avoid to create unnecessary objects

Michael Peter Christen 12 years ago
parent 5a0de1b77d
commit a8c5bfcf58

@ -1394,7 +1394,6 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
ResultEntry ms = oneResult(item, timeout);
// check if the match was made in the url or in the image links
if (ms == null) throw new MalformedURLException("nUll");
int height = 0, width = 0, fileSize = 0;
SolrDocument doc = ms.getNode().getDocument();
Collection<Object> alt = doc.getFieldValues(CollectionSchema.images_alt_txt.getSolrFieldName());
Collection<Object> img = doc.getFieldValues(CollectionSchema.images_urlstub_sxt.getSolrFieldName());
@ -1408,10 +1407,8 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
DigestURI imageUrl = new DigestURI((prt != null && prt.size() > c ? SetTools.nth(prt, c) : "http") + "://" + i);
Object heightO = SetTools.nth(doc.getFieldValues(CollectionSchema.images_height_val.getSolrFieldName()), c);
Object widthO = SetTools.nth(doc.getFieldValues(CollectionSchema.images_width_val.getSolrFieldName()), c);
if (heightO != null) height = (Integer) heightO;
if (widthO != null) width = (Integer) widthO;
String id = ASCII.String(imageUrl.hash());
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), imageUrl, "", a, width, height, fileSize));
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), imageUrl, "", a, widthO == null ? 0 : (Integer) widthO, heightO == null ? 0 : (Integer) heightO, 0));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
@ -1421,13 +1418,13 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
if (MultiProtocolURI.isImage(MultiProtocolURI.getFileExtension(ms.url().getFileName()))) {
String id = ASCII.String(ms.hash());
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), ms.url(), "", ms.title(), width, height, fileSize));
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), ms.url(), "", ms.title(), 0, 0, 0));
if (img != null && img.size() > 0) {
DigestURI imageUrl = new DigestURI((prt != null && prt.size() > 0 ? SetTools.nth(prt, 0) : "http") + "://" + SetTools.nth(img, 0));
String imagetext = alt != null && alt.size() > 0 ? (String) SetTools.nth(alt, 0) : "";
String id = ASCII.String(imageUrl.hash());
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), imageUrl, "", imagetext, width, height, fileSize));
if (!imageViewed.containsKey(id) && !imageSpare.containsKey(id)) imageSpare.put(id, new ImageResult(ms.url(), imageUrl, "", imagetext, 0, 0, 0));
if (imageSpare.size() > 0) return nextSpare();
throw new MalformedURLException("no image url found");
@ -1446,6 +1443,9 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
this.height = height;
this.fileSize = fileSize;
public String toString() {
return this.imageUrl.toString();
public ArrayList<WeakPriorityBlockingQueue.Element<ResultEntry>> completeResults(final long waitingtime) {
