diff --git a/htroot/Surftips.html b/htroot/Surftips.html
index 674bbff59..08faf3279 100644
--- a/htroot/Surftips.html
+++ b/htroot/Surftips.html
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
diff --git a/htroot/Surftips.java b/htroot/Surftips.java
index 2868efd35..d560b15e7 100644
--- a/htroot/Surftips.java
+++ b/htroot/Surftips.java
@@ -139,8 +139,15 @@ public class Surftips {
prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized", (authenticated) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend", (voted) ? 0 : 1);
- prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_negativeVoteLink", "/Surftips.html?voteNegative=" + urlhash + "&refid=" + refid + "&,display=" + display + ((showScore) ? "&score=" : "")); // for negaive votes, we don't send around the bad url again, the hash is enough
- prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_positiveVoteLink", "/Surftips.html?votePositive=" + urlhash + "&refid=" + refid + "&url=" + crypt.simpleEncode(url,null,'b') + "&title=" + crypt.simpleEncode(title,null,'b') + "&description=" + crypt.simpleEncode(description,null,'b') + "&display=" + display + ((showScore) ? "&score=" : ""));
+ prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_urlhash", urlhash);
+ prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_refid", refid);
+ prop.putASIS("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_url", crypt.simpleEncode(url, null, 'b'));
+ prop.putASIS("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_title", crypt.simpleEncode(title, null, 'b'));
+ prop.putASIS("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_description", crypt.simpleEncode(description, null, 'b'));
+ prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_display", display);
+ prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_recommend_showScore", (showScore ? 1 : 0));
prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_authorized_urlhash", urlhash);
prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_url", de.anomic.data.wikiCode.replaceXMLEntities(url));
prop.put("surftips_results_" + i + "_urlname", nxTools.shortenURLString(url, 60));