@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ import java.io.PushbackInputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.ContentTransformer;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.ByteBuffer;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
@ -122,6 +120,106 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
public final class TemplateEngine {
public final static byte hashChar = (byte)'#';
public final static byte[] slashChar = {(byte)'/'};
public final static byte pcChar = (byte)'%';
public final static byte[] dpdpa = "::".getBytes();
public final static byte lbr = (byte)'[';
public final static byte rbr = (byte)']';
public final static byte[] pOpen = {hashChar, lbr};
public final static byte[] pClose = {rbr, hashChar};
public final static byte lcbr = (byte)'{';
public final static byte rcbr = (byte)'}';
public final static byte[] mOpen = {hashChar, lcbr};
public final static byte[] mClose = {rcbr, hashChar};
public final static byte lrbr = (byte)'(';
public final static byte rrbr = (byte)')';
public final static byte[] aOpen = {hashChar, lrbr};
public final static byte[] aClose = {rrbr, hashChar};
public final static byte[] iOpen = {hashChar, pcChar};
public final static byte[] iClose = {pcChar, hashChar};
private final static Object[] meta_quotation = new Object[] {
new Object[] {pOpen, pClose},
new Object[] {mOpen, mClose},
new Object[] {aOpen, aClose},
new Object[] {iOpen, iClose}
public ArrayList<String> getStrings(final byte[] text){
final ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
final ByteBuffer sbb = new ByteBuffer(text);
final ByteBuffer[] sbbs = splitQuotations(sbb);
for (int i = 0; i < sbbs.length; i++) {
// TODO: avoid empty if statements
if (sbbs[i].isWhitespace(true)) {
} else if ((sbbs[i].byteAt(0) == hashChar) ||
(sbbs[i].startsWith(dpdpa))) {
// this is a template or a part of a template
} else {
// this is a text fragment, generate gettext quotation
final int ws = sbbs[i].whitespaceStart(true);
final int we = sbbs[i].whitespaceEnd(true);
result.add(new String(sbbs[i].getBytes(ws, we - ws)));
return result;
public final static ByteBuffer[] splitQuotations(final ByteBuffer text) {
final List<ByteBuffer> l = splitQuotation(text, 0);
final ByteBuffer[] sbbs = new ByteBuffer[l.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) sbbs[i] = l.get(i);
return sbbs;
private final static List<ByteBuffer> splitQuotation(ByteBuffer text, int qoff) {
final ArrayList<ByteBuffer> l = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
if (qoff >= meta_quotation.length) {
if (text.length() > 0) l.add(text);
return l;
int p = -1, q;
final byte[] left = (byte[]) ((Object[]) meta_quotation[qoff])[0];
final byte[] right = (byte[]) ((Object[]) meta_quotation[qoff])[1];
while ((text.length() > 0) && ((p = text.indexOf(left)) >= 0)) {
q = text.indexOf(right, p + 1);
if (q >= 0) {
// found a pattern
l.addAll(splitQuotation(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(0, p)), qoff));
l.add(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(p, q + right.length - p)));
text = new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(q + right.length));
} else {
// found only pattern start, no closing parantesis (a syntax error that is silently accepted here)
l.addAll(splitQuotation(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(0, p)), qoff));
l.addAll(splitQuotation(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(p)), qoff));
// find double-points
while ((text.length() > 0) && ((p = text.indexOf(dpdpa)) >= 0)) {
l.addAll(splitQuotation(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(0, p)), qoff));
l.add(new ByteBuffer(dpdpa));
l.addAll(splitQuotation(new ByteBuffer(text.getBytes(p + 2)), qoff));
// add remaining
if (text.length() > 0) l.addAll(splitQuotation(text, qoff));
return l;
* transfer until a specified pattern is found; everything but the pattern is transfered so far
* the function returns true, if the pattern is found
@ -177,13 +275,13 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
byte[] replacement;
int bb;
final ByteBuffer structure = new ByteBuffer();
while (transferUntil(pis, out, ContentTransformer.hashChar)) {
while (transferUntil(pis, out, hashChar)) {
bb = pis.read();
// #{
if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.lcbr) { //multi
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.mClose)) { //close tag
if ((bb & 0xFF) == lcbr) { //multi
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, mClose)) { //close tag
//multi_key = "_" + keyStream.toString(); //for _Key
bb = pis.read();
