@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore ;
/** This class provides methods to handle texts that have been posted in the yacyWiki. */
public class wikiCode {
private String numListLevel = "" ;
private String ListLevel = "" ;
@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ public class wikiCode {
private boolean preformattedSpan = false ; //needed for <pre> and </pre> spanning over several lines
private int preindented = 0 ; //needed for indented <pre>s
private int escindented = 0 ; //needed for indented [=s
/** Constructor of the class wikiCode */
public wikiCode ( plasmaSwitchboard switchboard ) {
sb = switchboard ;
@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
return transform ( content . getBytes ( ) , sb ) ;
public String transform ( byte [ ] content ) {
return transform ( content , sb ) ;
@ -105,225 +108,339 @@ public class wikiCode {
return "internal error: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
public static String replaceHTML ( String result ) {
if ( result = = null ) return null ;
int p0 ;
// avoide html inside
// Ampersands have to be replaced first. If they were replaced later,
// other replaced characters containing ampersands would get messed up.
p0 = 0 ; while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "&" , p0 ) ) > = 0 ) { result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "&" + result . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ; p0 + + ; }
p0 = 0 ; while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( '"' , p0 ) ) > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + """ + result . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
p0 = 0 ; while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "<" , p0 ) ) > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<" + result . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
p0 = 0 ; while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( ">" , p0 ) ) > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + ">" + result . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
//p0 = 0; while ((p0 = result.indexOf("*", p0)) >= 0) result = result.substring(0, p0) + "•" + result.substring(p0 + 1);
p0 = 0 ; while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "(C)" , p0 ) ) > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "©" + result . substring ( p0 + 3 ) ;
return result ;
//The following method has been submitted by Kane (added and a few changes by MN)
/ * * Replaces special characters from a string . Otherwise they might cause ugly output on some systems .
* This code is also important to avoid XSS attacks .
* @param text a string that possibly contains special characters
* @return the string with all special characters encoded so they will look right on every system
* /
public static String replaceHTML ( String text ) {
if ( text = = null ) { return null ; }
for ( int x = 0 ; x < = htmlentities . length - 1 ; x = x + 2 ) {
int p = 0 ;
while ( ( p = text . indexOf ( htmlentities [ x ] , p ) ) > = 0 ) {
text = text . substring ( 0 , p ) + htmlentities [ x + 1 ] + text . substring ( p + htmlentities [ x ] . length ( ) ) ;
p + = htmlentities [ x + 1 ] . length ( ) ;
return text ;
public static String [ ] htmlentities = {
"&" , "&" , // Ampersands _have_ to be replaced first. If they were replaced later,
// other replaced characters containing ampersands would get messed up.
//" "," ",
"¡" , "¡" ,
"¢" , "¢" ,
"£" , "£" ,
"¥" , "¥" ,
"§" , "§" ,
"©" , "©" ,
"ª" , "ª" ,
"«" , "«" ,
"¬" , "¬" ,
"®" , "®" ,
"¯" , "¯" ,
"°" , "°" ,
"±" , "±" ,
"²" , "²" ,
"³" , "³" ,
"µ" , "µ" ,
"¶" , "¶" ,
"·" , "·" ,
"¹" , "¹" ,
"º" , "º" ,
"»" , "»" ,
"¿" , "¿" ,
"À" , "À" ,
"Á" , "Á" ,
"Â" , "Â" ,
"Ã" , "Ã" ,
"Ä" , "Ä" ,
"Å" , "Å" ,
"Æ" , "Æ" ,
"Ç" , "Ç" ,
"È" , "È" ,
"É" , "É" ,
"Ê" , "Ê" ,
"Ë" , "Ë" ,
"Ì" , "Ì" ,
"Í" , "Í" ,
"Î" , "Î" ,
"Ï" , "Ï" ,
"Ð" , "Ð" ,
"Ñ" , "Ñ" ,
"Ò" , "Ò" ,
"Ó" , "Ó" ,
"Ô" , "Ô" ,
"Õ" , "Õ" ,
"Ö" , "Ö" ,
"× " , "×" ,
"Ø" , "Ø" ,
"Ù" , "Ù" ,
"Ú" , "Ú" ,
"Û" , "Û" ,
"Ü" , "Ü" ,
"Ý" , "Ý" ,
"Þ" , "Þ" ,
"ß" , "ß" ,
"à" , "à" ,
"á" , "á" ,
"â" , "â" ,
"ã" , "ã" ,
"ä" , "ä" ,
"å" , "å" ,
"æ" , "æ" ,
"ç" , "ç" ,
"è" , "è" ,
"é" , "é" ,
"ê" , "ê" ,
"ë" , "ë" ,
"ì" , "ì" ,
"í" , "í" ,
"î" , "î" ,
"ï" , "ï" ,
"ð" , "ð" ,
"ñ" , "ñ" ,
"ò" , "ò" ,
"ó" , "ó" ,
"ô" , "ô" ,
"õ" , "õ" ,
"ö" , "ö" ,
"÷" , "÷" ,
"ø" , "ø" ,
"ù" , "ù" ,
"ú" , "ú" ,
"û" , "û" ,
"ü" , "ü" ,
"ý" , "ý" ,
"þ" , "þ" ,
"ÿ" , "ÿ" ,
"\"" , """ ,
"<" , "<" ,
">" , ">" ,
"(C)" , "©"
} ;
//end of Kane's code
/ * * Replaces wiki tags with HTML tags .
