Merge branch 'master' of git://

admin 13 years ago
commit 56ce8488e4

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.CharacterCoding;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables.Row;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
@ -134,11 +133,11 @@ public class get_ymark {
int crawl = 0;
if (!crawlstart.isEmpty()) {
crawl = 1;
prop.put("json_"+count+"_crawlstart_info", "Crawl start in API Table");
prop.put("json_"+count+"_crawlstart_info", "Crawl last executed: "+YMarkDate.ISO8601(crawlstart.date_last_exec()));
if (crawlstart.hasSchedule()) {
crawl = 2;
prop.put("json_"+count+"_crawlstart_info", "Scheduled Crawl: "+YMarkDate.ISO8601(crawlstart.date_next_exec()));
prop.put("json_"+count+"_crawlstart_info", "Crawl scheduled: "+YMarkDate.ISO8601(crawlstart.date_next_exec()));
if (crawlstart.isRunning(sb.crawler)) {
crawl = 3;

@ -116,13 +116,7 @@
<td><label for="urlmaskfilter">URL mask</label>:</td>
<input id="urlmaskfilter" name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="yes" checked /> restrict on <input name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="urlmask" value="no" /> show all
<td><input id="urlmaskfilter" name="urlmaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[urlmaskfilter]#" /></td>

@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ public class index {
prop.put("searchoptions_resource-select_global", global ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("searchoptions_resource-select_global-disabled", indexReceiveGranted ? "0" : "1");
prop.put("searchoptions_resource-select_local", global ? "0" : "1");
prop.put("searchoptions_urlmaskoptions", "0");
prop.putHTML("searchoptions_urlmaskoptions_urlmaskfilter", urlmaskfilter);
prop.putHTML("searchoptions_urlmaskfilter", urlmaskfilter);
prop.put("searchoptions_prefermaskoptions", "0");
prop.putHTML("searchoptions_prefermaskoptions_prefermaskfilter", prefermaskfilter);
prop.put("searchoptions_indexofChecked", "");

@ -179,18 +179,15 @@ public class yacysearch {
// collect search attributes
final boolean newsearch =post.hasValue("query") && post.hasValue("former") && !post.get("query","").equalsIgnoreCase(post.get("former","")); //new search term
int itemsPerPage = Math.min((authenticated) ? (snippetFetchStrategy != null && snippetFetchStrategy.isAllowedToFetchOnline() ? 100 : 5000) : (snippetFetchStrategy != null && snippetFetchStrategy.isAllowedToFetchOnline() ? 20 : 1000), post.getInt("maximumRecords", post.getInt("count", 10))); // SRU syntax with old property as alternative
int offset = (newsearch) ? 0 : post.getInt("startRecord", post.getInt("offset", 0));
int maximumRecords = Math.min((authenticated) ? (snippetFetchStrategy != null && snippetFetchStrategy.isAllowedToFetchOnline() ? 100 : 5000) : (snippetFetchStrategy != null && snippetFetchStrategy.isAllowedToFetchOnline() ? 20 : 1000), post.getInt("maximumRecords", post.getInt("count", 10))); // SRU syntax with old property as alternative
int startRecord = post.getInt("startRecord", post.getInt("offset", 0));
boolean global = post.get("resource", "local").equals("global") && sb.peers.sizeConnected() > 0;
final boolean indexof = (post != null && post.get("indexof","").equals("on"));
final String originalUrlMask;
if (post.containsKey("urlmask") && post.get("urlmask").equals("no")) { // option search all
originalUrlMask = ".*";
} else if (!newsearch && post.containsKey("urlmaskfilter")) {
if (post.containsKey("urlmaskfilter")) {
originalUrlMask = post.get("urlmaskfilter", ".*");
} else {
originalUrlMask = ".*";
@ -231,8 +228,10 @@ public class yacysearch {
final ContentDomain contentdom = ContentDomain.contentdomParser(post == null ? "text" : post.get("contentdom", "text"));
// patch until better search profiles are available
if ((contentdom != ContentDomain.TEXT) && (itemsPerPage <= 32)) {
itemsPerPage = 64;
if (contentdom == ContentDomain.TEXT) {
if (maximumRecords > 50) maximumRecords = 10;
} else {
if (maximumRecords <= 32) maximumRecords = 64;
// check the search tracker
@ -610,8 +609,8 @@ public class yacysearch {
clustersearch && global ? QueryParams.Searchdom.CLUSTER :
(global && indexReceiveGranted ? QueryParams.Searchdom.GLOBAL : QueryParams.Searchdom.LOCAL),
