The filter is a <b><ahref=""target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>.
Example: to allow only urls that contain the word 'science', set the must-match filter to '.*science.*'.
You can also use an automatic domain-restriction to fully crawl a single domain.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <ahref="/RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy</a>.
The filter is a <b><ahref=""target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>
that <b>must not match</b> with the URLs to allow that the content of the url is indexed.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <ahref="/RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy</a>.
<tr><tdwidth="110"><imgsrc="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><inputname="indexmustmatch"id="indexmustmatch"type="text"size="55"maxlength="100000"value="#[indexmustmatch]#"onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>