@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException ;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue ;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor ;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ftp.FTPClient ;
@ -49,29 +50,29 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
* a protocol scanner
* scans given ip ' s for existing http , https , ftp and smb services
* /
public class Scanner extends Thread {
private static final Service POISONSERVICE = new Service ( Protocol . http , null ) ;
private static final Object PRESENT = new Object ( ) ;
public class Scanner {
public static enum Access { unknown , empty , granted , denied ; }
public static enum Protocol { http ( 80 ) , https ( 443 ) , ftp ( 21 ) , smb ( 445 ) ;
public int port ;
private Protocol ( final int port ) { this . port = port ; }
public static class Servic e {
public class Servic e implements Runnabl e {
public Protocol protocol ;
public InetAddress inetAddress ;
private String hostname ;
private final long starttime ;
public Service ( final Protocol protocol , final InetAddress inetAddress ) {
this . protocol = protocol ;
this . inetAddress = inetAddress ;
this . hostname = null ;
this . starttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
public Service ( final String protocol , final InetAddress inetAddress ) {
this . protocol = protocol . equals ( "http" ) ? Protocol . http : protocol . equals ( "https" ) ? Protocol . https : protocol . equals ( "ftp" ) ? Protocol . ftp : Protocol . smb ;
this . inetAddress = inetAddress ;
this . hostname = null ;
this . starttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
public Protocol getProtocol ( ) {
return this . protocol ;
@ -111,12 +112,52 @@ public class Scanner extends Thread {
public int hashCode ( ) {
return this . inetAddress . hashCode ( ) ;
return ( this . inetAddress . toString ( ) + ":" + protocol . port ) . hashCode ( ) ;
public boolean equals ( final Object o ) {
return ( o instanceof Service ) & & ( ( Service ) o ) . protocol = = this . protocol & & ( ( Service ) o ) . inetAddress . equals ( this . inetAddress ) ;
public void run ( ) {
try {
Thread . currentThread ( ) . setName ( "Scanner.Runner: Ping to " + this . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) + ":" + this . getProtocol ( ) . port ) ; // good for debugging
if ( TimeoutRequest . ping ( this . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) , this . getProtocol ( ) . port , Scanner . this . timeout ) ) {
Access access = this . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . http | | this . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . https ? Access . granted : Access . unknown ;
Scanner . this . services . put ( this , access ) ;
if ( access = = Access . unknown ) {
// ask the service if it lets us in
if ( this . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . ftp ) {
final FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient ( ) ;
try {
ftpClient . open ( this . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) , this . getProtocol ( ) . port ) ;
ftpClient . login ( "anonymous" , "anomic@" ) ;
final List < String > list = ftpClient . list ( "/" , false ) ;
ftpClient . CLOSE ( ) ;
access = list = = null | | list . isEmpty ( ) ? Access . empty : Access . granted ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
access = Access . denied ;
if ( this . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . smb ) {
try {
final MultiProtocolURI uri = new MultiProtocolURI ( this . toString ( ) ) ;
final String [ ] list = uri . list ( ) ;
access = list = = null | | list . length = = 0 ? Access . empty : Access . granted ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
access = Access . denied ;
if ( access ! = Access . unknown ) Scanner . this . services . put ( this , access ) ;
} catch ( final ExecutionException e ) {
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
public long age ( ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . starttime ;
private final static Map < Service , Access > scancache = new ConcurrentHashMap < Service , Access > ( ) ;
@ -158,155 +199,45 @@ public class Scanner extends Thread {
//if (System.currentTimeMillis() > scancacheValidUntilTime) return true;
final InetAddress a = url . getInetAddress ( ) ; // try to avoid that!
