@ -47,42 +47,39 @@ package de.anomic.soap;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
import java.io.PushbackInputStream ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.util.Enumeration ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream ;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream ;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName ;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException ;
import org.apache.axis.AxisFault ;
import org.apache.axis.Constants ;
import org.apache.axis.EngineConfiguration ;
import org.apache.axis.Message ;
import org.apache.axis.MessageContext ;
import org.apache.axis.WSDDEngineConfiguration ;
import org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployment ;
import org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDocument ;
import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope ;
import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFault ;
import org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer ;
import org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils ;
import org.w3c.dom.Document ;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException ;
import de.anomic.http.httpChunkedInputStream ;
import de.anomic.http.httpChunkedOutputStream ;
import de.anomic.http.httpContentLengthInputStream ;
import de.anomic.http.httpHeader ;
import de.anomic.http.http c ;
import de.anomic.http.http d ;
import de.anomic.http.httpdAbstractHandler ;
import de.anomic.http.httpdHandler ;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaParser ;
@ -298,6 +295,7 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * /
if ( transferEncoding ! = null & & ! transferEncoding . equalsIgnoreCase ( "identity" ) ) {
// read using transfer encoding
if ( transferEncoding . equalsIgnoreCase ( "chunked" ) ) {
input = new httpChunkedInputStream ( body ) ;
} else {
@ -306,8 +304,10 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
throw new SoapException ( 501 , "Not Implemented" , errorMsg ) ;
} else if ( contentLength > 0 ) {
// read contentLength bytes
input = new httpContentLengthInputStream ( body , contentLength ) ;
} else {
// read until EOF
input = body ;
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new SoapException ( 400 , "Bad Request" , e .getMessage ( ) );
throw new SoapException ( 400 , "Bad Request" , e );
return input ;
@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
* @see de . anomic . http . httpdHandler # doHead ( java . util . Properties , de . anomic . http . httpHeader , java . io . OutputStream )
* /
public void doHead ( Properties conProp , httpHeader h eader, OutputStream clientOut ) throws IOException {
sendMessage ( c lientOut, 501 , "Not Implemented" , "Connection method is not supported by this handler" , null ) ;
public void doHead ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestH eader, OutputStream clientOut ) throws IOException {
sendMessage ( c onProp, requestHeader , c lientOut, 501 , "Not Implemented" , "Connection method is not supported by this handler" , null ) ;
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
* @see de . anomic . http . httpdHandler # doConnect ( java . util . Properties , de . anomic . http . httpHeader , java . io . InputStream , java . io . OutputStream )
* /
public void doConnect ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , InputStream clientIn , OutputStream clientOut ) throws IOException {
sendMessage ( c lientOut, 501 , "Not Implemented" , "Connection method is not supported by this handler" , null ) ;
sendMessage ( c onProp, requestHeader , c lientOut, 501 , "Not Implemented" , "Connection method is not supported by this handler" , null ) ;
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
@ -374,18 +374,14 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
* @see de . anomic . http . httpdHandler # doGet ( java . util . Properties , de . anomic . http . httpHeader , java . io . OutputStream )
* /
public void doGet ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , OutputStream response ) throws IOException {
MessageContext msgContext = null ;
String path = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH ) ;
try {
MessageContext msgContext = this . generateMessageContext ( path , requestHeader , conProp ) ;
// generating message context
msgContext = this . generateMessageContext ( path , requestHeader , conProp ) ;
Document doc = null ;
try {
engine . generateWSDL ( msgContext ) ;
doc = ( Document ) msgContext . getProperty ( "WSDL" ) ;
} catch ( AxisFault ex ) {
Message errorMsg = faultToMessage ( null , msgContext , ex ) ;
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to generate WSDL" , errorMsg ) ;
// generating wsdl file
Document doc = generateWSDL ( msgContext ) ;
if ( doc ! = null ) {
// Converting the the wsdl document into a byte-array
@ -393,30 +389,22 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
byte [ ] result = responseDoc . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ;
// send back the result
sendMessage ( response, 200 , "OK" , "text/xml; charset=utf-8" , result ) ;
sendMessage ( conProp, requestHeader , response, 200 , "OK" , "text/xml; charset=utf-8" , result ) ;
if ( ! ( requestHeader . get ( "Connection" , "close" ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ) ) {
if ( ! ( requestHeader . get ( httpHeader . CONNECTION , "close" ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ) ) {
// wait a little time until everything closes so that clients can read from the streams/sockets
try { Thread . currentThread ( ) . join ( 200 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { /* ignore this */ }
} else {
// if we where unable to generate the wsdl file ....
