Added some more javadoc into Moved the inner class response to the

end of the class definition, as this eases the reading of the outer class.

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
jerri 20 years ago
parent 5d511d651e
commit fa154e6ce5

@ -495,201 +495,16 @@ public final class httpc {
public final class response {
// Response-Header = Date | Pragma | Allow | Content-Encoding | Content-Length | Content-Type |
// Expires | Last-Modified | HTTP-header
Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
1xx: Informational - Not used, but reserved for future use
2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request
4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
// header information
public httpHeader responseHeader = null;
public String httpVer = "HTTP/0.9";
public String status; // the success/failure response string starting with status-code
private boolean gzip; // for gunzipping on-the-fly
private String encoding;
public response(boolean zipped) throws IOException {
// lets start with worst-case attributes as set-up
responseHeader = new httpHeader(reverseMappingCache);
status = "503 internal error";
gzip = false;
// check connection status
if (clientInput == null) {
// the server has meanwhile disconnected
status = "503 lost connection to server";
return; // in bad mood
// reads in the http header, right now, right here
byte[] b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false);
if (b == null) {
// the server has meanwhile disconnected
status = "503 server has closed connection";
return; // in bad mood
String buffer = new String(b); // this is the status response line
//System.out.println("#S#" + buffer);
int p = buffer.indexOf(" ");
if (p < 0) {
status = "500 status line parse error";
// flush in anything that comes without parsing
while ((b != null) && (b.length != 0)) b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false);
return; // in bad mood
// the http version reported by the server
this.httpVer = buffer.substring(0,p);
// we have a status
status = buffer.substring(p + 1).trim(); // the status code plus reason-phrase
// check validity
if (status.startsWith("400")) {
// bad request
// flush in anything that comes without parsing
while ((b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false)).length != 0) {}
return; // in bad mood
// at this point we should have a valid response. read in the header properties
String key = "";
while ((b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false)) != null) {
if (b.length == 0) break;
buffer = new String(b);
//System.out.println("#H#" + buffer); // debug
if (buffer.charAt(0) <= 32) {
// use old entry
if (key.length() == 0) throw new IOException("header corrupted - input error");
// attach new line
if (!(responseHeader.containsKey(key))) throw new IOException("header corrupted - internal error");
responseHeader.put(key, (String) responseHeader.get(key) + " " + buffer.trim());
} else {
// create new entry
p = buffer.indexOf(":");
if (p > 0) {
responseHeader.add(buffer.substring(0, p).trim(), buffer.substring(p + 1).trim());
} else {
serverLog.logError("HTTPC", "RESPONSE PARSE ERROR: HOST='" + host + "', PATH='" + requestPath + "', STATUS='" + status + "'");
serverLog.logError("HTTPC", "..............BUFFER: " + buffer);
// finished with reading header
// we will now manipulate the header if the content is gzip encoded, because
// reading the content with "writeContent" will gunzip on-the-fly
gzip = ((zipped) && (responseHeader.gzip()));
if (gzip) {
responseHeader.remove("CONTENT-ENCODING"); // we fake that we don't have encoding, since what comes out does not have gzip and we also don't know what was encoded
responseHeader.remove("CONTENT-LENGTH"); // we cannot use the length during gunzippig yet; still we can hope that it works
public String toString() {
StringBuffer toStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
toStringBuffer.append((this.status == null) ? "Status: Unknown" : "Status: " + this.status)
.append(" | Headers: ")
.append((this.responseHeader == null) ? "none" : this.responseHeader.toString());
return toStringBuffer.toString();
public boolean success() {
return ((status.charAt(0) == '2') || (status.charAt(0) == '3'));
public byte[] writeContent() throws IOException {
int contentLength = (int) this.responseHeader.contentLength();
serverByteBuffer sbb = new serverByteBuffer((contentLength==-1)?8192:contentLength);
writeContentX(null, sbb, httpc.this.clientInput);
return sbb.getBytes();
public byte[] writeContent(OutputStream procOS) throws IOException {
int contentLength = (int) this.responseHeader.contentLength();
serverByteBuffer sbb = new serverByteBuffer((contentLength==-1)?8192:contentLength);
writeContentX(procOS, sbb, httpc.this.clientInput);
return sbb.getBytes();
public void writeContent(OutputStream procOS, File file) throws IOException {
// this writes the input stream to either another output stream or
// a file or both.
