diff --git a/htroot/js/yacyinteractive.js b/htroot/js/yacyinteractive.js
index 9c99d37b0..87c07b7ec 100644
--- a/htroot/js/yacyinteractive.js
+++ b/htroot/js/yacyinteractive.js
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ function search(search, count, offset) {
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "yacysearch.json?verify=false&resource=local&nav=all&contentdom=all&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&query=" + query, true);
+ //self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "yacysearch.json?verify=false&resource=local&nav=all&contentdom=all&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&query=" + query, true);
+ self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "solr/select?hl=false&wt=yjson&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=host_s&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&facet.field=url_protocol_s&facet.field=author_sxt&start=" + startRecord + "&rows=" + maximumRecords + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&query=" + query, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ function resultNavigation() {
} else {
// check if there is a filetype constraint and offer a removal
if (modifier != "") {
- html += "remove the filter '" + modifier + "'";
+ html += "remove the filter '" + modifier + "'";
diff --git a/htroot/solr/select.java b/htroot/solr/select.java
index 5fd789126..70950269c 100644
--- a/htroot/solr/select.java
+++ b/htroot/solr/select.java
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.query.AccessTracker;
+import net.yacy.search.query.QueryModifier;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
@@ -144,7 +145,14 @@ public class select {
sb.intermissionAllThreads(3000); // tell all threads to do nothing for a specific time
// rename post fields according to result style
- if (!post.containsKey(CommonParams.Q)) post.put(CommonParams.Q, post.remove("query")); // sru patch
+ if (!post.containsKey(CommonParams.Q) && post.containsKey("query")) {
+ String querystring = post.get("query", "");
+ post.remove("query");
+ QueryModifier modifier = new QueryModifier();
+ querystring = modifier.parse(querystring);
+ modifier.apply(post);
+ post.put(CommonParams.Q, querystring); // sru patch
+ }
String q = post.get(CommonParams.Q, "");
if (!post.containsKey(CommonParams.START)) post.put(CommonParams.START, post.remove("startRecord")); // sru patch
post.put(CommonParams.ROWS, Math.min(post.getInt(CommonParams.ROWS, post.getInt("maximumRecords", 10)), (authenticated) ? 5000 : 100));
@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ public class select {
// if this is a call to YaCys special search formats, enhance the query with field assignments
- if (responseWriter instanceof JsonResponseWriter || responseWriter instanceof OpensearchResponseWriter) {
+ if ((responseWriter instanceof JsonResponseWriter || responseWriter instanceof OpensearchResponseWriter) && "true".equals(post.get("hl", "true"))) {
// add options for snippet generation
post.put("hl", "true");
post.put("hl.fl", "text_t,h1,h2");
diff --git a/htroot/yacy/search.java b/htroot/yacy/search.java
index 696eb4680..9272db816 100644
--- a/htroot/yacy/search.java
+++ b/htroot/yacy/search.java
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment;
import net.yacy.search.query.AccessTracker;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryGoal;
+import net.yacy.search.query.QueryModifier;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache;
@@ -108,16 +109,20 @@ public final class search {
final String query = post.get("query", ""); // a string of word hashes that shall be searched and combined
final String exclude= post.get("exclude", "");// a string of word hashes that shall not be within the search result
final String urls = post.get("urls", ""); // a string of url hashes that are preselected for the search: no other may be returned
- final String abstracts = post.get("abstracts", ""); // a string of word hashes for abstracts that shall be generated, or 'auto' (for maxcount-word), or '' (for none)
+ final String abstracts = post.get("abstracts", ""); // a string of word hashes for abstracts that shall be generated, or 'auto' (for maxcount-word), or '' (for none)
final int count = Math.min((int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXCOUNT_DEFAULT, 100), post.getInt("count", 10)); // maximum number of wanted results
final long maxtime = Math.min((int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXTIME_DEFAULT, 3000), post.getLong("time", 3000)); // maximum waiting time
final int maxdist= post.getInt("maxdist", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final String prefer = post.get("prefer", "");
- final String modifier = post.get("modifier", "").trim();
final String contentdom = post.get("contentdom", "all");
final String filter = post.get("filter", ".*"); // a filter on the url
- String sitehash = post.get("sitehash", ""); if (sitehash.isEmpty()) sitehash = null;
- String author = post.get("author", ""); if (author.isEmpty()) author = null;
+ QueryModifier modifier = new QueryModifier();
+ modifier.sitehost = post.get("sitehost", ""); if (modifier.sitehost.isEmpty()) modifier.sitehost = null;
+ modifier.sitehash = post.get("sitehash", ""); if (modifier.sitehash.isEmpty()) modifier.sitehash = null;
+ modifier.author = post.get("author", ""); if (modifier.author.isEmpty()) modifier.author = null;
+ modifier.filetype = post.get("filetype", ""); if (modifier.filetype.isEmpty()) modifier.filetype = null;
+ modifier.protocol = post.get("protocol", ""); if (modifier.protocol.isEmpty()) modifier.protocol = null;
+ modifier.parse(post.get("modifier", "").trim());
String language = post.get("language", "");
if (language == null || language.isEmpty() || !ISO639.exists(language)) {
// take language from the user agent
@@ -228,22 +233,25 @@ public final class search {
null, // no snippet computation
- filter, null, null, null, null,