if ( a = = null ) return true ;
final Access access = scancache . get ( new Service ( url . getProtocol ( ) , a ) ) ;
if ( access = = null ) return false ;
return access = = Access . granted ;
/ *
private static InetAddress normalize ( final InetAddress a ) {
if ( a = = null ) return null ;
final byte [ ] b = a . getAddress ( ) ;
if ( b [ 3 ] = = 1 ) return a ;
b [ 3 ] = 1 ;
try {
return InetAddress . getByAddress ( b ) ;
} catch ( final UnknownHostException e ) {
return a ;
for ( Map . Entry < Service , Access > entry : scancache . entrySet ( ) ) {
Service service = entry . getKey ( ) ;
if ( service . inetAddress . equals ( a ) & & service . protocol . toString ( ) . equals ( url . getProtocol ( ) ) ) {
Access access = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( access = = null ) return false ;
return access = = Access . granted ;
return true ;
* /
private final int runnerCount ;
private final BlockingQueue < Service > scanqueue ;
private final Map < Service , Access > services ;
private final Map< Runner , Object > runner ;
private final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool ;
private final int timeout ;
public Scanner ( final int concurrentRunner , final int timeout ) {
this . runnerCount = concurrentRunner ;
this . scanqueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue < Service > ( ) ;
this . services = Collections . synchronizedMap ( new HashMap < Service , Access > ( ) ) ;
this . runner = new ConcurrentHashMap < Runner , Object > ( ) ;
this . threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor ( concurrentRunner , concurrentRunner , 10 , TimeUnit . SECONDS , new LinkedBlockingQueue < Runnable > ( ) ) ;
this . timeout = timeout ;
public void run ( ) {
Service uri ;
try {
while ( ( uri = this . scanqueue . take ( ) ) ! = POISONSERVICE ) {
Thread . currentThread ( ) . setName ( "Scanner Start Loop; now: " + uri . getInetAddress ( ) ) ; // good for debugging
while ( this . runner . size ( ) > = this . runnerCount ) {
/ * for ( Runner r : runner . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( r . age ( ) > 3000 ) synchronized ( r ) { r . interrupt ( ) ; }
} * /
if ( this . runner . size ( ) > = this . runnerCount ) Thread . sleep ( 20 ) ;
final Runner runner = new Runner ( uri ) ;
this . runner . put ( runner , PRESENT ) ;
runner . start ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
public int pending ( ) {
return this . scanqueue. size ( ) ;
return this . threadPool . getQueue ( ) . size ( ) + this . threadPool . getActiveCount ( ) ;
public void terminate ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . runnerCount ; i + + ) try {
this . scanqueue . put ( POISONSERVICE ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
try {
this . join ( ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
this . threadPool . shutdown ( ) ;
public class Runner extends Thread {
private final Service service ;
private final long starttime ;
public Runner ( final Service service ) {
this . service = service ;
this . starttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
public void run ( ) {
try {
Thread . currentThread ( ) . setName ( "Scanner.Runner: Ping to " + this . service . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) + ":" + this . service . getProtocol ( ) . port ) ; // good for debugging
if ( TimeoutRequest . ping ( this . service . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) , this . service . getProtocol ( ) . port , Scanner . this . timeout ) ) {
Access access = this . service . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . http | | this . service . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . https ? Access . granted : Access . unknown ;
Scanner . this . services . put ( this . service , access ) ;
if ( access = = Access . unknown ) {
// ask the service if it lets us in
if ( this . service . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . ftp ) {
final FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient ( ) ;
try {
ftpClient . open ( this . service . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) , this . service . getProtocol ( ) . port ) ;
ftpClient . login ( "anonymous" , "anomic@" ) ;
final List < String > list = ftpClient . list ( "/" , false ) ;
ftpClient . CLOSE ( ) ;
access = list = = null | | list . isEmpty ( ) ? Access . empty : Access . granted ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
access = Access . denied ;
if ( this . service . getProtocol ( ) = = Protocol . smb ) {
try {
final MultiProtocolURI uri = new MultiProtocolURI ( this . service . toString ( ) ) ;
final String [ ] list = uri . list ( ) ;
access = list = = null | | list . length = = 0 ? Access . empty : Access . granted ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
access = Access . denied ;
if ( access ! = Access . unknown ) Scanner . this . services . put ( this . service , access ) ;
} catch ( final ExecutionException e ) {
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
final Object r = Scanner . this . runner . remove ( this ) ;
assert r ! = null ;
public long age ( ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . starttime ;
public boolean equals ( final Object o ) {
return ( o instanceof Runner ) & & this . service . equals ( ( ( Runner ) o ) . service ) ;
public int hashCode ( ) {
return this . service . hashCode ( ) ;
public void addProtocols ( final List < InetAddress > addresses , boolean http , boolean https , boolean ftp , boolean smb ) {
if ( http ) addProtocol ( Protocol . http , addresses ) ;
if ( https ) addProtocol ( Protocol . https , addresses ) ;
if ( ftp ) addProtocol ( Protocol . ftp , addresses ) ;
if ( smb ) addProtocol ( Protocol . smb , addresses ) ;
public void addHTTP ( final List < InetAddress > addresses ) {
addProtocol ( Protocol . http , addresses ) ;
public void addHTTPS ( final List < InetAddress > addresses ) {
addProtocol ( Protocol . https , addresses ) ;
public void addSMB ( final List < InetAddress > addresses ) {
addProtocol ( Protocol . smb , addresses ) ;
public void addFTP ( final List < InetAddress > addresses ) {
addProtocol ( Protocol . ftp , addresses ) ;
private void addProtocol ( final Protocol protocol , final List < InetAddress > addresses ) {
for ( final InetAddress i : addresses ) {
try {
this . scanqueue . put ( new Service ( protocol , i ) ) ;
} catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {
threadPool . execute ( new Service ( protocol , i ) ) ;
@ -363,11 +294,7 @@ public class Scanner extends Thread {
//try {System.out.println(" " + ping(new MultiProtocolURI("smb://"), 1000));} catch (MalformedURLException e) {}
final Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( 100 , 10 ) ;
List < InetAddress > addresses = genlist ( Domains . myIntranetIPs ( ) , 20 ) ;
scanner . addFTP ( addresses ) ;
scanner . addHTTP ( addresses ) ;
scanner . addHTTPS ( addresses ) ;
scanner . addSMB ( addresses ) ;
scanner . start ( ) ;
scanner . addProtocols ( addresses , true , true , true , true ) ;
scanner . terminate ( ) ;
for ( final Service service : scanner . services ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( service . toString ( ) ) ;