@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyVersion ;
public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry> implements serverSwitch < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry> {
public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry> implements serverSwitch < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry> {
// load slots
public static int xstackCrawlSlots = 2000 ;
@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
public plasmaParser parser ;
public long proxyLastAccess , localSearchLastAccess , remoteSearchLastAccess ;
public yacyCore yc ;
public HashMap < String , plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry > indexingTasksInProcess ;
public userDB userDB ;
public bookmarksDB bookmarksDB ;
public plasmaWebStructure webStructure ;
@ -365,6 +364,21 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
public static final String PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_IDLESLEEP = "70_cachemanager_idlesleep" ;
public static final String PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_BUSYSLEEP = "70_cachemanager_busysleep" ;
// 74_parsing
/ * *
* < p > < code > public static final String < strong > INDEXER < / strong > = "80_indexing" < / code > < / p >
* < p > Name of the indexer thread , performing the actual indexing of a website < / p >
* /
public static final String PARSER = "74_indexing" ;
public static final String PARSER_MEMPREREQ = "74_indexing_memprereq" ;
public static final String PARSER_IDLESLEEP = "74_indexing_idlesleep" ;
public static final String PARSER_BUSYSLEEP = "74_indexing_busysleep" ;
public static final String PARSER_METHOD_START = "deQueueProcess" ;
public static final String PARSER_METHOD_JOBCOUNT = "queueSize" ;
public static final String PARSER_METHOD_FREEMEM = "deQueueFreeMem" ;
// 80_indexing
/ * *
* < p > < code > public static final String < strong > INDEXER < / strong > = "80_indexing" < / code > < / p >
@ -1122,13 +1136,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
// create queue
this . sbQueue = new plasmaSwitchboardQueue ( wordIndex , new File ( this . plasmaPath , "switchboardQueue2.stack" ) , this . profilesActiveCrawls ) ;
// create in process list
this . indexingTasksInProcess = new HashMap < String , plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry > ( ) ;
// going through the sbQueue Entries and registering all content files as in use
int count = 0 ;
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry queueEntry ;
Iterator < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry> i1 = sbQueue . entryIterator ( true ) ;
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QueueEntry queueEntry ;
Iterator < plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry> i1 = sbQueue . entryIterator ( true ) ;
while ( i1 . hasNext ( ) ) {
queueEntry = i1 . next ( ) ;
if ( ( queueEntry ! = null ) & & ( queueEntry . url ( ) ! = null ) & & ( queueEntry . cacheFile ( ) . exists ( ) ) ) {
@ -1284,8 +1295,12 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
deployThread ( CRAWLSTACK , "Crawl URL Stacker" , "process that checks url for double-occurrences and for allowance/disallowance by robots.txt" , null ,
deployThread ( INDEXER , "Parsing/Indexing" , "thread that performes document parsing and indexing" , "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html" ,
//deployThread(PARSER, "Parsing", "thread that feeds a concurrent document parsing queue", "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html",
deployThread ( INDEXER , "Indexing" , "thread that either distributes the index into the DHT, stores parsed documents or flushes the index cache" , "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html" ,
for ( i = 1 ; i < indexing_cluster ; i + + ) {
setConfig ( ( i + 80 ) + "_indexing_idlesleep" , getConfig ( INDEXER_IDLESLEEP , "" ) ) ;
setConfig ( ( i + 80 ) + "_indexing_busysleep" , getConfig ( INDEXER_BUSYSLEEP , "" ) ) ;
@ -1475,8 +1490,6 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
new plasmaSearchRankingProfile ( "" , crypt . simpleDecode ( sb . getConfig ( "rankingProfile" , "" ) , null ) ) ;
/ * *
* This method changes the HTCache size . < br >
* @param newCacheSize in MB
@ -1743,14 +1756,14 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
return sbQueue . size ( ) ;
public void enQueue ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry job ) {
public void enQueue ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry job ) {
assert job ! = null ;
if ( ! ( job instanceof plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry) ) {
if ( ! ( job instanceof plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry) ) {
