@ -595,39 +595,39 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
int indexing_cluster = Integer . parseInt ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_cluster" , "1" ) ) ;
if ( indexing_cluster < 1 ) indexing_cluster = 1 ;
deployThread ( "90_cleanup" , "Cleanup" , "simple cleaning process for monitoring information" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "cleanupJob" , "cleanupJobSize" ), 10000 ) ; // all 5 Minutes
new serverInstantThread ( this , "cleanupJob" , "cleanupJobSize" , null ), 10000 ) ; // all 5 Minutes
deployThread ( "82_crawlstack" , "Crawl URL Stacker" , "process that checks url for double-occurrences and for allowance/disallowance by robots.txt" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( sbStackCrawlThread , "job" , "size" ), 8000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( sbStackCrawlThread , "job" , "size" , null ), 8000 ) ;
deployThread ( "80_indexing" , "Parsing/Indexing" , "thread that performes document parsing and indexing" , "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html" ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "deQueue" , "queueSize" ), 10000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( this , "deQueue" , "queueSize" , "deQueueFreeMem" ), 10000 ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < indexing_cluster ; i + + ) {
setConfig ( ( i + 80 ) + "_indexing_idlesleep" , getConfig ( "80_indexing_idlesleep" , "" ) ) ;
setConfig ( ( i + 80 ) + "_indexing_busysleep" , getConfig ( "80_indexing_busysleep" , "" ) ) ;
deployThread ( ( i + 80 ) + "_indexing" , "Parsing/Indexing (cluster job)" , "thread that performes document parsing and indexing" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "deQueue" , "queueSize" ), 10000 + ( i * 1000 ) ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "deQueue" , "queueSize" , "deQueueFreeMem" ), 10000 + ( i * 1000 ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_idlesleep" , "5000" ) ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_busysleep" , "0" ) ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "80_indexing_memprereq" , "1000000" ) ) ) ;
deployThread ( "70_cachemanager" , "Proxy Cache Enqueue" , "job takes new proxy files from RAM stack, stores them, and hands over to the Indexing Stack" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "htEntryStoreJob" , "htEntrySize" ), 10000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( this , "htEntryStoreJob" , "htEntrySize" , null ), 10000 ) ;
deployThread ( "62_remotetriggeredcrawl" , "Remote Crawl Job" , "thread that performes a single crawl/indexing step triggered by a remote peer" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "remoteTriggeredCrawlJob" , "remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize" ), 30000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( this , "remoteTriggeredCrawlJob" , "remoteTriggeredCrawlJobSize" , null ), 30000 ) ;
deployThread ( "61_globalcrawltrigger" , "Global Crawl Trigger" , "thread that triggeres remote peers for crawling" , "/IndexCreateWWWGlobalQueue_p.html" ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "limitCrawlTriggerJob" , "limitCrawlTriggerJobSize" ), 30000 ) ; // error here?
new serverInstantThread ( this , "limitCrawlTriggerJob" , "limitCrawlTriggerJobSize" , null ), 30000 ) ; // error here?
deployThread ( "50_localcrawl" , "Local Crawl" , "thread that performes a single crawl step from the local crawl queue" , "/IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html" ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "coreCrawlJob" , "coreCrawlJobSize" ), 10000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( this , "coreCrawlJob" , "coreCrawlJobSize" , null ), 10000 ) ;
deployThread ( "40_peerseedcycle" , "Seed-List Upload" , "task that a principal peer performes to generate and upload a seed-list to a ftp account" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( yc , "publishSeedList" , null ), 180000 ) ;
new serverInstantThread ( yc , "publishSeedList" , null , null ), 180000 ) ;
serverInstantThread peerPing = null ;
deployThread ( "30_peerping" , "YaCy Core" , "this is the p2p-control and peer-ping task" , null ,
peerPing = new serverInstantThread ( yc , "peerPing" , null ), 2000 ) ;
peerPing = new serverInstantThread ( yc , "peerPing" , null , null ), 2000 ) ;
peerPing . setSyncObject ( new Object ( ) ) ;
deployThread ( "20_dhtdistribution" , "DHT Distribution" , "selection, transfer and deletion of index entries that are not searched on your peer, but on others" , null ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "dhtTransferJob" , null ), 60000 ,
new serverInstantThread ( this , "dhtTransferJob" , null , null ), 60000 ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "20_dhtdistribution_idlesleep" , "5000" ) ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "20_dhtdistribution_busysleep" , "0" ) ) ,
Long . parseLong ( getConfig ( "20_dhtdistribution_memprereq" , "1000000" ) ) ) ;
@ -941,6 +941,12 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public void deQueueFreeMem ( ) {
// flush some entries from the RAM cache
wordIndex . flushCacheSome ( ) ;
wordIndex . flushCacheSome ( ) ;
public boolean deQueue ( ) {
// work off fresh entries from the proxy or from the crawler
if ( onlineCaution ( ) ) {