diff --git a/htroot/LogStatistics_p.html b/htroot/LogStatistics_p.html
index faa80df08..b9131f40b 100644
--- a/htroot/LogStatistics_p.html
+++ b/htroot/LogStatistics_p.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
URLs Received:#[urlSum]#
URLs Requested:#[urlReqSum]#
URLs Blocked:#[blockedURLSum]#
- Total time:#[urlTimeSum]# #[urlTimeSumUnit]#
+ Total receive time:#[urlTimeSum]# #[urlTimeSumUnit]#
URLs Sent:#[DHTSendURLs]#
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
- Words received:
- #[wordsSum]#
- - RWIs reveived:
- #[rwiSum]#
+ - RWIs received:
- #[rwiSum]#
- RWIs blocked:
- #[blockedRWISum]#
- - Total time:
- #[rwiTimeSum]# #[rwiTimeSumUnit]#
+ - Total receive processing time:
- #[rwiTimeSum]# #[rwiTimeSumUnit]#
- RWIs selected:
- #[DHTSelectionWordsCount]#
- Selection time:
- #[DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount]#
diff --git a/source/de/anomic/server/logging/logParsers/LogParserPLASMA.java b/source/de/anomic/server/logging/logParsers/LogParserPLASMA.java
index 5218e97e0..93118bb1f 100644
--- a/source/de/anomic/server/logging/logParsers/LogParserPLASMA.java
+++ b/source/de/anomic/server/logging/logParsers/LogParserPLASMA.java
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
private final String parserType = "PLASMA";
//RegExp for LogLevel I
- private static final Pattern i1 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) URLs from peer [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]* in (\\d*) ms, Blocked (\\d*) URLs");
+ private static final Pattern i1 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) URLs from peer [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]* in (\\d*) ms, blocked (\\d*) URLs");
private static final Pattern i2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static final Pattern i2_2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static final Pattern i3 = Pattern.compile("Index transfer of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) in (\\d*) seconds successful \\((\\d*) words/s, (\\d*) Bytes\\)");
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class LogParserPLASMA implements LogParser{
private static final Pattern i6 = Pattern.compile("Rejecting RWIs from peer ([\\w-_]{12}):([\\w-_]*)/([\\w.]*). ([\\w. ]*)");
private static final Pattern i7 = Pattern.compile("DHT distribution: transfer to peer [\\w-]* finished.");
private static final Pattern i8 = Pattern.compile("Index selection of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] in (\\d*) seconds");
- private static final Pattern i9 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - transmitted file [\\w-:.\\\\]* to [\\w.]*:\\d* successfully in (\\d)* seconds");
+ private static final Pattern i9 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - transmitted file [\\w\\s-:.\\\\]* to [\\w.]*:\\d* successfully in (\\d)* seconds");
private static final Pattern i10 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - error transmitting file");
private static final Pattern i11 = Pattern.compile("Peer [\\w-_]*:[\\w-_]{12} is busy\\. Waiting \\d* ms\\.");
//private static Pattern i12 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed \\d* words in URL [\\w:.&/%-~$\u00A7@=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\]");