System . out . println ( "Internal error at plasmaSwitchboard.enQueue: wrong job type" ) ;
System . exit ( 0 ) ;
try {
sbQueue . push ( ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry) job ) ;
sbQueue . push ( ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry) job ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
log . logSevere ( "IOError in plasmaSwitchboard.enQueue: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
@ -1765,9 +1778,9 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
wordIndex . setMaxWordCount ( newMaxCount ) ; * /
public plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry deQueue ( ) {
public plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry deQueue ( ) {
// getting the next entry from the indexing queue
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry nextentry = null ;
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry nextentry = null ;
synchronized ( sbQueue ) {
// do one processing step
log . logFine ( "DEQUEUE: sbQueueSize=" + sbQueue . size ( ) +
@ -1851,21 +1864,67 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
return false ;
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry nextentry = deQueue ( ) ;
synchronized ( this . indexingTasksInProcess ) {
this . indexingTasksInProcess . put ( nextentry . urlHash ( ) , nextentry ) ;
// get next queue entry and start a queue processing
plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QueueEntry queueEntry = deQueue ( ) ;
assert queueEntry ! = null ;
if ( queueEntry = = null ) return true ;
if ( queueEntry . profile ( ) = = null ) {
queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return true ;
sbQueue . enQueueToActive ( queueEntry ) ;
// parse and index the resource
plasmaParserDocument document = parseDocument ( nextentry ) ;
if ( document ! = null ) {
plasmaCondenser condensement = condenseDocument ( nextentry , document ) ;
if ( condensement ! = null ) {
document . notifyWebStructure ( webStructure , condensement , nextentry . getModificationDate ( ) ) ;
storeDocumentIndex ( nextentry , document , condensement ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_PARSING_WAITING ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_PARSING_RUNNING ) ;
plasmaParserDocument document = parseDocument ( queueEntry ) ;
if ( document = = null ) {
if ( ! queueEntry . profile ( ) . storeHTCache ( ) ) {
plasmaHTCache . filesInUse . remove ( queueEntry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return true ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_PARSING_COMPLETE ) ;
// do condensing
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_CONDENSING_WAITING ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_CONDENSING_RUNNING ) ;
plasmaCondenser condensement = condenseDocument ( queueEntry , document ) ;
if ( condensement = = null ) {
if ( ! queueEntry . profile ( ) . storeHTCache ( ) ) {
plasmaHTCache . filesInUse . remove ( queueEntry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return true ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_CONDENSING_COMPLETE ) ;
// do a web structure analysis
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_STRUCTUREANALYSIS_WAITING ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_STRUCTUREANALYSIS_RUNNING ) ;
document . notifyWebStructure ( webStructure , condensement , queueEntry . getModificationDate ( ) ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_STRUCTUREANALYSIS_COMPLETE ) ;
// store the result
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_INDEXSTORAGE_WAITING ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_INDEXSTORAGE_RUNNING ) ;
storeDocumentIndex ( queueEntry , document , condensement ) ;
queueEntry . updateStatus ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QUEUE_STATE_INDEXSTORAGE_COMPLETE ) ;
// finally close the queue process
if ( ! queueEntry . profile ( ) . storeHTCache ( ) ) {
plasmaHTCache . filesInUse . remove ( queueEntry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
queueEntry . close ( ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
log . logInfo ( "DEQUEUE: Shutdown detected." ) ;
@ -2076,116 +2135,71 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
private plasmaParserDocument parseResource ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry entry ) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
private plasmaParserDocument parseDocument ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QueueEntry entry ) throws InterruptedException {
plasmaParserDocument document = null ;
int processCase = entry . processCase ( ) ;
// the mimetype of this entry
String mimeType = entry . getMimeType ( ) ;