+ filter,
+ null,
+ null,
- sitehash,
- null,
- author,
header.get(RequestHeader.USER_AGENT, ""),
- false, false, 0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d
+ false,
+ false,
+ 0.0d,
+ 0.0d,
+ 0.0d
Network.log.logInfo("INIT HASH SEARCH (abstracts only): " + QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.getQueryGoal().getIncludeHashes()) + " - " + theQuery.itemsPerPage() + " links");
@@ -290,22 +298,25 @@ public final class search {
null, // no snippet computation
- filter, null, null, null, null,
+ filter,
+ null,
+ null,
- sitehash,
- null,
- author,
header.get(RequestHeader.USER_AGENT, ""),
- false, false, 0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d
+ false,
+ false,
+ 0.0d,
+ 0.0d,
+ 0.0d
Network.log.logInfo("INIT HASH SEARCH (query-" + abstracts + "): " + QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.getQueryGoal().getIncludeHashes()) + " - " + theQuery.itemsPerPage() + " links");
EventChannel.channels(EventChannel.REMOTESEARCH).addMessage(new RSSMessage("Remote Search Request from " + ((remoteSeed == null) ? "unknown" : remoteSeed.getName()), QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.getQueryGoal().getIncludeHashes()), ""));
diff --git a/htroot/yacyinteractive.html b/htroot/yacyinteractive.html
index dd1a3b1a6..a6d0668f2 100644
--- a/htroot/yacyinteractive.html
+++ b/htroot/yacyinteractive.html
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@

diff --git a/htroot/yacysearch.java b/htroot/yacysearch.java
index f7f42da98..c6f5a7841 100644
--- a/htroot/yacysearch.java
+++ b/htroot/yacysearch.java
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment;
import net.yacy.search.query.AccessTracker;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryGoal;
+import net.yacy.search.query.QueryModifier;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache;
@@ -345,9 +346,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( !block && (post == null || post.get("cat", "href").equals("href")) ) {
String urlmask = null;
- String protocol = null;
String tld = null;
- String ext = null;
String inlink = null;
// check available memory and clean up if necessary
@@ -357,8 +356,9 @@ public class yacysearch {
final RankingProfile ranking = sb.getRanking();
- final StringBuilder modifier = new StringBuilder(20);
+ final QueryModifier modifier = new QueryModifier();
+ querystring = modifier.parse(querystring);
int stp = querystring.indexOf('*');
if (stp >= 0) {
querystring = querystring.substring(0, stp) + Segment.catchallString + querystring.substring(stp + 1);
@@ -367,38 +367,13 @@ public class yacysearch {
querystring = querystring.replace("/near", "");
ranking.allZero(); // switch off all attributes
ranking.coeff_worddistance = RankingProfile.COEFF_MAX;
- modifier.append("/near ");
+ modifier.add("/near");
if ( querystring.indexOf("/date", 0) >= 0 ) {
querystring = querystring.replace("/date", "");
ranking.allZero(); // switch off all attributes
ranking.coeff_date = RankingProfile.COEFF_MAX;
- modifier.append("/date ");
- }
- if ( querystring.indexOf("/https", 0) >= 0 ) {
- querystring = querystring.replace("/https", "");
- protocol = "https";
- modifier.append("/https ");
- } else if ( querystring.indexOf("/http", 0) >= 0 ) {
- querystring = querystring.replace("/http", "");
- protocol = "http";
- modifier.append("/http ");
- }
- if ( querystring.indexOf("/ftp", 0) >= 0 ) {
- querystring = querystring.replace("/ftp", "");
- protocol = "ftp";
- modifier.append("/ftp ");
- }
- if ( querystring.indexOf("/smb", 0) >= 0 ) {
- querystring = querystring.replace("/smb", "");
- protocol = "smb";
- modifier.append("/smb ");
- }
- if ( querystring.indexOf("/file", 0) >= 0 ) {
- querystring = querystring.replace("/file", "");
- protocol = "file";
- modifier.append("/file ");
+ modifier.add("/date");
if ( querystring.indexOf("/location", 0) >= 0 ) {
@@ -407,7 +382,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
constraint = new Bitfield(4);
constraint.set(Condenser.flag_cat_haslocation, true);
- modifier.append("/location ");
+ modifier.add("/location");
final int lrp = querystring.indexOf("/language/", 0);
@@ -418,7 +393,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
querystring = querystring.replace("/language/" + language, "");
language = language.toLowerCase();
- modifier.append("/language/").append(language).append(' ');
+ modifier.add("/language/" + language);
final int inurlp = querystring.indexOf("inurl:", 0);
@@ -432,7 +407,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if ( !urlstr.isEmpty() ) {
urlmask = urlmask == null ? ".*" + urlstr + ".*" : urlmask + urlstr + ".*";
- modifier.append("inurl:").append(urlstr).append(' ');
+ modifier.add("inurl:" + urlstr);
final int inlinkp = querystring.indexOf("inlink:", 0);
@@ -443,22 +418,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
inlink = querystring.substring(inlinkp + 7, ftb);
querystring = querystring.replace("inlink:" + inlink, "");
- modifier.append("inlink:").append(inlink).append(' ');
- }
- final int filetype = querystring.indexOf("filetype:", 0);
- if ( filetype >= 0 ) {
- int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', filetype);
- if ( ftb == -1 ) {
- ftb = querystring.length();
- }
- ext = querystring.substring(filetype + 9, ftb);
- querystring = querystring.replace("filetype:" + ext, "");
- while ( !ext.isEmpty() && ext.charAt(0) == '.' ) {
- ext = ext.substring(1);
- }
- modifier.append("filetype:").append(ext).append(' ');
- if (ext.isEmpty()) ext = null;
+ modifier.add("inlink:" + inlink);
int voc = 0;
@@ -473,7 +433,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
vocabulary = querystring.substring(voc, ve);
querystring = querystring.substring(0, voc) + querystring.substring(ve);
- modifier.append(vocabulary).append(' ');
+ modifier.add(vocabulary);
vocabulary = vocabulary.substring(12);
int p = vocabulary.indexOf('/');
if (p > 0) {
@@ -506,58 +466,16 @@ public class yacysearch {