@ -644,7 +643,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// create a new search event
if (SearchEventCache.getEvent( == null) {
theQuery.setOffset(0); // in case that this is a new search, always start without a offset
offset = 0;
startRecord = 0;
final SearchEvent theSearch = SearchEventCache.getEvent(
theQuery, sb.peers, sb.tables, (sb.isRobinsonMode()) ? sb.clusterhashes : null, false, sb.loader,
@ -653,7 +652,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
(int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.DHT_BURST_ROBINSON, 0),
(int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.DHT_BURST_MULTIWORD, 0));
if (offset == 0) {
if (startRecord == 0) {
if (sitehost != null && sb.getConfigBool("", false) && authenticated) {
sb.heuristicSite(theSearch, sitehost);
@ -707,7 +706,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// find geographic info
final SortedSet<Location> coordinates = LibraryProvider.geoLoc.find(originalquerystring, false);
if (coordinates == null || coordinates.isEmpty() || offset > 0) {
if (coordinates == null || coordinates.isEmpty() || startRecord > 0) {
prop.put("geoinfo", "0");
} else {
int i = 0;
@ -740,9 +739,9 @@ public class yacysearch {
final int indexcount = theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount() - theSearch.getRankingResult().getMissCount() - theSearch.getRankingResult().getSortOutCount() + theSearch.getRankingResult().getRemoteIndexCount();
prop.put("num-results_offset", offset == 0 ? 0 : offset + 1);
prop.put("num-results_itemscount", Formatter.number(offset + theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage > indexcount ? offset + indexcount % theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage : offset + theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage, true));
prop.put("num-results_itemsPerPage", itemsPerPage);
prop.put("num-results_offset", startRecord == 0 ? 0 : startRecord + 1);
prop.put("num-results_itemscount", Formatter.number(startRecord + theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage > indexcount ? startRecord + indexcount % theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage : startRecord + theSearch.getQuery().itemsPerPage, true));
prop.put("num-results_itemsPerPage", maximumRecords);
prop.put("num-results_totalcount", Formatter.number(indexcount, true));
prop.put("num-results_globalresults", global && (indexReceiveGranted || clustersearch) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("num-results_globalresults_localResourceSize", Formatter.number(theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount(), true));
@ -753,7 +752,7 @@ public class yacysearch {
// compose page navigation
final StringBuilder resnav = new StringBuilder(200);
final int thispage = offset / theQuery.displayResults();
final int thispage = startRecord / theQuery.displayResults();
if (thispage == 0) {
resnav.append("<img src=\"env/grafics/navdl.gif\" alt=\"arrowleft\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" />&nbsp;");
} else {
@ -789,12 +788,12 @@ public class yacysearch {
final String resnavs = resnav.toString();
prop.put("num-results_resnav", resnavs);
prop.put("pageNavBottom", (indexcount - offset > 6) ? 1 : 0); // if there are more results than may fit on the page we add a navigation at the bottom
prop.put("pageNavBottom", (indexcount - startRecord > 6) ? 1 : 0); // if there are more results than may fit on the page we add a navigation at the bottom
prop.put("pageNavBottom_resnav", resnavs);
// generate the search result lines; the content will be produced by another servlet
for (int i = 0; i < theQuery.displayResults(); i++) {
prop.put("results_" + i + "_item", offset + i);
prop.put("results_" + i + "_item", startRecord + i);
prop.put("results_" + i + "_eventID",;
prop.put("results", theQuery.displayResults());
@ -833,8 +832,8 @@ public class yacysearch {
prop.put("searchagain", global ? "1" : "0");
prop.putHTML("former", originalquerystring);
prop.put("count", itemsPerPage);
prop.put("offset", offset);
prop.put("count", maximumRecords);
prop.put("offset", startRecord);
prop.put("resource", global ? "global" : "local");
prop.putHTML("urlmaskfilter", originalUrlMask);