* @param result a line of text
* @param switchboard
* @result the line of text with HTML tags instead of wiki tags
* /
public String transformLine ( String result , plasmaSwitchboard switchboard ) {
// transform page
int p0 , p1 ;
boolean defList = false ; //needed for definition lists
result = replaceHTML ( result ) ;
//check if line contains any escape symbol or tag for preformatted text
//or if we are in an esacpe sequence already or if we are in a preforamtted text
//if that's the case the program will continue further below
//(see code for [= and =] and <pre> and </pre>) [MN]
if ( ( result . indexOf ( "[=" ) < 0 ) & & ( result . indexOf ( "=]" ) < 0 ) & & ( ! escapeSpan ) & &
( result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) < 0 ) & & ( result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) < 0 ) & & ( ! preformattedSpan ) ) {
// transform page
int p0 , p1 ;
boolean defList = false ; //needed for definition lists
result = replaceHTML ( result ) ;
//check if line contains any escape symbol or tag for preformatted text
//or if we are in an esacpe sequence already or if we are in a preforma ted text
//if that's the case the program will continue further below
//(see code for [= and =] and <pre> and </pre>) [MN]
if ( ( result . indexOf ( "[=" ) < 0 ) & & ( result . indexOf ( "=]" ) < 0 ) & & ( ! escapeSpan ) & &
( result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) < 0 ) & & ( result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) < 0 ) & & ( ! preformattedSpan ) ) {
// format lines
if ( result . startsWith ( " " ) ) result = "<tt>" + result + "</tt>" ;
if ( result . startsWith ( "----" ) ) result = "<hr>" ;
// citings contributed by [MN]
if ( result . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
String head = "" ;
String tail = "" ;
while ( result . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
head = head + "<blockquote>" ;
tail = tail + "</blockquote>" ;
result = result . substring ( 1 ) ;
result = head + result + tail ;
// end contrib [MN]
// format headers
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "====" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "====" , p0 + 4 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h4>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 4 , p1 ) + "</h4>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 4 ) ;
// citings contributed by [MN]
if ( result . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
String head = "" ;
String tail = "" ;
while ( result . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
head = head + "<blockquote>" ;
tail = tail + "</blockquote>" ;
result = result . substring ( 1 ) ;
result = head + result + tail ;
// end contrib [MN]
// format headers
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "====" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "====" , p0 + 4 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h4>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 4 , p1 ) + "</h4>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 4 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "===" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "===" , p0 + 3 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h3>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 3 , p1 ) + "</h3>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 3 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "==" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "==" , p0 + 2 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h2>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) + "</h2>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "'''''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "'''''" , p0 + 5 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<b><i>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 5 , p1 ) + "</i></b>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 5 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "'''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "'''" , p0 + 3 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<b>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 3 , p1 ) + "</b>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 3 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "''" , p0 + 2 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<i>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) + "</i>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) ;
//* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS]
//** Sublist
if ( result . startsWith ( ListLevel + "*" ) ) { //more stars
p0 = result . indexOf ( ListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<ul>" + serverCore . crlfString +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( ListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
ListLevel + = "*" ;
} else if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( ListLevel ) ) { //equal number of stars
p0 = result . indexOf ( ListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<li>" +
result . substring ( ListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less stars
int i = ListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( ListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</ul>" ;
i - - ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "===" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "===" , p0 + 3 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h3>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 3 , p1 ) + "</h3>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 3 ) ;
ListLevel = ListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = ListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "==" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "==" , p0 + 2 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<h2>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) + "</h2>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) ;