- final int site = querystring.indexOf("site:", 0);
- String sitehash = null;
- String sitehost = null;
- if ( site >= 0 ) {
- int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', site);
- if ( ftb == -1 ) {
- ftb = querystring.length();
- }
- sitehost = querystring.substring(site + 5, ftb);
- querystring = querystring.replace("site:" + sitehost, "");
- while ( sitehost.length() > 0 && sitehost.charAt(0) == '.' ) {
- sitehost = sitehost.substring(1);
- }
- while ( sitehost.endsWith(".") ) {
- sitehost = sitehost.substring(0, sitehost.length() - 1);
- }
- sitehash = DigestURI.hosthash(sitehost);
- modifier.append("site:").append(sitehost).append(' ');
- }
final int heuristicBlekko = querystring.indexOf("/heuristic/blekko", 0);
if ( heuristicBlekko >= 0 ) {
querystring = querystring.replace("/heuristic/blekko", "");
- modifier.append("/heuristic/blekko ");
+ modifier.add("/heuristic/blekko");
final int heuristicTwitter = querystring.indexOf("/heuristic/twitter", 0);
if ( heuristicBlekko >= 0 ) {
querystring = querystring.replace("/heuristic/twitter", "");
- modifier.append("/heuristic/twitter ");
- }
- final int authori = querystring.indexOf("author:", 0);
- String author = null;
- if ( authori >= 0 ) {
- // check if the author was given with single quotes or without
- final boolean quotes = (querystring.charAt(authori + 7) == '(');
- if ( quotes ) {
- int ftb = querystring.indexOf(')', authori + 8);
- if (ftb == -1) ftb = querystring.length() + 1;
- author = querystring.substring(authori + 8, ftb);
- querystring = querystring.replace("author:(" + author + ")", "");
- modifier.append("author:(").append(author).append(") ");
- } else {
- int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', authori);
- if ( ftb == -1 ) {
- ftb = querystring.length();
- }
- author = querystring.substring(authori + 7, ftb);
- querystring = querystring.replace("author:" + author, "");
- modifier.append("author:").append(author).append(' ');
- }
+ modifier.add("/heuristic/twitter");
final int tldp = querystring.indexOf("tld:", 0);
@@ -566,7 +484,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
if (ftb == -1) ftb = querystring.length();
tld = querystring.substring(tldp + 4, ftb);
querystring = querystring.replace("tld:" + tld, "");
- modifier.append("tld:").append(tld).append(' ');
+ modifier.add("tld:" + tld);
while ( tld.length() > 0 && tld.charAt(0) == '.' ) {
tld = tld.substring(1);
@@ -714,7 +632,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
final QueryParams theQuery =
new QueryParams(
- modifier.toString().trim(),
+ modifier,
@@ -723,17 +641,14 @@ public class yacysearch {
- urlmask, protocol, tld, ext, inlink,
+ urlmask, tld, inlink,
clustersearch && global ? QueryParams.Searchdom.CLUSTER : (global && indexReceiveGranted
? QueryParams.Searchdom.GLOBAL
: QueryParams.Searchdom.LOCAL),
- sitehash,
- sitehost,
DigestURI.hosthashess(sb.getConfig("search.excludehosth", "")),
- author,
@@ -798,8 +713,8 @@ public class yacysearch {
(int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.DHT_BURST_MULTIWORD, 0));
if ( startRecord == 0 ) {
- if ( sitehost != null && sb.getConfigBool("heuristic.site", false) && authenticated ) {
- sb.heuristicSite(theSearch, sitehost);
+ if ( modifier.sitehost != null && sb.getConfigBool("heuristic.site", false) && authenticated ) {
+ sb.heuristicSite(theSearch, modifier.sitehost);
if ( (heuristicBlekko >= 0 || sb.getConfigBool("heuristic.blekko", false)) && authenticated ) {
sb.heuristicRSS("http://blekko.com/ws/$+/rss", theSearch, "blekko");
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/cora/document/UTF8.java b/source/net/yacy/cora/document/UTF8.java
index 053d36edd..7c0babcbc 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/cora/document/UTF8.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/cora/document/UTF8.java
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class UTF8 implements Comparator
public final static StringBody StringBody(final String s) {
try {
- return new StringBody(s, charset);
+ return new StringBody(s == null ? "" : s, charset);
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/JsonResponseWriter.java b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/JsonResponseWriter.java
index 1f3c01f75..160f9aad8 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/JsonResponseWriter.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/JsonResponseWriter.java
@@ -207,30 +207,78 @@ public class JsonResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
- writer.write("]\n".toCharArray());
- writer.write(",\n\"navigation\":[\n");
+ writer.write("],\n".toCharArray());
+ writer.write("\"navigation\":[\n");
+ // the facets can be created with the options &facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=host_s&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&facet.field=url_protocol_s&facet.field=author_sxt
- NamedList hosts = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
+ NamedList domains = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
- NamedList exts = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName());
+ NamedList filetypes = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName());
- NamedList prots = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName());
- writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"filetypes\",\"displayname\":\"Filetypes\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[]},\n".toCharArray());
- writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"protocols\",\"displayname\":\"Protocol\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[]},\n".toCharArray());
- writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"domains\",\"displayname\":\"Domains\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[]},\n".toCharArray());
- writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"topics\",\"displayname\":\"Topics\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[]}\n".toCharArray());