FileOutputStream bufferOS = null;
try {
if (file != null) bufferOS = new FileOutputStream(file);
writeContentX(procOS, bufferOS, httpc.this.clientInput);
} finally {
if (bufferOS != null) {
if (file.length() == 0) file.delete();
public void writeContentX(OutputStream procOS, OutputStream bufferOS, InputStream clientInput) throws IOException {
// we write length bytes, but if length == -1 (or < 0) then we
// write until the input stream closes
// procOS == null -> no write to procOS
// file == null -> no write to file
// If the Content-Encoding is gzip, we gunzip on-the-fly
// and change the Content-Encoding and Content-Length attributes in the header
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
int l;
long len = 0;
// find out length
long length = this.responseHeader.contentLength();
// using the proper intput stream
InputStream dis = (this.gzip) ? (InputStream) new GZIPInputStream(clientInput) : (InputStream) clientInput;
// we have three methods of reading: length-based, length-based gzip and connection-close-based
try {
if (length > 0) {
// we read exactly 'length' bytes
while ((len < length) && ((l = >= 0)) {
if (procOS != null) procOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
len += l;
} else {
// no content-length was given, thus we read until the connection closes
while ((l =, 0, buffer.length)) >= 0) {
if (procOS != null) procOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
} catch ( e) {
throw new IOException("Socket exception: " + e.getMessage());
} catch ( e) {
throw new IOException("Socket time-out: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
// close the streams
if (procOS != null) {
if (procOS instanceof httpChunkedOutputStream)
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.flush();
buffer = null;
public void print() {
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPC", "RESPONSE: status=" + status + ", header=" + responseHeader.toString());
// method is either GET, HEAD or POST
* This method invokes a call to the given server.
* @param method Which method should be called? GET, POST, HEAD or CONNECT
* @param path String with the path on the server to be get.
* @param header The prefilled header (if available) from the calling
* browser.
* @param zipped Is encoded content (gzip) allowed or not?
* @throws IOException
private void send(String method, String path, httpHeader header, boolean zipped) throws IOException {
// scheduled request through request-response objects/threads
@ -792,6 +607,14 @@ public final class httpc {
// this is the place where refuses to answer ..???
* This method GETs a page from the server.
* @param path The path to the page which should be GET.
* @param requestHeader Prefilled httpHeader.
* @param return Instance of response with the content.
* @throws IOException
public response GET(String path, httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
//serverLog.logDebug("HTTPC", handle + " requested GET '" + path + "', time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - handle));
try {
@ -805,6 +628,14 @@ public final class httpc {
* This method gets only the header of a page.
* @param path The path to the page whose header should be get.
* @param requestHeader Prefilled httpHeader.
* @param return Instance of response with the content.
* @throws IOException
public response HEAD(String path, httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
try {
send(httpHeader.METHOD_HEAD, path, requestHeader, false);
@ -816,6 +647,15 @@ public final class httpc {
* This method POSTs some data to a page.
* @param path The path to the page which the post is sent to.
* @param requestHeader Prefilled httpHeader.
* @param ins InputStream with the data to be posted to the server.
* @param return Instance of response with the content.
* @throws IOException
public response POST(String path, httpHeader requestHeader, InputStream ins) throws IOException {
try {
send(httpHeader.METHOD_POST, path, requestHeader, false);
@ -845,6 +685,14 @@ public final class httpc {
* Call the server with the CONNECT-method.
* @param host To which host should a connection be made?
* @param port Which port should be connected?
* @param requestHeader prefilled httpHeader.
* @return Instance of response with the content.
public response CONNECT(String host, int port, httpHeader requestHeader) throws IOException {
try {
send(httpHeader.METHOD_CONNECT, host + ":" + port, requestHeader, false);
@ -854,7 +702,19 @@ public final class httpc {
* This method sends several files at once via a POST request. Only those
* files in the Hashtable files are written whose names are contained in
* args.
