remote crawls with robots.txt</li>
<li>Performance enhancements</li>
<li>Better Database Caching</li>
<li>Better usage of memory in kelondro Record-Nodes and less IO access</li>
<li>New cache-control menu within the performance menu</li>
<li>Better cache-size default values</li>
<li>Accelerated Blacklists import; makes big lists possible</li>
<li>Content-Encoding GZIP support for http post requests on index transfer/distribution</li>
<li>Normalization problems: prevent URLs with ':80'</li>
<li>Many bug fixes for NULL pointer occurrences</li>
<li>Display of an proxy error page instead of a white page if the server has closed the connection before yacy was able to receive the http response line</li>
<li>Crawler Redirection bug fixed</li>
<li>Indexer now gets the mimeType now from the parsed document instead of the responseHeader (this is especially necessary if mimeType has to be detected by the MimeType parser)</li>
<li>URLs pointing to a server having a private ip addess will not be indexed anymore</li>
<li>Unsupported MimeTypes and fileExtensions will not be queued by the cachemanager in the indexer queue anymore (to reduce unneccesary IO)</li>
<li>.. many more small changes and bugfixes. for details please see the <ahref="http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/yacy/?op=log&rev=0&sc=0&isdir=1">SVN history</a></li>
<li>Index distribution to DHT now fully active</li>