+ NamedList protocols = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName());
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ NamedList authors = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName());
+ if (domains != null) {
+ writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"domains\",\"displayname\":\"Domains\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[".toCharArray());
+ for (int i = 0; i < domains.size(); i++) {
+ facetEntry(writer, "site", domains.getName(i), Integer.toString(domains.getVal(i)));
+ if (i < domains.size() - 1) writer.write(',');
+ writer.write("\n");
+ }
+ writer.write("]},\n".toCharArray());
+ }
+ if (filetypes != null) {
+ writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"filetypes\",\"displayname\":\"Filetypes\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[".toCharArray());
+ List> l = new ArrayList>();
+ for (Map.Entry e: filetypes) {
+ if (e.getKey().length() <= 6) l.add(e);
+ if (l.size() >= 16) break;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
+ Map.Entry e = l.get(i);
+ facetEntry(writer, "filetype", e.getKey(), Integer.toString(e.getValue()));
+ if (i < l.size() - 1) writer.write(',');
+ writer.write("\n");
+ }
+ writer.write("]},\n".toCharArray());
+ }
+ if (protocols != null) {
+ writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"protocols\",\"displayname\":\"Protocol\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[".toCharArray());
+ for (int i = 0; i < protocols.size(); i++) {
+ facetEntry(writer, "protocol", protocols.getName(i), Integer.toString(protocols.getVal(i)));
+ if (i < protocols.size() - 1) writer.write(',');
+ writer.write("\n");
+ }
+ writer.write("]},\n".toCharArray());
+ }
+ if (authors != null) {
+ writer.write("{\"facetname\":\"authors\",\"displayname\":\"Authors\",\"type\":\"String\",\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"0\",\"mean\":\"0\",\"elements\":[".toCharArray());
+ for (int i = 0; i < authors.size(); i++) {
+ facetEntry(writer, "author", authors.getName(i), Integer.toString(authors.getVal(i)));
+ if (i < authors.size() - 1) writer.write(',');
+ writer.write("\n");
+ }
+ writer.write("]},\n".toCharArray());
+ }
public static void solitaireTag(final Writer writer, final String tagname, String value) throws IOException {
- if (value == null || value.length() == 0) return;
+ if (value == null) return;
writer.write('"'); writer.write(tagname); writer.write("\":\""); writer.write(serverObjects.toJSON(value)); writer.write("\","); writer.write('\n');
+ private static void facetEntry(final Writer writer, final String modifier, final String propname, String value) throws IOException {
+ writer.write("{\"name\": \""); writer.write(propname);
+ writer.write("\", \"count\": \""); writer.write(value);
+ writer.write("\", \"modifier\": \""); writer.write(modifier); writer.write("%3A"); writer.write(propname);
+ writer.write("\"}");
+ }
"channels": [{
@@ -246,9 +294,7 @@ public class JsonResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
"startIndex": "0",
"itemsPerPage": "10",
"searchTerms": "uni-mainz",
"items": [
"title": "From dark matter to school experiments: Physicists meet in Mainz",
"link": "http://www.phmi.uni-mainz.de/5305.php",
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/OpensearchResponseWriter.java b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/OpensearchResponseWriter.java
index 33c2f8eb5..1422a23ea 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/OpensearchResponseWriter.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/OpensearchResponseWriter.java
@@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
closeTag(writer, "item");
+ openTag(writer, "yacy:navigation");
// the facets can be created with the options &facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=host_s&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&facet.field=url_protocol_s&facet.field=author_sxt
NamedList domains = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
@@ -253,25 +255,24 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
NamedList authors = facetFields == null ? null : (NamedList) facetFields.get(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName());
- openTag(writer, "yacy:navigation");
if (domains != null) {
openTag(writer, "yacy:facet name=\"domains\" displayname=\"Domains\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"");
- for (Map.Entry entry: domains) facetEntry(writer, entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
+ for (Map.Entry entry: domains) facetEntry(writer, "site", entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
closeTag(writer, "yacy:facet");
if (filetypes != null) {
openTag(writer, "yacy:facet name=\"filetypes\" displayname=\"Filetypes\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"");
- for (Map.Entry entry: filetypes) facetEntry(writer, entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
+ for (Map.Entry entry: filetypes) facetEntry(writer, "filetype", entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
closeTag(writer, "yacy:facet");
if (protocols != null) {
openTag(writer, "yacy:facet name=\"protocols\" displayname=\"Protocols\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"");
- for (Map.Entry entry: protocols) facetEntry(writer, entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
+ for (Map.Entry entry: protocols) facetEntry(writer, "protocol", entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
closeTag(writer, "yacy:facet");
if (authors != null) {
openTag(writer, "yacy:facet name=\"authors\" displayname=\"Authors\" type=\"String\" min=\"0\" max=\"0\" mean=\"0\"");
- for (Map.Entry entry: authors) facetEntry(writer, entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
+ for (Map.Entry entry: authors) facetEntry(writer, "author", entry.getKey(), Integer.toString(entry.getValue()));
closeTag(writer, "yacy:facet");
closeTag(writer, "yacy:navigation");
