@ -83,25 +83,52 @@ public class WordTokenizer implements Enumeration<StringBuilder> {
this.buffer = null;
* Enumeration implementation for unsieved words.
* This class provides an enumeration of words (in the form of StringBuilders) that haven't been sieved or filtered.
private class unsievedWordsEnum implements Enumeration<StringBuilder> {
// returns an enumeration of StringBuilder Objects
private StringBuilder buffer = null;
// Buffer to hold the next element in the enumeration.
private StringBuilder buffer;
// Sentence reader instance to read sentences.
private SentenceReader sr;
// List to hold tokenized words from the sentence.
private List<StringBuilder> s;
// Index to traverse the tokenized words list.
private int sIndex;
* Constructor initializes the enumeration with a SentenceReader.
* @param sr0 The SentenceReader instance.
public unsievedWordsEnum(final SentenceReader sr0) {
assert sr0 != null;
this.sr = sr0;
this.s = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>();
this.sIndex = 0;
// Populate the buffer with the first word.
this.buffer = nextElement0();
* Pre-process method of the SentenceReader.
* @param x The boolean value for pre-processing.
public void pre(final boolean x) {
* Utility method to fetch the next unsieved word.
* @return The next word, or null if no more words are available.
private StringBuilder nextElement0() {
StringBuilder r;
StringBuilder sb;
@ -112,26 +139,60 @@ public class WordTokenizer implements Enumeration<StringBuilder> {
while (this.s.isEmpty()) {
if (!this.sr.hasNext()) return null;
r = this.sr.next(); // read next sentence (incl. ending punctuation)
// Read the next sentence, including ending punctuation.
r = this.sr.next();
if (r == null) return null;
r = trim(r);
sb = new StringBuilder(20);
// Tokenize the sentence into words and punctuation marks.
sb = new StringBuilder(20); // Initialize StringBuilder to capture tokens (words or punctuation) from the sentence.
// A variable to track whether the previous character was a digit separator within a number.
boolean wasDigitSep = false;
// Iterate through each character in the sentence to tokenize it.
for (int i = 0; i < r.length(); i++) { // tokenize one sentence
c = r.charAt(i);
// Check if the current character is a digit separator within a number.
if (SentenceReader.digitsep(c) && i > 0 && Character.isDigit(r.charAt(i - 1)) && (i < r.length() - 1) && Character.isDigit(r.charAt(i + 1))) {
sb.append(c); // Add the digit separator to the current token.
wasDigitSep = true; // Set the flag to true.
continue; // Continue to the next character without further checks.
// Check if the current character is a punctuation.
// Punctuation checks are prioritized over invisibles due to simplicity and speed.
if (SentenceReader.punctuation(c)) { // punctuation check is simple/quick, do it before invisible
// If the current token (sb) has content, add it to the list of tokens.
if (sb.length() > 0 && !wasDigitSep) {
sb = new StringBuilder(1); // Prepare to capture the punctuation.
sb.append(c); // Add the punctuation to the token.
this.s.add(sb); // Add the punctuation token to the list.
sb = new StringBuilder(20); // Reset token builder for the next token.
wasDigitSep = false; // Reset the digit separator flag.
// Check if the current character is invisible.
// Note: This check currently has overlap with punctuation check.
else if (SentenceReader.invisible(c)) { // ! currently punctuation again checked by invisible()
// If the current token (sb) has content, add it to the list and reset the token builder.
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb = new StringBuilder(1);
sb = new StringBuilder(20);
sb = new StringBuilder(20);
} else if (SentenceReader.invisible(c)) { // ! currently punctuation again checked by invisible()
if (sb.length() > 0) {this.s.add(sb); sb = new StringBuilder(20);}
} else {
wasDigitSep = false; // Reset the digit separator flag.
// If the character is not punctuation or invisible, add it to the current token.
else {
sb = sb.append(c);
// If there's any content left in the token builder after processing the sentence, add it to the list.
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb = null;