@ -484,21 +484,16 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
// send request
try {
// res = client.GET(getUrl);
// if (log.isFinest()) log.logFinest(reqID +" response status: "+ res.getStatusLine());
client . GET ( getUrl ) ;
if ( log . isFinest ( ) ) log . logFinest ( reqID + " response status: " + client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
conProp . put ( HeaderFramework . CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER , requestHeader ) ;
// final ResponseHeader responseHeader = res.getResponseHeader();
final ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getAllHeaders ( ) ) ;
// determine if it's an internal error of the httpc
if ( responseHeader . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// throw new Exception(res.getStatusLine());
throw new Exception ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
// final ChunkedOutputStream chunkedOut = setTransferEncoding(conProp, responseHeader, res.getStatusCode(), respond);
final ChunkedOutputStream chunkedOut = setTransferEncoding ( conProp , responseHeader , client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) , respond ) ;
// the cache does either not exist or is (supposed to be) stale
@ -539,13 +534,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
if ( log . isFinest ( ) ) log . logFinest ( reqID + " sending response header: " + responseHeader ) ;
// HTTPDemon.sendRespondHeader(
// conProp,
// respond,
// httpVer,
// res.getStatusCode(),
// res.getStatusLine().substring(4), // status text
// responseHeader);
HTTPDemon . sendRespondHeader (
conProp ,
respond ,
@ -554,7 +542,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . toString ( ) , // status text
responseHeader ) ;
// if (hasBody(res.getStatusCode())) {
if ( hasBody ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) ) ) {
final OutputStream outStream = ( gzippedOut ! = null ) ? gzippedOut : ( ( chunkedOut ! = null ) ? chunkedOut : respond ) ;
@ -562,7 +549,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
request ,
requestHeader ,
responseHeader ,
// res.getStatusLine(),
Integer . toString ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) ) ,
sb . crawler . defaultProxyProfile
) ;
@ -940,47 +926,19 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
if ( body = = null ) {
log . logSevere ( "no body to POST!" ) ;
// from old httpc:
// "if there is a body to the call, we would have a CONTENT-LENGTH tag in the requestHeader"
// it seems that it is a HTTP/1.1 connection which stays open (the inputStream) and endlessly waits for
// input so we have to end it to do the request
// this should not be needed anymore - see org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity
// final int contentLength = requestHeader.getContentLength();
// if (contentLength > -1) {
// final byte[] bodyData;
// if(contentLength == 0) {
// // no body
// bodyData = new byte[0];
// } else {
// // read content-length bytes into memory
// bodyData = new byte[contentLength];
// int bytes_read = 0;
// while(bytes_read < contentLength) {
// bytes_read += body.read(bodyData, bytes_read, contentLength-bytes_read);
// }
// }
// body = new ByteArrayInputStream(bodyData);
// }
// ResponseContainer res = null;
try {
// sending the request
// res = client.POST(getUrl, body);
// if (log.isFinest()) log.logFinest(reqID +" response status: "+ res.getStatusLine());
client . POST ( getUrl , body , contentLength ) ;
if ( log . isFinest ( ) ) log . logFinest ( reqID + " response status: " + client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) ) ;
// final ResponseHeader responseHeader = res.getResponseHeader();
final ResponseHeader responseHeader = new ResponseHeader ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getAllHeaders ( ) ) ;
// determine if it's an internal error of the httpc
if ( responseHeader . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// throw new Exception(res.getStatusLine());
throw new Exception ( client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
// final ChunkedOutputStream chunked = setTransferEncoding(conProp, responseHeader, res.getStatusCode(), countedRespond);
final ChunkedOutputStream chunked = setTransferEncoding ( conProp , responseHeader , client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) , countedRespond ) ;
// prepareResponseHeader(responseHeader, res.getHttpVer());
prepareResponseHeader ( responseHeader , client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getProtocolVersion ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
// sending the respond header back to the client
@ -990,12 +948,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
// sending response headers
if ( log . isFinest ( ) ) log . logFinest ( reqID + " sending response header: " + responseHeader ) ;
// HTTPDemon.sendRespondHeader(conProp,
// countedRespond,
// httpVer,
// res.getStatusCode(),
// res.getStatusLine().substring(4), // status text
// responseHeader);
HTTPDemon . sendRespondHeader ( conProp ,
countedRespond ,
httpVer ,
@ -1003,19 +955,7 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
client . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . toString ( ) , // status text
responseHeader ) ;
// respondHeader(respond, res.status, res.responseHeader);
// Saver.writeContent(res, (chunked != null) ? new BufferedOutputStream(chunked) : new BufferedOutputStream(respond));
/ *
// *** (Uebernommen aus Saver-Klasse: warum ist dies hier die einzige Methode, die einen OutputStream statt einen Writer benutzt?)
