@ -203,103 +203,103 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
private String computeSnippet ( String [ ] sentences , Set queryhashes , int minLength , int maxLength ) {
try {
if ( ( sentences = = null ) | | ( sentences . length = = 0 ) ) return null ;
if ( ( queryhashes = = null ) | | ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) return null ;
kelondroMScoreCluster hitTable = new kelondroMScoreCluster ( ) ;
Iterator j ;
HashMap hs ;
String hash ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sentences . length ; i + + ) {
//System.out.println("Sentence " + i + ": " + sentences[i]);
if ( sentences [ i ] . length ( ) > minLength ) {
hs = hashSentence ( sentences [ i ] ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
if ( hs . containsKey ( hash ) ) {
//System.out.println("hash " + hash + " appears in line " + i);
hitTable . incScore ( new Integer ( i ) ) ;
if ( ( sentences = = null ) | | ( sentences . length = = 0 ) ) return null ;
if ( ( queryhashes = = null ) | | ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) return null ;
kelondroMScoreCluster hitTable = new kelondroMScoreCluster ( ) ;
Iterator j ;
HashMap hs ;
String hash ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sentences . length ; i + + ) {
//System.out.println("Sentence " + i + ": " + sentences[i]);
if ( sentences [ i ] . length ( ) > minLength ) {
hs = hashSentence ( sentences [ i ] ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
if ( hs . containsKey ( hash ) ) {
//System.out.println("hash " + hash + " appears in line " + i);
hitTable . incScore ( new Integer ( i ) ) ;
int score = hitTable . getMaxScore ( ) ; // best number of hits
if ( score < = 0 ) return null ;
// we found (a) line(s) that have <score> hits.
// now find the shortest line of these hits
int shortLineIndex = - 1 ;
int shortLineLength = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sentences . length ; i + + ) {
if ( ( hitTable . getScore ( new Integer ( i ) ) = = score ) & &
int score = hitTable . getMaxScore ( ) ; // best number of hits
if ( score < = 0 ) return null ;
// we found (a) line(s) that have <score> hits.
// now find the shortest line of these hits
int shortLineIndex = - 1 ;
int shortLineLength = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sentences . length ; i + + ) {
if ( ( hitTable . getScore ( new Integer ( i ) ) = = score ) & &
( sentences [ i ] . length ( ) < shortLineLength ) ) {
shortLineIndex = i ;
shortLineLength = sentences [ i ] . length ( ) ;
shortLineIndex = i ;
shortLineLength = sentences [ i ] . length ( ) ;
// find a first result
String result = sentences [ shortLineIndex ] ;
// remove all hashes that appear in the result
hs = hashSentence ( result ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
Integer pos ;
Set remaininghashes = new HashSet ( ) ;
int p , minpos = result . length ( ) , maxpos = - 1 ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
pos = ( Integer ) hs . get ( hash ) ;
if ( pos = = null ) {
remaininghashes . add ( new String ( hash ) ) ;
} else {
p = pos . intValue ( ) ;
if ( p > maxpos ) max pos = p ;
if ( p < minpos ) minpos = p ;
// find a first result
String result = sentences [ shortLineIndex ] ;
// remove all hashes that appear in the result
hs = hashSentence ( result ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
Integer pos ;
Set remaininghashes = new HashSet ( ) ;
int p , minpos = result . length ( ) , maxpos = - 1 ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
pos = ( Integer ) hs . get ( hash ) ;
if ( pos = = null ) {
remaininghashes . add ( new String ( hash ) ) ;
} else {
p = pos . intValue ( ) ;
if ( p > maxpos ) maxpos = p ;
if ( p < minpos ) min pos = p ;
// check result size
maxpos = maxpos + 10 ;
if ( maxpos > result . length ( ) ) maxpos = result . length ( ) ;
if ( minpos < 0 ) minpos = 0 ;
// we have a result, but is it short enough?