* @param path The path to the page which the post is sent to.
* @param requestHeader Prefilled httpHeader.
* @param args serverObjects with the names of the files to send.
* @param files Hashtable with the names of the files as key and the content
* of the files as value.
* @return Instance of response with the content.
* @throws IOException
public response POST(String path, httpHeader requestHeader, serverObjects args, Hashtable files) throws IOException {
// make shure, the header has a boundary information like
// CONTENT-TYPE=multipart/form-data; boundary=----------0xKhTmLbOuNdArY
@ -1219,7 +1079,7 @@ do upload
* To register an open socket.
* This adds the socket to the list of open sockets where the current thread
* is is the owner.
* is the owner.
* @param openedSocket the socket that should be registered
* @return the id of the current thread
@ -1318,6 +1178,262 @@ do upload
* Inner Class to get the response of an http-request and parse it.
public final class response {
// Response-Header = Date | Pragma | Allow | Content-Encoding | Content-Length | Content-Type |
// Expires | Last-Modified | HTTP-header
Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
1xx: Informational - Not used, but reserved for future use
2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request
4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
// header information
public httpHeader responseHeader = null;
public String httpVer = "HTTP/0.9";
public String status; // the success/failure response string starting with status-code
private boolean gzip; // for gunzipping on-the-fly
private String encoding;
* Constructor for this class. Reads in the content for the given outer
* instance and parses it.
* @param zipped true, if the content of this response is gzipped.
* @throws IOException
public response(boolean zipped) throws IOException {
// lets start with worst-case attributes as set-up
responseHeader = new httpHeader(reverseMappingCache);
status = "503 internal error";
gzip = false;
// check connection status
if (clientInput == null) {
// the server has meanwhile disconnected
status = "503 lost connection to server";
return; // in bad mood
// reads in the http header, right now, right here
byte[] b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false);
if (b == null) {
// the server has meanwhile disconnected
status = "503 server has closed connection";
return; // in bad mood
String buffer = new String(b); // this is the status response line
//System.out.println("#S#" + buffer);
int p = buffer.indexOf(" ");
if (p < 0) {
status = "500 status line parse error";
// flush in anything that comes without parsing
while ((b != null) && (b.length != 0)) b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false);
return; // in bad mood
// the http version reported by the server
this.httpVer = buffer.substring(0,p);
// we have a status
status = buffer.substring(p + 1).trim(); // the status code plus reason-phrase
// check validity
if (status.startsWith("400")) {
// bad request
// flush in anything that comes without parsing
while ((b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false)).length != 0) {}
return; // in bad mood
// at this point we should have a valid response. read in the header properties
String key = "";
while ((b = serverCore.receive(clientInput, readLineBuffer, terminalMaxLength, false)) != null) {
if (b.length == 0) break;
buffer = new String(b);
//System.out.println("#H#" + buffer); // debug
if (buffer.charAt(0) <= 32) {
// use old entry
if (key.length() == 0) throw new IOException("header corrupted - input error");
// attach new line
if (!(responseHeader.containsKey(key))) throw new IOException("header corrupted - internal error");
responseHeader.put(key, (String) responseHeader.get(key) + " " + buffer.trim());
} else {
// create new entry
p = buffer.indexOf(":");
if (p > 0) {
responseHeader.add(buffer.substring(0, p).trim(), buffer.substring(p + 1).trim());
} else {
serverLog.logError("HTTPC", "RESPONSE PARSE ERROR: HOST='" + host + "', PATH='" + requestPath + "', STATUS='" + status + "'");
serverLog.logError("HTTPC", "..............BUFFER: " + buffer);
// finished with reading header
// we will now manipulate the header if the content is gzip encoded, because
// reading the content with "writeContent" will gunzip on-the-fly
gzip = ((zipped) && (responseHeader.gzip()));
if (gzip) {
responseHeader.remove("CONTENT-ENCODING"); // we fake that we don't have encoding, since what comes out does not have gzip and we also don't know what was encoded
responseHeader.remove("CONTENT-LENGTH"); // we cannot use the length during gunzippig yet; still we can hope that it works
* Converts an instance of this class into a readable string.
