modified kelondroDyn to work better with new object caches

(removed own single object cache)

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 19 years ago
parent 26e3216bcc
commit 55c5b41bd0

@ -211,9 +211,6 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
isTransparentProxy = Boolean.valueOf(switchboard.getConfig("isTransparentProxy","false")).booleanValue();
// doing httpc init
httpc.useYacyReferer = sb.getConfig("useYacyReferer", "true").equals("true");
// // load remote proxy data
// remoteProxyHost = switchboard.getConfig("remoteProxyHost","");
// try {

@ -57,49 +57,41 @@ import;
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer;
public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
private static final int counterlen = 8;
private byte[] segmentCacheKey, segmentCacheContent;
private int keylen;
private int reclen;
private int segmentCount;
private char fillChar;
public kelondroDyn(File file, long buffersize /*bytes*/, int key, int nodesize, char fillChar, boolean exitOnFail) {
this(file, buffersize, key, nodesize, fillChar, new kelondroNaturalOrder(true), exitOnFail);
public kelondroDyn(File file, long buffersize /*bytes*/, int key, int nodesize, char fillChar, kelondroOrder objectOrder, boolean exitOnFail) {
// creates a new dynamic tree
super(file, buffersize, kelondroTree.defaultObjectCachePercent, new int[] {key + counterlen, nodesize}, objectOrder, 1, 8, exitOnFail);
this.keylen = columnSize(0) - counterlen;
this.reclen = columnSize(1);
this.fillChar = fillChar;
this.segmentCacheKey = null;
this.segmentCacheContent = null;
// init counter: write into text field
public kelondroDyn(File file, long buffersize /* bytes */, int key,
int nodesize, char fillChar, kelondroOrder objectOrder,
boolean exitOnFail) {
// creates a new dynamic tree
super(file, buffersize, kelondroTree.defaultObjectCachePercent, new int[] { key + counterlen, nodesize }, objectOrder, 1, 8, exitOnFail);
this.keylen = columnSize(0) - counterlen;
this.reclen = columnSize(1);
this.fillChar = fillChar;
this.segmentCount = 0;
public kelondroDyn(File file, long buffersize, char fillChar) throws IOException {
// this opens a file with an existing dynamic tree
super(file, buffersize, kelondroTree.defaultObjectCachePercent);
this.keylen = columnSize(0) - counterlen;
this.reclen = columnSize(1);
this.fillChar = fillChar;
this.segmentCacheKey = null;
this.segmentCacheContent = null;
// this opens a file with an existing dynamic tree
super(file, buffersize, kelondroTree.defaultObjectCachePercent);
this.keylen = columnSize(0) - counterlen;
this.reclen = columnSize(1);
this.fillChar = fillChar;
this.segmentCount = 0;
//Iterator i = keys(true); while (i.hasNext()) segmentCount++;
private void writeSegmentCount() {
try {
setText(0, kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(segmentCount, 8).getBytes());
@ -108,17 +100,6 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
private void readSegmentCount() {
try {
segmentCount = (int) serverCodings.enhancedCoder.decodeBase64Long(new String(getText(0)));
} catch (Exception e) {
segmentCount = 0;
public synchronized int sizeDyn() {
//this.segmentCount = 0;
//Iterator i = keys(true); while (i.hasNext()) segmentCount++;
@ -127,44 +108,49 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
private static String counter(int c) {
String s = Integer.toHexString(c);
while (s.length() < counterlen) s = "0" + s;
return s;
String s = Integer.toHexString(c);
while (s.length() < counterlen) s = "0" + s;
return s;
private byte[] dynKey(String key, int record) {
if (key.length() > keylen) throw new RuntimeException("key len (" + key.length() + ") out of limit (" + keylen + "): '" + key + "'");
while (key.length() < keylen) key = key + fillChar;
key = key + counter(record);
return key.getBytes();
if (key.length() > keylen) throw new RuntimeException("key len (" + key.length() + ") out of limit (" + keylen + "): '" + key + "'");
while (key.length() < keylen) key = key + fillChar;
key = key + counter(record);
return key.getBytes();
private String origKey(byte[] rawKey) {
int n = keylen - 1;
if (n >= rawKey.length) n = rawKey.length - 1;
while ((n > 0) && (rawKey[n] == (byte) fillChar)) n--;
return new String(rawKey, 0, n + 1);
int n = keylen - 1;
if (n >= rawKey.length) n = rawKey.length - 1;
while ((n > 0) && (rawKey[n] == (byte) fillChar)) n--;
return new String(rawKey, 0, n + 1);