@@ -334,10 +335,10 @@ public class OpensearchResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
writer.write(""); writer.write(tagname); writer.write(">\n");
- private static void facetEntry(final Writer writer, final String propname, String value) throws IOException {
- writer.write("\n");
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/peers/Protocol.java b/source/net/yacy/peers/Protocol.java
index d7a1bb3db..b6e4fd058 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/peers/Protocol.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/peers/Protocol.java
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ import net.yacy.search.EventTracker;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment;
+import net.yacy.search.query.QueryModifier;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent;
import net.yacy.search.query.SecondarySearchSuperviser;
import net.yacy.search.snippet.TextSnippet;
@@ -597,10 +598,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final SearchEvent event,
final String wordhashes,
final String excludehashes,
- final String modifier,
final String language,
- final String sitehash,
- final String author,
final String contentdom,
final int count,
final long time,
@@ -635,10 +633,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
- modifier,
- sitehash,
- author,
@@ -716,9 +711,6 @@ public final class Protocol {
- "",
- "",
- "",
@@ -889,10 +881,7 @@ public final class Protocol {
final String wordhashes,
final String excludehashes,
final String urlhashes,
- final String modifier,
final String language,
- final String sitehash,
- final String author,
final String contentdom,
final int count,
final long time,
@@ -931,8 +920,8 @@ public final class Protocol {
String filter = event.query.urlMask.pattern().toString();
if (event.query.tld != null) filter = ".*" + event.query.tld + ".*" + filter;
- if (event.query.protocol != null) filter = ".*" + event.query.protocol + ".*" + filter;
- if (event.query.ext != null) filter = filter + ".*" + event.query.ext + ".*";
+ if (event.query.modifier.protocol != null) filter = ".*" + event.query.modifier.protocol + ".*" + filter;
+ if (event.query.modifier.filetype != null) filter = filter + ".*" + event.query.modifier.filetype + ".*";
parts.put("myseed", UTF8.StringBody((event.peers.mySeed() == null) ? "" : event.peers.mySeed().genSeedStr(key)));
parts.put("count", UTF8.StringBody(Integer.toString(Math.max(10, count))));
parts.put("time", UTF8.StringBody(Long.toString(Math.max(3000, time))));
@@ -943,10 +932,10 @@ public final class Protocol {
parts.put("urls", UTF8.StringBody(urlhashes));
parts.put("prefer", UTF8.StringBody(event.query.prefer.pattern()));
parts.put("filter", UTF8.StringBody(filter));
- parts.put("modifier", UTF8.StringBody(modifier));
+ parts.put("modifier", UTF8.StringBody(event.query.modifier.toString()));
parts.put("language", UTF8.StringBody(language));
- parts.put("sitehash", UTF8.StringBody(sitehash));
- parts.put("author", UTF8.StringBody(author));
+ parts.put("sitehash", UTF8.StringBody(event.query.modifier.sitehash));
+ parts.put("author", UTF8.StringBody(event.query.modifier.author));
parts.put("contentdom", UTF8.StringBody(contentdom));
parts.put("ttl", UTF8.StringBody("0"));
parts.put("maxdist", UTF8.StringBody(Integer.toString(maxDistance)));
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/peers/RemoteSearch.java b/source/net/yacy/peers/RemoteSearch.java
index 567ba04d5..2574f84de 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/peers/RemoteSearch.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/peers/RemoteSearch.java
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class RemoteSearch extends Thread {
private static final ThreadGroup ysThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup("yacySearchThreadGroup");
final private SearchEvent event;
- final private String wordhashes, excludehashes, sitehash, author, contentdom;
+ final private String wordhashes, excludehashes, contentdom;
final private int partitions;
final private SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser;
final private Blacklist blacklist;
@@ -52,17 +52,13 @@ public class RemoteSearch extends Thread {
private int urls;
private final int count, maxDistance;
private final long time;
- final private QueryParams.Modifier modifier;
final private String language;
public RemoteSearch(
final SearchEvent event,
final String wordhashes,
final String excludehashes,
- final QueryParams.Modifier modifier,
final String language,
- final String sitehash,
- final String author,
final String contentdom,
final int count,
final long time,
@@ -75,10 +71,7 @@ public class RemoteSearch extends Thread {
this.event = event;
this.wordhashes = wordhashes;
this.excludehashes = excludehashes;
- this.modifier = modifier;
this.language = language;
- this.sitehash = sitehash;
- this.author = author;
this.contentdom = contentdom;
this.partitions = partitions;
this.secondarySearchSuperviser = secondarySearchSuperviser;
@@ -98,10 +91,7 @@ public class RemoteSearch extends Thread {
- this.modifier.getModifier(),
- this.sitehash,
- this.author,
@@ -187,10 +177,7 @@ public class RemoteSearch extends Thread {
- event.query.modifier,
event.query.targetlang == null ? "" : event.query.targetlang,
- event.query.nav_sitehash == null ? "" : event.query.nav_sitehash,
- event.query.author == null ? "" : event.query.author,
event.query.contentdom == null ? "all" : event.query.contentdom.toString(),
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryModifier.java b/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryModifier.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44491fec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryModifier.java
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * QueryModifier
+ * Copyright 2013 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
+ * First published 12.02.2013 on http://yacy.net
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
+ * If not, see .
