@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
//This array contains codes (see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/unicode.html for details) and
//patterns that will be replaced. To add new codes or patterns, just put them at the end
//of the list.
//of the list. Codes or patterns in this list can not be escaped with [= or <pre>
public static String[] htmlentities={
// Ampersands _have_ to be replaced first. If they were replaced later,
// other replaced characters containing ampersands would get messed up.
@ -276,176 +276,176 @@ public class wikiCode {
tail = tail + "</blockquote>";
result = result.substring(1);
result = head + result + tail;
// end contrib [MN]
result = head + result + tail;
// end contrib [MN]
// format headers
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("====")) >= 0) {
// format headers
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("====")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("====", p0 + 4);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<h4>" +
result.substring(p0 + 4, p1) + "</h4>" +
result.substring(p1 + 4);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("===")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("===", p0 + 3);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<h3>" +
result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "</h3>" +
result.substring(p1 + 3);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("==")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("==", p0 + 2);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<h2>" +
result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "</h2>" +
result.substring(p1 + 2);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("'''''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("'''''", p0 + 5);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<b><i>" +
result.substring(p0 + 5, p1) + "</i></b>" +
result.substring(p1 + 5);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("'''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("'''", p0 + 3);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<b>" +
result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "</b>" +
result.substring(p1 + 3);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("''", p0 + 2);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<i>" +
result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "</i>" +
result.substring(p1 + 2);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("===")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("===", p0 + 3);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<h3>" +
result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "</h3>" +
result.substring(p1 + 3);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("==")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("==", p0 + 2);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<h2>" +
result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "</h2>" +
result.substring(p1 + 2);
//* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS]
//** Sublist
if(result.startsWith(ListLevel + "*")){ //more stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ul>" + serverCore.crlfString +
"<li>" +
result.substring(ListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
ListLevel += "*";
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(ListLevel)){ //equal number of stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(ListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0){ //less stars
int i = ListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(ListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</ul>";
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("'''''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("'''''", p0 + 5);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<b><i>" +
result.substring(p0 + 5, p1) + "</i></b>" +
result.substring(p1 + 5);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("'''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("'''", p0 + 3);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<b>" +
result.substring(p0 + 3, p1) + "</b>" +
result.substring(p1 + 3);
if ((p0 = result.indexOf("''")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("''", p0 + 2);
if (p1 >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<i>" +
result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "</i>" +
result.substring(p1 + 2);
ListLevel = ListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = ListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(ListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
//* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS]
//** Sublist
if(result.startsWith(ListLevel + "*")){ //more stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ul>" + serverCore.crlfString +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result.substring(ListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
ListLevel += "*";
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(ListLevel)){ //equal number of stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(ListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0){ //less stars
int i = ListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(ListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</ul>";
ListLevel = ListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = ListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(ListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
//# sorted Lists contributed by [AS]
//## Sublist
if(result.startsWith(numListLevel + "#")){ //more #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ol>" + serverCore.crlfString +
"<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
numListLevel += "#";
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(numListLevel)){ //equal number of #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0){ //less #
int i = numListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(numListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</ol>";
numListLevel = numListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = numListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(numListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
// end contrib [AS]
//* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
if(result.startsWith(defListLevel + ";")){ //more semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length() + 1, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
defListLevel += ";";
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(defListLevel)){ //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length(), p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ //less semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
int i = defListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(defListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</dd></dl>";
//# sorted Lists contributed by [AS]
//## Sublist
if(result.startsWith(numListLevel + "#")){ //more #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ol>" + serverCore.crlfString +
"<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
numListLevel += "#";
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(numListLevel)){ //equal number of #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0){ //less #
int i = numListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(numListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</ol>";
numListLevel = numListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = numListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(numListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
defListLevel = defListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = defListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(defListLevel.length() > 0){