if ( maxpos - minpos + 10 > maxLength ) {
// the string is too long, even if we cut at both ends
// so cut here in the middle of the string
int lenb = result . length ( ) ;
result = result . substring ( 0 , ( minpos + 20 > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : minpos + 20 ) . trim ( ) +
" [..] " +
result . substring ( ( maxpos + 26 > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : maxpos + 26 ) . trim ( ) ;
maxpos = maxpos + lenb - result . length ( ) + 6 ;
if ( maxpos > maxLength ) {
// the string is too long, even if we cut it at the end
// so cut it here at both ends at once
int newlen = maxpos - minpos + 10 ;
int around = ( maxLength - newlen ) / 2 ;
result = "[..] " + result . substring ( minpos - around , ( ( maxpos + around ) > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : ( maxpos + around ) ) . trim ( ) + " [..]" ;
minpos = around ;
maxpos = result . length ( ) - around - 5 ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 1st step (cut at right side)
result = result . substring ( 0 , maxpos ) . trim ( ) + " [..]" ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 2nd step (cut at left side)
result = "[..] " + result . substring ( minpos ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 3rd step (cut in the middle)
result = result . substring ( 6 , 20 ) . trim ( ) + " [..] " + result . substring ( result . length ( ) - 26 , result . length ( ) - 6 ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) return result ;
// the result has not all words in it.
// find another sentence that represents the missing other words
// and find recursively more sentences
maxLength = maxLength - result . length ( ) ;
if ( maxLength < 20 ) maxLength = 20 ;
String nextSnippet = computeSnippet ( sentences , remaininghashes , minLength , maxLength ) ;
return result + ( ( nextSnippet = = null ) ? "" : ( " / " + nextSnippet ) ) ;
// check result size
maxpos = maxpos + 10 ;
if ( maxpos > result . length ( ) ) maxpos = result . length ( ) ;
if ( minpos < 0 ) minpos = 0 ;
// we have a result, but is it short enough?
if ( maxpos - minpos + 10 > maxLength ) {
// the string is too long, even if we cut at both ends
// so cut here in the middle of the string
int lenb = result . length ( ) ;
result = result . substring ( 0 , ( minpos + 20 > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : minpos + 20 ) . trim ( ) +
" [..] " +
result . substring ( ( maxpos + 26 > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : maxpos + 26 ) . trim ( ) ;
maxpos = maxpos + lenb - result . length ( ) + 6 ;
if ( maxpos > maxLength ) {
// the string is too long, even if we cut it at the end
// so cut it here at both ends at once
int newlen = maxpos - minpos + 10 ;
int around = ( maxLength - newlen ) / 2 ;
result = "[..] " + result . substring ( minpos - around , ( ( maxpos + around ) > result . length ( ) ) ? result . length ( ) : ( maxpos + around ) ) . trim ( ) + " [..]" ;
minpos = around ;
maxpos = result . length ( ) - around - 5 ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 1st step (cut at right side)
result = result . substring ( 0 , maxpos ) . trim ( ) + " [..]" ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 2nd step (cut at left side)
result = "[..] " + result . substring ( minpos ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( result . length ( ) > maxLength ) {
// trim result, 3rd step (cut in the middle)
result = result . substring ( 6 , 20 ) . trim ( ) + " [..] " + result . substring ( result . length ( ) - 26 , result . length ( ) - 6 ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) return result ;
// the result has not all words in it.
// find another sentence that represents the missing other words
// and find recursively more sentences
maxLength = maxLength - result . length ( ) ;
if ( maxLength < 20 ) maxLength = 20 ;
String nextSnippet = computeSnippet ( sentences , remaininghashes , minLength , maxLength ) ;
return result + ( ( nextSnippet = = null ) ? "" : ( " / " + nextSnippet ) ) ;
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
e. printStackTrace ( ) ;
log. logError ( "computeSnippet: error with string generation" , e ) ;
return "" ;