public class dynKeyIterator implements Iterator {
// the iterator iterates all keys, which are byte[] objects
Iterator ri;
String nextKey;
public dynKeyIterator(Iterator iter) {
ri = iter;
nextKey = n();
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextKey != null;
public Object next() {
String result = nextKey;
nextKey = n();
return origKey(result.getBytes());
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no remove in RawKeyIterator");
// the iterator iterates all keys, which are byte[] objects
Iterator ri;
String nextKey;
public dynKeyIterator(Iterator iter) {
ri = iter;
nextKey = n();
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextKey != null;
public Object next() {
String result = nextKey;
nextKey = n();
return origKey(result.getBytes());
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no remove in RawKeyIterator");
private String n() {
byte[] g;
String k;
@ -201,102 +187,92 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
private byte[] getValueCached(byte[] key) throws IOException {
if ((segmentCacheKey != null) && (serverByteBuffer.equals(key, segmentCacheKey))) {
// use cache
//System.out.println("cache hit: " + super.filename + "/" + new String(key));
return segmentCacheContent;
// read from db
final byte[][] r = get(key);
if (r == null) return null;
// update cache
segmentCacheKey = key;
segmentCacheContent = r[1];
byte[][] result = get(key);
if (result == null) return null;
// return result
return r[1];
return result[1];
private synchronized void setValueCached(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws IOException {
// update cache
segmentCacheKey = key;
segmentCacheContent = value;
// update storage
put(key, value);
// update storage
put(key, value);
public synchronized int getDyn(String key, int pos) throws IOException {
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
// read within a single record
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
// read within a single record
byte[] buf = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (buf == null) return -1;
int recpos = pos % reclen;
if (buf.length <= recpos) return -1;
if (buf.length <= recpos) return -1;
return buf[recpos] & 0xFF;
public synchronized byte[] getDyn(String key, int pos, int len) throws IOException {
int recpos = pos % reclen;
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
byte[] segment1;
// read first within a single record
if ((recpos == 0) && (reclen == len)) {
segment1 = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (segment1 == null) return null;
} else {
byte[] buf = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (buf == null) return null;
int recpos = pos % reclen;
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
byte[] segment1;
// read first within a single record
if ((recpos == 0) && (reclen == len)) {
segment1 = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (segment1 == null) return null;
} else {
byte[] buf = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (buf == null) return null;
if (buf.length < reclen) {
byte[] buff = new byte[reclen];
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, buff, 0, buf.length);
buf = buff;
buff = null;
//System.out.println("read: buf.length="+buf.length+",recpos="+recpos+",len="+len);
if (recpos + len <= reclen) {
segment1 = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(buf, recpos, segment1, 0, len);
} else {
segment1 = new byte[reclen - recpos];
System.arraycopy(buf, recpos, segment1, 0, reclen - recpos);
// if this is all, return
if (recpos + len <= reclen) return segment1;
// read from several records
// we combine recursively all participating records
// we have two segments: the one in the starting record, and the remaining
// segment 1 in record <reccnt> : start = recpos, length = reclen - recpos
// segment 2 in record <reccnt>+1: start = 0, length = len - reclen + recpos
// recursively step further
byte[] segment2 = getDyn(key, pos + segment1.length, len - segment1.length);
if (segment2 == null) return null;
// now combine the two segments into the result
byte[] result = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(segment1, 0, result, 0, segment1.length);
System.arraycopy(segment2, 0, result, segment1.length, segment2.length);
return result;
// System.out.println("read:
// buf.length="+buf.length+",recpos="+recpos+",len="+len);
if (recpos + len <= reclen) {
