@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import de.anomic.http.httpHeader;
import de.anomic.http.httpc ;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaURL ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMScoreCluster ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMSetTools ;
import de.anomic.net.URL ;
import de.anomic.plasma.cache.IResourceInfo ;
import de.anomic.plasma.crawler.plasmaCrawlerException ;
@ -109,13 +110,20 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
public class TextSnippet {
private URL url ;
private String line ;
private String error ;
private int source ;
public TextSnippet ( String line , int source , String errortext ) {
private int errorCode ;
private Set remaingHashes ;
public TextSnippet ( URL url , String line , int errorCode , Set remaingHashes , String errortext ) {
this . url = url ;
this . line = line ;
this . source = source ;
this . errorCode = errorCod e;
this . error = errortext ;
this . remaingHashes = remaingHashes ;
public URL getUrl ( ) {
return this . url ;
public boolean exists ( ) {
return line ! = null ;
@ -129,6 +137,12 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
public String getError ( ) {
return ( error = = null ) ? "" : error . trim ( ) ;
public int getErrorCode ( ) {
return errorCode ;
public Set getRemainingHashes ( ) {
return this . remaingHashes ;
public String getLineMarked ( Set queryHashes ) {
if ( line = = null ) return "" ;
if ( ( queryHashes = = null ) | | ( queryHashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) return line . trim ( ) ;
@ -199,9 +213,6 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
return l . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
public int getSource ( ) {
return source ;
public class MediaSnippet {
@ -225,7 +236,7 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
// heise = "0OQUNU3JSs05"
if ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
//System.out.println("found no queryhashes for URL retrieve " + url);
return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_NO_HASH_GIVEN , "no query hashes given" ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_NO_HASH_GIVEN , queryhashes , "no query hashes given" ) ;
String urlhash = plasmaURL . urlHash ( url ) ;
@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
String line = retrieveFromCache ( wordhashes , urlhash ) ;
if ( line ! = null ) {
//System.out.println("found snippet for URL " + url + " in cache: " + line);
return new TextSnippet ( line, source , null ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( url, line, source , null , null ) ;
/ * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
@ -273,15 +284,15 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
// if it is still not available, report an error
if ( resContent = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_RESOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource, plasmaHTCache.Entry cache is NULL" ) ;
if ( resContent = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_RESOURCE_LOADING , queryhashes , "error loading resource, plasmaHTCache.Entry cache is NULL" ) ;
source = SOURCE_WEB ;
} else {
return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , "no resource available" ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , queryhashes , "no resource available" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( ! ( e instanceof plasmaCrawlerException ) ) e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , queryhashes , "error loading resource: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
/ * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
@ -291,11 +302,11 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
try {
document = parseDocument ( url , resContentLength , resContent , resInfo ) ;
} catch ( ParserException e ) {
return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , e . getMessage ( ) ) ; // cannot be parsed
return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , queryhashes , e . getMessage ( ) ) ; // cannot be parsed
} finally {
try { resContent . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { /* ignore this */ }
if ( document = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , "parser error/failed" ) ; // cannot be parsed
if ( document = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , queryhashes , "parser error/failed" ) ; // cannot be parsed
/ * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
@ -305,8 +316,10 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
// compute snippet from text
final Iterator sentences = document . getSentences ( pre ) ;
if ( sentences = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_PARSER_NO_LINES , "parser returned no sentences" ) ;
String textline = computeTextSnippet ( sentences , queryhashes , 3 * queryhashes . size ( ) , snippetMaxLength ) ;
