*) first version of build-in logalizer

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@2965 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
hydrox 18 years ago
parent fd1dcf0d9b
commit f442af956c

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package de.anomic.server.logging;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaParser;
import de.anomic.server.logging.logParsers.LogParser;
public class LogalizerHandler extends Handler {
public static boolean enabled;
public static boolean debug;
private String logParserPackage;
private HashMap parsers;
public LogalizerHandler() {
private HashMap loadParsers() {
HashMap parsers = new HashMap();
try {
if (enabled) System.out.println("Searching for additional content parsers in package " + logParserPackage);
// getting an uri to the parser subpackage
String packageURI = plasmaParser.class.getResource("/"+logParserPackage.replace('.','/')).toString();
if (enabled) System.out.println("LogParser directory is " + packageURI);
File parserDir = new File(new URI(packageURI));
String [] parserDirFiles = parserDir.list(parserNameFilter);
if(parserDirFiles == null && enabled) {
System.out.println("Can't find any parsers in "+parserDir.getAbsolutePath());
for (int i=0; i<parserDirFiles.length; i++) {
String tmp = parserDirFiles[i].substring(0,parserDirFiles[i].indexOf(".class"));
Class tempClass = Class.forName(logParserPackage+"."+tmp);
if (tempClass.isInterface() && enabled) System.out.println(tempClass.getName() + " is an Interface");
else {
Object theParser = tempClass.newInstance();
if (theParser instanceof LogParser) {
LogParser theLogParser = (LogParser) theParser;
//System.out.println(bla.getName() + " is a logParser");
parsers.put(theLogParser.getParserType(), theParser);
if (enabled) System.out.println("Added " + theLogParser.getClass().getName() + " as " + theLogParser.getParserType() + " Parser.");
else {
//System.out.println(bla.getName() + " is not a logParser");
if (enabled) System.out.println("Rejected " + tempClass.getName() + ". Class does not implement the logParser-Interface");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return parsers;
* Get any configuration properties set
private void configure() {
LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
String className = getClass().getName();
if(manager.getProperty(className + ".enabled").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) enabled = true;
logParserPackage = manager.getProperty(className + ".parserPackage");
parsers = loadParsers();
public void publish(LogRecord record) {
if (enabled) {
LogParser temp = (LogParser) parsers.get(record.getLoggerName());
if (temp != null) {
int returnV = temp.parse(record.getLevel().toString(), record.getMessage());
//if (enabled) System.out.println("Logalizertest: " + returnV + " --- " + record.getLevel() + " --- " + record.getMessage());
if (enabled) System.out.println("Logalizertest: " + returnV + " --- " + record.getLevel());
public void close() throws SecurityException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void flush() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private static final FilenameFilter parserNameFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.matches(".*.class");

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package de.anomic.server.logging.logParsers;
* This is the logParser-Interface which all yacy Logalizer-Parser must
* implement.
* @author Matthias Söhnholz
public interface LogParser {
* This is the basic parser-method to parse single loglines. It can
* request to give the current logLine and a number of additional logLines,
* defined by the return value, to be passed over to the
* <tt>advancedParse</tt>-method. The method should return -1 if the given
* line was not processed.
* TODO: description of logLevels
* @param logLevel The LogLevel of the line to analyze.
* @param logLine The line to be analyze by the parser.
* @return number of additional lines to be loaded and passed over to the
* <tt>advancedParse</tt>-method, or if the line was not processed by the
* parser "-1".
public int parse(String logLevel, String logLine);
* This method prints the Parser-Results to the standard-output.
public void printResults();
* The return value defines which logLines the parser will handle.
