@ -427,8 +427,7 @@ You can also use your peer without opening it, but this is not recomended.==不
Heuristics Configuration==启发式配置
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristik">启发式</a> '是一个依赖于经验来解决问题, 学习与发现问题的过程.' (Wikipedia).
The search heuristics that can be switched on here are techniques that help the discovery of possible search results based on link guessing, in-search crawling and requests to other search engines.==
The search heuristics that can be switched on here are techniques that help the discovery of possible search results based on link guessing, in-search crawling and requests to other search engines.==您可以在这里开启启发式搜索, 通过猜测链接, 嵌套搜索和访问其他搜索引擎, 从而找到更多符合您期望的结果.
When a search heuristic is used, the resulting links are not used directly as search result but the loaded pages are indexed and stored like other content.==开启启发式搜索时, 搜索结果给出的链接并不是直接搜索的链接, 而是已经缓存在其他服务器上的结果.
This ensures that blacklists can be used and that the searched word actually appears on the page that was discovered by the heuristic.==这保证了黑名单的有效性, 并且搜索关键字是通过启发式搜索找到的.
The success of heuristics are marked with an image==启发式搜索找到的结果会被特定图标标记
@ -499,8 +498,7 @@ YaCy P2P Web Search==YaCy P2P 网页搜索
Size and position (width | height | position)==尺寸和位置(宽度 | 高度 | 位置)
Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values for position: 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', or an array containing a coordinate pair (in pixel offset from top left of viewport) or the possible string values (e.g. ['right','top'] for top right corner)==指定对话框位置. 对于位置: 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' 的值, 或者一个包含对应位置值的数组 (以左上角为参考位置的像素数), 或者字符串值 (e.g. ['right','top'] 对应右上角)
Animation effects (show | hide)==动画效果 (显示 | 隐藏)
The effect to be used. Possible values: 'blind', 'clip', 'drop', 'explode', 'fold', 'puff', 'slide', 'scale', 'size', 'pulsate'.==
The effect to be used. Possible values: 'blind', 'clip', 'drop', 'explode', 'fold', 'puff', 'slide', 'scale', 'size', 'pulsate'.==可用特效: 'blind', 'clip', 'drop', 'explode', 'fold', 'puff', 'slide', 'scale', 'size', 'pulsate'.
Interaction (modal | resizable)==对话框 (modal | 可变)
If modal is set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled (i.e. cannot be interacted with).==如果选中modal属性, 则对话框会有modal行为; 否则页面上就不具有此特性. (即不能进行交互操作).
Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements.==Modal对话框会在页面元素下面而不是其上创建覆盖层.
@ -630,8 +628,7 @@ If you like to integrate YaCy as portal for your web pages, you may want to chan
The search page may be customized.==搜索页面可以自由定制.
You can change the 'corporate identity'-images, the greeting line==您可以改变 'Corporate Identity' 图像, 问候语
and a link to a home page that is reached when the 'corporate identity'-images are clicked.==和一个指向首页的 'Corporate Identity' 图像链接.
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==若要改变颜色和风格,请到<a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">外观选项</a>选择您喜欢的皮肤和语言.
@ -473,8 +473,7 @@ You can also use your peer without opening it, but this is not recomended.==Sie
Heuristics Configuration==Heuristik Konfiguration
A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic" target="_blank">heuristic</a> is an 'experience-based technique that help in problem solving, learning and discovery' (wikipedia).==<a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristik" target="_blank">Heuristik</a> 'bezeichnet die Kunst, mit begrenztem Wissen und wenig Zeit zu guten Lösungen zu kommen.' (Wikipedia).
The search heuristics that can be switched on here are techniques that help the discovery of possible search results based on link guessing, in-search crawling and requests to other search engines.==
Die Heuristik zur Suche die hier angeschalten werden können sind Techniken die helfen mögliche Suchergebnisse zu entdecken mit Hilfe von erratenen Links, Crawls während der Suche und Anfragen an andere Suchmaschinen.
The search heuristics that can be switched on here are techniques that help the discovery of possible search results based on link guessing, in-search crawling and requests to other search engines.==Die Heuristik zur Suche die hier angeschalten werden können sind Techniken die helfen mögliche Suchergebnisse zu entdecken mit Hilfe von erratenen Links, Crawls während der Suche und Anfragen an andere Suchmaschinen.
When a search heuristic is used, the resulting links are not used directly as search result but the loaded pages are indexed and stored like other content.==Wenn eine Such Heuristik verwendet wird, werden die gefunden Links nicht direkt als Suchergebnisse angezeigt aber dafür die geladenen Seiten indexiert und mit dem anderen Inhalt abgespeichert.
This ensures that blacklists can be used and that the searched word actually appears on the page that was discovered by the heuristic.==Damit wird sichergestellt dass die Sperrlisten verwendet werden können und dass die Suchbegriffe auch wirklich auf den Seiten auftauchen, die mithilfe der Heuristik gefunden wurden.