prop.putHTML("prefermaskfilter", prefermask);

@ -198,6 +198,24 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
Seed seed;
long lastseen;
// start processes that actually draw the peers
//final BlockingQueue<drawNetworkPicturePeerJob> drawQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<drawNetworkPicturePeerJob>();
//final drawNetworkPicturePeerJob poison = new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob();
final Thread[] drawThreads = new Thread[Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()];
for (int i = 0; i < drawThreads.length; i++) {
drawThreads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
drawNetworkPicturePeerJob job;
while ((job = drawQueue.take()) != poison) job.draw();
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
// draw connected senior and principals
int count = 0;
@ -213,7 +231,7 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
//Log.logInfo("NetworkGraph", "drawing peer " + seed.getName());
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_ACTIVE_DOT, COL_ACTIVE_LINE, COL_ACTIVE_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc);
new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_ACTIVE_DOT, COL_ACTIVE_LINE, COL_ACTIVE_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc).draw();
totalCount += count;
@ -231,7 +249,7 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if (lastseen > passiveLimit) {
break; // we have enough, this list is sorted so we don't miss anything
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_PASSIVE_DOT, COL_PASSIVE_LINE, COL_PASSIVE_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc);
new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_PASSIVE_DOT, COL_PASSIVE_LINE, COL_PASSIVE_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc).draw();
totalCount += count;
@ -249,13 +267,16 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
if (lastseen > potentialLimit) {
break; // we have enough, this list is sorted so we don't miss anything
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_POTENTIAL_DOT, COL_POTENTIAL_LINE, COL_POTENTIAL_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc);
new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seed, COL_POTENTIAL_DOT, COL_POTENTIAL_LINE, COL_POTENTIAL_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc).draw();
totalCount += count;
// draw my own peer
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seedDB.mySeed(), COL_MYPEER_DOT, COL_MYPEER_LINE, COL_MYPEER_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc);
new drawNetworkPicturePeerJob(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, seedDB.mySeed(), COL_MYPEER_DOT, COL_MYPEER_LINE, COL_MYPEER_TEXT, coronaangle, cyc).draw();
// signal termination
//for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Thread t: drawThreads) try { drawQueue.put(poison); } catch (final InterruptedException ee) {}
// draw DHT activity
if (communicationTimeout >= 0) {
@ -283,6 +304,9 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
PrintTool.print(networkPicture, width - 2, 6, 0, "SNAPSHOT FROM " + new Date().toString().toUpperCase(), 1);
PrintTool.print(networkPicture, width - 2, 14, 0, "DRAWING OF " + totalCount + " SELECTED PEERS", 1);
// wait for draw termination
//for (final Thread t: drawThreads) try { t.join(); } catch (final InterruptedException ee) {}
return networkPicture;
@ -298,42 +322,64 @@ public class NetworkGraph {
colorLine, 100, null, 100, 12, (coronaangle < 0) ? -1 : coronaangle / 30, 2, true);
private static void drawNetworkPicturePeer(
final RasterPlotter img, final int centerX, final int centerY,
final int innerradius, final int outerradius,
final Seed seed,
final String colorDot, final String colorLine, final String colorText,
final int coronaangle,
final double cyc) {
final String name = seed.getName().toUpperCase() /*+ ":" + seed.hash + ":" + (((double) ((int) (100 * (((double) yacySeed.dhtPosition(seed.hash)) / ((double) yacySeed.maxDHTDistance))))) / 100.0)*/;
if (name.length() < shortestName) shortestName = name.length();
if (name.length() > longestName) longestName = name.length();
final double angle = cyc + (360.0d * FlatWordPartitionScheme.std.dhtPosition(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash), null) / DOUBLE_LONG_MAX_VALUE);
