added a busy-time estimation at DHT/RWI-Receive

to be done: usage of this value on client-side

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 19 years ago
parent fcec40fcc6
commit 7dd57a3828

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ version=#[version]#

@ -78,17 +78,27 @@ public final class transferRWI {
final int entryc = Integer.parseInt(post.get("entryc", "")); // number of entries in indexes
byte[] indexes = post.get("indexes", "").getBytes(); // the indexes, as list of word entries
boolean granted = sb.getConfig("allowReceiveIndex", "false").equals("true");
if (sb.wordIndex.kSize() > 1000) granted = false; // don't accept more words if there are too many words to flush
final yacySeed otherPeer = yacyCore.seedDB.get(iam);
final String otherPeerName = iam + ":" + ((otherPeer == null) ? "NULL" : (otherPeer.getName() + "/" + otherPeer.getVersion()));
// response values
String result = "";
String result = "ok";
StringBuffer unknownURLs = new StringBuffer();
int pause = 0;
final yacySeed otherPeer = yacyCore.seedDB.get(iam);
final String otherPeerName = iam + ":" + ((otherPeer == null) ? "NULL" : (otherPeer.getName() + "/" + otherPeer.getVersion()));
if (granted) {
if (!granted) {
// we dont want to receive indexes
sb.getLog().logInfo("Rejecting RWIs from peer " + otherPeerName + ". Not granted.");
result = "not_granted";
pause = 0;
} else if (sb.wordIndex.kSize() > 1000) {
// we are too busy to receive indexes
sb.getLog().logInfo("Rejecting RWIs from peer " + otherPeerName + ". We are too busy (buffersize=" + sb.wordIndex.kSize() + ").");
granted = false; // don't accept more words if there are too many words to flush
result = "busy";
pause = 60000;
} else {
// we want and can receive indexes
// log value status (currently added to find outOfMemory error
sb.getLog().logFine("Processing " + indexes.length + " bytes / " + wordc + " words / " + entryc + " entries from " + otherPeerName);
final long startProcess = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -161,13 +171,12 @@ public final class transferRWI {
sb.getLog().logInfo("Received " + received + " Words [" + wordhashes[0] + " .. " + wordhashes[received - 1] + "]/" + avdist + " from " + otherPeerName + ", processed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startProcess) + " milliseconds, requesting " + unknownURL.size() + " URLs");
result = "ok";
} else {
sb.getLog().logInfo("Rejecting RWIs from peer " + otherPeerName + ". Not granted.");
result = "error_not_granted";
pause = (sb.wordIndex.kSize() < 500) ? 0 : 60 * sb.wordIndex.kSize(); // estimation of necessary pause time
prop.put("unknownURL", unknownURLs.toString());
prop.put("result", result);
prop.put("pause", Integer.toString(pause));
// return rewrite properties
return prop;