//# sorted Lists contributed by [AS]
//## Sublist
if ( result . startsWith ( numListLevel + "#" ) ) { //more #
p0 = result . indexOf ( numListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<ol>" + serverCore . crlfString +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( numListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
numListLevel + = "#" ;
} else if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( numListLevel ) ) { //equal number of #
p0 = result . indexOf ( numListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<li>" +
result . substring ( numListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less #
int i = numListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( numListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</ol>" ;
i - - ;
numListLevel = numListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = numListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
// end contrib [AS]
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "'''''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "'''''" , p0 + 5 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<b><i>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 5 , p1 ) + "</i></b>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 5 ) ;
//* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
if ( result . startsWith ( defListLevel + ";" ) ) { //more semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
p0 = result . indexOf ( defListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
String resultCopy = result . substring ( defListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "'''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "'''" , p0 + 3 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<b>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 3 , p1 ) + "</b>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 3 ) ;
defListLevel + = ";" ;
} else if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( defListLevel ) ) { //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
p0 = result . indexOf ( defListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
String resultCopy = result . substring ( defListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
if ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "''" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "''" , p0 + 2 ) ;
if ( p1 > = 0 ) result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<i>" +
result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) + "</i>" +
result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) ;
} else if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
int i = defListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( defListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</dd></dl>" ;
i - - ;
//* unorderd Lists contributed by [AS]
//** Sublist
if ( result . startsWith ( ListLevel + "*" ) ) { //more stars
p0 = result . indexOf ( ListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<ul>" + serverCore . crlfString +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( ListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
ListLevel + = "*" ;
} else if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( ListLevel ) ) { //equal number of stars
p0 = result . indexOf ( ListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<li>" +
result . substring ( ListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less stars
int i = ListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( ListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</ul>" ;
i - - ;
ListLevel = ListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = ListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( ListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
//# sorted Lists contributed by [AS]
//## Sublist
if ( result . startsWith ( numListLevel + "#" ) ) { //more #
p0 = result . indexOf ( numListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<ol>" + serverCore . crlfString +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( numListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
numListLevel + = "#" ;
} else if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( numListLevel ) ) { //equal number of #
p0 = result . indexOf ( numListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
result = "<li>" +
result . substring ( numListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less #
int i = numListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( numListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</ol>" ;
i - - ;
numListLevel = numListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = numListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( numListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) +
"</li>" ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
// end contrib [AS]
//* definition Lists contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
if ( result . startsWith ( defListLevel + ";" ) ) { //more semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
p0 = result . indexOf ( defListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
String resultCopy = result . substring ( defListLevel . length ( ) + 1 , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
defListLevel + = ";" ;
} else if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 & & result . startsWith ( defListLevel ) ) { //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
p0 = result . indexOf ( defListLevel ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
String resultCopy = result . substring ( defListLevel . length ( ) , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