if ((bb & 0xFF) != 10){ //kill newline
@ -193,7 +291,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
keyStream.reset(); //reset stream
//this needs multi_key without prefix
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes(ContentTransformer.mOpen, ContentTransformer.slashChar, multi_key, ContentTransformer.mClose))){
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes(mOpen, slashChar, multi_key, mClose))){
bb = pis.read();
if((bb & 0xFF) != 10){ //kill newline
@ -228,11 +326,11 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
// #(
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.lrbr) { //alternative
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == lrbr) { //alternative
int others=0;
final ByteBuffer text= new ByteBuffer();
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.aClose);
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, aClose);
key = keyStream.toByteArray(); //Caution: Key does not contain prefix
keyStream.reset(); //clear
@ -264,7 +362,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
return structure.getBytes();
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.dpdpa);
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, dpdpa);
pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(keyStream.toByteArray()));
structure.append(writeTemplate(pis2, out, pattern, dflt, newPrefix(prefix,key)));
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, appendBytes("#(/".getBytes(),key,")#".getBytes("UTF-8"),null));
@ -274,13 +372,13 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
} else {
bb=pis.read(); // performance problem? trace always points to this line
if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.hashChar){
if ((bb & 0xFF) == hashChar){
if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.lrbr){
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.aClose);
if ((bb & 0xFF) == lrbr){
transferUntil(pis, keyStream, aClose);
//reached the end. output last string.
if (java.util.Arrays.equals(keyStream.toByteArray(),appendBytes(ContentTransformer.slashChar, key, null,null))) {
if (java.util.Arrays.equals(keyStream.toByteArray(),appendBytes(slashChar, key, null,null))) {
pis2 = new PushbackInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()));
//this maybe the wrong, but its the last
structure.append('<').append(key).append(" type=\"alternative\" which=\"".getBytes()).append(Integer.toString(whichPattern).getBytes()).append("\" found=\"0\">\n".getBytes());
@ -289,16 +387,16 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
}else if(others >0 && keyStream.toString().startsWith("/")){ //close nested
} else { //nested
keyStream.reset(); //reset stream
} //is not #(
pis.unread(bb);//is processed in next loop
bb = (ContentTransformer.hashChar);//will be added to text this loop
bb = (hashChar);//will be added to text this loop
//text += "#";
}else if ((bb & 0xFF) == ':' && others==0){//ignore :: in nested Expressions
@ -330,8 +428,8 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
}//if(byName) (else branch)
// #[
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.lbr) { //normal
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.pClose)) {
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == lbr) { //normal
if (transferUntil(pis, keyStream, pClose)) {
// pattern detected, write replacement
key = keyStream.toByteArray();
final String patternKey = getPatternKey(prefix, key);
@ -348,13 +446,13 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
// #%
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == ContentTransformer.pcChar) { //include
} else if ((bb & 0xFF) == pcChar) { //include
final ByteBuffer include = new ByteBuffer();
keyStream.reset(); //reset stream
if(transferUntil(pis, keyStream, ContentTransformer.iClose)){
if(transferUntil(pis, keyStream, iClose)){
byte[] filename = keyStream.toByteArray();
//if(filename.startsWith( Character.toString((char)lbr) ) && filename.endsWith( Character.toString((char)rbr) )){ //simple pattern for filename
if((filename[0] == ContentTransformer.lbr) && (filename[filename.length-1] == ContentTransformer.rbr)){ //simple pattern for filename
if((filename[0] == lbr) && (filename[filename.length-1] == rbr)){ //simple pattern for filename
final byte[] newFilename = new byte[filename.length-2];
System.arraycopy(filename, 1, newFilename, 0, newFilename.length);
final String patternkey = getPatternKey(prefix, newFilename);
@ -385,7 +483,7 @@ public final class TemplateEngine {
// # - no special character. This is simply a '#' without meaning
} else { //no match, but a single hash (output # + bb)