String resultCopy = result.substring(p0, p1);
// end contrib [AS]
//* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
if(result.startsWith(defListLevel + ";")){ //more semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length() + 1, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
defListLevel += ";";
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(defListLevel)){ //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length(), p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ //less semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
int i = defListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(defListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</dd></dl>";
defListLevel = defListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = defListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(defListLevel.length() > 0){
String resultCopy = result.substring(p0, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
// end contrib [MN]
@ -537,109 +537,102 @@ public class wikiCode {
//escape code ([=...=]) contributed by [MN]
//both [= and =] in the same line
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("=]"))>0)&&(!(preformatted))){
//if(p0 < p1){
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2,p1);
//BUGS TO BE FIXED: [=[=text=]=] does not work properly:
//[=[= undx=]x=] should resolve as [= undx=]x, but resolves as [= undxx=]
//ALSO [=[= und =]=] [= und =] leads to an exception
//handlicg cases where the text inside [= and =] also contains
//[= and =]. Example: [=[=...=]=]
//escape code ([=...=]) contributed by [MN]
//both [= and =] in the same line
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("=]"))>0)&&(!(preformatted))){
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2,p1);
//BUGS TO BE FIXED: [=[=text=]=] does not work properly:
//[=[= undx=]x=] should resolve as [= undx=]x, but resolves as [= undxx=]
//ALSO [=[= und =]=] [= und =] leads to an exception
//handlicg cases where the text inside [= and =] also contains
//[= and =]. Example: [=[=...=]=]
result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!")+"!esc!txt!"+result.substring(p1+2).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!!", "!esc!");
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!!", "!esc!");
//start [=
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&(!escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escape = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
escaped = true; //prevents <pre> being parsed
String bq = ""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2);
//taking care of indented lines
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
//start [=
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&(!escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escape = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
escaped = true; //prevents <pre> being parsed
String bq = ""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2);
//taking care of indented lines
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
result = transformLine(result.substring(escindented,p0).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!")+"!esc!txt!", switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText);
escape = false;
escapeSpan = true;
result = transformLine(result.substring(escindented,p0).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!")+"!esc!txt!", switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText);
escape = false;
escapeSpan = true;
//end =]
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)&&(escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escapeSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as neede
String escapeText = result.substring(0,p0);
//taking care of indented lines
while(escindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
//end =]
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)&&(escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escapeSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as neede
String escapeText = result.substring(0,p0);
//taking care of indented lines
while(escindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
result = transformLine("!esc!txt!"+result.substring(p0+2).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText) + bq;
escaped = false;
result = transformLine("!esc!txt!"+result.substring(p0+2).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText) + bq;
escaped = false;
//end contrib [MN]
//end contrib [MN]
//preformatted code (<pre>...</pre>) contributed by [MN]
//implementation very similar to escape code (see above)
//both <pre> and </pre> in the same line
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("<pre>"))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("</pre>"))>0)&&(!(escaped))){
//if(p0 < p1){
//preformatted code (<pre>...</pre>) contributed by [MN]
//implementation very similar to escape code (see above)
//both <pre> and </pre> in the same line
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("<pre>"))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("</pre>"))>0)&&(!(escaped))){
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">"+result.substring(p0+11,p1)+"</pre>";
result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!")+"!pre!txt!"+result.substring(p1+12).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
//start <pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("<pre>"))>=0)&&(!preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformatted = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
String bq =""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">"+result.substring(p0+11);
//taking care of indented lines
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
result = transformLine(result.substring(preindented,p0).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!")+"!pre!txt!", switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformattedSpan = true;
//end </pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("</pre>"))>=0)&&(preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformattedSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = result.substring(0,p0)+"</pre>";
//start <pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("<pre>"))>=0)&&(!preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformatted = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
String bq =""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">"+result.substring(p0+11);
//taking care of indented lines
while (preindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
result = transformLine(result.substring(preindented,p0).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!")+"!pre!txt!", switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformattedSpan = true;
result = transformLine("!pre!txt!"+result.substring(p0+12).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText) + bq;
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformatted = false;
//end contrib [MN]
replaced = false;
if ((result.endsWith("</li>"))||(defList)||(escape)||(preformatted)) return result;
return result + "<br>";
//end </pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("</pre>"))>=0)&&(preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformattedSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = result.substring(0,p0)+"</pre>";
//taking care of indented lines
while (preindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
result = transformLine("!pre!txt!"+result.substring(p0+12).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!"), switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText) + bq;
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformatted = false;
//end contrib [MN]
replaced = false;
if ((result.endsWith("</li>"))||(defList)||(escape)||(preformatted)) return result;
return result + "<br>";