@ -80,18 +80,17 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
// constants
private static final int NUL = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // the meta value for the kelondroRecords' NUL abstraction
public static final long memBlock = 500000; // do not fill cache further if the amount of available memory is less that this
public static final long memKcolb = 10000000; // if the amount of available memory is greater than this, do not use cache size to block, simply use memory
private static final long memBlock = 500000; // do not fill cache further if the amount of available memory is less that this
// memory calculation
private static final int element_in_cache = 52;
private static final int cache_control_entry = 96;
// caching flags
protected static final int CP_NONE = -1; // cache priority none; entry shall not be cached
protected static final int CP_LOW = 0; // cache priority low; entry may be cached
protected static final int CP_MEDIUM = 1; // cache priority medium; entry shall be cached
protected static final int CP_HIGH = 2; // cache priority high; entry must be cached
public static final int CP_NONE = -1; // cache priority none; entry shall not be cached
public static final int CP_LOW = 0; // cache priority low; entry may be cached
public static final int CP_MEDIUM = 1; // cache priority medium; entry shall be cached
public static final int CP_HIGH = 2; // cache priority high; entry must be cached
// static seek pointers
private static long POS_MAGIC = 0; // 1 byte, byte: file type magic
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
private HashMap[] XcacheHeaders; // the cache; holds overhead values and key element
private int XcacheSize; // number of cache records
private long XcacheStartup; // startup time; for cache aging
private kelondroMScoreCluster XcacheScore; // controls cache aging
private kelondroMScoreCluster cacheScore; // controls cache aging
public kelondroRecords(File file, long buffersize /* bytes */,
@ -319,20 +318,28 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
if (buffersize <= 0) {
this.XcacheSize = 0;
this.XcacheHeaders = null;
this.XcacheScore = null;
this.cacheScore = null;
} else {
if ((buffersize / cacheChunkSize(false)) > size()) {
this.XcacheSize = (int) (buffersize / cacheChunkSize(false));
this.XcacheScore = null;
this.cacheScore = null; // no cache control because we have more cache slots than database entries
} else {
this.XcacheSize = (int) (buffersize / cacheChunkSize(true));
this.XcacheScore = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
this.cacheScore = new kelondroMScoreCluster(); // cache control of CP_HIGH caches
this.XcacheHeaders = new HashMap[]{new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()};
this.XcacheStartup = System.currentTimeMillis();
private static final long max = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
private static final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
private static long availableMemory() {
// memory that is available including increasing total memory up to maximum
return max - runtime.totalMemory() + runtime.freeMemory();
public File file() {
if (filename == null) return null;
return new File(filename);
@ -342,8 +349,16 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
return this.headchunksize + element_in_cache + ((cacheControl) ? cache_control_entry : 0);
public int cacheChunkSize() {
return cacheChunkSize(this.XcacheScore != null);
public int[] cacheChunkSize() {
// returns three integers:
// #0: chunk size of CP_LOW - priority entries
// #1: chunk size of CP_MEDIUM - priority entries
// #2: chunk size of CP_HIGH - priority entries
int[] i = new int[3];
i[CP_LOW] = cacheChunkSize(false);
i[CP_MEDIUM] = cacheChunkSize(false);
i[CP_HIGH] = cacheChunkSize(this.cacheScore != null);
return i;
public int[] cacheFillStatus() {
@ -367,65 +382,100 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
protected void deleteNode(Handle handle) throws IOException {
if (XcacheSize != 0) {
synchronized (XcacheHeaders) {
if (XcacheScore == null) {
} else if (XcacheHeaders[0].get(handle) != null) {
} else if (XcacheHeaders[1].get(handle) != null) {
} else if (XcacheHeaders[2].get(handle) != null) {
if (cacheScore == null) {
} else if (XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].get(handle) != null) {
// remove handle from cache-control
} else if (XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].get(handle) != null) {
// no cache control for medium-priority entries
} else if (XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].get(handle) != null) {
// no cache control for low-priority entries
private void checkCacheSpace(int forPriority) {
private boolean cacheSpace(int forPriority) {
// check for space in cache
// should be only called within a synchronized(XcacheHeaders) environment
if (XcacheSize == 0) return; // no caching
if (XcacheScore == null) return; // no cache control (== no deletion)
long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
long cs = XcacheHeaders[0].size() + XcacheHeaders[1].size() + XcacheHeaders[2].size();
if (cs == 0) return;
if ((cs < XcacheSize) && (free >= memBlock)) return; // no need to flush cache space
// returns true if it is allowed to add another entry to the cache
// returns false if the cache is considered to be full
if (forPriority == CP_NONE) return false;
if (XcacheSize == 0) return false; // no caching
long cs = XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].size();
if (cs == 0) return true; // nothing there to flush
if ((cs < XcacheSize) && (availableMemory() >= memBlock)) return true; // no need to flush cache space
Handle delkey;
// (free < memKcolb)) ??
