@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
public class kelondroRowCollection {
public static final double growfactor = 1.4 ;
public static final double growfactor = 1.4 ;
private static final int isortlimit = 20 ;
protected byte [ ] chunkcache ;
protected int chunkcount ;
@ -408,66 +410,75 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
public synchronized final void sort ( ) {
assert ( this . rowdef . objectOrder ! = null ) ;
if ( this . sortBound = = this . chunkcount ) return ; // this is already sorted
int p = partition ( 0 , this . chunkcount , new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
if ( p > = 0 ) {
if ( ( processors > 1 ) & & ( this . chunkcount > 10000 ) ) {
// sort this using multi-threading; use one second thread
qsortthread qs = new qsortthread ( 0 , p ) ;
qs . start ( ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
try { qs . join ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; }
} else {
byte [ ] swapspace = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
qsort ( 0 , p , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , swapspace ) ;
if ( this . chunkcount < isortlimit ) {
isort ( 0 , this . chunkcount , new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
return ;
byte [ ] swapspace = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
int p = partition ( 0 , this . chunkcount , this . sortBound , swapspace ) ;
if ( ( processors > 1 ) & & ( this . chunkcount > = 10000 ) ) {
// sort this using multi-threading; use one second thread
qsortthread qs = new qsortthread ( 0 , p , 0 ) ;
qs . start ( ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , 0 , swapspace ) ;
try { qs . join ( ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; }
} else {
qsort ( 0 , p , 0 , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , this . chunkcount , 0 , swapspace ) ;
this . sortBound = this . chunkcount ;
assert this . isSorted ( ) ;
private class qsortthread extends Thread {
private int sl , sr ;
byte [ ] swapspace ;
public qsortthread ( int L , int R ) {
private int sl , sr , sb ;
public qsortthread ( int L , int R , int S ) {
this . sl = L ;
this . sr = R ;
this . s wapspace = new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ;
this . s b = S ;
public void run ( ) {
qsort ( sl , sr , s wapspace ) ;
qsort ( sl , sr , s b, new byte [ rowdef . objectsize ] ) ;
private final void qsort ( int L , int R , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
int p = partition ( L , R , swapspace ) ;
if ( p > = 0 ) {
qsort ( L , p , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , R , swapspace ) ;
private final int partition ( int L , int R , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
if ( L > = R - 1 ) return - 1 ;
if ( R - L < 20 ) {
private final void qsort ( int L , int R , int S , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
if ( R - L < isortlimit ) {
isort ( L , R , swapspace ) ;
return - 1 ;
return ;
int p = partition ( L , R , S , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( L , p , 0 , swapspace ) ;
qsort ( p , R , 0 , swapspace ) ;
private final int partition ( int L , int R , int S , byte [ ] swapspace ) {
// returns {partition-point, new-S}
assert ( L < R - 1 ) ;
assert ( R - L > = isortlimit ) ;
int p = L ;
int q = R - 1 ;
int pivot = ( p + q ) / 2 ;
int pivot = ( L + R - 1 ) / 2 ;
int oldpivot = - 1 ;
byte [ ] compiledPivot = null ;
if ( this . rowdef . objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order ) {
while ( p < = q ) {
// wenn pivot < S: pivot befindet sich in sortierter Sequenz von L bis S - 1
// d.h. alle Werte von L bis pivot sind kleiner als das pivot
// zu finden ist ein minimales p <= q so dass chunk[p] >= pivot
if ( oldpivot ! = pivot ) {
compiledPivot = compilePivot ( pivot ) ;
oldpivot = pivot ;
while ( comparePivot ( compiledPivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
if ( ( pivot < S ) & & ( p < pivot ) ) {
//System.out.println("+++ saved " + (pivot - p) + " comparisments");
p = pivot ;
S = 0 ;
} else {
while ( comparePivot ( compiledPivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
// nun gilt chunkAt[p] >= pivot
while ( comparePivot ( compiledPivot , q ) = = - 1 ) q - - ; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if ( p < = q ) {
oldpivot = pivot ;
@ -478,7 +489,12 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
} else {
while ( p < = q ) {
while ( compare ( pivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
if ( ( pivot < S ) & & ( p < pivot ) ) {
p = pivot ;
S = 0 ;
} else {
while ( compare ( pivot , p ) = = 1 ) p + + ; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
while ( compare ( pivot , q ) = = - 1 ) q - - ; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if ( p < = q ) {
pivot = swap ( p , q , pivot , swapspace ) ;
@ -529,7 +545,7 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < chunkcount - 1 ; i + + ) {
//System.out.println("*" + new String(get(i).getColBytes(0)));
if ( compare ( i , i + 1 ) > 0 ) {
//System.out.println("?" + new String(get(i+1).getColBytes(0)));
System . out . println ( "?" + new String ( get ( i + 1 ) . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ) ;
return false ;
@ -618,13 +634,15 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