} else if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) { //less semicolons
String dt = "" ;
String dd = "" ;
int i = defListLevel . length ( ) ;
String tmp = "" ;
while ( ! result . startsWith ( defListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ) {
tmp + = "</dd></dl>" ;
i - - ;
defListLevel = defListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = defListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
String resultCopy = result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
// end contrib [MN]
defListLevel = defListLevel . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
p0 = defListLevel . length ( ) ;
p1 = result . length ( ) ;
if ( defListLevel . length ( ) > 0 ) {
String resultCopy = result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
if ( ( p0 = resultCopy . indexOf ( ":" ) ) > 0 ) {
dt = resultCopy . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
dd = resultCopy . substring ( p0 + 1 ) ;
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd ;
defList = true ;
} else {
result = tmp + result . substring ( p0 , p1 ) ;
// end contrib [MN]
// create links
@ -348,8 +465,7 @@ public class wikiCode {
kv = kl . substring ( p + 1 ) ;
kl = kl . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
// if there are 2 arguments, write them into ALIGN and
// ALT
// if there are 2 arguments, write them into ALIGN and ALT
if ( ( p = kv . indexOf ( "|" ) ) > 0 ) {
align = " align=\"" + kv . substring ( 0 , p ) + "\"" ;
alt = " alt=\"" + kv . substring ( p + 1 ) + "\"" ;
@ -386,9 +502,8 @@ public class wikiCode {
result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<a class=\"unknown\" href=\"Wiki.html?page=" + kl + "&edit=Edit\">" + kv + "</a>" + result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) ;
// external links
while ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "[" ) ) > = 0 ) {
p1 = result . indexOf ( "]" , p0 + 1 ) ;
@ -411,148 +526,116 @@ public class wikiCode {
kl = "http://" + yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed . getAddress ( ) . trim ( ) + "/" + kl ;
result = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "<a class=\"extern\" href=\"" + kl + "\">" + kv + "</a>" + result . substring ( p1 + 1 ) ;
//escape code ([=...=]) contributed by [MN]
//both [= and =] in the same line
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "[=" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ( p1 = result . indexOf ( "=]" ) ) > 0 ) & & ( ! ( preformatted ) ) ) {
//if(p0 < p1){
String escapeText = result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) ;
//BUGS TO BE FIXED: [=[=text=]=] does not work properly:
//[=[= undx=]x=] should resolve as [= undx=]x, but resolves as [= undxx=]
//ALSO [=[= und =]=] [= und =] leads to an exception
//handlicg cases where the text inside [= and =] also contains
//[= and =]. Example: [=[=...=]=]
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) + "!esc!txt!" + result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!!" , "!esc!" ) ;
//start [=
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "[=" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ! escapeSpan ) & & ( ! preformatted ) ) {
escape = true ; //prevent surplus line breaks
escaped = true ; //prevents <pre> being parsed
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result . substring ( p0 + 2 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( result . substring ( escindented , p0 ) . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
escindented + + ;
bq = bq + "<blockquote>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( escindented , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) + "!esc!txt!" , switchboard ) ;
result = bq + result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) ;
escape = false ;
escapeSpan = true ;
//end =]
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "=]" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( escapeSpan ) & & ( ! preformatted ) ) {
escapeSpan = false ;
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as neede
String escapeText = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( escindented > 0 ) {
bq = bq + "</blockquote>" ;
escindented - - ;
result = transformLine ( "!esc!txt!" + result . substring ( p0 + 2 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) + bq ;
escaped = false ;
//end contrib [MN]
//preformatted code (<pre>...</pre>) contributed by [MN]
//implementation very similar to escape code (see above)
//both <pre> and </pre> in the same line
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ( p1 = result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) ) > 0 ) & & ( ! ( escaped ) ) ) {
//if(p0 < p1){
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">" + result . substring ( p0 + 11 , p1 ) + "</pre>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) + "!pre!txt!" + result . substring ( p1 + 12 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
//start <pre>
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ! preformattedSpan ) & & ( ! escaped ) ) {
preformatted = true ; //prevent surplus line breaks
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">" + result . substring ( p0 + 11 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( result . substring ( preindented , p0 ) . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
preindented + + ;
bq = bq + "<blockquote>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( preindented , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) + "!pre!txt!" , switchboard ) ;
result = bq + result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
preformattedSpan = true ;
//end </pre>
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( preformattedSpan ) & & ( ! escaped ) ) {
preformattedSpan = false ;
