@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndex extends indexAbstractRI implements indexRI {
private static final String indexAssortmentClusterPath = "ACLUSTER";
private static final int assortmentCount = 64;
public static final boolean useCollectionIndex = false;
public static final boolean useCollectionIndex = true;
private final File oldDatabaseRoot;
private final kelondroOrder indexOrder = new kelondroNaturalOrder(true);
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndex extends indexAbstractRI implements indexRI {
private int assortmentBufferSize; // kb
private final plasmaWordIndexAssortmentCluster assortmentCluster; // old database structure, to be replaced by CollectionRI
private final plasmaWordIndexFileCluster backend; // old database structure, to be replaced by CollectionRI
public boolean busyCacheFlush; // shows if a cache flush is currently performed
public plasmaWordIndex(File oldDatabaseRoot, File newIndexRoot, int bufferkb, long preloadTime, serverLog log) {
this.oldDatabaseRoot = oldDatabaseRoot;
@ -106,6 +107,8 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndex extends indexAbstractRI implements indexRI {
collections = new indexCollectionRI(newIndexRoot, "test_generation0", bufferkb * 1024, preloadTime);
collections = null;
busyCacheFlush = false;
public File getRoot() {
@ -167,13 +170,9 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndex extends indexAbstractRI implements indexRI {
public void flushControl() {
// check for forced flush
synchronized (this) { ramCache.shiftK2W(); }
while (ramCache.maxURLinWCache() > indexRAMCacheRI.wCacheReferenceLimit) {
flushCache(ramCache.maxURLinWCache() - indexRAMCacheRI.wCacheReferenceLimit);
if (ramCache.wSize() > ramCache.getMaxWordCount()) {
while (ramCache.wSize() + 500 > ramCache.getMaxWordCount()) {
flushCache(ramCache.wSize() + 500 - ramCache.getMaxWordCount());
@ -195,18 +194,26 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndex extends indexAbstractRI implements indexRI {
public void flushCacheSome() {
System.out.println("DEBUG-A"); // some temporary debug lines to identify the outOfMemoryError position
synchronized (this) { ramCache.shiftK2W(); }
int flushCount = ramCache.wSize() / 500;
if (flushCount > 70) flushCount = 70;
if (flushCount < 5) flushCount = 5;
public void flushCache(int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (ramCache.wSize() == 0) break;
synchronized (this) { flushCache(ramCache.bestFlushWordHash()); }
try {Thread.sleep(10);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
synchronized (ramCache) {
busyCacheFlush = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (ramCache.wSize() == 0) break;
synchronized (this) { flushCache(ramCache.bestFlushWordHash()); }
try {Thread.sleep(8);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
busyCacheFlush = false;