String errorMsg = "Internal Server Error: Unable to generate the WSDL file." ;
sendMessage ( response, 500 , "Internal Error" , "text/plain" , errorMsg . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
sendMessage ( conProp, requestHeader , response, 500 , "Internal Error" , "text/plain" , errorMsg . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
return ;
} catch ( SoapException e ) {
try {
sendSoapException ( response , e ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception while sending error message" , e ) ;
} finally {
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception with query: " + path , e ) ;
// handle error
handleException ( conProp , requestHeader , msgContext , response , e ) ;
@ -428,11 +416,11 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
* @param response { @link OutputStream } to the client
* @param body the request body containing the SOAP message
* @throws IOException
* @see de . anomic . http . httpdHandler # doPost ( java . util . Properties , de . anomic . http . httpHeader , java . io . OutputStream , java . io . PushbackInputStream )
* /
public void doPost ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , OutputStream response , PushbackInputStream body ) throws IOException {
public void doPost ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , OutputStream response , PushbackInputStream body ) {
MessageContext msgContext = null ;
String path = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH ) ;
try {
/ * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
@ -442,7 +430,7 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
InputStream bodyStream = getBodyInputStream ( requestHeader , body ) ;
// generating the SOAP message context that will be passed over to the invoked service
MessageContext msgContext = this . generateMessageContext ( path , requestHeader , conProp ) ;
msgContext = this . generateMessageContext ( path , requestHeader , conProp ) ;
// Generating a SOAP Request Message Object
String mime = plasmaParser . getRealMimeType ( requestHeader . mime ( ) ) ; // this is important !!!!
@ -461,84 +449,69 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
Message responseMsg = this . invokeService ( msgContext ) ;
if ( responseMsg ! = null ) {
sendMessage ( response, 200 , "OK" , responseMsg ) ;
sendMessage ( conProp, requestHeader , response, 200 , "OK" , responseMsg ) ;
} else {
sendMessage ( response, 202 , "Accepted" , "text/plain" , null ) ;
sendMessage ( conProp, requestHeader , response, 202 , "Accepted" , "text/plain" , null ) ;
return ;
} catch ( SoapException e ) {
try {
sendSoapException ( response , e ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception while sending error message" , e ) ;
} finally {
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception" , e ) ;
// handle error
handleException ( conProp , requestHeader , msgContext , response , e ) ;
private void handleException ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , MessageContext messageContext , OutputStream response , Exception e ) {
try {
Message soapErrorMsg = null ;
if ( ! conProp . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PROXY_RESPOND_HEADER ) ) {
SoapException soapEx = null ;
if ( ! ( e instanceof SoapException ) ) {
soapEx = new SoapException ( 500 , "internal server error" , e ) ;
} else {
soapEx = ( SoapException ) e ;
// generating a soap error message
soapErrorMsg = soapEx . getFaultMessage ( messageContext ) ;
// send error message back to the client
sendMessage ( conProp , requestHeader , response , soapEx . getStatusCode ( ) , soapEx . getStatusText ( ) , soapErrorMsg ) ;
} else {
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception while sending data to client" , e ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
this . theLogger . logSevere ( "Unexpected Exception while sending error message" , e ) ;
} finally {
conProp . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
private Document generateWSDL ( MessageContext msgContext ) throws SoapException {
try {
engine . generateWSDL ( msgContext ) ;
Document doc = ( Document ) msgContext . getProperty ( "WSDL" ) ;
return doc ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
if ( ex instanceof AxisFault ) throw new SoapException ( ( AxisFault ) ex ) ;
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to generate WSDL" , ex ) ;
protected Message invokeService ( MessageContext msgContext ) throws SoapException {
int invocationStatusCode = 200 ;
String invocationStatusText = "OK" ;
try {
// invoke the service
engine . invoke ( msgContext ) ;
// Retrieve the response from Axis
return msgContext . getResponseMessage ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
Message errorMsg ;
AxisFault soapFault ;
if ( ex instanceof AxisFault ) {
soapFault = ( AxisFault ) ex ;
QName faultCode = soapFault . getFaultCode ( ) ;
if ( Constants . FAULT_SOAP12_SENDER . equals ( faultCode ) ) {
invocationStatusCode = 400 ;
invocationStatusText = "Bad request" ;
} else if ( "Server.Unauthorized" . equals ( faultCode . getLocalPart ( ) ) ) {
invocationStatusCode = 401 ;
invocationStatusText = "Unauthorized" ;
} else {
invocationStatusCode = 500 ;
invocationStatusText = "Internal server error" ;
} else {
invocationStatusCode = 500 ;
invocationStatusText = "Internal server error" ;
soapFault = AxisFault . makeFault ( ex ) ;
// There may be headers we want to preserve in the
// response message - so if it's there, just add the
// FaultElement to it. Otherwise, make a new one.
