Cleanup of interaction class and helper routines

cominch 13 years ago
parent 56b0115054
commit f49d92d8da

@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ public class Table {
//TODO: this does not work for a static admin, yet.
String url = "";
String s = "";
String p = "";
String o = "";
@ -104,10 +103,6 @@ public class Table {
if(post != null){
url = post.get("url");
s = post.get("s");
@ -136,8 +131,6 @@ public class Table {
prop.put("result", o);
return prop;

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
"url": "#[url]#",
"result": "#[result]#"

@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ public class Triple {
//TODO: this does not work for a static admin, yet.
String url = "";
String s = "";
String p = "";
String o = "";
@ -105,10 +104,6 @@ public class Triple {
if(post != null){
url = post.get("url");
s = post.get("s");
@ -146,8 +141,6 @@ public class Triple {
prop.put("result", o);
return prop;

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
"url": "#[url]#",
"result": "#[result]#"

@ -31,24 +31,6 @@ import;
public class Interaction {
// public static String GetInteractionData (String url) {
// // Fetch information from external sciencenet server
// // TODO: Use internal database
// Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "GetInteractionData: "+url);
// try {
// return (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().GETbytes(""+url)));
// } catch (IOException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// return "";
// }
// }
public static String GetLoggedOnUser (RequestHeader requestHeader) {
@ -119,337 +101,33 @@ public class Interaction {
// public static boolean IsInBookmarks (String domain) {
// // TODO: Check if this bookmark exists
// Boolean result = false;
// DigestURI uri;
// try {
// uri = new DigestURI (domain);
// Bookmark b = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().bookmarksDB.getBookmark(UTF8.String(uri.hash()));
// if (!(b == null)) {
// result = true;
// }
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// return result;
// }
// public static boolean SaveDomainVote (String domain, String vote) {
// // TODO: Check if this bookmark exists
// Boolean result = false;
// DigestURI uri;
// try {
// uri = new DigestURI (domain);
// Bookmark b = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().bookmarksDB.getBookmark(UTF8.String(uri.hash()));
// if (!(b == null)) {
// b.addTag(vote);
// Switchboard.getSwitchboard().bookmarksDB.saveBookmark(b);
// } else {
// Bookmark b2 = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().bookmarksDB.createBookmark(domain, "admin");
// b2.addTag(vote);
// Switchboard.getSwitchboard().bookmarksDB.saveBookmark(b2);
// }
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// return result;
// }
// public static boolean DomainWhite (String domain, String username) {
// // Add userinteraction
// Boolean result = false;
//// Bookmark b = Interaction.Suggest(domain, username);
//// //
// return result;
// }
// public static Usercontribution DoUsercontribution(String domain, String uc,
// String username) {
// final Switchboard sb = Switchboard.getSwitchboard();
// Boolean existing = false;
// if (username == "") {
// username = "anonymous";
// }
// Usercontribution result = null;
// if (!existing) {
// Boolean reject = false;
// // count elements
// Iterator<String> it = sb.usercontributionsDB.getFeedbackitemsIterator(true);
// int count = 0;
// while(it.hasNext()) {
// count++;
// }
// if (count > 500) {
// if (username.equals("crawlbot")) {
// reject = true;
// }
// }
// if (!reject) {
// try {
// Usercontribution new_uc = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().usercontributionsDB
// .createUsercontribution(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
// username);
// if (username.equals("anonymous")) {
// new_uc.setPublic(true);
// } else {
// new_uc.setPublic(false);
// }
// new_uc.setProperty(Usercontribution.feedbackitem_TITLE, username);
// new_uc.setProperty(Usercontribution.feedbackitem_DESCRIPTION, uc);
// new_uc.setProperty(Usercontribution.feedbackitem_TARGET, new DigestURI(domain).toNormalform(false, false));
// Switchboard.getSwitchboard().usercontributionsDB
// .saveUsercontribution(new_uc);
// result = new_uc;
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// }
// }
// }
// return result;
// }
//public static String GetURLHash (String url) {
// // TODO: Check if this bookmark exists
// String result = "";
// DigestURI uri;
// try {
// uri = new DigestURI (url);
// result = UTF8.String(uri.hash());
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// return result;
// }
public static String Suggest (String url, String username) {
final Switchboard sb = Switchboard.getSwitchboard();
if (username == "") {
username = "anonymous";
Boolean processlocal = false;
if (!sb.getConfig("interaction.suggest.accumulationpeer", "").equals("")) {
if (sb.getConfig("interaction.suggest.accumulationpeer", "").equals(sb.peers.myName())) {
// Our peer is meant to process the suggestion.
processlocal = true;
} else {
// Forward suggestion to other peer
Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "Forwarding suggestion to "+sb.getConfig("interaction.suggest.accumulationpeer", "")+": " + url);
try {
Seed host = sb.peers.lookupByName(sb.getConfig("interaction.suggest.accumulationpeer", ""));
return (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().POSTbytes(
+ "?url=" + url + "&username=" + username,
new HashMap<String, ContentBody>(), false)));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (processlocal) {
final String date = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
final Map<String, byte[]> map = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
public static String GetURLHash (String url) {
map.put("url", url.getBytes());
map.put("username", username.getBytes());
map.put("status", "new".getBytes());
map.put("timestamp_creation", date.getBytes());
String result = "";