* @return String with some information about this instance.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer toStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
toStringBuffer.append((this.status == null) ? "Status: Unknown" : "Status: " + this.status)
.append(" | Headers: ")
.append((this.responseHeader == null) ? "none" : this.responseHeader.toString());
return toStringBuffer.toString();
* Returns wether this request was successful or not. Stati beginning
* with 2 or 3 are considered successful.
* @return True, if the request was successfull.
public boolean success() {
return ((status.charAt(0) == '2') || (status.charAt(0) == '3'));
* This method just output the found content into an byte-array and
* returns it.
* @return
* @throws IOException
public byte[] writeContent() throws IOException {
int contentLength = (int) this.responseHeader.contentLength();
serverByteBuffer sbb = new serverByteBuffer((contentLength==-1)?8192:contentLength);
writeContentX(null, sbb, httpc.this.clientInput);
return sbb.getBytes();
* This method outputs the found content into an byte-array and
* additionally outputs it to procOS.
* @param procOS
* @return
* @throws IOException
public byte[] writeContent(OutputStream procOS) throws IOException {
int contentLength = (int) this.responseHeader.contentLength();
serverByteBuffer sbb = new serverByteBuffer((contentLength==-1)?8192:contentLength);
writeContentX(procOS, sbb, httpc.this.clientInput);
return sbb.getBytes();
* This method writes the input stream to either another output stream
* or a file or both.
* @param procOS
* @param file
* @throws IOException
public void writeContent(OutputStream procOS, File file) throws IOException {
// this writes the input stream to either another output stream or
// a file or both.
FileOutputStream bufferOS = null;
try {
if (file != null) bufferOS = new FileOutputStream(file);
writeContentX(procOS, bufferOS, httpc.this.clientInput);
} finally {
if (bufferOS != null) {
if (file.length() == 0) file.delete();
* This method outputs the input stream to either an output socket or an
* file or both. If the length of the input stream is given in the
* header, exactly that lenght is written. Otherwise the stream is
* written, till it is closed. If this instance is zipped, stream the
* input stream through gzip to unzip it on the fly.
* @param procOS OutputStream where the stream is to be written. If null
* no write happens.
* @param bufferOS OutputStream where the stream is to be written too.
* If null no write happens.
* @param clientInput InputStream where the content is to be read from.
* @throws IOException
public void writeContentX(OutputStream procOS, OutputStream bufferOS, InputStream clientInput) throws IOException {
// we write length bytes, but if length == -1 (or < 0) then we
// write until the input stream closes
// procOS == null -> no write to procOS
// file == null -> no write to file
// If the Content-Encoding is gzip, we gunzip on-the-fly
// and change the Content-Encoding and Content-Length attributes in the header
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
int l;
long len = 0;
// find out length
long length = this.responseHeader.contentLength();
// using the proper intput stream
InputStream dis = (this.gzip) ? (InputStream) new GZIPInputStream(clientInput) : (InputStream) clientInput;
// we have three methods of reading: length-based, length-based gzip and connection-close-based
try {
if (length > 0) {
// we read exactly 'length' bytes
while ((len < length) && ((l = >= 0)) {
if (procOS != null) procOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
len += l;
} else {
// no content-length was given, thus we read until the connection closes
while ((l =, 0, buffer.length)) >= 0) {
if (procOS != null) procOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.write(buffer, 0, l);
} catch ( e) {
throw new IOException("Socket exception: " + e.getMessage());
} catch ( e) {
throw new IOException("Socket time-out: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
// close the streams
if (procOS != null) {
if (procOS instanceof httpChunkedOutputStream)
if (bufferOS != null) bufferOS.flush();
buffer = null;
* This method outputs a logline to the serverlog with the current
* status of this instance.
public void print() {
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPC", "RESPONSE: status=" + status + ", header=" + responseHeader.toString());