String charset = entry . getCharacterEncoding ( ) ;
// the parser logger
//serverLog parserLogger = parser.getLogger();
log . logFine ( "processResourceStack processCase=" + processCase +
", depth=" + entry . depth ( ) +
", maxDepth=" + ( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) ? "null" : Integer . toString ( entry . profile ( ) . generalDepth ( ) ) ) +
", filter=" + ( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) ? "null" : entry . profile ( ) . generalFilter ( ) ) +
", initiatorHash=" + entry . initiator ( ) +
//", responseHeader=" + ((entry.responseHeader() == null) ? "null" : entry.responseHeader().toString()) +
", url=" + entry . url ( ) ) ; // DEBUG
long parsingStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// parse the document
return parseResource ( entry . url ( ) , mimeType , charset , entry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
public plasmaParserDocument parseResource ( yacyURL location , String mimeType , String documentCharset , File sourceFile ) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
plasmaParserDocument doc = parser . parseSource ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceFile ) ;
assert ( doc ! = null ) : "Unexpected error. Parser returned null." ;
return doc ;
private plasmaParserDocument parseDocument ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry entry ) throws InterruptedException {
plasmaParserDocument document = null ;
try {
long stackStartTime = 0 , stackEndTime = 0 ,
parsingStartTime = 0 , parsingEndTime = 0 ;
int processCase = entry . processCase ( ) ;
log . logFine ( "processResourceStack processCase=" + processCase +
", depth=" + entry . depth ( ) +
", maxDepth=" + ( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) ? "null" : Integer . toString ( entry . profile ( ) . generalDepth ( ) ) ) +
", filter=" + ( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) ? "null" : entry . profile ( ) . generalFilter ( ) ) +
", initiatorHash=" + entry . initiator ( ) +
//", responseHeader=" + ((entry.responseHeader() == null) ? "null" : entry.responseHeader().toString()) +
", url=" + entry . url ( ) ) ; // DEBUG
parsingStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
try {
document = this . parseResource ( entry ) ;
if ( document = = null ) return null ;
} catch ( ParserException e ) {
this . log . logInfo ( "Unable to parse the resource '" + entry . url ( ) + "'. " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( entry . url ( ) , entry . referrerHash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , entry . anchorName ( ) , e . getErrorCode ( ) , new kelondroBitfield ( ) ) ;
if ( document ! = null ) {
document . close ( ) ;
document = null ;
return null ;
parsingEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// get the document date
Date docDate = entry . getModificationDate ( ) ;
// put anchors on crawl stack
stackStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
if (
( ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD ) | | ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_5_LOCAL_CRAWLING ) ) & &
( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) | | ( entry . depth ( ) < entry . profile ( ) . generalDepth ( ) ) )
) {
Map < yacyURL , String > hl = document . getHyperlinks ( ) ;
Iterator < Map . Entry < yacyURL , String > > i = hl . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
yacyURL nextUrl ;
Map . Entry < yacyURL , String > nextEntry ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
// fetching the next hyperlink
nextEntry = i . next ( ) ;
nextUrl = nextEntry . getKey ( ) ;
// enqueue the hyperlink into the pre-notice-url db
crawlStacker . enqueueEntry ( nextUrl , entry . urlHash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , nextEntry . getValue ( ) , docDate , entry . depth ( ) + 1 , entry . profile ( ) ) ;
if ( log . isInfo ( ) ) log . logInfo ( "CRAWL: ADDED " + hl . size ( ) + " LINKS FROM " + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) +
", NEW CRAWL STACK SIZE IS " + crawlQueues . noticeURL . stackSize ( plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_CORE ) +
", STACKING TIME = " + ( stackEndTime - stackStartTime ) +
", PARSING TIME = " + ( parsingEndTime - parsingStartTime ) ) ;
stackEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) throw ( InterruptedException ) e ;
this . log . logSevere ( "Unexpected exception while parsing/indexing URL " , e ) ;
} catch ( Error e ) {
this . log . logSevere ( "Unexpected exception while parsing/indexing URL " , e ) ;
} finally {
checkInterruption ( ) ;
// The following code must be into the finally block, otherwise it will not be executed
// on errors!
