@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.CloneableIterator ;
@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
// static tracker objects
private final static ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog ( "TABLE" ) ;
/** Map all active table instances by file name */
private final static Tree Map< String , Table > tableTracker = new Tree Map< String , Table > ( ) ;
private final static Map< String , Table > tableTracker = new ConcurrentSkipList Map< String , Table > ( ) ;
private final static long maxarraylength = 134217727L ; // (2^27-1) that may be the maximum size of array length in some JVMs
private final long minmemremaining ; // if less than this memory is remaininig, the memory copy of a table is abandoned
@ -85,13 +86,13 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
private RowSet table ;
public Table (
final File tablefile ,
final Row rowdef ,
final int buffersize ,
final int initialSpace ,
boolean useTailCache ,
final boolean exceed134217727 ,
final boolean warmUp ) throws SpaceExceededException , kelondroException {
final File tablefile ,
final Row rowdef ,
final int buffersize ,
final int initialSpace ,
boolean useTailCache ,
final boolean exceed134217727 ,
final boolean warmUp ) throws SpaceExceededException , kelondroException {
this . rowdef = rowdef ;
this . buffersize = buffersize ;
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
freshFile = true ;
FileOutputStream fos = null ;
if ( tablefile . getParentFile ( ) ! = null ) {
tablefile . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ;
tablefile . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream ( tablefile ) ;
@ -131,17 +132,17 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
final int records = Math . max ( fileSize , initialSpace ) ;
final long neededRAM4table = 200L * 1024L * 1024L + records * ( this . taildef . objectsize + rowdef . primaryKeyLength + 4L ) * 3L / 2L ;
this . table = null ;
try {
this . table = ( ( exceed134217727 | | neededRAM4table < maxarraylength ) & &
useTailCache & & MemoryControl . available ( ) > 600L * 1024L * 1024L & &
MemoryControl . request ( neededRAM4table , true ) ) ? new RowSet ( this . taildef , records ) : null ;
useTailCache & & MemoryControl . available ( ) > 600L * 1024L * 1024L & &
MemoryControl . request ( neededRAM4table , true ) ) ? new RowSet ( this . taildef , records ) : null ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
this . table = null ;
this . table = null ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
this . table = null ;
this . table = null ;
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . fine ( "initialization of " + tablefile . getName ( ) + ". table copy: " + ( ( this . table = = null ) ? "no" : "yes" ) + ", available RAM: " + ( MemoryControl . available ( ) / 1024L / 1024L ) + "MB, needed: " + ( neededRAM4table / 1024L / 1024L ) + "MB, allocating space for " + records + " entries" ) ;
final long neededRAM4index = 100L * 1024L * 1024L + records * ( rowdef . primaryKeyLength + 4L ) * 3L / 2L ;
if ( records > 0 & & ! MemoryControl . request ( neededRAM4index , true ) ) {
@ -163,75 +164,75 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
if ( this . table = = null ) {
final ChunkIterator ki = new ChunkIterator ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
try {
while ( ki . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = ki . next ( ) ;
// write the key into the index table
assert key ! = null ;
if ( key = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
this . index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
while ( ki . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = ki . next ( ) ;
// write the key into the index table
assert key ! = null ;
if ( key = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
this . index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} finally {
/ * If any error occurred while looping over the iterator , we
* must ensure the underlying stream is closed before
* transmitting the exception to the upper layer
* /
if ( ki . hasNext ( ) ) {
try {
ki . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
/ * If any error occurred while looping over the iterator , we
* must ensure the underlying stream is closed before
* transmitting the exception to the upper layer
* /
if ( ki . hasNext ( ) ) {
try {
ki . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
} else {
byte [ ] record ;
key = new byte [ rowdef . primaryKeyLength ] ;
final ChunkIterator ri = new ChunkIterator ( tablefile , rowdef . objectsize , rowdef . objectsize ) ;
try {
while ( ri . hasNext ( ) ) {
record = ri . next ( ) ;
