@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
private int keylength ; // the length of the primary key
private kelondroBytesLongMap index ; // key/seek relation for used records
private TreeMap < Long , Integer > free ; // list of {size, seek} pairs denoting space and position of free records
private final File heapFile ; // the file of the heap
private final kelondroByteOrder ordering ; // the ordering on keys
private kelondroCachedFileRA file ; // a random access to the file
private kelondroCachedFileRA file ; // a random access to the file
private HashMap < String , byte [ ] > buffer ; // a write buffer to limit IO to the file; attention: Maps cannot use byte[] as key
private int buffersize ; // bytes that are buffered in buffer
private int buffermax ; // maximum size of the buffer
@ -84,17 +84,105 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
this . ordering = ordering ;
this . heapFile = heapFile ;
this . buffermax = buffermax ;
this . keylength = keylength ;
this . index = null ; // will be created as result of initialization process
this . free = new TreeMap < Long , Integer > ( ) ;
this . buffer = new HashMap < String , byte [ ] > ( ) ;
this . buffersize = 0 ;
this . file = new kelondroCachedFileRA ( heapFile ) ;
// read or initialize the index
if ( initIndexReadDump ( heapFile ) ) {
// verify that everything worked just fine
// pick some elements of the index
Iterator < byte [ ] > i = this . index . keys ( true , null ) ;
int c = 3 ;
byte [ ] b , b1 = new byte [ index . row ( ) . primaryKeyLength ] ;
long pos ;
boolean ok = true ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) & & c - - > 0 ) {
b = i . next ( ) ;
pos = this . index . getl ( b ) ;
file . seek ( pos + 4 ) ;
file . readFully ( b1 , 0 , b1 . length ) ;
if ( this . ordering . compare ( b , b1 ) ! = 0 ) {
ok = false ;
break ;
if ( ! ok ) {
serverLog . logWarning ( "kelondroBLOBHeap" , "verification of idx file for " + heapFile . toString ( ) + " failed, re-building index" ) ;
initIndexReadFromHeap ( ) ;
} else {
serverLog . logInfo ( "kelondroBLOBHeap" , "using a dump of the index of " + heapFile . toString ( ) + "." ) ;
} else {
// if we did not have a dump, create a new index
initIndexReadFromHeap ( ) ;
/ *
Iterator < byte [ ] > i = index . keys ( true , null ) ;
//byte[] b;
int c = 0 ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = i . next ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG BLOBHeap " + this . name ( ) + " KEY=" + new String ( key ) ) ;
//b = get(key);
//System.out.println("BLOB=" + new String(b));
c + + ;
if ( c > = 20 ) break ;
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG - counted " + c + " BLOBs" ) ;
* /
private boolean initIndexReadDump ( File f ) {
// look for an index dump and read it if it exist
// if this is successfull, return true; otherwise false
File ff = fingerprintFile ( f ) ;
if ( ! ff . exists ( ) ) {
deleteAllFingerprints ( f ) ;
return false ;
// there is a file: read it:
try {
this . index = new kelondroBytesLongMap ( this . keylength , this . ordering , ff ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return false ;
// an index file is a one-time throw-away object, so just delete it now
ff . delete ( ) ;
// everything is fine now
return this . index . size ( ) > 0 ;
private File fingerprintFile ( File f ) {
String fingerprint = kelondroDigest . fastFingerprintB64 ( f , false ) . substring ( 0 , 12 ) ;
return new File ( f . getParentFile ( ) , f . getName ( ) + "." + fingerprint + ".idx" ) ;
private void deleteAllFingerprints ( File f ) {
File d = f . getParentFile ( ) ;
String n = f . getName ( ) ;
String [ ] l = d . list ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < l . length ; i + + ) {
if ( l [ i ] . startsWith ( n ) & & l [ i ] . endsWith ( ".idx" ) ) new File ( d , l [ i ] ) . delete ( ) ;
private void initIndexReadFromHeap ( ) throws IOException {
// this initializes the this.index object by reading positions from the heap file
kelondroBytesLongMap . initDataConsumer indexready = kelondroBytesLongMap . asynchronusInitializer ( keylength , this . ordering , 0 , Math . max ( 10 , ( int ) ( Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . freeMemory ( ) / ( 10 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) ) ) ;