//System.out.println("Seed " + seed.hash + " has distance " + seed.dhtDistance() + ", angle = " + angle);
int linelength = 20 + outerradius * (20 * (name.length() - shortestName) / (longestName - shortestName) + Math.abs(seed.hash.hashCode() % 20)) / 80;
if (linelength > outerradius) linelength = outerradius;
int dotsize = 2 + (int) (seed.getLinkCount() / 2000000L);
if (colorDot.equals(COL_MYPEER_DOT)) dotsize = dotsize + 4;
if (dotsize > 18) dotsize = 18;
// draw dot
img.arcDot(centerX, centerY, innerradius, angle, dotsize);
// draw line to text
img.arcLine(centerX, centerY, innerradius + 18, innerradius + linelength, angle, true, colorLine, "444444", 12, coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
// draw text
PrintTool.arcPrint(img, centerX, centerY, innerradius + linelength, angle, name);
// draw corona around dot for crawling activity
final int ppmx = seed.getPPM() / 40;
if (coronaangle >= 0 && ppmx > 0) {
drawCorona(img, centerX, centerY, innerradius, angle, dotsize, ppmx, coronaangle, true, false, 2, 2, 2); // color = 0..63
private static class drawNetworkPicturePeerJob {
private RasterPlotter img;
private int centerX, centerY, innerradius, outerradius, coronaangle;
private Seed seed;
private String colorDot, colorLine, colorText;
private double cyc;
public drawNetworkPicturePeerJob() {} // used to produce a poison pill
public drawNetworkPicturePeerJob(
final RasterPlotter img, final int centerX, final int centerY,
final int innerradius, final int outerradius,
final Seed seed,
final String colorDot, final String colorLine, final String colorText,
final int coronaangle,
final double cyc) {
this.img = img;
this.centerX = centerX;
this.centerY = centerY;
this.innerradius = innerradius;
this.outerradius = outerradius;
this.coronaangle = coronaangle;
this.seed = seed;
this.colorDot = colorDot;
this.colorLine = colorLine;
this.colorText = colorText;
this.cyc = cyc;
public void draw() {
final String name = this.seed.getName().toUpperCase() /*+ ":" + seed.hash + ":" + (((double) ((int) (100 * (((double) yacySeed.dhtPosition(seed.hash)) / ((double) yacySeed.maxDHTDistance))))) / 100.0)*/;
if (name.length() < shortestName) shortestName = name.length();
if (name.length() > longestName) longestName = name.length();
final double angle = this.cyc + (360.0d * FlatWordPartitionScheme.std.dhtPosition(ASCII.getBytes(this.seed.hash), null) / DOUBLE_LONG_MAX_VALUE);
//System.out.println("Seed " + seed.hash + " has distance " + seed.dhtDistance() + ", angle = " + angle);
int linelength = 20 + this.outerradius * (20 * (name.length() - shortestName) / (longestName - shortestName) + Math.abs(this.seed.hash.hashCode() % 20)) / 80;
if (linelength > this.outerradius) linelength = this.outerradius;
int dotsize = 2 + (int) (this.seed.getLinkCount() / 2000000L);
if (this.colorDot.equals(COL_MYPEER_DOT)) dotsize = dotsize + 4;
if (dotsize > 18) dotsize = 18;
// draw dot
this.img.arcDot(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.innerradius, angle, dotsize);
// draw line to text
this.img.arcLine(this.centerX, this.centerY, this.innerradius + 18, this.innerradius + linelength, angle, true, this.colorLine, "444444", 12, this.coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
// draw text
PrintTool.arcPrint(this.img, this.centerX, this.centerY, this.innerradius + linelength, angle, name);
// draw corona around dot for crawling activity
final int ppmx = this.seed.getPPM() / 40;
if (this.coronaangle >= 0 && ppmx > 0) {
drawCorona(this.img, this.centerX, this.centerY, this.innerradius, angle, dotsize, ppmx, this.coronaangle, true, false, 2, 2, 2); // color = 0..63
// draw corona around dot for query activity
final int qphx = ((int) (seed.getQPM() * 4.0));
if (coronaangle >= 0 && qphx > 0) {
drawCorona(img, centerX, centerY, innerradius, angle, dotsize, qphx, coronaangle, false, true, 10, 40, 10); // color = 0..63
// draw corona around dot for query activity
final int qphx = ((int) (this.seed.getQPM() * 4.0));
if (this.coronaangle >= 0 && qphx > 0) {
drawCorona(this.img, this.centerX, this.centerY, this.innerradius, angle, dotsize, qphx, this.coronaangle, false, true, 10, 40, 10); // color = 0..63
