@ -127,19 +127,13 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
private int headchunksize ; // overheadsize + key element column size
private int tailchunksize ; // sum(all: COLWIDTHS) minus the size of the key element colum
private int recordsize ; // (overhead + sum(all: COLWIDTHS)) = the overall size of a record
protected int objectsize ; // sum(all: COLWIDTHS)) = the size of all data fields
// dynamic run-time seek pointers
private long POS_HANDLES = 0 ; // starts after end of POS_COLWIDHS which is POS_COLWIDTHS + COLWIDTHS.length * 4
private long POS_TXTPROPS = 0 ; // starts after end of POS_HANDLES which is POS_HANDLES + HANDLES.length * 4
private long POS_NODES = 0 ; // starts after end of POS_TXTPROPS which is POS_TXTPROPS + TXTPROPS.length * TXTPROPW
// dynamic variables that are back-ups of stored values in file; read/defined on instantiation
/ *
private int USEDC ; // counter of used elements
private int FREEC ; // counter of free elements in list of free Nodes
private Handle FREEH ; // pointer to first element in list of free Nodes, empty = NUL
* /
private usageControl USAGE ; // counter for used and re-use records and pointer to free-list
private short OHBYTEC ; // number of extra bytes in each node
private short OHHANDLEC ; // number of handles in each node
@ -247,11 +241,12 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
this . entryFile = new kelondroRAIOChunks ( ra , ra . name ( ) ) ;
// create row
ROW = new kelondroRow ( columns ) ;
// store dynamic run-time data
this . overhead = ohbytec + 4 * ohhandlec ;
this . objectsize = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < columns . length ; i + + ) this . objectsize + = columns [ i ] ;
this . recordsize = this . overhead + this . objectsize ;
this . recordsize = this . overhead + ROW . size ( ) ;
this . headchunksize = overhead + columns [ 0 ] ;
this . tailchunksize = this . recordsize - this . headchunksize ;
@ -264,7 +259,6 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
USAGE = new usageControl ( 0 , 0 , new Handle ( NUL ) ) ;
OHBYTEC = ohbytec ;
OHHANDLEC = ohhandlec ;
ROW = new kelondroRow ( columns ) ;
HANDLES = new Handle [ FHandles ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < FHandles ; i + + ) HANDLES [ i ] = new Handle ( NUL ) ;
TXTPROPS = new byte [ txtProps ] [ ] ;
@ -343,7 +337,7 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
this . theLogger . fine ( "KELONDRO DEBUG for file " + this . filename + ": " + message ) ;
public void clear ( ) throws IOException {
// Removes all mappings from this map
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("clear not supported");
@ -416,9 +410,7 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
// assign remaining values that are only present at run-time
this . overhead = OHBYTEC + 4 * OHHANDLEC ;
this . recordsize = this . overhead ;
this . objectsize = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . ROW . columns ( ) ; i + + ) this . objectsize + = this . ROW . width ( i ) ;
this . recordsize = this . overhead + this . objectsize ;
this . recordsize = this . overhead + ROW . size ( ) ;
this . headchunksize = this . overhead + this . ROW . width ( 0 ) ;
this . tailchunksize = this . recordsize - this . headchunksize ;
@ -738,9 +730,9 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
return ( h = = NUL ) ? null : new Handle ( h ) ;
public byte [ ] [ ] setValue s( byte [ ] [ ] row ) throws IOException {
public byte [ ] [ ] setValue Cell s( byte [ ] [ ] row ) throws IOException {
// if the index is defined, then write values directly to the file, else only to the object
byte [ ] [ ] result = getValue s( ) ; // previous value (this loads the values if not already happened)
byte [ ] [ ] result = getValue Cell s( ) ; // previous value (this loads the values if not already happened)
// set values
if ( this . handle . index ! = NUL ) {
@ -756,12 +748,27 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