if ( sentences = = null ) return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_PARSER_NO_LINES , queryhashes , "parser returned no sentences" ) ;
Object [ ] tsr = computeTextSnippet ( sentences , queryhashes , snippetMaxLength ) ;
String textline = ( tsr = = null ) ? null : ( String ) tsr [ 0 ] ;
Set remainingHashes = ( tsr = = null ) ? queryhashes : ( Set ) tsr [ 1 ] ;
// compute snippet from media
String audioline = computeMediaSnippet ( document . getAudiolinks ( ) , queryhashes ) ;
@ -322,13 +335,13 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
//if (hrefline != null) line += (line.length() == 0) ? hrefline : "<br />" + hrefline;
if ( textline ! = null ) line + = ( line . length ( ) = = 0 ) ? textline : "<br />" + textline ;
if ( ( line = = null ) | | ( line. length ( ) < 3 /*snippetMinLength*/ ) ) return new TextSnippet ( null , ERROR_NO_MATCH , "no matching snippet found" ) ;
if ( ( line = = null ) | | ( remainingHashes. size ( ) > 0 ) ) return new TextSnippet ( url , null , ERROR_NO_MATCH , remainingHashes , "no matching snippet found" ) ;
if ( line . length ( ) > snippetMaxLength ) line = line . substring ( 0 , snippetMaxLength ) ;
// finally store this snippet in our own cache
storeToCache ( wordhashes , urlhash , line ) ;
document . close ( ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( line, source , null ) ;
return new TextSnippet ( url, line, source , null , null ) ;
/ * *
@ -458,34 +471,25 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
return result . substring ( 6 ) ;
private String computeTextSnippet ( Iterator sentences , Set queryhashes , int minLength , int maxLength ) {
private Object [ ] /*{String - the snippet, Set - remaining hashes}*/
computeTextSnippet ( Iterator sentences , Set queryhashes , int maxLength ) {
try {
if ( sentences = = null ) return null ;
if ( ( queryhashes = = null ) | | ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) return null ;
Iterator j ;
HashMap hs ;
String hash ;
StringBuffer sentence ;
TreeMap os = new TreeMap ( ) ;
int uniqCounter = 9999 ;
int score ;
while ( sentences . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentence = ( StringBuffer ) sentences . next ( ) ;
//System.out.println("Snippet-Sentence :" + sentence); // DEBUG
if ( sentence . length ( ) > minLength ) {
hs = hashSentence ( sentence . toString ( ) ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
score = 0 ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
if ( hs . containsKey ( hash ) ) {
//System.out.println("hash " + hash + " appears in line " + i);
score + + ;
if ( score > 0 ) {
os . put ( new Integer ( 1000000 * score - sentence . length ( ) * 10000 + uniqCounter - - ) , sentence ) ;
hs = hashSentence ( sentence . toString ( ) ) ;
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
score = 0 ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) { if ( hs . containsKey ( ( String ) j . next ( ) ) ) score + + ; }
if ( score > 0 ) {
os . put ( new Integer ( 1000000 * score - sentence . length ( ) * 10000 + uniqCounter - - ) , sentence ) ;
@ -493,21 +497,24 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
Set remaininghashes ;
while ( os . size ( ) > 0 ) {
sentence = ( StringBuffer ) os . remove ( ( Integer ) os . lastKey ( ) ) ; // sentence with the biggest score
result = computeTextSnippet ( sentence . toString ( ) , queryhashes , minLength , maxLength ) ;
Object [ ] tsr = computeTextSnippet ( sentence . toString ( ) , queryhashes , maxLength ) ;
if ( tsr = = null ) continue ;
result = ( String ) tsr [ 0 ] ;
if ( ( result ! = null ) & & ( result . length ( ) > 0 ) ) {
remaininghashes = removeAppearanceHashes ( result , queryhashes ) ;
remaininghashes = ( Set ) tsr [ 1 ] ;
if ( remaininghashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
// we have found the snippet
return result ;
return new Object [ ] { result , remaininghashes } ;
} else if ( remaininghashes . size ( ) < queryhashes . size ( ) ) {
// the result has not all words in it.
// find another sentence that represents the missing other words
// and find recursively more sentences
maxLength = maxLength - result . length ( ) ;
if ( maxLength < 20 ) maxLength = 20 ;
String nextSnippet = computeTextSnippet ( os . values ( ) . iterator ( ) , remaininghashes , minLength / 2 , maxLength ) ;
if ( ( nextSnippet = = null ) | | ( nextSnippet . length ( ) < ( minLength / 2 ) ) ) return null ; // no success
return result + ( " / " + nextSnippet ) ;
tsr = computeTextSnippet ( os . values ( ) . iterator ( ) , remaininghashes , maxLength ) ;
String nextSnippet = ( String ) tsr [ 0 ] ;
if ( nextSnippet = = null ) return tsr ;
return new Object [ ] { result + ( " / " + nextSnippet ) , tsr [ 1 ] } ;
} else {
// error