// removing current entry from in process list
synchronized ( this . indexingTasksInProcess ) {
this . indexingTasksInProcess . remove ( entry . urlHash ( ) ) ;
// parse the document
document = parser . parseSource ( entry . url ( ) , entry . getMimeType ( ) , entry . getCharacterEncoding ( ) , entry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
assert ( document ! = null ) : "Unexpected error. Parser returned null." ;
if ( document = = null ) return null ;
} catch ( ParserException e ) {
this . log . logInfo ( "Unable to parse the resource '" + entry . url ( ) + "'. " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( entry . url ( ) , entry . referrerHash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , entry . anchorName ( ) , e . getErrorCode ( ) , new kelondroBitfield ( ) ) ;
if ( document ! = null ) {
document . close ( ) ;
document = null ;
// explicit delete/free resources
if ( ( entry ! = null ) & & ( entry . profile ( ) ! = null ) & & ( ! ( entry . profile ( ) . storeHTCache ( ) ) ) ) {
plasmaHTCache . filesInUse . remove ( entry . cacheFile ( ) ) ;
return null ;
long parsingEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// get the document date
Date docDate = entry . getModificationDate ( ) ;
// put anchors on crawl stack
long stackStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
if (
( ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD ) | | ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_5_LOCAL_CRAWLING ) ) & &
( ( entry . profile ( ) = = null ) | | ( entry . depth ( ) < entry . profile ( ) . generalDepth ( ) ) )
) {
Map < yacyURL , String > hl = document . getHyperlinks ( ) ;
Iterator < Map . Entry < yacyURL , String > > i = hl . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
yacyURL nextUrl ;
Map . Entry < yacyURL , String > nextEntry ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
// fetching the next hyperlink
nextEntry = i . next ( ) ;
nextUrl = nextEntry . getKey ( ) ;
// enqueue the hyperlink into the pre-notice-url db
crawlStacker . enqueueEntry ( nextUrl , entry . urlHash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , nextEntry . getValue ( ) , docDate , entry . depth ( ) + 1 , entry . profile ( ) ) ;
entry = null ;
if ( document ! = null ) try { document . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { }
long stackEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
if ( log . isInfo ( ) ) log . logInfo ( "CRAWL: ADDED " + hl . size ( ) + " LINKS FROM " + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) +
", NEW CRAWL STACK SIZE IS " + crawlQueues . noticeURL . stackSize ( plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_CORE ) +
", STACKING TIME = " + ( stackEndTime - stackStartTime ) +
", PARSING TIME = " + ( parsingEndTime - parsingStartTime ) ) ;
return document ;
private plasmaCondenser condenseDocument ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry entry , plasmaParserDocument document ) throws InterruptedException {
private plasmaCondenser condenseDocument ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . QueueEntry entry , plasmaParserDocument document ) throws InterruptedException {
String dc_title = document . dc_title ( ) ;
yacyURL referrerURL = entry . referrerURL ( ) ;
@ -2229,7 +2243,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
return condenser ;
private void storeDocumentIndex ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry entry , plasmaParserDocument document , plasmaCondenser condenser ) {
private void storeDocumentIndex ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Queue Entry entry , plasmaParserDocument document , plasmaCondenser condenser ) {
String dc_title = document . dc_title ( ) ;
@ -2275,131 +2289,23 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
if ( ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_6_GLOBAL_CRAWLING ) & & ( initiatorPeer ! = null ) ) {
log . logInfo ( "Sending crawl receipt for '" + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "' to " + initiatorPeer . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( clusterhashes ! = null ) initiatorPeer . setAlternativeAddress ( ( String ) clusterhashes . get ( initiatorPeer . hash ) ) ;
yacyClient . crawlReceipt ( initiatorPeer , "crawl" , "fill" , "indexed" , newEntry , "" ) ;
// start a thread for receipt sending to avoid a blocking here
new Thread ( new receiptSending ( initiatorPeer , newEntry ) ) . start ( ) ;
/ *
private void indexDocument ( plasmaSwitchboardQueue . Entry entry , plasmaParserDocument document , plasmaCondenser condenser ) throws InterruptedException {
long indexingStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) , indexingEndTime = 0 ,
storageStartTime = 0 , storageEndTime = 0 ;
String dc_title = document . dc_title ( ) ;
yacyURL referrerURL = entry . referrerURL ( ) ;
Date docDate = entry . getModificationDate ( ) ;
int processCase = entry . processCase ( ) ;
// generate citation reference
Integer [ ] ioLinks = webStructure . generateCitationReference ( entry . url ( ) , entry . urlHash ( ) , docDate , document , condenser ) ; // [outlinksSame, outlinksOther]