segment1 = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(buf, recpos, segment1, 0, len);
} else {
segment1 = new byte[reclen - recpos];
System.arraycopy(buf, recpos, segment1, 0, reclen - recpos);
// if this is all, return
if (recpos + len <= reclen)
return segment1;
// read from several records
// we combine recursively all participating records
// we have two segments: the one in the starting record, and the
// remaining
// segment 1 in record <reccnt> : start = recpos, length = reclen -
// recpos
// segment 2 in record <reccnt>+1: start = 0, length = len - reclen +
// recpos
// recursively step further
byte[] segment2 = getDyn(key, pos + segment1.length, len - segment1.length);
if (segment2 == null) return null;
// now combine the two segments into the result
byte[] result = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(segment1, 0, result, 0, segment1.length);
System.arraycopy(segment2, 0, result, segment1.length, segment2.length);
return result;
public synchronized void putDyn(String key, int pos, byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int recpos = pos % reclen;
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
byte[] buf;
// first write current record
if ((recpos == 0) && (reclen == len)) {
if (off == 0) {
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), b);
} else {
buf = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, 0, len);
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), b);
} else {
buf = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
int recpos = pos % reclen;
int reccnt = pos / reclen;
byte[] buf;
// first write current record
if ((recpos == 0) && (reclen == len)) {
if (off == 0) {
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), b);
} else {
buf = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, 0, len);
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), b);
} else {
buf = getValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt));
if (buf == null) {
buf = new byte[reclen];
} else if (buf.length < reclen) {
@ -305,87 +281,86 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
buf = buff;
buff = null;
//System.out.println("write: b.length="+b.length+",off="+off+",len="+(reclen-recpos));
if (len < (reclen - recpos))
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, recpos, len);
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, recpos, reclen - recpos);
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), buf);
// if more records are necessary, write to them also recursively
if (recpos + len > reclen) {
putDyn(key, pos + reclen - recpos, b, off + reclen - recpos, len - reclen + recpos);
// System.out.println("write:
// b.length="+b.length+",off="+off+",len="+(reclen-recpos));
if (len < (reclen - recpos))
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, recpos, len);
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, recpos, reclen - recpos);
setValueCached(dynKey(key, reccnt), buf);
// if more records are necessary, write to them also recursively
if (recpos + len > reclen) {
putDyn(key, pos + reclen - recpos, b, off + reclen - recpos, len - reclen + recpos);
public synchronized void remove(String key) throws IOException {
// remove value in cache and tree
// remove value in cache and tree
if (key == null) return;
int recpos = 0;
byte[] k;
int recpos = 0;
byte[] k;
while (super.get(k = dynKey(key, recpos)) != null) {
segmentCacheKey = null;
segmentCacheContent = null;
//segmentCount--; writeSegmentCount();
public synchronized boolean existsDyn(String key) throws IOException {
return (key != null) && (getValueCached(dynKey(key, 0)) != null);
return (key != null) && (getValueCached(dynKey(key, 0)) != null);
public synchronized kelondroRA getRA(String filekey) {
// this returns always a RARecord, even if no existed bevore
//return new kelondroBufferedRA(new RARecord(filekey), 512, 0);
// this returns always a RARecord, even if no existed bevore
//return new kelondroBufferedRA(new RARecord(filekey), 512, 0);
return new RARecord(filekey);
public class RARecord extends kelondroAbstractRA implements kelondroRA {
int seekpos = 0;
String filekey;
public RARecord(String filekey) {
this.filekey = filekey;
public int read() throws IOException {
return getDyn(filekey, seekpos++);
//byte[] b = getDyn(filekey, seekpos++, 1);
//return (b == null) ? -1 : b[0] & 0xFF;
public void write(int i) throws IOException {
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) i;