+ */
+package net.yacy.search.query;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
+import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.YaCySchema;
+import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
+import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
+public class QueryModifier {
+ private final StringBuilder modifier;
+ public String sitehost, sitehash, filetype, protocol, author;
+ public QueryModifier() {
+ this.sitehash = null;
+ this.sitehost = null;
+ this.filetype = null;
+ this.protocol = null;
+ this.author = null;
+ this.modifier = new StringBuilder(20);
+ }
+ public String parse(String querystring) {
+ // parse protocol
+ if ( querystring.indexOf("/https", 0) >= 0 ) {
+ querystring = querystring.replace("/https", "");
+ protocol = "https";
+ add("/https");
+ } else if ( querystring.indexOf("/http", 0) >= 0 ) {
+ querystring = querystring.replace("/http", "");
+ protocol = "http";
+ add("/http");
+ }
+ if ( querystring.indexOf("/ftp", 0) >= 0 ) {
+ querystring = querystring.replace("/ftp", "");
+ protocol = "ftp";
+ add("/ftp");
+ }
+ if ( querystring.indexOf("/smb", 0) >= 0 ) {
+ querystring = querystring.replace("/smb", "");
+ protocol = "smb";
+ add("/smb");
+ }
+ if ( querystring.indexOf("/file", 0) >= 0 ) {
+ querystring = querystring.replace("/file", "");
+ protocol = "file";
+ add("/file");
+ }
+ // parse filetype
+ final int ftp = querystring.indexOf("filetype:", 0);
+ if ( ftp >= 0 ) {
+ int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', ftp);
+ if ( ftb == -1 ) {
+ ftb = querystring.length();
+ }
+ filetype = querystring.substring(ftp + 9, ftb);
+ querystring = querystring.replace("filetype:" + filetype, "");
+ while ( !filetype.isEmpty() && filetype.charAt(0) == '.' ) {
+ filetype = filetype.substring(1);
+ }
+ add("filetype:" + filetype);
+ if (filetype.isEmpty()) filetype = null;
+ }
+ // parse site
+ final int sp = querystring.indexOf("site:", 0);
+ if ( sp >= 0 ) {
+ int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', sp);
+ if ( ftb == -1 ) {
+ ftb = querystring.length();
+ }
+ sitehost = querystring.substring(sp + 5, ftb);
+ querystring = querystring.replace("site:" + sitehost, "");
+ while ( sitehost.length() > 0 && sitehost.charAt(0) == '.' ) {
+ sitehost = sitehost.substring(1);
+ }
+ while ( sitehost.endsWith(".") ) {
+ sitehost = sitehost.substring(0, sitehost.length() - 1);
+ }
+ sitehash = DigestURI.hosthash(sitehost);
+ add("site:" + sitehost);
+ }
+ // parse author
+ final int authori = querystring.indexOf("author:", 0);
+ if ( authori >= 0 ) {
+ // check if the author was given with single quotes or without
+ final boolean quotes = (querystring.charAt(authori + 7) == '(');
+ if ( quotes ) {
+ int ftb = querystring.indexOf(')', authori + 8);
+ if (ftb == -1) ftb = querystring.length() + 1;
+ author = querystring.substring(authori + 8, ftb);
+ querystring = querystring.replace("author:(" + author + ")", "");
+ add("author:(" + author + ")");
+ } else {
+ int ftb = querystring.indexOf(' ', authori);
+ if ( ftb == -1 ) {
+ ftb = querystring.length();
+ }
+ author = querystring.substring(authori + 7, ftb);
+ querystring = querystring.replace("author:" + author, "");
+ add("author:" + author);
+ }
+ }
+ return querystring.trim();
+ }
+ public void add(String m) {
+ if (modifier.length() > 0 && modifier.charAt(modifier.length() - 1) != ' ' && m != null && m.length() > 0) modifier.append(' ');
+ if (m != null) modifier.append(m);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return this.modifier.toString();
+ }
+ public void apply(serverObjects post) {
+ final StringBuilder fq = new StringBuilder(post.get(CommonParams.FQ,""));
+ if (this.sitehost != null && this.sitehost.length() > 0 && fq.indexOf(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()) < 0) {
+ // consider to search for hosts with 'www'-prefix, if not already part of the host name
+ if (this.sitehost.startsWith("www.")) {
+ fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.sitehost.substring(4)).append('\"');
+ fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.sitehost).append("\")");
+ } else {
+ fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.sitehost).append('\"');
+ fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"www.").append(this.sitehost).append("\")");
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.sitehash != null && this.sitehash.length() > 0 && fq.indexOf(YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()) < 0) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.sitehash).append('\"');
+ }
+ if (this.filetype != null && this.filetype.length() > 0 && fq.indexOf(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()) < 0) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.filetype).append('\"');
+ }
+ if (this.author != null && this.author.length() > 0 && fq.indexOf(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName()) < 0) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.author).append('\"');
+ }
+ if (this.protocol != null && this.protocol.length() > 0 && fq.indexOf(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName()) < 0) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.protocol).append('\"');
+ }
+ if (fq.length() > 0) {
+ String fqs = fq.toString();
+ if (fqs.startsWith(" AND ")) fqs = fqs.substring(5);
+ post.remove(CommonParams.FQ);
+ post.put(CommonParams.FQ, fqs);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryParams.java b/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryParams.java
index a5bfc79b5..8e37c6c56 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryParams.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/search/query/QueryParams.java