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "</pre>" ;
//escape code ([=...=]) contributed by [MN]
//both [= and =] in the same line
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "[=" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ( p1 = result . indexOf ( "=]" ) ) > 0 ) & & ( ! ( preformatted ) ) ) {
//if(p0 < p1){
String escapeText = result . substring ( p0 + 2 , p1 ) ;
//BUGS TO BE FIXED: [=[=text=]=] does not work properly:
//[=[= undx=]x=] should resolve as [= undx=]x, but resolves as [= undxx=]
//ALSO [=[= und =]=] [= und =] leads to an exception
//handlicg cases where the text inside [= and =] also contains
//[= and =]. Example: [=[=...=]=]
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) + "!esc!txt!" + result . substring ( p1 + 2 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!!" , "!esc!" ) ;
//start [=
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "[=" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ! escapeSpan ) & & ( ! preformatted ) ) {
escape = true ; //prevent surplus line breaks
escaped = true ; //prevents <pre> being parsed
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result . substring ( p0 + 2 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( result . substring ( escindented , p0 ) . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
escindented + + ;
bq = bq + "<blockquote>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( escindented , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) + "!esc!txt!" , switchboard ) ;
result = bq + result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) ;
escape = false ;
escapeSpan = true ;
//end =]
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "=]" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( escapeSpan ) & & ( ! preformatted ) ) {
escapeSpan = false ;
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as neede
String escapeText = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( escindented > 0 ) {
bq = bq + "</blockquote>" ;
escindented - - ;
result = transformLine ( "!esc!txt!" + result . substring ( p0 + 2 ) . replaceAll ( "!esc!" , "!esc!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!esc!txt!" , escapeText ) + bq ;
escaped = false ;
//end contrib [MN]
//preformatted code (<pre>...</pre>) contributed by [MN]
//implementation very similar to escape code (see above)
//both <pre> and </pre> in the same line
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ( p1 = result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) ) > 0 ) & & ( ! ( escaped ) ) ) {
//if(p0 < p1){
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">" + result . substring ( p0 + 11 , p1 ) + "</pre>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) + "!pre!txt!" + result . substring ( p1 + 12 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
//start <pre>
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( ! preformattedSpan ) & & ( ! escaped ) ) {
preformatted = true ; //prevent surplus line breaks
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">" + result . substring ( p0 + 11 ) ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( result . substring ( preindented , p0 ) . startsWith ( ":" ) ) {
preindented + + ;
bq = bq + "<blockquote>" ;
result = transformLine ( result . substring ( preindented , p0 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) + "!pre!txt!" , switchboard ) ;
result = bq + result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
preformattedSpan = true ;
//end </pre>
else if ( ( ( p0 = result . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) ) > = 0 ) & & ( preformattedSpan ) & & ( ! escaped ) ) {
preformattedSpan = false ;
String bq = "" ; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = result . substring ( 0 , p0 ) + "</pre>" ;
//taking care of indented lines
while ( preindented > 0 ) {
bq = bq + "</blockquote>" ;
preindented - - ;
result = transformLine ( "!pre!txt!" + result . substring ( p0 + 12 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) + bq ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
preformatted = false ;
//end contrib [MN]
if ( ( result . endsWith ( "</li>" ) ) | | ( defList ) | | ( escape ) | | ( preformatted ) ) return result ;
while ( preindented > 0 ) {
bq = bq + "</blockquote>" ;
preindented - - ;
result = transformLine ( "!pre!txt!" + result . substring ( p0 + 12 ) . replaceAll ( "!pre!" , "!pre!!" ) , switchboard ) ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!txt!" , preformattedText ) + bq ;
result = result . replaceAll ( "!pre!!" , "!pre!" ) ;
preformatted = false ;
//end contrib [MN]
if ( ( result . endsWith ( "</li>" ) ) | | ( defList ) | | ( escape ) | | ( preformatted ) ) return result ;
return result + "<br>" ;
/ *
what we need ( have ) :
= = New section = =
= = = Subsection = = =
= = = = Sub - subsection = = = =
link colours : existent = green , non - existent = red
- - - -
[ [ wikipedia FAQ | answers ] ] ( first element is wiki page name , second is link print name )
[ http : //www.nupedia.com Nupedia] (external link)
[ http : //www.nupedia.com] (un-named external link)
' ' Emphasize ' ' , ''' strongly ''' , ''' ' ' very strongly ''' ' ' ( italics , bold , bold - italics )
* Lists are easy to do :
* * start every line with a star
* * * more stars means deeper levels
# Numbered lists are also good
# # very organized
# # easy to follow
; Definition list : list of definitions
; item : the item ' s definition
: A colon indents a line or paragraph .
A manual newline starts a new paragraph .
A picture : [ [ Image : Wiki . png ] ]
[ [ Image : Wiki . png | right | jigsaw globe ] ] ( floating right - side with caption )
what we got in addition to that :
[ = escape characters = ]
< pre > preformatted text < / pre >
what would be nice in addition to that :
nice to have :
| | tables
* /