// delete one entry
try {
delkey = (Handle) XcacheScore.getMinObject(); // error (see below) here
int cp = priorityOfCache(delkey);
if (cp <= forPriority) {
// deletion is ok, it affects an entry that has less priority
// delete one entry. distinguish between different priority cases:
if (forPriority == CP_LOW) {
// remove only from low-priority cache
if (this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() != 0) {
// just delete any of the low-priority entries
delkey = (Handle) this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].keySet().iterator().next();
return true;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (XcacheHeaders[i].size() > 0) {
delkey = (Handle) XcacheHeaders[i].keySet().iterator().next();
// we cannot delete any entry, therefore there is no space for another entry
return false;
} else if (forPriority == CP_MEDIUM) {
if (this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() != 0) {
// just delete any of the low-priority entries
delkey = (Handle) this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].keySet().iterator().next();
return true;
} else if (this.XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].size() != 0) {
// just delete any of the medium-priority entries
delkey = (Handle) this.XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].keySet().iterator().next();
return true;
} else {
// we cannot delete any entry, therefore there is no space for another entry
return false;
} else {
// request for a high-priority entry
if (this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() != 0) {
// just delete any of the low-priority entries
delkey = (Handle) this.XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].keySet().iterator().next();
return true;
} else if (this.XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].size() != 0) {
// just delete any of the medium-priority entries
delkey = (Handle) this.XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].keySet().iterator().next();
return true;
} else if (cacheScore == null) {
// no cache-control of high-priority cache
// the cache is considered as full
return false;
} else try {
// delete one from the high-priority entries
// use the cache-control to find the right object
delkey = (Handle) cacheScore.getMinObject();
return true;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
// this is a strange error and could be caused by internal java problems
// we simply clear the cache
String error = "cachScore error: " + e.getMessage() + "; cachesize=" + XcacheSize + ", cache.size()=[" + XcacheHeaders[0].size() + "," + XcacheHeaders[1].size() + "," + XcacheHeaders[2].size() + "], cacheScore.size()=" + cacheScore.size();
this.cacheScore = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
this.XcacheHeaders[0] = new HashMap();
this.XcacheHeaders[1] = new HashMap();
this.XcacheHeaders[2] = new HashMap();
throw new kelondroException(filename, error);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
System.out.println("strange kelondroRecords error: " + e.getMessage() + "; cachesize=" + XcacheSize + ", cache.size()=[" + XcacheHeaders[0].size() + "," + XcacheHeaders[1].size() + "," + XcacheHeaders[2].size() + "], cacheScore.size()=" + XcacheScore.size());
// this is a strange error and could be caused by internal java problems
// we simply clear the cache
this.XcacheScore = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
this.XcacheHeaders[0] = new HashMap();
this.XcacheHeaders[1] = new HashMap();
this.XcacheHeaders[2] = new HashMap();
delkey = null;
private int priorityOfCache(Handle handle) {
@ -538,11 +588,19 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
this.headChanged = false;
} else synchronized(XcacheHeaders) {
byte[] cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].get(this.handle); // first try
if (cacheEntry == null) cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].get(this.handle); // second try
if (cacheEntry == null) cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].get(this.handle); // third try
byte[] cacheEntry = null;
int cp = CP_HIGH;
cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].get(this.handle); // first try
if (cacheEntry == null) {
cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].get(this.handle); // second try
if (cacheEntry == null) {
cacheEntry = (byte[]) XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].get(this.handle); // third try
cp = CP_LOW;
if (cacheEntry == null) {
// read overhead and key
// cache miss, we read overhead and key from file
//System.out.println("**CACHE miss for " + this.handle.index + "**");
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
//this.tailChunk = new byte[tailchunksize];
@ -552,22 +610,28 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
//entryFile.read(this.tailChunk, 0, this.tailChunk.length);
this.headChanged = true; // provoke a cache store
int cp = CP_HIGH;
cp = CP_HIGH;
if (OHHANDLEC == 3) {
Handle l = getOHHandle(1);
Handle r = getOHHandle(2);
if ((l == null) && (r == null)) cp = CP_LOW;
else if ((l == null) || (r == null)) cp = CP_MEDIUM;
// if space left in cache, copy these value to the cache
if (XcacheSize > 0) {
} if (cacheSpace(cp)) updateNodeCache(cp);
} else {
// cache hit, copy overhead and key from cache
//System.out.println("**CACHE HIT for " + this.handle.index + "**");
// copy cache entry
this.headChunk = new byte[headchunksize];
System.arraycopy(cacheEntry, 0, this.headChunk, 0, headchunksize);
// update cache scores to announce this cache hit
if (XcacheScore != null) XcacheScore.setScore(this.handle, (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - XcacheStartup) / 1000));
if ((cacheScore != null) && (cp == CP_HIGH)) {
cacheScore.setScore(this.handle, (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - XcacheStartup) / 1000));
this.headChanged = false;
@ -688,7 +752,12 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
//System.out.print("#write "); printChunk(this.handle, this.headChunk); System.out.println();
if (XcacheSize > 0) {
if (cacheSpace(cachePriority)) updateNodeCache(cachePriority);
// save tail
@ -739,13 +808,9 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
if (priority == CP_NONE) return; // it is not wanted that this shall be cached
if (XcacheSize == 0) return; // we do not use the cache
int cs = XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].size();
if ((cs >= XcacheSize) && (XcacheScore == null)) return; // no cache update if cache is full and not controlled
if ((cs >= XcacheSize) && (priority == CP_LOW)) return; // no cache update if cache is full and new entry has low priority
if (cs >= XcacheSize) return; // no cache update if cache is full
synchronized (XcacheHeaders) {
// remember size to evaluate a cache size check need
int sizeBefore = cs;
//long memBefore = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
// generate cache entry
byte[] cacheEntry = new byte[headchunksize];
System.arraycopy(headChunk, 0, cacheEntry, 0, headchunksize);
@ -757,16 +822,14 @@ public class kelondroRecords {
if (priority != CP_MEDIUM) XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].remove(cacheHandle);
if (priority != CP_HIGH) XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].remove(cacheHandle);
XcacheHeaders[priority].put(cacheHandle, cacheEntry);
if (XcacheScore != null) XcacheScore.setScore(cacheHandle, (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - XcacheStartup) / 1000));
if ((cacheScore != null) && (priority == CP_HIGH)) {
cacheScore.setScore(cacheHandle, (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - XcacheStartup) / 1000));
// delete the cache entry buffer
cacheEntry = null;
cacheHandle = null;
//System.out.println("kelondroRecords cache4" + filename + ": cache record size = " + (memBefore - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) + " bytes" + ((newentry) ? " new" : ""));
// check cache size
cs = XcacheHeaders[CP_LOW].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_MEDIUM].size() + XcacheHeaders[CP_HIGH].size();
if (cs > sizeBefore) checkCacheSpace(priority);
//System.out.println("kelondroRecords cache4" + filename + ": " + XcacheHeaders.size() + " entries, " + XcacheSize + " allowed.");