@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ This cache is very important for a fast search process.==Tato cache je velmi dol
Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Dosledok zvacsenie tejto cache je viac vysledkov vyhladavania a menej vstupno/vystupnej zataze pocas DHT prenosu.
'noticed' URLs=='zname' URL adresy
A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Znama URL adresa je taka ktora bola objavena pocas crawlingu avsak nebola este nahrata.
Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erhöhen der Cachegröße resultiert in schnellerer Rücküberprüfung beim Durchführen von Crawls.
#Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erhöhen der Cachegröße resultiert in schnellerer Rücküberprüfung beim Durchführen von Crawls.
'error' URLs=='chybne' URL adresy
URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URL adresy ktore nemozu byt nahrante su ulozene v tejto databaze. Takisto sa pouziva pri dvojnasobnej kontrole pocas crawlingu.
Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Zvacsenie tejto cache pravdepodobne jemne zvysi rychlost crawlingu, nie vsak o vela.
@ -1343,7 +1343,6 @@ Page.==stranke.
#File: QuickCrawlLink_p.html
YaCy '#[clientname]#': Quick Crawl Link==YaCy '#[clientname]#''#[clientname]#': Rychly Crawl Link
Simply drag and drop the link shown below to your Browsers Toolbar/Link-Bar.==Kliknite na tahajte (drag and drop) odkaz nizsie do toolbar/linkbaru Vaseho browsera.
@ -1418,7 +1417,7 @@ Server Access Restrictions==Obmedzenia pristupu k serveru
You can restrict the access to this proxy/server using a two-stage security barrier:==Pristup k tomuto proxy resp. HTTP serveru mozete obmedzit pouzitym 2-stupnovej bezpecnostnej bariery:
define an <i>access domain</i> with a list of granted client IP-numbers or with wildcards==zadajte <i>priestor sietovych domen</i> so zoznamom IP adries povolenych klientov alebo pomocou wildcard znakov
define an <i>user account</i> with an user:password - pair==vytvorte <i>uzivatelsky ucet</i> pomocou paru 'uzivatel:heslo'
This is the account that restricts access to the proxy function.==Dies sind die Nutzer denen der Zugriff auf die Proxyfunktion gewährt wird.
#This is the account that restricts access to the proxy function.==Dies sind die Nutzer denen der Zugriff auf die Proxyfunktion gewährt wird.
You probably don't want to share the proxy to the internet, so you should set the IP-Number Access Domain to a pattern that corresponds to you local intranet.==Pravdepodobne nechcete na internete zielat Vase proxy, takze by ste mali zvolit IP adresovy priestor tak aby zodpovedal adresam Vaseho intranetu.
The default setting should be right in most cases.==Predvolene nastavenia by mali byt vo vacsine pripadov spravne.
If you want, you can also set a proxy account so that every proxy user must authenticate first, but this is rather unusual.==Ak chcete mozete tiez vytvorit proxy ucet, takze kazdy uzivatel proxy sa musi najprv prihlasit, co je vsak neobvykle riesenie.
@ -1697,6 +1696,7 @@ from 'late' peers to enrich this search result.==z pomalych peerov na zlepsenie
System-, Index- and Peer-Status==Stav systemu, indexu a peera
Welcome to YaCy!==Vitajte v YaCy!
Your settings are _not_ protected!==Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom!
Public System Properties==Vseobecne systemove vlastnosti
@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ Private System Properties==Sukromne systemove vlastnosti
System Resources==Systemove zdroje
<b>Your settings are _not_ protected!</b> Please go to the==<b>Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom</b> Chodte prosim na
#<b>Your settings are _not_ protected!</b> Please go to the==<b>Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom</b> Chodte prosim na
settings</a> page <b>immediately</b> and set an administration password.==stranku nastaveni</a> a <b>ihned</b> si zvolte heslo.
Your settings are protected by a password.==Vase nastavenia su chranene heslom.