putDyn(filekey, seekpos++, b, 0, 1);
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
byte[] buf = getDyn(filekey, seekpos, len);
if (buf == null) return 0;
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, b, off, len);
seekpos += len;
return len;
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
putDyn(filekey, seekpos, b, off, len);
seekpos += len;
public void seek(long pos) throws IOException {
seekpos = (int) pos;
public void close() throws IOException {
// no need to do anything here
int seekpos = 0;
String filekey;
public RARecord(String filekey) {
this.filekey = filekey;
public int read() throws IOException {
return getDyn(filekey, seekpos++);
public void write(int i) throws IOException {
byte[] b = new byte[1];
b[0] = (byte) i;
putDyn(filekey, seekpos++, b, 0, 1);
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
byte[] buf = getDyn(filekey, seekpos, len);
if (buf == null)
return 0;
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, b, off, len);
seekpos += len;
return len;
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
putDyn(filekey, seekpos, b, off, len);
seekpos += len;
public void seek(long pos) throws IOException {
seekpos = (int) pos;
public void close() throws IOException {
// no need to do anything here
public synchronized void writeFile(String key, File f) throws IOException {
// reads a file from the FS and writes it into the database
kelondroRA kra = null;
@ -404,11 +379,19 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
} finally {
if (fis != null) try{fis.close();}catch(Exception e){}
if (kra != null) try{kra.close();}catch(Exception e){}
if (fis != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (kra != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public synchronized void readFile(String key, File f) throws IOException {
// reads a file from the DB and writes it to the FS
kelondroRA kra = null;
@ -419,44 +402,60 @@ public class kelondroDyn extends kelondroTree {
fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
} finally {
if (fos != null) try{fos.close();}catch(Exception e){}
if (kra != null) try{kra.close();}catch(Exception e){}
if (fos != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (kra != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// test app for DB functions
// reads/writes files to a database table
// arguments:
// {-f2db/-db2f} <db-name> <key> <filename>
// test app for DB functions
// reads/writes files to a database table
// arguments:
// {-f2db/-db2f} <db-name> <key> <filename>
if (args.length == 0) {
} else if (args.length == 1) {
// open a db and list keys
try {
kelondroDyn kd = new kelondroDyn(new File(args[0]), 0x100000, '_');
System.out.println(kd.size() + " elements in DB");
Iterator i = kd.dynKeys(true, false);
while (i.hasNext()) System.out.println((String);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (args.length == 4) {
boolean writeFile = (args[0].equals("-db2f"));
File db = new File(args[1]);
String key = args[2];
File f = new File(args[3]);
kelondroDyn kd;
try {
if (db.exists()) kd = new kelondroDyn(db, 0x100000, '_'); else kd = new kelondroDyn(db, 0x100000, 80, 200, '_', true);
if (writeFile) kd.readFile(key, f); else kd.writeFile(key, f);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.toString());
// open a db and list keys
try {
kelondroDyn kd = new kelondroDyn(new File(args[0]), 0x100000,
System.out.println(kd.size() + " elements in DB");
Iterator i = kd.dynKeys(true, false);
while (i.hasNext())
} catch (IOException e) {
if (args.length == 4) {
boolean writeFile = (args[0].equals("-db2f"));
File db = new File(args[1]);
String key = args[2];
File f = new File(args[3]);
kelondroDyn kd;
try {
if (db.exists())
kd = new kelondroDyn(db, 0x100000, '_');
kd = new kelondroDyn(db, 0x100000, 80, 200, '_', true);
if (writeFile)
kd.readFile(key, f);
kd.writeFile(key, f);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.toString());
public static void randomtest(int elements) {

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public final class yacyClient {
if ((result == null) || (result.size() == 0)) return -1;
final String resp = (String) result.get("response");
if (resp == null) { return -1; } else { return Integer.parseInt(resp); }
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
yacyCore.log.logSevere("yacyClient.queryUrlCount error asking peer '" + target.getName() + "':" + e.toString());
return -1;