The success of heuristics are marked with an image==Der Erfolg der Heuristik wird mit einem Bild markiert
@ -602,8 +601,7 @@ url<==URL<
Size and position (width | height | position)==Größe und Position (Breite | Höhe | Position)
Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values for position: 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', or an array containing a coordinate pair (in pixel offset from top left of viewport) or the possible string values (e.g. ['right','top'] for top right corner)==Gibt an wo der Dialog angezeigt werden soll. Mögliche Werte für position: 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', oder ein Array das ein Koordinatenpaar enthält (in Pixel Werten als Offset von der linken oberen Ecke des Viewports) oder einer möglichen String Variabble (e.g. ['right','top'] für die rechte obere Ecke)
If modal is set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled (i.e. cannot be interacted with).==Wenn modal auf true gesetzt wird verhält sich der Dialog genau so; Andere Elemente auf der Seite werden deaktiviert. (können also solange das Fenster geöffnet ist nicht verwendet werden)
Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements.==Modale Dialoge erzeugen einen Overlay unter dem Dialog aber überhalb anderer Seitenelemente
With this settings you can activate or deactivate parsing of additional content-types based on their MIME-types.==Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie das Parsen zusätzlicher Dateitypen basierend auf ihren MIME-Typen ermöglichen.
For a detailed description of the various MIME-types take a look at==Für eine detailierte Beschreibung der verschiedenen MIME-Typen können Sie einen Blick auf
If you want to test a specific parser you can do so using the==
Wenn Sie einen bestimmten Parser testen wollen, verwenden Sie dafür den
If you want to test a specific parser you can do so using the==Wenn Sie einen bestimmten Parser testen wollen, verwenden Sie dafür den
>File Viewer<==>Datei Betrachter<
> enable/disable<==> aktiv / inaktiv<
@ -711,8 +708,7 @@ If you like to integrate YaCy as portal for your web pages, you may want to chan
The search page may be customized.==Die Suchseite kann auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten werden.
You can change the 'corporate identity'-images, the greeting line==Sie können die 'Corporate Identity' Bilder, die Grußzeile
and a link to a home page that is reached when the 'corporate identity'-images are clicked.==und einen Link auf die Homepage ändern, der aufgerufen wird wenn die 'Corporate Identity' Bilder angeklickt werden.
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==
Um auch die Farben und Stile zu verändern verwenden Sie das <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Servlet Aussehen</a> für andere Skins und Sprachen.
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==Um auch die Farben und Stile zu verändern verwenden Sie das <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Servlet Aussehen</a> für andere Skins und Sprachen.
Greeting Line<==Grußzeile<
URL of Home Page<==URL der Homepage<
URL of a Small Corporate Image<==URL des kleinen Corporate Identity Bildes<
@ -491,8 +491,7 @@ YaCy P2P Web Search== पी 2 पी वेब खोज
Size and position (width | height | position)==आकार और स्थिति (चौड़ाई | ऊंचाई | स्थिति )
Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values for position: 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', or an array containing a coordinate pair (in pixel offset from top left of viewport) or the possible string values (e.g. ['right','top'] for top right corner)==निर्दिष्ट करता है जहाँ संवाद प्रदर्शित किया जाना चाहिए. पद के लिए संभावित मान: 'केंद्र ' 'बाएँ ', 'ठीक ' 'शीर्ष ' 'नीचे ', या एक समन्वय जोड़ी (पिक्सेल में शीर्ष बाएँ से ऑफसेट युक्त सरणी के व्यूपोर्ट ) या संभव स्ट्रिंग मूल्यों (जैसे [ 'ठीक ' 'शीर्ष ' ] ऊपरी दाएँ कोने के लिए )
Animation effects (show | hide)==एनिमेशन प्रभाव (शो | छिपाने )
The effect to be used. Possible values: 'blind', 'clip', 'drop', 'explode', 'fold', 'puff', 'slide', 'scale', 'size', 'pulsate'.==
The effect to be used. Possible values: 'blind', 'clip', 'drop', 'explode', 'fold', 'puff', 'slide', 'scale', 'size', 'pulsate'.==रभाव इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा. संभावित मान: 'अंधा ' 'क्लिप ' 'ड्रॉप ' 'विस्फोट ' 'गुना ' 'कश ' 'स्लाइड ' 'पैमाने ' , 'आकार ' 'धड़कना '
Interaction (modal | resizable)==
इंटरेक्शन (मोडल | बदलने योग्य )
If modal is set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled (i.e. cannot be interacted with).==मोडल सही पर सेट किया जाता है, तो संवाद मोडल व्यवहार होगा; पेज पर अन्य मदों (यानी के साथ बातचीत नहीं कर सकते हैं) निष्क्रिय किया जाएगा
@ -815,8 +815,7 @@ If you like to integrate YaCy as portal for your web pages, you may want to chan
The search page may be customized.==Страница поиска может быть настроена.
You can change the 'corporate identity'-images, the greeting line==Вы можете изменить картинку фирменного логотипа, строку приветствия
and a link to a home page that is reached when the 'corporate identity'-images are clicked.==и ссылку на домашную страницу, которая будет доступна при нажатии на картинку фирменного логотипа.
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==
Изменить цвета и стили, языки и скины можно на <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">этой</a> странице.
To change also colours and styles use the <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">Appearance Servlet</a> for different skins and languages.==Изменить цвета и стили, языки и скины можно на <a href="ConfigAppearance_p.html">этой</a> странице.
Greeting Line<==Строка приветствия<
URL of Home Page<==Адрес домашней страницы<
URL of a Small Corporate Image<==Адрес маленького логотипа<