* @return a String that defines the logLines to analyze. For example
* <b>PLASMA</b> or <b>YACY</b>
public String getParserType();

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
package de.anomic.server.logging.logParsers;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
//RegExp for LogLevel I
private static Pattern i1 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) URLs from peer [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]* in (\\d*) ms, Blocked (\\d*) URLs");
private static Pattern i2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static Pattern i2_2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static Pattern i3 = Pattern.compile("Index transfer of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) in (\\d*) seconds successful \\((\\d*) words/s, (\\d*) Bytes\\)");
private static Pattern i4 = Pattern.compile("Index transfer of (\\d*) entries (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] and (\\d*) URLs to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) in (\\d*) seconds successful \\((\\d*) words/s, (\\d*) Bytes\\)");
private static Pattern i5 = Pattern.compile("Selected \\w* DHT target peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}), distance = ([\\w.-]*)");
private static Pattern i6 = Pattern.compile("Rejecting RWIs from peer ([\\w-_]{12}):([\\w-_]*)/([\\w.]*) ([\\w. ]*)");
private static Pattern i7 = Pattern.compile("DHT distribution: transfer to peer [\\w-]* finished.");
private static Pattern i8 = Pattern.compile("Index selection of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] in (\\d*) seconds");
private static Pattern i9 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - transmitted file [\\w-:.\\\\]* to [\\w.]*:\\d* successfully in (\\d)* seconds");
private static Pattern i10 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - error transmitting file");
private static Pattern i11 = Pattern.compile("Peer [\\w-_]*:[\\w-_]{12} is busy\\. Waiting \\d* ms\\.");
//private static Pattern i12 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed \\d* words in URL [\\w:.&?/%-~$§@=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\]");
private static Pattern i13 = Pattern.compile("WROTE HEADER for |LOCALCRAWL\\[\\d*, \\d*, \\d*, \\d*\\]|REJECTED WRONG STATUS TYPE");
//RegExp for LogLevel W
private static Pattern w1 = Pattern.compile("found not enough \\(\\d*\\) peers for distribution");
private static Pattern w2 = Pattern.compile("Transfer to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) failed:'(\\w*)'");
//RegExp for LogLevel E
private static Pattern e1 = Pattern.compile("INTERNAL ERROR AT plasmaCrawlLURL:store:de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException: tried to create (\\w*) node twice in db");
private static Pattern e2 = Pattern.compile("INTERNAL ERROR [\\w./: ]* java.net.MalformedURLException");
private Matcher m;
//RegExp for advancedParser
//private Pattern adv1 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed (\\d*) words in URL [\\w:.&?/%-=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\]\\n\\tDescription: ([\\w- ]*)\\n\\tMimeType: ([\\w-_/]*) \\| Size: (\\d*) bytes \\| Anchors: (\\d*)\\n\\tStackingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| ParsingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| IndexingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| StorageTime: (\\d*) ms");
private Pattern adv1 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed (\\d*) words in URL [\\w:.&?/%-~$§@=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\][\\r\\n]*\\tDescription: ([\\w-\\.,:!?='\"„|/äöüߟ¶œ¼©³–+@() ]*)[\\r\\n]*\\tMimeType: ([\\w-_~/]*) \\| Size: (\\d*) bytes \\| Anchors: (\\d*)[\\r\\n]*\\tStackingTime:[ ]*(\\d*) ms \\| ParsingTime:[ ]*(\\d*) ms \\| IndexingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| StorageTime: (\\d*) ms");
private int urlSum=0;
private int urlReqSum=0;
private int blockedURLSum=0;
private int wordsSum=0;
private int rwiSum=0;
private int blockedRWISum=0;
private long urlTimeSum=0;
private long rwiTimeSum=0;
private long DHTSendTraffic=0;
private int DHTSendURLs=0;
private int RWIRejectCount=0;
private HashSet RWIRejectPeerNames = new HashSet();
private HashSet RWIRejectPeerHashs = new HashSet();
private HashSet DHTPeerNames = new HashSet();
private HashSet DHTPeerHashs = new HashSet();
private int DHTSelectionTargetCount = 0;
private int DHTSelectionWordsCount = 0;
private int DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount = 0;
private double minDHTDist = 1;
private double maxDHTDist = 0;
private double avgDHTDist = 0;
private int busyPeerCount = 0;
private int notEnoughDHTPeers = 0;
private int failedIndexDistributionCount = 0;
private int leftChildTwiceCount = 0;
private int rightChildTwiceCount = 0;
private int rankingDistributionCount = 0;
private int rankingDistributionTime = 0;
private int rankingDistributionFailCount = 0;
private int malformedURLCount = 0;
private int indexedSites = 0;
private int indexedWordSum = 0;
private int indexedSiteSizeSum = 0;
private int indexedAnchorsCount = 0;
private int indexedStackingTime = 0;
private int indexedParsingTime = 0;
private int indexedIndexingTime = 0;
private int indexedStorageTime = 0;
private final String parserType = "PLASMA";
public int parse(String logLevel, String logLine) {
if (logLevel.equals("INFO")){
m = i1.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
//System.out.println(m.group(1) + " " + m.group(2) + " " + m.group(3));
urlSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
urlTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
blockedURLSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
return 0;
m = i2.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
rwiSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
wordsSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
rwiTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
urlReqSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(4));
blockedRWISum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(6));
return 0;
m = i2_2.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
rwiSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
wordsSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
rwiTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
urlReqSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(4));
blockedRWISum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(6));
return 0;
m = i3.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
DHTSendTraffic += Integer.parseInt(m.group(6));
return 0;
m = i4.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
