rankingParameters.put(RankingProfile.URLCOMPINTOPLIST,"URL Component Appears In Toplist;a higher ranking level prefers documents with words in the url path that match words in the toplist. The toplist is generated dynamically from the search results using a statistic of the most used words. The toplist is a top-10 list of the most used words in URLs and document titles.");
rankingParameters.put(RankingProfile.DESCRCOMPINTOPLIST,"Description Comp. Appears In Toplist;a higher ranking level prefers documents with words in the document description that match words in the toplist. The toplist is generated dynamically from the search results using a statistic of the most used words. The toplist is a top-10 list of the most used words in URLs and document titles.");
rankingParameters.put(RankingProfile.PREFER,"Application Of Prefer Pattern;a higher ranking level prefers documents where the url matches the prefer pattern given in a search request.");
rankingParameters.put(RankingProfile.CITATION,"Citation Rank;the more incoming links and the less outgoing links the better the ranking.");