Updated URL fragment validation rules according to current standards

See RFC 3986 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986) or URL living
standard (https://url.spec.whatwg.org/)
luccioman 9 years ago
parent b1b8e69da8
commit f2bc1b268d

@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public class MultiProtocolURL implements Serializable, Comparable<MultiProtocolU
return new MultiProtocolURL(baseURL, relPath);
public MultiProtocolURL(final MultiProtocolURL baseURL, String relPath) throws MalformedURLException {
if (baseURL == null) throw new MalformedURLException("base URL is null");
if (relPath == null) throw new MalformedURLException("relPath is null");
@ -425,9 +425,13 @@ public class MultiProtocolURL implements Serializable, Comparable<MultiProtocolU
} else if (relPath.length() > 0 && relPath.charAt(0) == '/') {
this.path = relPath;
} else if (baseURL.path.endsWith("/")) {
if (relPath.length() > 0 && (relPath.charAt(0) == '#' || relPath.charAt(0) == '?')) {
throw new MalformedURLException("relative path malformed: " + relPath);
/* According to RFC 3986 example in Appendix B. (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986)
such an URL is valid : http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/#Related
We also find similar usages in the 2016 URL living standard (https://url.spec.whatwg.org/),
for example : https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#syntax-url-absolute-with-fragment
java.lang.URL constructor also accepts this form.*/
if (relPath.startsWith("/")) this.path = baseURL.path + relPath.substring(1); else this.path = baseURL.path + relPath;
} else {
if (relPath.length() > 0 && (relPath.charAt(0) == '#' || relPath.charAt(0) == '?')) {