@@ -88,20 +88,7 @@ public final class QueryParams {
YaCySchema.host_s, YaCySchema.url_protocol_s, YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s, YaCySchema.author_sxt};
private static final int defaultmaxfacets = 30;
private static final String ampersand = "&";
- public static class Modifier {
- private String s;
- private Modifier(final String modifier) {
- this.s = modifier;
- }
- public String getModifier() {
- return this.s;
- }
- }
public static final Bitfield empty_constraint = new Bitfield(4, "AAAAAA");
public static final Pattern catchall_pattern = Pattern.compile(".*");
private static final Pattern matchnothing_pattern = Pattern.compile("");
@@ -112,7 +99,7 @@ public final class QueryParams {
public Pattern urlMask;
public final Pattern prefer;
- public final String protocol, tld, ext, inlink;
+ public final String tld, inlink;
boolean urlMask_isCatchall;
public final Classification.ContentDomain contentdom;
public final String targetlang;
@@ -126,11 +113,8 @@ public final class QueryParams {
public final RankingProfile ranking;
private final Segment indexSegment;
public final String clienthost; // this is the client host that starts the query, not a site operator
- public final String nav_sitehost; // this is a domain name which is used to navigate to that host
- public final String nav_sitehash; // this is a domain hash, 6 bytes long or null
protected final Set siteexcludes; // set of domain hashes that are excluded if not included by sitehash
- public final String author;
- public final Modifier modifier;
+ public final QueryModifier modifier;
public Seed remotepeer;
public final long starttime; // the time when the query started, how long it should take and the time when the timeout is reached (milliseconds)
protected final long maxtime;
@@ -166,13 +150,11 @@ public final class QueryParams {
final String userAgent) {
this.queryGoal = new QueryGoal(query_original, query_words);
this.ranking = ranking;
- this.modifier = new Modifier("");
+ this.modifier = new QueryModifier();
this.maxDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.urlMask = catchall_pattern;
this.urlMask_isCatchall = true;
- this.protocol = null;
this.tld = null;
- this.ext = null;
this.inlink = null;
this.prefer = matchnothing_pattern;
this.contentdom = ContentDomain.ALL;
@@ -186,10 +168,7 @@ public final class QueryParams {
this.allofconstraint = false;
this.snippetCacheStrategy = null;
this.clienthost = null;
- this.nav_sitehash = null;
- this.nav_sitehost = null;
this.siteexcludes = null;
- this.author = null;
this.remotepeer = null;
this.starttime = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
this.maxtime = 10000;
@@ -223,19 +202,23 @@ public final class QueryParams {
public QueryParams(
final QueryGoal queryGoal,
- final String modifier,
- final int maxDistance, final String prefer, final ContentDomain contentdom,
+ final QueryModifier modifier,
+ final int maxDistance,
+ final String prefer,
+ final ContentDomain contentdom,
final String language,
final Collection metatags,
final CacheStrategy snippetCacheStrategy,
- final int itemsPerPage, final int offset,
- final String urlMask, final String protocol, final String tld, final String ext, final String inlink,
- final Searchdom domType, final int domMaxTargets,
- final Bitfield constraint, final boolean allofconstraint,
- final String nav_sitehash,
- final String nav_sitehost,
+ final int itemsPerPage,
+ final int offset,
+ final String urlMask,
+ final String tld,
+ final String inlink,
+ final Searchdom domType,
+ final int domMaxTargets,
+ final Bitfield constraint,
+ final boolean allofconstraint,
final Set siteexcludes,
- final String author,
final int domainzone,
final String host,
final boolean specialRights,
@@ -244,9 +227,12 @@ public final class QueryParams {
final String userAgent,
final boolean filterfailurls,
final boolean filterscannerfail,
- final double lat, final double lon, final double radius) {
+ final double lat,
+ final double lon,
+ final double radius
+ ) {
this.queryGoal = queryGoal;
- this.modifier = new Modifier(modifier == null ? "" : modifier);
+ this.modifier = modifier;
this.ranking = ranking;
this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
this.contentdom = contentdom;
@@ -259,22 +245,20 @@ public final class QueryParams {
this.urlMask_isCatchall = this.urlMask.toString().equals(catchall_pattern.toString());
if (this.urlMask_isCatchall) {
- if (protocol != null) {
- this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(protocol + ".*");
+ if (modifier.protocol != null) {
+ this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(modifier.protocol + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
if (tld != null) {
this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(".*" + tld + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
- if (ext != null) {
- this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(".*" + ext + ".*");
+ if (modifier.filetype != null) {
+ this.urlMask = Pattern.compile(".*" + modifier.filetype + ".*");
this.urlMask_isCatchall = false;
- this.protocol = protocol;
this.tld = tld;
- this.ext = ext;
this.inlink = inlink;
try {
this.prefer = Pattern.compile(prefer);
@@ -289,10 +273,7 @@ public final class QueryParams {
this.zonecode = domainzone;
this.constraint = constraint;
this.allofconstraint = allofconstraint;
- this.nav_sitehash = nav_sitehash; assert nav_sitehash == null || nav_sitehash.length() == 6;
- this.nav_sitehost = nav_sitehost;
this.siteexcludes = siteexcludes != null && siteexcludes.isEmpty() ? null: siteexcludes;