return result ; // return previous value
public byte [ ] setValueRow ( byte [ ] row ) throws IOException {
// if the index is defined, then write values directly to the file, else only to the object
assert row . length = = ROW . size ( ) ;
byte [ ] result = getValueRow ( ) ; // previous value (this loads the values if not already happened)
// set values
if ( this . handle . index ! = NUL ) {
setValue ( row , ROW . width ( 0 ) , headChunk , overhead ) ;
setValue ( row , ROW . width ( 1 ) , tailChunk , 0 ) ;
this . headChanged = true ;
this . tailChanged = true ;
return result ; // return previous value
public byte [ ] getKey ( ) {
// read key
return trimCopy ( headChunk , overhead , ROW . width ( 0 ) ) ;
public byte [ ] [ ] getValues ( ) throws IOException {
public byte [ ] [ ] getValue Cell s( ) throws IOException {
if ( this . tailChunk = = null ) {
// load all values from the database file
@ -786,6 +793,27 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
return values ;
public byte [ ] getValueRow ( ) throws IOException {
if ( this . tailChunk = = null ) {
// load all values from the database file
this . tailChunk = new byte [ tailchunksize ] ;
// read values
entryFile . readFully ( seekpos ( this . handle ) + headchunksize , this . tailChunk , 0 , this . tailChunk . length ) ;
// create return value
byte [ ] row = new byte [ ROW . size ( ) ] ;
// read key
System . arraycopy ( headChunk , overhead , row , 0 , ROW . width ( 0 ) ) ;
// read remaining values
System . arraycopy ( tailChunk , 0 , row , ROW . width ( 0 ) , tailchunksize ) ;
return row ;
public synchronized void commit ( int cachePriority ) throws IOException {
// this must be called after all write operations to the node are
// finished
@ -820,12 +848,9 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
private byte [ ] trimCopy ( byte [ ] a , int offset , int length ) {
if ( length > a . length - offset )
length = a . length - offset ;
while ( ( length > 0 ) & & ( a [ offset + length - 1 ] = = 0 ) )
length - - ;
if ( length = = 0 )
return null ;
if ( length > a . length - offset ) length = a . length - offset ;
while ( ( length > 0 ) & & ( a [ offset + length - 1 ] = = 0 ) ) length - - ;
if ( length = = 0 ) return null ;
byte [ ] b = new byte [ length ] ;
System . arraycopy ( a , offset , b , 0 , length ) ;
return b ;
@ -842,7 +867,7 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
h = getOHHandle ( i ) ;
if ( h = = null ) s = s + ":hNULL" ; else s = s + ":h" + h . toString ( ) ;
byte [ ] [ ] content = getValue s( ) ;
byte [ ] [ ] content = getValue Cell s( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < content . length ; i + + ) s = s + ":" + ( ( content [ i ] = = null ) ? "NULL" : ( new String ( content [ i ] , "UTF-8" ) ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
s = s + ":***LOAD ERROR***:" + e . getMessage ( ) ;
@ -1140,7 +1165,7 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
Node n = new Node ( pos ) ;
pos . index + + ;
while ( ( markedDeleted . contains ( pos ) ) & & ( pos . index < USAGE . allCount ( ) ) ) pos . index + + ;
return n . getValue s( ) ;
return n . getValue Cell s( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new kelondroException ( filename , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
@ -1185,22 +1210,6 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
return true ;
public static byte [ ] long2bytes ( long x , int length ) {
byte [ ] b = new byte [ length ] ;
for ( int i = length - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
b [ i ] = ( byte ) ( x & 0XFF ) ;
x > > = 8 ;
return b ;
public static long bytes2long ( byte [ ] b ) {
if ( b = = null ) return 0 ;
long x = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < b . length ; i + + ) x = ( x < < 8 ) | ( 0xff & b [ i ] ) ;
return x ;
public final static void NUL2bytes ( byte [ ] b , int offset ) {
b [ offset ] = ( byte ) ( 0XFF & ( NUL > > 24 ) ) ;
b [ offset + 1 ] = ( byte ) ( 0XFF & ( NUL > > 16 ) ) ;