better names for elements of a linked graph

Michael Peter Christen 13 years ago
parent 0cc0290978
commit aba9b1bfa0

@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ public class WebStructurePicture_p {
final int cyc) {
// returns the number of nodes that had been placed
assert centerhost != null;
final GraphPlotter.coordinate center = graph.getPoint(centerhost);
final GraphPlotter.Point center = graph.getNode(centerhost);
int mynodes = 0;
if (center == null) {
graph.addPoint(centerhost, x, y, nextlayer);
graph.addNode(centerhost, x, y, nextlayer);
@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ public class WebStructurePicture_p {
maxtargetrefs = Math.max(targetrefs, maxtargetrefs);
maxthisrefs = Math.max(thisrefs, maxthisrefs);
targets.add(new String[] {targethash, targethost});
if (graph.getPoint(targethost) != null) continue;
if (graph.getNode(targethost) != null) continue;
// set a new point. It is placed on a circle around the host point
final double angle = ((Base64Order.enhancedCoder.cardinal((targethash + "____").getBytes()) / maxlongd) + (cyc / 360.0d)) * 2.0d * Math.PI;
//System.out.println("ANGLE = " + angle);
rr = radius * 0.25 * (1 - targetrefs / (double) maxtargetrefs);
re = radius * 0.5 * (thisrefs / (double) maxthisrefs);
graph.addPoint(targethost, x + (radius - rr - re) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius - rr - re) * Math.sin(angle), nextlayer);
graph.addNode(targethost, x + (radius - rr - re) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius - rr - re) * Math.sin(angle), nextlayer);
@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ public class WebStructurePicture_p {
target =;
targethash = target[0];
targethost = target[1];
final GraphPlotter.coordinate c = graph.getPoint(targethost);
final GraphPlotter.Point c = graph.getNode(targethost);
assert c != null;
nextnodes = ((maxnodes <= 0) || (System.currentTimeMillis() >= timeout)) ? 0 : place(graph, structure, targethash, targethost, maxnodes, timeout, c.x, c.y, nextlayer, maxlayer, cyc);
mynodes += nextnodes;
maxnodes -= nextnodes;
graph.setBorder(centerhost, targethost);
graph.setEdge(centerhost, targethost);
return mynodes;

@ -45,35 +45,35 @@ public class GraphPlotter {
// a ymageGraph is a set of points and borders between the points
// to reference the points, they must all have a nickname
private final Map<String, coordinate> points;
private final Set<String> borders;
private final Map<String, Point> nodes; // the interconnected objects
private final Set<String> edges; // the links that connect pairs of vertices
private double leftmost, rightmost, topmost, bottommost;
public GraphPlotter() {
this.points = new HashMap<String, coordinate>();
this.borders = new HashSet<String>();
this.nodes = new HashMap<String, Point>();
this.edges = new HashSet<String>();
this.leftmost = 1.0;
this.rightmost = -1.0;
this.topmost = -1.0;
this.bottommost = 1.0;
public coordinate getPoint(final String name) {
return this.points.get(name);
public Point getNode(final String node) {
return this.nodes.get(node);
public coordinate[] getBorder(final String name) {
final int p = name.indexOf('$',0);
public Point[] getEdge(final String edge) {
final int p = edge.indexOf('$',0);
if (p < 0) return null;
final coordinate from = getPoint(name.substring(0, p));
final coordinate to = getPoint(name.substring(p + 1));
final Point from = getNode(edge.substring(0, p));
final Point to = getNode(edge.substring(p + 1));
if ((from == null) || (to == null)) return null;
return new coordinate[] {from, to};
return new Point[] {from, to};
public coordinate addPoint(final String name, final double x, final double y, final int layer) {
final coordinate newc = new coordinate(x, y, layer);
final coordinate oldc = this.points.put(name, newc);
public Point addNode(final String node, final double x, final double y, final int layer) {
final Point newc = new Point(x, y, layer);
final Point oldc = this.nodes.put(node, newc);
assert oldc == null; // all add shall be unique
if (x > this.rightmost) this.rightmost = x;
if (x < this.leftmost) this.leftmost = x;
@ -82,22 +82,22 @@ public class GraphPlotter {
return newc;
public boolean hasBorder(final String fromPoint, final String toPoint) {
return this.borders.contains(fromPoint + "-" + toPoint);
public boolean hasEdge(final String fromNode, final String toNode) {
return this.edges.contains(fromNode + "-" + toNode);
public void setBorder(final String fromPoint, final String toPoint) {
final coordinate from = this.points.get(fromPoint);
final coordinate to = this.points.get(toPoint);
public void setEdge(final String fromNode, final String toNode) {
final Point from = this.nodes.get(fromNode);
final Point to = this.nodes.get(toNode);
assert from != null;
assert to != null;
this.borders.add(fromPoint + "$" + toPoint);
this.edges.add(fromNode + "$" + toNode);
public static class coordinate {
public static class Point {
public double x, y;
public int layer;
public coordinate(final double x, final double y, final int layer) {
public Point(final double x, final double y, final int layer) {
assert x >= -1;
assert x <= 1;
assert y >= -1;
@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ public class GraphPlotter {
public void print() {
// for debug purpose: print out all coordinates
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, coordinate>> i = this.points.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, coordinate> entry;
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Point>> i = this.nodes.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Point> entry;
String name;
coordinate c;
Point c;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
name = entry.getKey();
c = entry.getValue();
System.out.println("point(" + c.x + ", " + c.y + ", " + c.layer + ") [" + name + "]");
final Iterator<String> j = this.borders.iterator();
final Iterator<String> j = this.edges.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("border(" + + ")");
@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ public class GraphPlotter {
final double yfactor = ((this.topmost - this.bottommost) == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (height - topborder - bottomborder) / (this.topmost - this.bottommost);
// draw dots and names
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, coordinate>> i = this.points.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, coordinate> entry;
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Point>> i = this.nodes.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Point> entry;
String name;
coordinate c;
Point c;
int x, y;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry =;
@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ public class GraphPlotter {
// draw lines
final Iterator<String> j = this.borders.iterator();
coordinate[] border;
final Iterator<String> j = this.edges.iterator();
Point[] border;
int x0, x1, y0, y1;
while (j.hasNext()) {
border = getBorder(;
border = getEdge(;
if (border == null) continue;
if (xfactor == 0.0) {
x0 = width / 2;