System . out . println ( "kelondroRowCollection test with size = " + testsize ) ;
Random a = new Random ( 0 ) ;
long t0 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
String s ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testsize ; i + + ) {
String s = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) + kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) ;
s = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) + kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) ;
c . add ( s . getBytes ( ) ) ;
long t1 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "create c : " + ( t1 - t0 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t1 - t0 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
kelondroRowCollection d = new kelondroRowCollection ( r , testsize +1 );
kelondroRowCollection d = new kelondroRowCollection ( r , testsize );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testsize ; i + + ) {
d . add ( c . get ( i ) . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ;
@ -644,20 +662,39 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
d . uniq ( ) ;
long t6 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "uniq d : " + ( t6 - t5 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t6 - t5 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
boolean cis = c . isSorted ( ) ;
a = new Random ( 0 ) ;
kelondroRowSet e = new kelondroRowSet ( r , testsize ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testsize ; i + + ) {
s = kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) + kelondroBase64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeLong ( a . nextLong ( ) , 6 ) ;
e . put ( r . newEntry ( s . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
long t7 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "c isSorted = " + ( ( cis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t7 - t6 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
boolean dis = d . isSorted ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "c reate e : " + ( t7 - t6 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t7 - t6 ) ) + " entries/ millisecond") ;
e . sort ( ) ;
long t8 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "d isSorted = " + ( ( dis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t8 - t7 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Result size: c = " + c . size ( ) + ", d = " + d . size ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "sort e (2) : " + ( t8 - t7 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t8 - t7 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
e . uniq ( ) ;
long t9 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "uniq e : " + ( t9 - t8 ) + " milliseconds, " + ( testsize / ( t9 - t8 ) ) + " entries/millisecond" ) ;
boolean cis = c . isSorted ( ) ;
long t10 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "c isSorted = " + ( ( cis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t10 - t9 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
boolean dis = d . isSorted ( ) ;
long t11 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "d isSorted = " + ( ( dis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t11 - t10 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
boolean eis = e . isSorted ( ) ;
long t12 = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "e isSorted = " + ( ( eis ) ? "true" : "false" ) + ": " + ( t12 - t11 ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Result size: c = " + c . size ( ) + ", d = " + d . size ( ) + ", e = " + e . size ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
test ( 10000 ) ;
test ( 100000 ) ;
test ( 1000000 ) ;
// 368, 12029
/ *
System . out . println ( new java . util . Date ( 10957 * day ) ) ;
@ -666,3 +703,36 @@ public class kelondroRowCollection {
* /
/ *
kelondroRowCollection test with size = 10000
create c : 74 milliseconds , 135 entries / millisecond
copy c - > d : 21 milliseconds , 476 entries / millisecond
sort c ( 1 ) : 24 milliseconds , 416 entries / millisecond
sort d ( 2 ) : 17 milliseconds , 588 entries / millisecond
uniq c : 2 milliseconds , 5000 entries / millisecond
uniq d : 1 milliseconds , 10000 entries / millisecond
create e : 367 milliseconds , 27 entries / millisecond
sort e ( 2 ) : 10 milliseconds , 1000 entries / millisecond
uniq e : 1 milliseconds , 10000 entries / millisecond
c isSorted = true : 2 milliseconds
d isSorted = true : 2 milliseconds
e isSorted = true : 1 milliseconds
Result size : c = 10000 , d = 10000 , e = 10000
kelondroRowCollection test with size = 100000
create c : 291 milliseconds , 343 entries / millisecond
copy c - > d : 65 milliseconds , 1538 entries / millisecond
sort c ( 1 ) : 170 milliseconds , 588 entries / millisecond
sort d ( 2 ) : 104 milliseconds , 961 entries / millisecond
uniq c : 10 milliseconds , 10000 entries / millisecond
uniq d : 9 milliseconds , 11111 entries / millisecond
create e : 18882 milliseconds , 5 entries / millisecond
sort e ( 2 ) : 116 milliseconds , 862 entries / millisecond
uniq e : 10 milliseconds , 10000 entries / millisecond
c isSorted = true : 9 milliseconds
d isSorted = true : 9 milliseconds
e isSorted = true : 9 milliseconds
Result size : c = 100000 , d = 100000 , e = 100000
* /