errorMsg = msgContext . getResponseMessage ( ) ;
errorMsg = faultToMessage ( errorMsg , msgContext , soapFault ) ;
throw new SoapException ( invocationStatusCode , invocationStatusText , errorMsg ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
if ( ex instanceof AxisFault ) throw new SoapException ( ( AxisFault ) ex ) ;
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to invoke service" , ex ) ;
protected Message faultToMessage ( Message errorMsg , MessageContext msgContext , AxisFault soapFault ) {
Message theErrorMsg = errorMsg ;
if ( theErrorMsg = = null ) {
theErrorMsg = new Message ( soapFault ) ;
theErrorMsg . setMessageContext ( msgContext ) ;
} else {
try {
SOAPEnvelope env = theErrorMsg . getSOAPEnvelope ( ) ;
env . clearBody ( ) ;
env . addBodyElement ( new SOAPFault ( soapFault ) ) ;
} catch ( AxisFault fault ) {
// Should never reach here!
return theErrorMsg ;
/ * *
* This function deplays all java classes that should be available via SOAP call .
@ -636,8 +609,9 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
msgContext . setTargetService ( serviceName ) ;
return msgContext ;
} catch ( AxisFault e ) {
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to set the target service" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof AxisFault ) throw new SoapException ( ( AxisFault ) e ) ;
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to generate message context" , e ) ;
@ -666,79 +640,102 @@ public final class httpdSoapHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements http
return result ;
protected void sendSoapException ( OutputStream out , SoapException e ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException , IOException , SOAPException {
Object errorMsg = e . getErrorMsg ( ) ;
String contentType = null ;
// getting the error message body and content length
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
if ( errorMsg instanceof String ) {
bout . write ( ( ( String ) errorMsg ) . getBytes ( "UTF-8" ) ) ;
contentType = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ;
} else {
Message soapErrorMsg = ( Message ) errorMsg ;
soapErrorMsg . writeTo ( bout ) ;
contentType = soapErrorMsg . getContentType ( soapErrorMsg . getMessageContext ( ) . getSOAPConstants ( ) ) ;
// send out the message
sendMessage ( out , e . getStatusCode ( ) , e . getStatusText ( ) , contentType , bout . toByteArray ( ) ) ;
// protected void sendException(Properties conProp, OutputStream out, Exception e) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, SOAPException {
// Message soapErrorMsg = null;
// if (e instanceof SoapException) {
// Object errorMsg = ((SoapException)e).getErrorMsg();
// String contentType = null;
// // getting the error message body and content length
// ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// if (errorMsg instanceof String) {
// bout.write(((String)errorMsg).getBytes("UTF-8"));
// contentType = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8";
// } else {
// Message soapErrorMsg = (Message)errorMsg;
// soapErrorMsg.writeTo(bout);
// contentType = soapErrorMsg.getContentType(soapErrorMsg.getMessageContext().getSOAPConstants());
// }
// }
// // send out the message
// sendMessage(conProp, out, e.getStatusCode(), e.getStatusText(), contentType, bout.toByteArray());
// }
protected void sendMessage ( OutputStream out , int statusCode , String statusText , String contentType , byte [ ] MessageBody ) throws IOException {
protected void sendMessage ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , OutputStream out , int statusCode , String statusText , String contentType , byte [ ] MessageBody ) throws IOException {
// write out the response header
respondHeader ( out , statusCode , statusText , ( MessageBody = = null ) ? null : contentType , ( MessageBody = = null ) ? - 1 : MessageBody . length ) ;
respondHeader ( conProp, out, statusCode , statusText , ( MessageBody = = null ) ? null : contentType , ( MessageBody = = null ) ? - 1 : MessageBody . length , null , null ) ;
// write the message body
if ( MessageBody ! = null ) out . write ( MessageBody ) ;
out . flush ( ) ;
protected void sendMessage ( OutputStream out , int statusCode , String statusText , Message soapMessage ) throws IOException , SoapException {
// getting the content body
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
try {
soapMessage . writeTo ( bout ) ;
} catch ( SOAPException e ) {
