@ -582,6 +582,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public static final String PROXY_PREFETCH_DEPTH = "proxyPrefetchDepth" ;
public static final String PROXY_CRAWL_ORDER = "proxyCrawlOrder" ;
public static final String PROXY_INDEXING_REMOTE = "proxyIndexingRemote" ;
public static final String PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_TEXT = "proxyIndexingLocalText" ;
public static final String PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_MEDIA = "proxyIndexingLocalMedia" ;
public static final String PROXY_CACHE_SIZE = "proxyCacheSize" ;
/ * *
* < p > < code > public static final String < strong > PROXY_CACHE_LAYOUT < / strong > = "proxyCacheLayout" < / code > < / p >
@ -632,6 +636,16 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public static final String PROXY_CACHE_LAYOUT_HASH = "hash" ;
public static final String PROXY_CACHE_MIGRATION = "proxyCacheMigration" ;
// Cluster settings
public static final String CLUSTER_MODE = "cluster.mode" ;
public static final String CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER = "publiccluster" ;
public static final String CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER = "privatecluster" ;
public static final String CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER = "publicpeer" ;
public static final String CLUSTER_PEERS_IPPORT = "cluster.peers.ipport" ;
// Miscellaneous settings
@ -1354,8 +1368,8 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
public boolean isPublicRobinson ( ) {
// robinson peers may be member of robinson clusters, which can be public or private
// this does not check the robinson attribute, only the specific subtype of the cluster
String clustermode = getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "publicpeer" ) ;
return ( clustermode . equals ( "publiccluster" ) ) | | ( clustermode . equals ( "publicepeer" ) ) ;
String clustermode = getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER ) ;
return ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ) | | ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER ) ) ;
public boolean isInMyCluster ( String peer ) {
@ -1364,12 +1378,12 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
// or a ip:port String or simply a ip String
// if this robinson mode does not define a cluster membership, false is returned
if ( ! isRobinsonMode ( ) ) return false ;
String clustermode = getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "publicpeer" ) ;
if ( clustermode . equals ( "privatecluster" ) ) {
String clustermode = getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER ) ;
if ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER ) ) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the private cluster
String network = getConfig ( "cluster.peers.ipport" , "" ) ;
String network = getConfig ( CLUSTER_PEERS_IPPORT , "" ) ;
return network . indexOf ( peer ) > = 0 ;
} else if ( clustermode . equals ( "publiccluster" ) ) {
} else if ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the public cluster
return this . clusterhashes . containsKey ( peer ) ;
} else {
@ -1382,12 +1396,12 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
// if this robinson mode does not define a cluster membership, false is returned
if ( seed = = null ) return false ;
if ( ! isRobinsonMode ( ) ) return false ;
String clustermode = getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "publicpeer" ) ;
if ( clustermode . equals ( "privatecluster" ) ) {
String clustermode = getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER ) ;
if ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER ) ) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the private cluster
String network = getConfig ( "cluster.peers.ipport" , "" ) ;
String network = getConfig ( CLUSTER_PEERS_IPPORT , "" ) ;
return network . indexOf ( seed . getPublicAddress ( ) ) > = 0 ;
} else if ( clustermode . equals ( "publiccluster" ) ) {
} else if ( clustermode . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the public cluster
return this . clusterhashes . containsKey ( seed . hash ) ;
} else {
@ -1463,13 +1477,13 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
if ( this . defaultProxyProfile = = null ) {
// generate new default entry for proxy crawling
this . defaultProxyProfile = this . profiles . newEntry ( "proxy" , "" , ".*" , ".*" ,
Integer . parseInt ( getConfig ( "proxyPrefetchDepth" , "0" ) ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( getConfig ( "proxyPrefetchDepth" , "0" ) ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( getConfig ( PROXY_PREFETCH_DEPTH , "0" ) ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( getConfig ( PROXY_PREFETCH_DEPTH , "0" ) ) ,
60 * 24 , - 1 , - 1 , false ,
getConfigBool ( "proxyIndexingLocalText" , true ) ,
getConfigBool ( "proxyIndexingLocalMedia" , true ) ,
getConfigBool ( PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_TEXT , true ) ,
getConfigBool ( PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_MEDIA , true ) ,
true , true ,
getConfigBool ( "proxyIndexingRemote" , false ) , true , true , true ) ;
getConfigBool ( PROXY_INDEXING_REMOTE , false ) , true , true , true ) ;
if ( this . defaultRemoteProfile = = null ) {
// generate new default entry for remote crawling
@ -2016,8 +2030,8 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
return false ;
boolean robinsonPrivateCase = ( ( isRobinsonMode ( ) ) & &
( ! getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "" ) . equals ( "publiccluster" ) ) & &
( ! getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "" ) . equals ( "privatecluster" ) ) ) ;
( ! getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ) & &
( ! getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) . equals ( CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER ) ) ) ;
if ( ( robinsonPrivateCase ) | | ( ( coreCrawlJobSize ( ) < = 20 ) & & ( limitCrawlTriggerJobSize ( ) > 10 ) ) ) {
// it is not efficient if the core crawl job is empty and we have too much to do
@ -2027,7 +2041,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch implements ser
for ( int i = 0 ; i < toshift ; i + + ) {
noticeURL . shift ( plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_LIMIT , plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_CORE ) ;
log . logInfo ( "shifted " + toshift + " jobs from global crawl to local crawl (coreCrawlJobSize()=" + coreCrawlJobSize ( ) + ", limitCrawlTriggerJobSize()=" + limitCrawlTriggerJobSize ( ) + ", cluster.mode=" + getConfig ( "cluster.mode" , "" ) + ", robinsonMode=" + ( ( isRobinsonMode ( ) ) ? "on" : "off" ) ) ;
log . logInfo ( "shifted " + toshift + " jobs from global crawl to local crawl (coreCrawlJobSize()=" + coreCrawlJobSize ( ) + ", limitCrawlTriggerJobSize()=" + limitCrawlTriggerJobSize ( ) + ", cluster.mode=" + getConfig ( CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) + ", robinsonMode=" + ( ( isRobinsonMode ( ) ) ? "on" : "off" ) ) ;
if ( robinsonPrivateCase ) return false ;