assert record ! = null ;
if ( record = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
System . arraycopy ( record , 0 , key , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
// write the key into the index table
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
this . index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
// write the tail into the table
try {
this . table . addUnique ( this . taildef . newEntry ( record , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
this . table = null ;
try {
ri . close ( ) ; // close inputstream of chunkiterator
} finally {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
break ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
while ( ri . hasNext ( ) ) {
record = ri . next ( ) ;
assert record ! = null ;
if ( record = = null ) { i + + ; continue ; }
System . arraycopy ( record , 0 , key , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
// write the key into the index table
if ( rowdef . objectOrder . wellformed ( key ) ) {
this . index . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
// write the tail into the table
try {
this . table . addUnique ( this . taildef . newEntry ( record , rowdef . primaryKeyLength , true ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
this . table = null ;
try {
ri . close ( ) ; // close inputstream of chunkiterator
} finally {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
break ;
} else {
errors . putUnique ( key , i + + ) ;
} finally {
/ * If any error occurred while looping over the iterator , we
* must ensure the underlying stream is closed before
* transmitting the exception to the upper layer
* /
if ( ri . hasNext ( ) ) {
try {
ri . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
/ * If any error occurred while looping over the iterator , we
* must ensure the underlying stream is closed before
* transmitting the exception to the upper layer
* /
if ( ri . hasNext ( ) ) {
try {
ri . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
/* Do not block if closing is not possible but anyway keep a trace in log */
log . warn ( "Could not close input stream on the file " + tablefile ) ;
Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . gc ( ) ;
if ( abandonTable ( ) ) {
@ -270,14 +271,14 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
// track this table
synchronized ( tableTracker ) { tableTracker . put ( tablefile . toString ( ) , this ) ; }
tableTracker . put ( tablefile . toString ( ) , this ) ;
public synchronized void warmUp ( ) {
warmUp0 ( ) ;
private void warmUp0 ( ) {
private final void warmUp0 ( ) {
// remove doubles
try {
final ArrayList < long [ ] > doubles = this . index . removeDoubles ( ) ;
@ -378,62 +379,62 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
* Table memory usage statistics
* /
public class TableStatistics {
/** The table entries number */
private int tableSize = 0 ;
/** Size of a key chunk in bytes */
private int keyChunkSize = 0 ;
/** Total size of keys in bytes */
private long keyMem = 0 ;
/** Size of a value chunk in bytes */
private int valueChunkSize = 0 ;
/** Total size of values in bytes */
private long valueMem = 0 ;
/ * *
* @return the size of a key chunk in bytes
* /
public int getKeyChunkSize ( ) {
return this . keyChunkSize ;
/ * *
* @return the total size of the table in - memory keys in bytes
* /
public long getKeyMem ( ) {
return this . keyMem ;
/ * *
* @return the table entries number
* /
public int getTableSize ( ) {
return this . tableSize ;
/ * *
* @return the size of a value chunk in bytes
* /
public int getValueChunkSize ( ) {
return this . valueChunkSize ;
/ * *
* @return the total size of the table in - memory values in bytes
* /
public long getValueMem ( ) {
return this . valueMem ;
/ * *
* @return the total memory used by the table in bytes
* /
public long getTotalMem ( ) {
return this . keyMem + this . valueMem ;
/** The table entries number */
private int tableSize = 0 ;
/** Size of a key chunk in bytes */
private int keyChunkSize = 0 ;
/** Total size of keys in bytes */
private long keyMem = 0 ;
/** Size of a value chunk in bytes */
private int valueChunkSize = 0 ;
/** Total size of values in bytes */
private long valueMem = 0 ;
/ * *
* @return the size of a key chunk in bytes
* /
public int getKeyChunkSize ( ) {
return this . keyChunkSize ;
/ * *
* @return the total size of the table in - memory keys in bytes
* /
public long getKeyMem ( ) {
return this . keyMem ;
/ * *
* @return the table entries number
* /
public int getTableSize ( ) {
return this . tableSize ;
/ * *
* @return the size of a value chunk in bytes
* /
public int getValueChunkSize ( ) {
