*) better implementation of definition lists

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@564 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
low012 20 years ago
parent 26289e955c
commit ecfdc4928a

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
public class wikiCode {
private String numListLevel="";
private String ListLevel="";
private String defListLevel="";
private plasmaSwitchboard sb;
public wikiCode(plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
public String transformLine(String result, plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) {
// transform page
int p0, p1;
boolean defList = false; //needed for definition lists
// avoide html inside
//p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("&", p0+1)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "&" + result.substring(p0 + 1);
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
tail = tail + "</blockquote>";
result = result.substring(1);
result = head + result + tail +"\n";
result = head + result + tail;
// end contrib [MN]
@ -163,14 +165,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
result.substring(p0 + 2, p1) + "</i>" +
result.substring(p1 + 2);
//* definition lists contributed by [MN] (primitive prototype, needs work)
if((p0 = result.indexOf(":")) > 0){
result = "<dl>\n<dt>" + result.substring(1,p0) + "</dt>\n<dd>" + result.substring(p0+1) +"</dd><dl>\n";
// end contrib [MN]
//* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS]
//** Sublist
@ -249,6 +244,59 @@ public class wikiCode {
// end contrib [AS]
//* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
if(result.startsWith(defListLevel + ";")){ //more semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length() + 1, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
defListLevel += ";";
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(defListLevel)){ //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length(), p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ //less semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
int i = defListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(defListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</dd></dl>";
defListLevel = defListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = defListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(defListLevel.length() > 0){
String resultCopy = result.substring(p0, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
// end contrib [MN]
// create links
@ -325,8 +373,8 @@ public class wikiCode {
result.substring(p1 + 1);
if (result.endsWith("</li>")) return result; else return result + "<br>";
if ((result.endsWith("</li>"))||(defList)) return result; else return result + "<br>";
what we need:
