@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
private int posofphrase; // position of the phrase in the text as count of sentences; 0=unknown; 1=path; 2=keywords; 3=headline; >4: in text
private int age; // calculated by using last-modified
private int quality; // result of a heuristic on the source file
private String language; // essentially the country code (the TLD as heuristic), two letters lowercase only
private byte[] language; // essentially the country code (the TLD as heuristic), two letters lowercase only
private char doctype; // type of source
private char localflag; // indicates if the index was created locally
@ -97,9 +97,6 @@ public class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
public static final char LT_LOCAL = 'L';
public static final char LT_GLOBAL = 'G';
// encoded discrete values
private String code;
// create a word hash
public static String word2hash(String word) {
return serverCodings.encodeMD5B64(word.toLowerCase(), true).substring(0, wordHashLength);
@ -191,25 +188,23 @@ public class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
this.posofphrase = posofphrase;
this.age = virtualage;
this.quality = quality;
this.language = language;
this.language = language.getBytes();
this.doctype = doctype;
this.code = null;
this.localflag = (local) ? LT_LOCAL : LT_GLOBAL;
public plasmaWordIndexEntry(String urlHash, String code) {
// the code is not parsed but used later on
this.urlHash = urlHash;
this.count = 0;
this.posintext = 0;
this.posinphrase = 0;
this.posofphrase = 0;
this.age = 0;
this.quality = 0;
this.language = "uk";
this.doctype = 'u';
this.code = code;
this.localflag = LT_LOCAL;
this.count = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(6, 8));
this.posintext = (code.length() >= 14) ? (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(12, 14)) : 0;
this.posinphrase = (code.length() >= 15) ? (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(14, 16)) : 0;
this.posofphrase = (code.length() >= 16) ? (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(16, 18)) : 0;
this.age = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(3, 6));
this.quality = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(0, 3));
this.language = code.substring(8, 10).getBytes();
this.doctype = code.charAt(10);
this.localflag = code.charAt(11);
public plasmaWordIndexEntry(String external) {
@ -228,11 +223,9 @@ public class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
this.posofphrase = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(pr.getProperty("o", "__"));
this.age = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(pr.getProperty("a", "A"));
this.quality = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(pr.getProperty("q", "__"));
this.language = pr.getProperty("l", "uk");
this.language = pr.getProperty("l", "uk").getBytes();
this.doctype = pr.getProperty("d", "u").charAt(0);
this.localflag = pr.getProperty("f", ""+LT_LOCAL).charAt(0);
// clear code
this.code = null;
private String b64save(long x, int l) {
@ -244,120 +237,80 @@ public class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
public String toEncodedForm(boolean longAttr) {
// attention: this integrates NOT the URL into the encoding
// if you need a complete dump, use toExternalForm()
if (code == null) {
String shortAttr =
b64save(quality, plasmaCrawlLURL.urlQualityLength) +
b64save(age, 3) +
b64save(count, 2) +
language +
doctype +
localflag; // 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12 bytes
if (longAttr)
shortAttr +
b64save(posintext, 2) +
b64save(posinphrase, 2) +
b64save(posofphrase, 2);
// 12 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12 bytes
return shortAttr;
} else {
return code;
public String toEncodedForm(boolean longAttr) {
// attention: this integrates NOT the URL into the encoding
// if you need a complete dump, use toExternalForm()
String shortAttr =
b64save(quality, plasmaCrawlLURL.urlQualityLength) +
b64save(age, 3) +
b64save(count, 2) +
new String(language) +
doctype +
localflag; // 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12 bytes
if (longAttr)
shortAttr +
b64save(posintext, 2) +
b64save(posinphrase, 2) +
b64save(posofphrase, 2);
// 12 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12 bytes
return shortAttr;
public String toExternalForm() {
if (code == null) {
return "{" +
"h=" + urlHash +
",q=" + b64save(quality, plasmaCrawlLURL.urlQualityLength) +
",a=" + b64save(age, 3) +
",c=" + b64save(count, 2) +
",l=" + language +
",d=" + doctype +
",f=" + localflag +
",t=" + b64save(posintext, 2) +
",r=" + b64save(posinphrase, 2) +
",o=" + b64save(posofphrase, 2) +
} else {
return "{" +
"h=" + urlHash +
",q=" + code.substring(0, 3) +
",a=" + code.substring(3, 6) +
",c=" + code.substring(6, 8) +
",l=" + code.substring(8, 10) +
",d=" + code.charAt(10) +
",f=" + code.charAt(11) +
((code.length() > 12) ? (
",t=" + code.substring(12, 14) +
",r=" + code.substring(14, 16) +
",o=" + code.substring(16, 18)
) : "") +
public String toExternalForm() {
return "{" +
"h=" + urlHash +
",q=" + b64save(quality, plasmaCrawlLURL.urlQualityLength) +
",a=" + b64save(age, 3) +
",c=" + b64save(count, 2) +
",l=" + new String(language) +
",d=" + doctype +
",f=" + localflag +
",t=" + b64save(posintext, 2) +
",r=" + b64save(posinphrase, 2) +
",o=" + b64save(posofphrase, 2) +
public String getUrlHash() {
return urlHash;
public int getQuality() {
if (code == null) return quality;
else return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(0, 3));
return quality;
public int getVirtualAge() {
if (code == null) return age;
else return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(3, 6));
return age;
public int getCount() {
if (code == null) return count;
else return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(6, 8));
return count;
public int posintext() {
if (code == null) return posintext;
if (code.length() >= 14)
return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(12, 14));
return 0;
return posintext;
public int posinphrase() {
if (code == null) return posinphrase;
if (code.length() >= 15)
return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(14, 16));
return 0;
return posinphrase;
public int posofphrase() {
if (code == null) return posofphrase;
if (code.length() >= 16)
return (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(code.substring(16, 18));
return 0;
return posofphrase;
public String getLanguage() {
if (code == null) return language;
else return code.substring(8, 10);
return new String(language);
public char getType() {
if (code == null) return doctype;
else return code.charAt(10);
return doctype;
public boolean isLocal() {
if (code == null) return localflag == LT_LOCAL;
else return code.charAt(11) == LT_LOCAL;
return localflag == LT_LOCAL;
public static void main(String[] args) {