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to externalize SOAP message" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
protected void sendMessage ( Properties conProp , httpHeader requestHeader , OutputStream out , int statusCode , String statusText , Message soapMessage ) throws IOException , SOAPException {
httpChunkedOutputStream chunkedOut = null ;
GZIPOutputStream gzipOut = null ;
OutputStream bodyOut = out ;
// getting the content type
String contentType = null ;
try {
contentType = soapMessage . getContentType ( soapMessage . getMessageContext ( ) . getSOAPConstants ( ) ) ;
} catch ( AxisFault e ) {
throw new SoapException ( 500 , "Unable to get content-type for SOAP message" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
String contentType = soapMessage . getContentType ( soapMessage . getMessageContext ( ) . getSOAPConstants ( ) ) ;
// getting the content length
String transferEncoding = null ;
String contentEncoding = null ;
long contentLength = - 1 ;
if ( httpHeader . supportChunkedEncoding ( conProp ) ) {
transferEncoding = "chunked" ;
} else {
contentLength = soapMessage . getContentLength ( ) ;
if ( requestHeader . acceptGzip ( ) ) {
contentEncoding = "gzip" ;
// sending the soap header
respondHeader ( conProp , out , statusCode , statusText , contentType , contentLength , contentEncoding , transferEncoding ) ;
if ( transferEncoding ! = null ) bodyOut = chunkedOut = new httpChunkedOutputStream ( bodyOut ) ;
if ( contentEncoding ! = null ) bodyOut = gzipOut = new GZIPOutputStream ( bodyOut ) ;
// sending the message
sendMessage ( out , statusCode , statusText , contentType , bout . toByteArray ( ) ) ;
// sending the body
soapMessage . writeTo ( bodyOut ) ;
bodyOut . flush ( ) ;
if ( gzipOut ! = null ) {
gzipOut . flush ( ) ;
gzipOut . finish ( ) ;
if ( chunkedOut ! = null ) {
chunkedOut . finish ( ) ;
/ * *
* This method was copied from { @link httpdFileHandler } . Maybe it would be a good idea
* to move this function up into { @link httpdAbstractHandler }
* @param out the { @link OutputStream } to the client
* @param retcode the http code
* @param conttype the content type and encoding
* @param contlength the content length
* @throws IOException
* /
protected void respondHeader ( OutputStream out , int retcode , String returnStatus , String conttype , long contlength ) throws IOException {
try {
out . write ( ( "HTTP/1.1 " + retcode + " " + returnStatus + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
out . write ( ( "Server: AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
out . write ( ( "Date: " + httpc . dateString ( httpc . nowDate ( ) ) + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( conttype ! = null ) out . write ( ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE + ": " + conttype + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( contlength ! = - 1 ) out . write ( ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH + ": " + contlength + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
out . write ( ( "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
out . flush ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// any interruption may be caused be network error or because the user has closed
// the windows during transmission. We simply pass it as IOException
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
protected void respondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
String conttype ,
long contlength ,
String contentEncoding ,
String transferEncoding
) throws IOException {
httpHeader outgoingHeader = new httpHeader ( ) ;
outgoingHeader . put ( httpHeader . SERVER , "AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)" ) ;
if ( conttype ! = null ) outgoingHeader . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE , conttype ) ;
if ( contlength ! = - 1 ) outgoingHeader . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH , Long . toString ( contlength ) ) ;
if ( contentEncoding ! = null ) outgoingHeader . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_ENCODING , contentEncoding ) ;
if ( transferEncoding ! = null ) outgoingHeader . put ( httpHeader . TRANSFER_ENCODING , transferEncoding ) ;
// getting the http version of the soap client
String httpVer = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER ) ;
// sending http headers
httpd . sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVer , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , outgoingHeader ) ;