@ -68,52 +68,51 @@ public class Vocabulary_p {
boolean discoverFromTitle = post.get("discovermethod", "").equals("title");
boolean discoverFromTitleSplitted = post.get("discovermethod", "").equals("titlesplitted");
boolean discoverFromAuthor = post.get("discovermethod", "").equals("author");
if (discoveruri != null) {
Segment segment = sb.index;
Iterator<DigestURI> ui = segment.urlSelector(discoveruri);
String t;
while (ui.hasNext()) {
DigestURI u = ui.next();
String u0 = u.toNormalform(true);
t = "";
if (discoverFromPath) {
t = u0.substring(discoverobjectspace.length());
if (t.indexOf('/') >= 0) continue;
int p = t.indexOf('.');
if (p >= 0) t = t.substring(0, p);
while ((p = t.indexOf(':')) >= 0) t = t.substring(p + 1);
while ((p = t.indexOf('=')) >= 0) t = t.substring(p + 1);
if (p >= 0) t = t.substring(p + 1);
if (discoverFromTitle || discoverFromTitleSplitted) {
URIMetadataNode m = segment.fulltext().getMetadata(u.hash());
if (m != null) t = m.dc_title();
if (t.endsWith(".jpg") || t.endsWith(".gif")) continue;
if (discoverFromAuthor) {
URIMetadataNode m = segment.fulltext().getMetadata(u.hash());
if (m != null) t = m.dc_creator();
Segment segment = sb.index;
Iterator<DigestURI> ui = segment.urlSelector(discoveruri, 600000L, 100000);
String t;
while (ui.hasNext()) {
DigestURI u = ui.next();
String u0 = u.toNormalform(true);
t = "";
if (discoverFromPath) {
int exp = u0.lastIndexOf('.');
if (exp < 0) continue;
int slp = u0.lastIndexOf('/', exp);
if (slp < 0) continue;
t = u0.substring(slp, exp);
int p;
while ((p = t.indexOf(':')) >= 0) t = t.substring(p + 1);
while ((p = t.indexOf('=')) >= 0) t = t.substring(p + 1);
if (discoverFromTitle || discoverFromTitleSplitted) {
URIMetadataNode m = segment.fulltext().getMetadata(u.hash());
if (m != null) t = m.dc_title();
if (t.endsWith(".jpg") || t.endsWith(".gif")) continue;
if (discoverFromAuthor) {
URIMetadataNode m = segment.fulltext().getMetadata(u.hash());
if (m != null) t = m.dc_creator();
t = t.replaceAll("_", " ").replaceAll("\"", " ").replaceAll("'", " ").replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(" ", " ").trim();
if (t.isEmpty()) continue;
if (discoverFromTitleSplitted) {
String[] ts = t.split(" ");
for (String s: ts) {
if (s.isEmpty()) continue;
if (s.endsWith(".jpg") || s.endsWith(".gif")) continue;
table.put(s, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(s), u0));
t = t.replaceAll("_", " ").replaceAll("\"", " ").replaceAll("'", " ").replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(" ", " ").trim();
if (t.isEmpty()) continue;
if (discoverFromTitleSplitted) {
String[] ts = t.split(" ");
for (String s: ts) {
if (s.isEmpty()) continue;
if (s.endsWith(".jpg") || s.endsWith(".gif")) continue;
table.put(s, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(s), u0));
} else if (discoverFromAuthor) {
String[] ts = t.split(";"); // author names are often separated by ';'
for (String s: ts) {
if (s.isEmpty()) continue;
int p = s.indexOf(','); // check if there is a reversed method to mention the name
if (p >= 0) s = s.substring(p + 1).trim() + " " + s.substring(0, p).trim();
table.put(s, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(s), u0));
} else {
table.put(t, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(t), u0));
} else if (discoverFromAuthor) {
String[] ts = t.split(";"); // author names are often separated by ';'
for (String s: ts) {
if (s.isEmpty()) continue;
int p = s.indexOf(','); // check if there is a reversed method to mention the name
if (p >= 0) s = s.substring(p + 1).trim() + " " + s.substring(0, p).trim();
table.put(s, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(s), u0));
} else {
table.put(t, new Tagging.SOTuple(Tagging.normalizeTerm(t), u0));
Tagging newvoc = new Tagging(discovername, propFile, discoverobjectspace, table);