- this.author = author; assert author == null || !author.isEmpty();
this.snippetCacheStrategy = snippetCacheStrategy;
this.clienthost = host;
this.remotepeer = null;
@@ -461,24 +442,24 @@ public final class QueryParams {
// add site facets
final StringBuilder fq = new StringBuilder();
- if (this.nav_sitehash == null && this.nav_sitehost == null) {
+ if (this.modifier.sitehash == null && this.modifier.sitehost == null) {
if (this.siteexcludes != null) {
for (String ex: this.siteexcludes) {
fq.append(" AND -").append(YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(':').append(ex);
} else {
- if (this.nav_sitehost != null) {
+ if (this.modifier.sitehost != null) {
// consider to search for hosts with 'www'-prefix, if not already part of the host name
- if (this.nav_sitehost.startsWith("www.")) {
- fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.nav_sitehost.substring(4)).append('\"');
- fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.nav_sitehost).append("\")");
+ if (this.modifier.sitehost.startsWith("www.")) {
+ fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost.substring(4)).append('\"');
+ fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append("\")");
} else {
- fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.nav_sitehost).append('\"');
- fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"www.").append(this.nav_sitehost).append("\")");
+ fq.append(" AND (").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append('\"');
+ fq.append(" OR ").append(YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"www.").append(this.modifier.sitehost).append("\")");
} else
- fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.nav_sitehash).append('\"');
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.sitehash).append('\"');
// add vocabulary facets
@@ -487,20 +468,20 @@ public final class QueryParams {
// add author facets
- if (this.author != null && this.author.length() > 0 && this.solrScheme.contains(YaCySchema.author_sxt)) {
- fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.author).append('\"');
+ if (this.modifier.author != null && this.modifier.author.length() > 0 && this.solrScheme.contains(YaCySchema.author_sxt)) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.author_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.author).append('\"');
- if (this.protocol != null) {
- fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(':').append(this.protocol);
+ if (this.modifier.protocol != null) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_protocol_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(':').append(this.modifier.protocol);
if (this.tld != null) {
fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.host_dnc_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.tld).append('\"');
- if (this.ext != null) {
- fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.ext).append('\"');
+ if (this.modifier.filetype != null) {
+ fq.append(" AND ").append(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(this.modifier.filetype).append('\"');
if (this.inlink != null) {
@@ -602,16 +583,16 @@ public final class QueryParams {
- context.append(this.nav_sitehash).append(asterisk);
+ context.append(this.modifier.sitehash).append(asterisk);
- context.append(this.author).append(asterisk);
+ context.append(this.modifier.author).append(asterisk);
- context.append(this.modifier.s).append(asterisk);
- context.append(this.protocol).append(asterisk);
+ context.append(this.modifier.toString()).append(asterisk);
+ context.append(this.modifier.protocol).append(asterisk);
- context.append(this.ext).append(asterisk);
+ context.append(this.modifier.filetype).append(asterisk);
context.append(this.snippetCacheStrategy == null ? "null" : this.snippetCacheStrategy.name());
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/search/query/RankingProcess.java b/source/net/yacy/search/query/RankingProcess.java
index be1ebf714..5f52a8e3f 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/search/query/RankingProcess.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/search/query/RankingProcess.java
@@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
// check site constraints
final String hosthash = iEntry.hosthash();
- if ( this.query.nav_sitehash == null ) {
+ if ( this.query.modifier.sitehash == null ) {
if (this.query.siteexcludes != null && this.query.siteexcludes.contains(hosthash)) continue pollloop;
} else {
// filter out all domains that do not match with the site constraint
- if (!hosthash.equals(this.query.nav_sitehash)) continue pollloop;
+ if (!hosthash.equals(this.query.modifier.sitehash)) continue pollloop;
// finally extend the double-check and insert result to stack
diff --git a/source/net/yacy/search/query/SearchEvent.java b/source/net/yacy/search/query/SearchEvent.java
index f9f6d2ead..81ad6b708 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/search/query/SearchEvent.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/search/query/SearchEvent.java
@@ -593,13 +593,13 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
// check site constraints
final String hosthash = iEntry.hosthash();
- if ( this.query.nav_sitehash == null ) {
+ if ( this.query.modifier.sitehash == null ) {
if (this.query.siteexcludes != null && this.query.siteexcludes.contains(hosthash)) {
continue pollloop;
} else {
// filter out all domains that do not match with the site constraint
- if (iEntry.url().getHost().indexOf(this.query.nav_sitehost) < 0) continue pollloop;
+ if (iEntry.url().getHost().indexOf(this.query.modifier.sitehost) < 0) continue pollloop;
// finally extend the double-check and insert result to stack