DHTSendTraffic += Integer.parseInt(m.group(8));
DHTSendURLs += Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
return 0;
m = i5.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
minDHTDist = Math.min(minDHTDist, Double.parseDouble(m.group(3)));
maxDHTDist = Math.max(maxDHTDist, Double.parseDouble(m.group(3)));
avgDHTDist += Double.parseDouble(m.group(3));
return 0;
m = i6.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
m = i7.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
m = i8.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
DHTSelectionWordsCount += Double.parseDouble(m.group(1));
DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount += Double.parseDouble(m.group(2));
return 0;
m = i9.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
rankingDistributionTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
return 0;
m = i10.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
m = i11.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
// m = i12.matcher (logLine);
// if (m.find ()) {
// return 3;
// }
m = i13.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
m = adv1.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
indexedWordSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
indexedSiteSizeSum += Integer.parseInt(m.group(4));
indexedAnchorsCount += Integer.parseInt(m.group(5));
indexedStackingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(6));
indexedParsingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(7));
indexedIndexingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(8));
indexedStorageTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(9));
} else if (logLevel.equals("WARNING")){
m = w1.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
m = w2.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
} else if (logLevel.equals("SEVERE")){
m = e1.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
if (m.group(1).equals("leftchild")) leftChildTwiceCount++;
else if (m.group(1).equals("rightchild")) rightChildTwiceCount++;
return 0;
m = e2.matcher (logLine);
if (m.find ()) {
return 0;
return -1;
public void printResults() {
if(rankingDistributionCount == 0) rankingDistributionCount = 1;
if(DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount == 0) DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount = 1;
if(indexedSites != 0) indexedSites++;
System.out.println("INDEXER: Indexed " + indexedSites + " sites in " + (indexedStackingTime + indexedParsingTime + indexedIndexingTime + indexedStorageTime) + " milliseconds.");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Indexed " + indexedWordSum + " words on " + indexedSites + " sites. (avg. words per site: " + (indexedWordSum / indexedSites) + ").");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total Size of indexed sites: " + indexedSiteSizeSum + " bytes (avg. size per site: " + (indexedSiteSizeSum / indexedSites) + " bytes).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total Number of Anchors found: " + indexedAnchorsCount + "(avg. Anchors per site: " + (indexedAnchorsCount / indexedSites) + ").");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total StackingTime: " + indexedStackingTime + " milliseconds (avg. StackingTime: " + (indexedStackingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total ParsingTime: " + indexedParsingTime + " milliseconds (avg. ParsingTime: " + (indexedParsingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total IndexingTime: " + indexedIndexingTime + " milliseconds (avg. IndexingTime: " + (indexedIndexingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total StorageTime: " + indexedStorageTime + " milliseconds (avg. StorageTime: " + (indexedStorageTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
if(urlSum != 0) urlSum++;
System.out.println("DHT: Recieved " + urlSum + " Urls in " + urlTimeSum + " ms. Blocked " + blockedURLSum + " URLs.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + urlTimeSum / urlSum + " milliseconds per URL.");
if(rwiSum != 0) rwiSum++;
System.out.println("DHT: Recieved " + rwiSum + " RWIs from " + wordsSum + " Words in " + rwiTimeSum + " ms. " + urlReqSum + " requested URLs.");
System.out.println("DHT: Blocked " + blockedRWISum + " RWIs before requesting URLs, because URL-Hash was blacklisted.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + rwiTimeSum / rwiSum + " milliseconds per RWI.");
System.out.println("DHT: Rejected " + RWIRejectCount + " Indextransfers from " + RWIRejectPeerNames.size() + " PeerNames with " + RWIRejectPeerHashs.size() + " PeerHashs.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + ((double)Math.round(DHTSendTraffic*100/(1024*1024)))/100 + " MegaBytes (" + DHTSendTraffic + " Bytes) of DHT-Transfertraffic.");
System.out.println("DHT: Sended " + DHTSendURLs + " URLs via DHT.");
System.out.println("DHT: DHT Transfers send to " + DHTPeerNames.size() + " Peernames with " + DHTPeerHashs.size() + " Peerhashs.");
System.out.println("DHT: Totally selected " + DHTSelectionWordsCount + " words in " + DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount + " seconds (" + (float)DHTSelectionWordsCount/DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount + " words/s)");
System.out.println("DHT: Selected " + DHTSelectionTargetCount + " possible DHT Targets (min. Distance: " + minDHTDist + " max. Distance: " + maxDHTDist + " avg. Distance: " + ((double)avgDHTDist/DHTSelectionTargetCount));
System.out.println("DHT: " + busyPeerCount + " times a targetpeer was too busy to accept a transfer.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + notEnoughDHTPeers + " times there were not enought targetpeers for the selected DHTChunk");
System.out.println("DHT: IndexDistribution failed " + failedIndexDistributionCount + " times.");
System.out.println("RANKING: Transmitted " + rankingDistributionCount + " Rankingfiles in " + rankingDistributionTime + " seconds (" + rankingDistributionTime/rankingDistributionCount + " seconds/file)");
System.out.println("RANKING: RankingDistribution failed " + rankingDistributionFailCount + " times.");
if (leftChildTwiceCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: tried " + leftChildTwiceCount + " times to create leftchild node twice in db");
if (rightChildTwiceCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: tried " + rightChildTwiceCount + " times to create rightchild node twice in db");
if (malformedURLCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: " + malformedURLCount + " MalformedURLExceptions accord.");
public String getParserType() {
return parserType;