return this . valueChunkSize ;
/ * *
* @return the total size of the table in - memory values in bytes
* /
public long getValueMem ( ) {
return this . valueMem ;
/ * *
* @return the total memory used by the table in bytes
* /
public long getTotalMem ( ) {
return this . keyMem + this . valueMem ;
/ * *
@ -448,12 +449,12 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
if ( this . index = = null ) return stats ; // possibly closed or being closed
stats . tableSize = this . index . size ( ) ;
if ( this . index instanceof RowHandleMap ) {
stats . keyChunkSize = ( ( ( RowHandleMap ) this . index ) . row ( ) . objectsize ) ;
stats . keyChunkSize = ( ( ( RowHandleMap ) this . index ) . row ( ) . objectsize ) ;
stats . keyMem = ( long ) ( ( RowHandleMap ) this . index ) . row ( ) . objectsize * ( long ) this . index . size ( ) ;
if ( table ! = null ) {
stats . valueChunkSize = this . table . row ( ) . objectsize ;
stats . valueMem = ( long ) this . table . row ( ) . objectsize * ( long ) this . table . size ( ) ;
if ( this . table ! = null ) {
stats . valueChunkSize = this . table . row ( ) . objectsize ;
stats . valueMem = ( long ) this . table . row ( ) . objectsize * ( long ) this . table . size ( ) ;
return stats ;
@ -579,17 +580,17 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public void close ( ) {
String tablefile = null ;
String tablefile = null ;
if ( this . file ! = null ) {
tablefile = this . file . filename ( ) . toString ( ) ;
this . file . close ( ) ;
tablefile = this . file . filename ( ) . toString ( ) ;
this . file . close ( ) ;
this . file = null ;
if ( this . table ! = null ) this . table . close ( ) ;
this . table = null ;
if ( this . index ! = null ) this . index . close ( ) ;
this . index = null ;
if ( tablefile ! = null ) tableTracker . remove ( tablefile ) ;
if ( tablefile ! = null ) tableTracker . remove ( tablefile ) ;
@ -616,8 +617,8 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
private Entry get0 ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
if ( this . file = = null | | this . index = = null ) return null ;
private final Entry get0 ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
if ( this . file = = null | | this . index = = null ) return null ;
final int i = ( int ) this . index . get ( key ) ;
if ( i = = - 1 ) return null ;
final byte [ ] b = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public Map < byte [ ] , Row . Entry > get ( final Collection < byte [ ] > keys , final boolean forcecopy ) throws IOException , InterruptedException {
public final Map < byte [ ] , Row . Entry > get ( final Collection < byte [ ] > keys , final boolean forcecopy ) throws IOException , InterruptedException {
final Map < byte [ ] , Row . Entry > map = new TreeMap < byte [ ] , Row . Entry > ( row ( ) . objectOrder ) ;
Row . Entry entry ;
for ( final byte [ ] key : keys ) {
@ -654,13 +655,13 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public boolean has ( final byte [ ] key ) {
public final boolean has ( final byte [ ] key ) {
if ( this . index = = null ) return false ;
return this . index . has ( key ) ;
public synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
public final synchronized CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return this . index . keys ( up , firstKey ) ;
@ -723,7 +724,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
* @throws SpaceExceededException
* /
public boolean put ( final Entry row ) throws IOException , SpaceExceededException {
public final boolean put ( final Entry row ) throws IOException , SpaceExceededException {
assert row ! = null ;
if ( this . file = = null | | row = = null ) return true ;
final byte [ ] rowb = row . bytes ( ) ;
@ -769,7 +770,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
* @throws IOException
* @throws SpaceExceededException
* /
private void removeInFile ( final int i ) throws IOException , SpaceExceededException {
private final void removeInFile ( final int i ) throws IOException , SpaceExceededException {
assert i > = 0 ;
final byte [ ] p = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
@ -828,12 +829,12 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public boolean delete ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
public final boolean delete ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
return remove ( key ) ! = null ;
public synchronized Entry remove ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
public final synchronized Entry remove ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
assert this . file . size ( ) = = this . index . size ( ) : "file.size() = " + this . file . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + this . index . size ( ) ;
