@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.SortClause ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument ;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ public class ErrorCache {
private static final int maxStackSize = 1000 ;
// the class object
private final Map < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > stack ;
private final Map < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > cache ;
private final Fulltext fulltext ;
public ErrorCache ( final Fulltext fulltext ) {
this . fulltext = fulltext ;
this . stack = new LinkedHashMap < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > ( ) ;
this . cache = new LinkedHashMap < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > ( ) ;
try {
// fill stack with latest values
final SolrQuery params = new SolrQuery ( ) ;
@ -64,28 +64,29 @@ public class ErrorCache {
params . setRows ( 100 ) ;
params . setFacet ( false ) ;
params . setSort ( new SortClause ( CollectionSchema . last_modified . getSolrFieldName ( ) , SolrQuery . ORDER . desc ) ) ;
params . setF acet( false ) ;
params . setF ields( CollectionSchema . id . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
params . setQuery ( CollectionSchema . failreason_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":[* TO *]" ) ;
QueryResponse rsp = fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . getResponseByParams ( params ) ;
SolrDocumentList docList = rsp = = null ? null : rsp . getResults ( ) ;
params. set ( CommonParams . DF , CollectionSchema . id . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ; // DisMaxParams.QF or CommonParams.DF must be given
SolrDocumentList docList = fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . getDocumentListByParams ( params ) ;
if ( docList ! = null ) for ( int i = docList . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc failDoc = new CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc ( docList . get ( i ) ) ;
this . stack . put ( ASCII . String ( failDoc . getDigestURL ( ) . hash ( ) ) , failDoc ) ;
SolrDocument doc = docList . get ( i ) ;
String hash = ( String ) doc . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . id . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
this . cache . put ( hash , null ) ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
public void clear ( ) throws IOException {
if ( this . stack ! = null ) synchronized ( this . stack) { this . stack . clear ( ) ; }
if ( this . cache ! = null ) synchronized ( this . cache) { this . cache . clear ( ) ; }
this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . deleteByQuery ( CollectionSchema . failreason_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":[* TO *]" ) ;
public void removeHosts ( final Set < String > hosthashes ) {
if ( hosthashes = = null | | hosthashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) return ;
this . fulltext . deleteDomainErrors ( hosthashes ) ;
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
Iterator < String > i = ErrorCache . this . stack . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
Iterator < String > i = ErrorCache . this . cache . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
String b = i . next ( ) ;
if ( hosthashes . contains ( b ) ) i . remove ( ) ;
@ -105,9 +106,6 @@ public class ErrorCache {
url , profile = = null ? null : profile . collections ( ) ,
failCategory . name ( ) + " " + reason , failCategory . failType ,
httpcode ) ;
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
this . stack . put ( ASCII . String ( url . hash ( ) ) , failDoc ) ;
if ( this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) ! = null & & failCategory . store ) {
// send the error to solr
try {
@ -116,38 +114,57 @@ public class ErrorCache {
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "SOLR" , "failed to send error " + url . toNormalform ( true ) + " to solr: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
this . cache . put ( ASCII . String ( url . hash ( ) ) , null ) ;
} else {
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
this . cache . put ( ASCII . String ( url . hash ( ) ) , failDoc ) ;
checkStackSize ( ) ;
private void checkStackSize ( ) {
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
int dc = this . stack . size ( ) - maxStackSize ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
int dc = this . cache . size ( ) - maxStackSize ;
if ( dc > 0 ) {
Collection < String > d = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
Iterator < String > i = this . stack . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Iterator < String > i = this . cache . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
while ( dc - - > 0 & & i . hasNext ( ) ) d . add ( i . next ( ) ) ;
for ( String s : d ) this . stack . remove ( s ) ;
for ( String s : d ) this . cache . remove ( s ) ;
public ArrayList < CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > list ( int max ) {
final ArrayList < CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > l = new ArrayList < CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > ( ) ;
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
Iterator < CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > fdi = this . stack . values ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . stack . size ( ) - max ; i + + ) fdi . next ( ) ;
while ( fdi . hasNext ( ) ) l . add ( fdi . next ( ) ) ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
Iterator < Map . Entry < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > > hi = this . cache . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . cache . size ( ) - max ; i + + ) hi . next ( ) ;
while ( hi . hasNext ( ) ) {
try {
Map . Entry < String , CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc > entry = hi . next ( ) ;
String hash = entry . getKey ( ) ;
CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc failDoc = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( failDoc = = null ) {
SolrDocument doc = this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . getDocumentById ( hash ) ;
if ( doc ! = null ) failDoc = new CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc ( doc ) ;
if ( failDoc ! = null ) l . add ( failDoc ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return l ;
public CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc get ( final String urlhash ) {
CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc fd ;
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
fd = this . stack . get ( urlhash ) ;
CollectionConfiguration . FailDoc f ailDoc = null ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
f ailDoc = this . cache . get ( urlhash ) ;
if ( fd ! = null ) return fd ;
if ( f ailDoc ! = null ) return failDoc ;
try {
SolrDocument doc = this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . getDocumentById ( urlhash ) ;
if ( doc = = null ) return null ;
@ -160,23 +177,28 @@ public class ErrorCache {
public boolean exists ( final byte [ ] urlHash ) {
try {
return this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . existsByQuery ( CollectionSchema . id . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":\"" + ASCII . String ( urlHash ) + "\" AND " + CollectionSchema . failreason_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":[* TO *]" ) ;
final SolrDocument doc = this . fulltext . getDefaultConnector ( ) . getDocumentById ( ASCII . String ( urlHash ) , CollectionSchema . failreason_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( doc = = null ) return false ;
// check if the document contains a value in the field CollectionSchema.failreason_s
Object failreason = doc . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . failreason_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
return failreason ! = null & & failreason . toString ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return false ;
public void clearStack ( ) {
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
this . stack . clear ( ) ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
this . cache . clear ( ) ;
public int stackSize ( ) {
synchronized ( this . stack ) {
return this . stack . size ( ) ;
synchronized ( this . cache ) {
return this . cache . size ( ) ;