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
// create a new loaded URL db entry
long ldate = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
indexURLReference newEntry = new indexURLReference (
entry . url ( ) , // URL
dc_title , // document description
document . dc_creator ( ) , // author
document . dc_subject ( ' ' ) , // tags
"" , // ETag
docDate , // modification date
new Date ( ) , // loaded date
new Date ( ldate + Math . max ( 0 , ldate - docDate . getTime ( ) ) / 2 ) , // freshdate, computed with Proxy-TTL formula
( referrerURL = = null ) ? null : referrerURL . hash ( ) , // referer hash
new byte [ 0 ] , // md5
( int ) entry . size ( ) , // size
condenser . RESULT_NUMB_WORDS , // word count
plasmaHTCache . docType ( document . dc_format ( ) ) , // doctype
condenser . RESULT_FLAGS , // flags
yacyURL . language ( entry . url ( ) ) , // language
ioLinks [ 0 ] . intValue ( ) , // llocal
ioLinks [ 1 ] . intValue ( ) , // lother
document . getAudiolinks ( ) . size ( ) , // laudio
document . getImages ( ) . size ( ) , // limage
document . getVideolinks ( ) . size ( ) , // lvideo
document . getApplinks ( ) . size ( ) // lapp
) ;
try {
wordIndex . putURL ( newEntry ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
log . logFine ( "Not Indexed Resource '" + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "': process case=" + processCase ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( entry . url ( ) , referrerURL . hash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , dc_title , "error storing url: " + e . getMessage ( ) , new kelondroBitfield ( ) ) ;
return ;
crawlResults . stack (
newEntry , // loaded url db entry
entry . initiator ( ) , // initiator peer hash
yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed ( ) . hash , // executor peer hash
processCase // process case
) ;
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
if ( ( ! entry . profile ( ) . indexText ( ) ) & & ( ! entry . profile ( ) . indexMedia ( ) ) ) {
log . logFine ( "Not Indexed Resource '" + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "': process case=" + processCase ) ;
addURLtoErrorDB ( entry . url ( ) , referrerURL . hash ( ) , entry . initiator ( ) , dc_title , plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_UNKNOWN_INDEXING_PROCESS_CASE , new kelondroBitfield ( ) ) ;
return ;
// remove stopwords
log . logInfo ( "Excluded " + condenser . excludeWords ( stopwords ) + " words in URL " + entry . url ( ) ) ;
indexingEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
storageStartTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
int words = 0 ;
words = wordIndex . addPageIndex (
entry . url ( ) , // document url
docDate , // document mod date
( int ) entry . size ( ) , // document size
document , // document content
condenser , // document condenser
yacyURL . language ( entry . url ( ) ) , // document language
plasmaHTCache . docType ( document . dc_format ( ) ) , // document type
ioLinks [ 0 ] . intValue ( ) , // outlinkSame
ioLinks [ 1 ] . intValue ( ) // outlinkOthers
) ;
storageEndTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
//increment number of indexed urls
indexedPages + + ;
public class receiptSending implements Runnable {
yacySeed initiatorPeer ;
indexURLReference reference ;
if ( log . isInfo ( ) ) {
// TODO: UTF-8 docDescription seems not to be displayed correctly because
// of string concatenation
log . logInfo ( "*Indexed " + words + " words in URL " + entry . url ( ) +
" [" + entry . urlHash ( ) + "]" +
"\n\tDescription: " + dc_title +
"\n\tMimeType: " + document . dc_format ( ) + " | Charset: " + document . getCharset ( ) + " | " +
"Size: " + document . getTextLength ( ) + " bytes | " +
"Anchors: " + ( ( document . getAnchors ( ) = = null ) ? 0 : document . getAnchors ( ) . size ( ) ) +
"\n\tIndexingTime: " + ( indexingEndTime - indexingStartTime ) + " ms | " +
"StorageTime: " + ( storageEndTime - storageStartTime ) + " ms" ) ;
public receiptSending ( yacySeed initiatorPeer , indexURLReference reference ) {
this . initiatorPeer = initiatorPeer ;
this . reference = reference ;
// update profiling info
plasmaProfiling . updateIndexedPage ( entry ) ;
// check for interruption
checkInterruption ( ) ;
yacySeed initiatorPeer = entry . initiatorPeer ( ) ;
// if this was performed for a remote crawl request, notify requester
if ( ( processCase = = PROCESSCASE_6_GLOBAL_CRAWLING ) & & ( initiatorPeer ! = null ) ) {
log . logInfo ( "Sending crawl receipt for '" + entry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) + "' to " + initiatorPeer . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( clusterhashes ! = null ) initiatorPeer . setAlternativeAddress ( ( String ) clusterhashes . get ( initiatorPeer . hash ) ) ;
yacyClient . crawlReceipt ( initiatorPeer , "crawl" , "fill" , "indexed" , newEntry , "" ) ;
public void run ( ) {
yacyClient . crawlReceipt ( initiatorPeer , "crawl" , "fill" , "indexed" , reference , "" ) ;
* /
private static SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ( "EEE, dd MMM yyyy" ) ;
public static String dateString ( Date date ) {