@ -336,17 +336,13 @@ public class Load_RSS_p {
final List<DigestURL> urlsToIndex = new ArrayList<DigestURL>();
loop: for (final Map.Entry<String, DigestURL> entry: hash2UrlMap.entrySet()) {
try {
final DigestURL messageUrl = entry.getValue();
HarvestProcess harvestProcess = sb.urlExists(ASCII.String(messageUrl.hash()));
if (harvestProcess != null) {
continue loop;
RSSLoader.indexTriggered.insertIfAbsent(messageUrl.hash(), new Date());
} catch (final IOException e) {
final DigestURL messageUrl = entry.getValue();
HarvestProcess harvestProcess = sb.getHarvestProcess(ASCII.String(messageUrl.hash()));
if (harvestProcess != null) {
continue loop;
RSSLoader.indexTriggered.insertIfAbsent(messageUrl.hash(), new Date());
sb.addToIndex(urlsToIndex, null, null, collections, true);
@ -413,57 +409,48 @@ public class Load_RSS_p {
pubDate = item.getPubDate();
HarvestProcess harvestProcess;
try {
if(link != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getGuid())) {
harvestProcess = sb.urlExists(ASCII.String(link.hash()));
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink_link", link.toNormalform(true));
final int state = harvestProcess != null ? 2 : RSSLoader.indexTriggered.containsKey(link.hash()) ? 1 : 0;
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", state);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", state == 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_count", i);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_inputValue", (link == enclosure ? CHECKBOX_MEDIA_ITEM_PREFIX : CHECKBOX_ITEM_PREFIX) + item.getGuid());
} else {
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", false);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", false);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_author", author == null ? "" : author);
if(link != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getGuid())) {
HarvestProcess harvestProcess = sb.getHarvestProcess(ASCII.String(link.hash()));
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink_link", link.toNormalform(true));
final int state = harvestProcess != null ? 2 : RSSLoader.indexTriggered.containsKey(link.hash()) ? 1 : 0;
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", state);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", state == 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_count", i);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_inputValue", (link == enclosure ? CHECKBOX_MEDIA_ITEM_PREFIX : CHECKBOX_ITEM_PREFIX) + item.getGuid());
} else {
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", false);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", false);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_author", author == null ? "" : author);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_title", item.getTitle());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_description", item.getDescriptions().toString());
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_defaultMediaDesc", false);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_language", item.getLanguage());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_date", (pubDate == null) ? "" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(pubDate));
if(enclosure != null && enclosure != link && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getGuid())) {
HarvestProcess harvestProcess = sb.getHarvestProcess(ASCII.String(enclosure.hash()));
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink_link", enclosure.toNormalform(true));
final int state = harvestProcess != null ? 2 : RSSLoader.indexTriggered.containsKey(enclosure.hash()) ? 1 : 0;
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", state);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", state == 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_count", i);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_inputValue", "media_" + item.getGuid());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_author", "");
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_title", item.getTitle());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_description", item.getDescriptions().toString());
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_defaultMediaDesc", false);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_language", item.getLanguage());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_date", (pubDate == null) ? "" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(pubDate));
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_description", "");
/* Description is already used for the main item link, use here a default one */
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_defaultMediaDesc", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_language", "");
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_date", "");
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
if(enclosure != null && enclosure != link && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getGuid())) {
harvestProcess = sb.urlExists(ASCII.String(enclosure.hash()));
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_hasLink_link", enclosure.toNormalform(true));
final int state = harvestProcess != null ? 2 : RSSLoader.indexTriggered.containsKey(enclosure.hash()) ? 1 : 0;
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", state);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable", state == 0);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_count", i);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_indexable_inputValue", "media_" + item.getGuid());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_author", "");
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_title", item.getTitle());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_description", "");
/* Description is already used for the main item link, use here a default one */
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_defaultMediaDesc", true);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_language", "");
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_date", "");
} catch (IOException e) {
prop.put("showitems_item", i);
prop.put("showitems_num", i);