try {
serverFileUtils . copyToStream ( new BufferedInputStream ( res . getDataAsStream ( ) ) , ( chunked ! = null ) ? new BufferedOutputStream ( chunked ) : new BufferedOutputStream ( respond ) ) ;
} finally {
res . closeStream ( ) ;
if ( chunked ! = null ) chunked . finish ( ) ;
* /
final OutputStream outStream = ( chunked ! = null ) ? chunked : countedRespond ;
// FileUtils.copy(res.getDataAsStream(), outStream);
client . writeTo ( outStream ) ;
if ( chunked ! = null ) {
@ -1024,14 +964,8 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
outStream . flush ( ) ;
} catch ( SocketException se ) {
// connection closed by client, abort download
// res.abort();
client . finish ( ) ;
} finally {
// if opened ...
// if(res != null) {
// // ... close connection
// res.closeStream();
// }
client . finish ( ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
@ -1118,8 +1052,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
* /
private static HTTPClient setupHttpClient ( final RequestHeader requestHeader , final String connectHost ) {
// setup HTTP-client
// final Client client = new Client(timeout, requestHeader);
// client.setFollowRedirects(false);
final HTTPClient client = new HTTPClient ( ) ;
client . setTimout ( timeout ) ;
client . setHeader ( requestHeader . entrySet ( ) ) ;
@ -1293,20 +1225,13 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
// possibly branch into PROXY-PROXY connection
if ( ProxySettings . use & & ProxySettings . use4ssl ) {
// final Client remoteProxy = new Client(timeout, requestHeader);
// remoteProxy.setFollowRedirects(false); // should not be needed, but safe is safe
final HTTPClient remoteProxy = setupHttpClient ( requestHeader , host ) ;
// ResponseContainer response = null;
try {
// response = remoteProxy.CONNECT(host, port);
remoteProxy . HEADResponse ( "http://" + host + ":" + port ) ;
ResponseHeader header = new ResponseHeader ( remoteProxy . getHttpResponse ( ) . getAllHeaders ( ) ) ;
// outputs a logline to the serverlog with the current status
// log.logInfo("CONNECT-RESPONSE: status=" + response.getStatusLine() + ", header=" + response.getResponseHeader().toString());
// // (response.getStatusLine().charAt(0) == '2') || (response.getStatusLine().charAt(0) == '3')
// final boolean success = response.getStatusCode() >= 200 && response.getStatusCode() <= 399;
log . logInfo ( "CONNECT-RESPONSE: status=" + remoteProxy . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) + ", header=" + header . toString ( ) ) ;
final boolean success = remoteProxy . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) > = 200 & & remoteProxy . getHttpResponse ( ) . getStatusLine ( ) . getStatusCode ( ) < = 399 ;
if ( success ) {
@ -1316,7 +1241,6 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
// go on (see below)
} else {
// pass error response back to client
// HTTPDemon.sendRespondHeader(conProp,clientOut,httpVersion,response.getStatusCode(),response.getStatusLine().substring(4),response.getResponseHeader());
HTTPDemon . sendRespondHeader (
conProp ,
clientOut ,
@ -1328,16 +1252,8 @@ public final class HTTPDProxyHandler {
forceConnectionClose ( conProp ) ;
return ;
// } catch (SocketException se) {
// // connection closed by client, abort download
// response.abort();
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// } finally {
// if(response != null) {
// // release connection
// response.closeStream();
// }