assert this . table = = null | | this . table . size ( ) = = this . index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + this . table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + this . index . size ( ) ;
assert key . length = = this . rowdef . primaryKeyLength ;
@ -928,7 +929,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public synchronized Entry removeOne ( ) throws IOException {
public final synchronized Entry removeOne ( ) throws IOException {
//assert this.file.size() == this.index.size() : "file.size() = " + this.file.size() + ", index.size() = " + this.index.size();
assert this . table = = null | | this . table . size ( ) = = this . index . size ( ) : "table.size() = " + this . table . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + this . index . size ( ) ;
final byte [ ] le = new byte [ this . rowdef . objectsize ] ;
@ -955,7 +956,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public List < Row . Entry > top ( int count ) throws IOException {
public final List < Row . Entry > top ( int count ) throws IOException {
if ( count > this . size ( ) ) count = this . size ( ) ;
final ArrayList < Row . Entry > list = new ArrayList < Row . Entry > ( ) ;
if ( this . file = = null | | this . index = = null | | this . size ( ) = = 0 | | count = = 0 ) return list ;
@ -971,7 +972,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public List < Row . Entry > random ( int count ) throws IOException {
public final List < Row . Entry > random ( int count ) throws IOException {
if ( count > this . size ( ) ) count = this . size ( ) ;
final ArrayList < Row . Entry > list = new ArrayList < Row . Entry > ( ) ;
if ( this . file = = null | | this . index = = null | | this . size ( ) = = 0 | | count = = 0 ) return list ;
@ -996,23 +997,23 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public Row row ( ) {
public final Row row ( ) {
return this . rowdef ;
public int size ( ) {
public final int size ( ) {
if ( this . index = = null ) return 0 ;
return this . index . size ( ) ;
public boolean isEmpty ( ) {
public final boolean isEmpty ( ) {
return this . index = = null | | this . index . isEmpty ( ) ;
public Iterator < Entry > iterator ( ) {
public final Iterator < Entry > iterator ( ) {
try {
return rows ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
@ -1026,7 +1027,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
return new rowIteratorNoOrder ( ) ;
private class rowIteratorNoOrder implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
private final class rowIteratorNoOrder implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
Iterator < Map . Entry < byte [ ] , Long > > i ;
long idx ;
byte [ ] key ;
@ -1038,17 +1039,17 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public CloneableIterator < Entry > clone ( final Object modifier ) {
public final CloneableIterator < Entry > clone ( final Object modifier ) {
return new rowIteratorNoOrder ( ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
public final boolean hasNext ( ) {
return this . i ! = null & & this . i . hasNext ( ) ;
public Entry next ( ) {
public final Entry next ( ) {
final Map . Entry < byte [ ] , Long > entry = this . i . next ( ) ;
if ( entry = = null ) return null ;
this . key = entry . getKey ( ) ;
@ -1062,7 +1063,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public void remove ( ) {
public final void remove ( ) {
if ( this . key ! = null ) {
try {
removeInFile ( ( int ) this . idx ) ;
@ -1074,7 +1075,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
public void close ( ) {
public final void close ( ) {
if ( this . i instanceof CloneableIterator ) {
( ( CloneableIterator < Map . Entry < byte [ ] , Long > > ) this . i ) . close ( ) ;
@ -1087,7 +1088,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
return new rowIterator ( up , firstKey ) ;
private class rowIterator implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
private final class rowIterator implements CloneableIterator < Entry > {
private final CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > i ;
private final boolean up ;
private final byte [ ] fk ;
@ -1167,7 +1168,7 @@ public class Table implements Index, Iterable<Row.Entry> {
for ( int pos = 1 ; pos < source . length ( ) - 1 ; pos + + ) {
result [ perm * source . length ( ) + pos ] = recres [ perm ] . substring ( 0 , pos ) + c + recres [ perm ] . substring ( pos ) ;
result [ perm * source . length ( ) + source . length ( ) - 1 ] = recres [ perm ] + c ;
result [ perm * source . length ( ) + source . length ( ) - 1 ] = recres [ perm ] + c ;
return result ;