diff --git a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/GSAResponseWriter.java b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/GSAResponseWriter.java
index 0eb5f6ad4..55f8bacd9 100644
--- a/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/GSAResponseWriter.java
+++ b/source/net/yacy/cora/federate/solr/responsewriter/GSAResponseWriter.java
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ public class GSAResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
RK, // Provides a ranking number used internally by the search appliance.
ENT_SOURCE, // Identifies the application ID (serial number) of the search appliance that contributes to a result. Example: S5-KUB000F0ADETLA
FS, // Additional details about the search result.
+ R, // details of an individual search result.
S, // The snippet for the search result. Query terms appear in bold in the results. Line breaks are included for proper text wrapping.
LANG, // Indicates the language of the search result. The LANG element contains a two-letter language code.
HAS; // Encapsulates special features that are included for this search result.
@@ -211,11 +212,24 @@ public class GSAResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
DocIterator iterator = response.iterator();
String urlhash = null;
for (int i = 0; i < responseCount; i++) {
- writer.write(""); writer.write(lb);
int id = iterator.nextDoc();
Document doc = searcher.doc(id, SOLR_FIELDS);
List fields = doc.getFields();
int fieldc = fields.size();
+ // pre-scan the fields to get the mime-type
+ String mime = "";
+ for (int j = 0; j < fieldc; j++) {
+ Fieldable value = fields.get(j);
+ String fieldName = value.name();
+ if (YaCySchema.content_type.getSolrFieldName().equals(fieldName)) {
+ mime = value.stringValue();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // write the R header for a search result
+ writer.write(" 0 ? " MIME=\"" + mime + "\"" : "") + ">"); writer.write(lb);
List texts = new ArrayList();
String description = "";
int size = 0;