//assert remaininghashes.size() < queryhashes.size() : "remaininghashes.size() = " + remaininghashes.size() + ", queryhashes.size() = " + queryhashes.size() + ", sentence = '" + sentence + "', result = '" + result + "'";
@ -518,11 +525,12 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
return null ;
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
log . logSevere ( "computeSnippet: error with string generation" , e ) ;
return "" ;
return new Object [ ] { null , queryhashes } ;
private String computeTextSnippet ( String sentence , Set queryhashes , int minLength , int maxLength ) {
private Object [ ] /*{String - the snippet, Set - remaining hashes}*/
computeTextSnippet ( String sentence , Set queryhashes , int maxLength ) {
try {
if ( sentence = = null ) return null ;
if ( ( queryhashes = = null ) | | ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) return null ;
@ -535,10 +543,13 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
j = queryhashes . iterator ( ) ;
Integer pos ;
int p , minpos = sentence . length ( ) , maxpos = - 1 ;
HashSet remainingHashes = new HashSet ( ) ;
while ( j . hasNext ( ) ) {
hash = ( String ) j . next ( ) ;
pos = ( Integer ) hs . get ( hash ) ;
if ( pos ! = null ) {
if ( pos = = null ) {
remainingHashes . add ( hash ) ;
} else {
p = pos . intValue ( ) ;
if ( p > maxpos ) maxpos = p ;
if ( p < minpos ) minpos = p ;
@ -579,7 +590,7 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
// trim sentence, 3rd step (cut in the middle)
sentence = sentence . substring ( 6 , 20 ) . trim ( ) + " [..] " + sentence . substring ( sentence . length ( ) - 26 , sentence . length ( ) - 6 ) . trim ( ) ;
return sentence ;
return new Object [ ] { sentence , remainingHashes } ;
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
log . logSevere ( "computeSnippet: error with string generation" , e ) ;
return null ;
@ -838,46 +849,24 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
return result ;
/ *
public void fetch ( plasmaSearchResult acc , Set queryhashes , String urlmask , int fetchcount , long maxTime ) {
// fetch snippets
int i = 0 ;
indexURLEntry urlentry ;
String urlstring ;
long limitTime = ( maxTime < 0 ) ? Long . MAX_VALUE : System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + maxTime ;
while ( ( acc . hasMoreElements ( ) ) & & ( i < fetchcount ) & & ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) < limitTime ) ) {
urlentry = acc . nextElement ( ) ;
indexURLEntry . Components comp = urlentry . comp ( ) ;
if ( comp . url ( ) . getHost ( ) . endsWith ( ".yacyh" ) ) continue ;
urlstring = comp . url ( ) . toNormalform ( ) ;
if ( ( urlstring . matches ( urlmask ) ) & &
( ! ( existsInCache ( comp . url ( ) , queryhashes ) ) ) ) {
new Fetcher ( comp . url ( ) , queryhashes , urlentry . flags ( ) . get ( plasmaCondenser . flag_cat_indexof ) , ( int ) maxTime ) . start ( ) ;
i + + ;
public class Fetcher extends Thread {
URL url ;
Set queryhashes ;
int timeout ;
boolean pre ;
public Fetcher ( URL url , Set queryhashes , boolean pre , int timeout ) {
if ( url . getHost ( ) . endsWith ( ".yacyh" ) ) return ;
this . url = url ;
this . queryhashes = queryhashes ;
this . timeout = timeout ;
this . pre = pre ;
public String failConsequences ( TextSnippet snippet , Set queryhashes ) {
// problems with snippet fetch
String urlHash = plasmaURL . urlHash ( snippet . getUrl ( ) ) ;
String querystring = kelondroMSetTools . setToString ( snippet . getRemainingHashes ( ) , ' ' ) ;
if ( ( snippet . getErrorCode ( ) = = ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING ) | |
( snippet . getErrorCode ( ) = = ERROR_RESOURCE_LOADING ) | |
( snippet . getErrorCode ( ) = = ERROR_PARSER_FAILED ) | |
( snippet . getErrorCode ( ) = = ERROR_PARSER_NO_LINES ) ) {
log . logInfo ( "error: '" + snippet . getError ( ) + "', remove url = " + snippet . getUrl ( ) . toNormalform ( ) + ", cause: " + snippet . getError ( ) ) ;
sb . wordIndex . loadedURL . remove ( urlHash ) ;
sb . wordIndex . removeHashReferences ( queryhashes , urlHash ) ;
public void run ( ) {
log . logFine ( "snippetFetcher: try to get URL " + url ) ;
plasmaSnippetCache . TextSnippet snippet = retrieveTextSnippet ( url , queryhashes , true , pre , 260 , timeout ) ;
if ( snippet . line = = null )
log . logFine ( "snippetFetcher: cannot get URL " + url + ". error(" + snippet . source + "): " + snippet . error ) ;
log . logFine ( "snippetFetcher: got URL " + url + ", the snippet is '" + snippet . line + "', source=" + snippet . source ) ;
if ( snippet . getErrorCode ( ) = = ERROR_NO_MATCH ) {
log . logInfo ( "error: '" + snippet . getError ( ) + "', remove words '" + querystring + "' for url = " + snippet . getUrl ( ) . toNormalform ( ) + ", cause: " + snippet . getError ( ) ) ;
sb . wordIndex . removeHashReferences ( snippet . remaingHashes , urlHash ) ;
return snippet . getError ( ) ;
* /