@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
this . snippetCache = snippetCache ;
this . rcContainers = new indexContainer ( null ) ;
this . rcContainerFlushCount = 0 ;
this . rcAbstracts = new TreeMap ( ) ;
this . rcAbstracts = ( query . size ( ) > 1 ) ? new TreeMap ( ) : null ; // generate abstracts only for combined searches
this . profileLocal = localTiming ;
this . profileGlobal = remoteTiming ;
this . postsort = postsort ;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
// do a global search
// the result of the fetch is then in the rcGlobal
log . logFine ( "STARTING " + fetchpeers + " THREADS TO CATCH EACH " + profileGlobal . getTargetCount ( plasmaSearchTimingProfile . PROCESS_POSTSORT ) + " URLs WITHIN " + ( profileGlobal . duetime ( ) / 1000 ) + " SECONDS" ) ;
long secondaryTimeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + profileGlobal . duetime ( ) / 2;
long secondaryTimeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + profileGlobal . duetime ( ) / 3 * 2;
long primaryTimeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + profileGlobal . duetime ( ) ;
primarySearchThreads = yacySearch . primaryRemoteSearches ( plasmaSearchQuery . hashSet2hashString ( query . queryHashes ) , "" ,
query . prefer , query . urlMask , query . maxDistance , urlStore , rcContainers , rcAbstracts ,
@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
Map searchContainerMap = localSearchContainers ( null ) ;
// use the search containers to fill up rcAbstracts locally
if ( searchContainerMap ! = null ) {
/ *
if ( ( rcAbstracts ! = null ) & & ( searchContainerMap ! = null ) ) {
Iterator i , ci = searchContainerMap . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Map . Entry entry ;
String wordhash ;
@ -165,20 +166,19 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
* /
// try to pre-fetch some LURLs if there is enough time
indexContainer rcLocal = localSearchJoin ( ( searchContainerMap = = null ) ? null : searchContainerMap . values ( ) ) ;
prefetchLocal ( rcLocal , secondaryTimeout ) ;
// evaluate index abstracts and start a secondary search
// this is temporary debugging code to learn that the index abstracts are fetched correctly
/ *
while ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) < secondaryTimeout + 10000 ) {
while ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) < secondaryTimeout ) {
if ( yacySearch . remainingWaiting ( primarySearchThreads ) = = 0 ) break ; // all threads have finished
try { Thread . sleep ( 100 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { }
if ( query . size ( ) > 1 ) prepareSecondarySearch ( ) ;
* /
// evaluate index abstracts and start a secondary search
if ( rcAbstracts ! = null ) prepareSecondarySearch ( ) ;
// catch up global results:
// wait until primary timeout passed
@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
( ( secondarySearchThreads = = null ) | | ( yacySearch . remainingWaiting ( secondarySearchThreads ) = = 0 ) ) ) break ; // all threads have finished
try { Thread . sleep ( 100 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { }
int globalContributions = rcContainers . size ( ) ;
// finished searching
@ -243,19 +244,22 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
String url , urls , peer , peers ;
String mypeerhash = yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed . hash ;
boolean mypeerinvolved = false ;
int mypeercount ;
while ( i1 . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry1 = ( Map . Entry ) i1 . next ( ) ;
url = ( String ) entry1 . getKey ( ) ;
peers = ( String ) entry1 . getValue ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: url " + url + ": from peers " + peers ) ;
mypeercount = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < peers . length ( ) ; j = j + 12 ) {
peer = peers . substring ( j , j + 12 ) ;
if ( peers . indexOf ( peer ) < j ) continue ; // avoid doubles that may appear in the abstractJoin
if ( ( peer . equals ( mypeerhash ) ) & & ( mypeercount + + > 1 ) ) continue ;
//if (peers.indexOf(peer) < j) continue; // avoid doubles that may appear in the abstractJoin
urls = ( String ) secondarySearchURLs . get ( peer ) ;
urls = ( urls = = null ) ? url : urls + url ;
secondarySearchURLs . put ( peer , urls ) ;
if ( peer . equals ( mypeerhash ) ) mypeerinvolved = true ;
if ( mypeercount = = 1 ) mypeerinvolved = true ;
// compute words for secondary search and start the secondary searches
@ -269,8 +273,8 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent extends Thread implements Runnable {
if ( peer . equals ( mypeerhash ) ) continue ; // we dont need to ask ourself
urls = ( String ) entry1 . getValue ( ) ;
words = wordsFromPeer ( peer , urls ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT : peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT : peer " + peer + " from words: " + words ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT *** : peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT *** : peer " + peer + " from words: " + words ) ;
secondarySearchThreads [ c + + ] = yacySearch . secondaryRemoteSearch (
words , urls , urlStore , rcContainers , peer , plasmaSwitchboard . urlBlacklist , snippetCache ,
profileGlobal , ranking ) ;