/*final int words =*/switchboard.wordIndex.addPageIndex(url,urlHash,newDate(), condenser,"**",plasmaWordIndexEntry.DT_SHARE);
/*final int words =*/switchboard.wordIndex.addPageIndex(url,urlHash,newDate(),phrase.length()+descr.length()+13,condenser,"**",plasmaWordIndexEntry.DT_SHARE);
log.logFine("deQueue: word index ram cache too full ("+((int)getConfigLong("wordCacheMaxLow",8000)-wordIndex.wordCacheRAMSize())+" slots left); dismissed to omit ram flush lock");
log.logFine("deQueue: too many processes in stack crawl thread queue, dismissed to protect emergency case ("+"stackCrawlQueue="+stackCrawlQueueSize+")");
publicstaticfinalintUA_LOCAL=0;// URL was crawled locally
publicstaticfinalintUA_TILDE=1;// tilde appears in URL
publicstaticfinalintUA_REDIRECT=2;// The URL is a redirection
// local flag attributes
@ -201,27 +207,35 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexEntry {
// the class instantiation can only be done by a plasmaStore method
// therefore they are all public
inthitcount,// how often appears this word in the text
intwordcount,// total number of words
intphrasecount,// total number of phrases
intposintext,// position of word in all words
intposinphrase,// position of word in its phrase
intposofphrase,// number of the phrase where word appears
intdistance,// word distance; this is 0 by default, and set to the difference of posintext from two indexes if these are combined (simultanous search). If stored, this shows that the result was obtained by remote search
longlastmodified,// last-modified time of the document where word appears
inthitcount,//*how often appears this word in the text
intwordcount,//*total number of words
intphrasecount,//*total number of phrases
intposintext,//*position of word in all words
intposinphrase,//*position of word in its phrase
intposofphrase,//*number of the phrase where word appears
intdistance,//*word distance; this is 0 by default, and set to the difference of posintext from two indexes if these are combined (simultanous search). If stored, this shows that the result was obtained by remote search
intsizeOfPage,// # of bytes of the page
longlastmodified,//*last-modified time of the document where word appears
longupdatetime,// update time; this is needed to compute a TTL for the word, so it can be removed easily if the TTL is short
intquality,//*the entropy value
Stringlanguage,//*(guessed) language of document
chardoctype,//*type of document
booleanlocal//*flag shows that this index was generated locally; othervise its from a remote peer
// more needed attributes:
// - long: update time; this is needed to compute a TTL for the word, so it can be removed easily if the TTL is short
// - boolean: appears in title, appears in header, anchor-descr, image-tag etc