<p>Application will terminate after working off all scheduled tasks.</p>
<h2>Please send us feed-back!</h2>
<p>We don't track YaCy users, YaCy does not send 'home-pings', we do not even know how many people use YaCy as their private search engine.<br/>
Therefore we like to ask you: do you like YaCy? Will you use it again... if not, why? Is is possible that we change a bit to suit your needs?</p>
<p>Please send us a feed-back about your experience with an<br/><ahref="http://sayat.me/YaCy">anonymous message</a><br/>or a</br>posting to our <ahref="http://forum.yacy.de">web forums</a><br/>or a<br/><ahref="http://bugs.yacy.net">bug report</a>!</p>
<h2>Professional Support</h2>
<p>If you are a professional user and you would like to use YaCy in your company in combination with consulting services by YaCy specialists, please see <ahref="http://pro.yacy.net">http://pro.yacy.net</a>.
<h2>Just a moment, please!</h2>
<p>Application will terminate after working off all scheduled tasks.<br/>