*) better errorhandling in filehandler (try catch block now starts before argument parsing)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@2704 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
theli 19 years ago
parent 1d4fb680ce
commit ce7ee74316

@ -296,146 +296,148 @@ public final class httpdFileHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
this.connectionProperties = conProp;
// getting some connection properties
String method = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD);
String path = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH);
String argsString = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS); // is null if no args were given
String httpVersion= conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER);
// check hack attacks in path
if (path.indexOf("..") >= 0) {
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"Access not allowed",null);
// url decoding of path
String path = null;
try {
path = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// This should never occur
assert(false) : "UnsupportedEncodingException: " + e.getMessage();
// check permission/granted access
String authorization = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
String adminAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("adminAccountBase64MD5", "");
int pos = path.lastIndexOf(".");
if ((path.substring(0,(pos==-1)?path.length():pos)).endsWith("_p") && (adminAccountBase64MD5.length() != 0)) {
//authentication required
if(sb.userDB.hasAdminRight(authorization, conProp.getProperty("CLIENTIP"), requestHeader.getHeaderCookies())){
//Authentication successful. remove brute-force flag
}else if(authorization != null && sb.staticAdminAuthenticated(authorization.trim().substring(6))==4){
//Authentication successful. remove brute-force flag
//no auth
}else if (authorization == null) {
// no authorization given in response. Ask for that
httpHeader headers = getDefaultHeaders(path);
headers.put(httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE,"Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"");
serverObjects tp=new serverObjects();
tp.put("returnto", path);
//TODO: separate errorpage Wrong Login / No Login
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp, out, 5, 401, "Wrong Authentication", "", new File("proxymsg/authfail.inc"), tp, null, headers);
} else {
// a wrong authentication was given or the userDB user does not have admin access. Ask again
String clientIP = conProp.getProperty("CLIENTIP", "unknown-host");
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPD", "Wrong log-in for account 'admin' in http file handler for path '" + path + "' from host '" + clientIP + "'");
Integer attempts = (Integer) serverCore.bfHost.get(clientIP);
if (attempts == null)
serverCore.bfHost.put(clientIP, new Integer(1));
serverCore.bfHost.put(clientIP, new Integer(attempts.intValue() + 1));
httpHeader headers = getDefaultHeaders(path);
headers.put(httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE,"Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"");
// getting some connection properties
String method = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD);
path = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH);
String argsString = conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS); // is null if no args were given
String httpVersion= conProp.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER);
// check hack attacks in path
if (path.indexOf("..") >= 0) {
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"Access not allowed",null);
// url decoding of path
try {
path = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// This should never occur
assert(false) : "UnsupportedEncodingException: " + e.getMessage();
// check permission/granted access
String authorization = (String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION);
String adminAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard.getConfig("adminAccountBase64MD5", "");
int pos = path.lastIndexOf(".");
if ((path.substring(0,(pos==-1)?path.length():pos)).endsWith("_p") && (adminAccountBase64MD5.length() != 0)) {
//authentication required
if(sb.userDB.hasAdminRight(authorization, conProp.getProperty("CLIENTIP"), requestHeader.getHeaderCookies())){
//Authentication successful. remove brute-force flag
}else if(authorization != null && sb.staticAdminAuthenticated(authorization.trim().substring(6))==4){
//Authentication successful. remove brute-force flag
//no auth
}else if (authorization == null) {
// no authorization given in response. Ask for that
httpHeader headers = getDefaultHeaders(path);
headers.put(httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE,"Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"");
serverObjects tp=new serverObjects();
tp.put("returnto", path);
//TODO: separate errorpage Wrong Login / No Login
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp, out, 5, 401, "Wrong Authentication", "", new File("proxymsg/authfail.inc"), tp, null, headers);
} else {
// a wrong authentication was given or the userDB user does not have admin access. Ask again
String clientIP = conProp.getProperty("CLIENTIP", "unknown-host");