byte [ ] key = new byte [ keylength ] ;
int reclen ;
long seek = 0 ;
kelondroBytesLongMap . initDataConsumer indexready = kelondroBytesLongMap . asynchronusInitializer ( keylength , this . ordering , 0 , Math . max ( 10 , ( int ) ( Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . freeMemory ( ) / ( 10 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) ) ) ;
loop : while ( true ) { // don't test available() here because this does not work for files > 2GB
try {
@ -136,6 +224,21 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
indexready . finish ( ) ;
// do something useful in between
mergeFreeEntries ( ) ;
// finish the index generation
try {
this . index = indexready . result ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( ExecutionException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private void mergeFreeEntries ( ) throws IOException {
// try to merge free entries
if ( this . free . size ( ) > 1 ) {
int merged = 0 ;
@ -148,11 +251,11 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
// check if they follow directly
if ( lastFree . getKey ( ) + lastFree . getValue ( ) + 4 = = nextFree . getKey ( ) ) {
// merge those records
file. seek ( lastFree . getKey ( ) ) ;
this . file. seek ( lastFree . getKey ( ) ) ;
lastFree . setValue ( lastFree . getValue ( ) + nextFree . getValue ( ) + 4 ) ; // this updates also the free map
file. writeInt ( lastFree . getValue ( ) ) ;
file. seek ( nextFree . getKey ( ) ) ;
file. writeInt ( 0 ) ;
this . file. writeInt ( lastFree . getValue ( ) ) ;
this . file. seek ( nextFree . getKey ( ) ) ;
this . file. writeInt ( 0 ) ;
i . remove ( ) ;
merged + + ;
} else {
@ -162,30 +265,6 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
serverLog . logInfo ( "kelondroBLOBHeap" , "BLOB " + heapFile . getName ( ) + ": merged " + merged + " free records" ) ;
try {
this . index = indexready . result ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( ExecutionException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/ *
Iterator < byte [ ] > i = index . keys ( true , null ) ;
//byte[] b;
int c = 0 ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = i . next ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG BLOBHeap " + this . name ( ) + " KEY=" + new String ( key ) ) ;
//b = get(key);
//System.out.println("BLOB=" + new String(b));
c + + ;
if ( c > = 20 ) break ;
System . out . println ( "*** DEBUG - counted " + c + " BLOBs" ) ;
* /
public String name ( ) {
@ -311,7 +390,14 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
// read the key
final byte [ ] keyf = new byte [ index . row ( ) . primaryKeyLength ] ;
file . readFully ( keyf , 0 , keyf . length ) ;
assert this . ordering . compare ( key , keyf ) = = 0 ;
if ( this . ordering . compare ( key , keyf ) ! = 0 ) {
// verification of the indexed access failed. we must re-read the index
serverLog . logWarning ( "kelondroBLOBHeap" , "verification indexed access for " + heapFile . toString ( ) + " failed, re-building index" ) ;
// this is a severe operation, it should never happen.
// but if the process ends in this state, it would completey fail
// if the index is not rebuild now at once
initIndexReadFromHeap ( ) ;
// read the blob
blob = new byte [ len ] ;
@ -371,16 +457,24 @@ public final class kelondroBLOBHeap implements kelondroBLOB {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
index . close ( ) ;
free . clear ( ) ;
try {
file . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
file = null ;
// now we can create a dump of the index, to speed up the next start
try {
long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
index . dump ( fingerprintFile ( this . heapFile ) ) ;
serverLog . logInfo ( "kelondroBLOBHeap" , "wrote a dump for the " + this . index . size ( ) + " index entries of " + heapFile . getName ( ) + " in " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) + " milliseconds." ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
index . close ( ) ;
free . clear ( ) ;
index = null ;
free = null ;
file = null ;
/ * *