try {
sb.tables.insert("suggestion", map);
} catch (final IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
DigestURI uri;
try {
uri = new DigestURI (url);
// TODO: Remove the following part for future use
result = UTF8.String(uri.hash());
Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "Forwarding suggestion to bk: " + url);
try {
String reply = (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().POSTbytes(
"" + url+"&username="+username,
new HashMap<String, ContentBody>(), false)));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return "";
return result;
public static String Feedback(String url, String comment, String from, String peer) {
final Switchboard sb = Switchboard.getSwitchboard();
if (peer == "") {
peer = sb.peers.myName();
Boolean processlocal = false;
if (!sb.getConfig("", "").equals("")) {
if (sb.getConfig("", "").equals(sb.peers.myName())) {
// Our peer is meant to process the feedback.
processlocal = true;
} else {
// Forward feedback to other peer
Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "Forwarding feedback to "+sb.getConfig("", "")+": " + url + ": "
+ comment);
try {
Seed host = sb.peers.lookupByName(sb.getConfig("", ""));
return (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().POSTbytes(
+ "?url=" + url + "&comment=" + comment
+ "&from=" + from + "&peer=" + peer,
new HashMap<String, ContentBody>(), false)));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return "";
if (processlocal) {
final String date = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
final Map<String, byte[]> map = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
map.put("url", url.getBytes());
map.put("username", from.getBytes());
map.put("peer", peer.getBytes());
map.put("status", "new".getBytes());
map.put("comment", comment.getBytes());
map.put("timestamp_creation", date.getBytes());
try {
sb.tables.insert("feedback", map);
} catch (final IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// TODO: Remove the following part for future use
try {
return (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().POSTbytes(
"" + url + "&Comment=" + comment
+ "&From=" + from + "&Peer=" + peer,
new HashMap<String, ContentBody>(), false)));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return "";
return "";
public static String Contribution(String url, String value, String username, String peer) {
return Tableentry(url, "comment", value, username, peer);
public static String GetTableentry(String url, String type, String username, String peer) {
@ -556,155 +234,4 @@ public static String Tableentry(String url, String type, String comment, String
return "";
public static String Triple(String url, String s, String p, String o) {
return Triple (url, s, p, o, "");
public static String Triple(String url, String s, String p, String o, String username) {
if (username != "") {
username = "/"+username;
Resource r = JenaTripleStore.getResource(s+username);
Property pr = JenaTripleStore.getProperty(p);
JenaTripleStore.model.removeAll(r, pr, (Resource) null);
r.addProperty(pr, o);
Log.logInfo ("TRIPLElSTORE", "PUT "+username+" / "+s+" - "+p+" - "+o);
return "";
public static String TripleGet(String s, String p) {
return TripleGet (s, p, "");
public static String TripleGet(String s, String p, String username) {
if (username != "") {
username = "/"+username;
Resource r = JenaTripleStore.getResource(s+username);
Property pr = JenaTripleStore.getProperty(p);
StmtIterator iter = JenaTripleStore.model.listStatements(r, pr, (Resource) null);
Log.logInfo ("TRIPLESTORE", "GET "+username+" / "+s+" - "+p+" ... ");
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String obj = iter.nextStatement().getObject().toString();
Log.logInfo ("TRIPLESTORE", "GET "+username+" / "+s+" - "+p+" - "+obj);
return (obj);
return "";
public static String GetContribution(String url) {
final Switchboard sb = Switchboard.getSwitchboard();
// Boolean processlocal = false;
// if (!sb.getConfig("interaction.contribution.accumulationpeer", "").equals("")) {
// if (sb.getConfig("interaction.contribution.accumulationpeer", "").equals(sb.peers.myName())) {
// // Our peer is meant to process the feedback.
// processlocal = true;
// } else {
// // Forward feedback to other peer
// Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "Fetching contribution from "+sb.getConfig("interaction.contribution.accumulationpeer", "")+": " + url);
// try {
// Seed host = sb.peers.lookupByName(sb.getConfig("interaction.contribution.accumulationpeer", ""));
// return (UTF8.String(new HTTPClient().POSTbytes(
// "http://"+host.getPublicAddress()+"/interaction/Contribution.json"
// + "?url=" + url + "&comment=" + comment
// + "&from=" + from + "&peer=" + peer,
// new HashMap<String, ContentBody>(), false)));
// } catch (IOException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// return "";
// }
// }
// } else {
// // No forward defined
// processlocal = true;
// }
// if (processlocal) {
// final String date = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
// final Map<String, byte[]> map = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();
// map.put("url", url.getBytes());
// map.put("username", from.getBytes());
// map.put("peer", peer.getBytes());
// map.put("status", "new".getBytes());
// map.put("comment", comment.getBytes());
// map.put("timestamp_creation", date.getBytes());
// try {
// sb.tables.insert("contribution", map);
// } catch (final IOException e) {
// Log.logException(e);
// } catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
return "";
//public static void Usertracking(String url) {
// final Switchboard sb = Switchboard.getSwitchboard();
// Log.logInfo("INTERACTION", "Usertracking "+url);
// try {
// sb.addToIndex(new DigestURI(new DigestURI(url).getHost()), null, null);
// sb.addToIndex(new DigestURI(url), null, null);
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (Failure e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