serverLog.logInfo("HTTPD", "Wrong log-in for account 'admin' in http file handler for path '" + path + "' from host '" + clientIP + "'");
Integer attempts = (Integer) serverCore.bfHost.get(clientIP);
if (attempts == null)
serverCore.bfHost.put(clientIP, new Integer(1));
serverCore.bfHost.put(clientIP, new Integer(attempts.intValue() + 1));
httpHeader headers = getDefaultHeaders(path);
headers.put(httpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE,"Basic realm=\"admin log-in\"");
// parse arguments
serverObjects args = new serverObjects();
int argc;
if (argsString == null) {
// no args here, maybe a POST with multipart extension
int length = 0;
//System.out.println("HEADER: " + requestHeader.toString()); // DEBUG
if (method.equals(httpHeader.METHOD_POST)) {
GZIPInputStream gzipBody = null;
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
length = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH));
} else if (requestHeader.gzip()) {
length = -1;
gzipBody = new GZIPInputStream(body);
// } else {
// httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"bad post values",null);
// return;
// }
// if its a POST, it can be either multipart or as args in the body
if ((requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)) &&
(((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)).toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) {
// parse multipart
HashMap files = httpd.parseMultipart(requestHeader, args, (gzipBody!=null)?gzipBody:body, length);
// integrate these files into the args
if (files != null) {
Iterator fit = files.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
while (fit.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) fit.next();
args.put(((String) entry.getKey()) + "$file", entry.getValue());
// parse arguments
serverObjects args = new serverObjects();
int argc;
if (argsString == null) {
// no args here, maybe a POST with multipart extension
int length = 0;
//System.out.println("HEADER: " + requestHeader.toString()); // DEBUG
if (method.equals(httpHeader.METHOD_POST)) {
GZIPInputStream gzipBody = null;
if (requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
length = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH));
} else if (requestHeader.gzip()) {
length = -1;
gzipBody = new GZIPInputStream(body);
// } else {
// httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"bad post values",null);
// return;
// }
// if its a POST, it can be either multipart or as args in the body
if ((requestHeader.containsKey(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)) &&
(((String) requestHeader.get(httpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE)).toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart"))) {
// parse multipart
HashMap files = httpd.parseMultipart(requestHeader, args, (gzipBody!=null)?gzipBody:body, length);
// integrate these files into the args
if (files != null) {
Iterator fit = files.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
while (fit.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) fit.next();
args.put(((String) entry.getKey()) + "$file", entry.getValue());
argc = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get("ARGC"));
} else {
// parse args in body
argc = httpd.parseArgs(args, (gzipBody!=null)?gzipBody:body, length);
argc = Integer.parseInt((String) requestHeader.get("ARGC"));
} else {
// parse args in body
argc = httpd.parseArgs(args, (gzipBody!=null)?gzipBody:body, length);
// no args
argsString = null;
args = null;
argc = 0;
} else {
// no args
argsString = null;
args = null;
argc = 0;
// simple args in URL (stuff after the "?")
argc = httpd.parseArgs(args, argsString);
} else {
// simple args in URL (stuff after the "?")
argc = httpd.parseArgs(args, argsString);
// check for cross site scripting - attacks in request arguments
if (argc > 0) {
// check all values for occurrences of script values
Enumeration e = args.elements(); // enumeration of values
Object val;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
val = e.nextElement();
if ((val != null) && (val instanceof String) && (((String) val).indexOf("<script") >= 0)) {
// deny request
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"bad post values",null);
// check for cross site scripting - attacks in request arguments
if (argc > 0) {
// check all values for occurrences of script values
Enumeration e = args.elements(); // enumeration of values
Object val;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
val = e.nextElement();
if ((val != null) && (val instanceof String) && (((String) val).indexOf("<script") >= 0)) {
// deny request
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,403,null,"bad post values",null);
// we are finished with parsing
// the result of value hand-over is in args and argc
if (path.length() == 0) {
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,400,null,"Bad Request",null);
File targetClass=null;
try {
// we are finished with parsing
// the result of value hand-over is in args and argc
if (path.length() == 0) {
httpd.sendRespondError(conProp,out,4,400,null,"Bad Request",null);
File targetClass=null;
// locate the file
if (!(path.startsWith("/"))) path = "/" + path; // attach leading slash
File targetFile = getLocalizedFile(path);
