- shifted tld recognition methods from yacyURL to serverDomains

- changed isLocal Property in such a way that it is possible to see if a domain is in the internet (and not intranet)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4751 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 17 years ago
parent a3df23659c
commit 483e9a2066

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ javacSource=1.5
# Release Configuration

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroNaturalOrder;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSearchEvent;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSearchQuery;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverDomains;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public class sidebar_navigation {
@ -132,18 +132,18 @@ public class sidebar_navigation {
final int[] zones = theSearch.getRankingResult().zones();
boolean z = false;
domzone(prop, "All", theSearch.getRankingResult().size(), theQuery);
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_EuropeRussia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "EuropeRussia", zones[yacyURL.TLD_EuropeRussia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "MiddleSouthAmerica", zones[yacyURL.TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "SouthEastAsia", zones[yacyURL.TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "MiddleEastWestAsia_", zones[yacyURL.TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID] + zones[yacyURL.TLD_Generic_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "NorthAmericaOceania", zones[yacyURL.TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID] + zones[yacyURL.TLD_Generic_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[yacyURL.TLD_Africa_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "Africa", zones[yacyURL.TLD_Africa_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_EuropeRussia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "EuropeRussia", zones[serverDomains.TLD_EuropeRussia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "MiddleSouthAmerica", zones[serverDomains.TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "SouthEastAsia", zones[serverDomains.TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "MiddleEastWestAsia_", zones[serverDomains.TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID] + zones[serverDomains.TLD_Generic_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "NorthAmericaOceania", zones[serverDomains.TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID] + zones[serverDomains.TLD_Generic_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[serverDomains.TLD_Africa_ID] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "Africa", zones[serverDomains.TLD_Africa_ID], theQuery);}
if (zones[7] > 0)
{ z = true; domzone(prop, "Intranet", zones[7], theQuery);}
prop.put("navigation_languagezone", (z) ? "1" : "0");

@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -1385,6 +1384,7 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
String host = url.getHost();
if (host == null) return "url.host is null";
if (this.acceptGlobalURLs && this.acceptLocalURLs) return null; // fast shortcut to avoid dnsResolve
InetAddress hostAddress = serverDomains.dnsResolve(host);
// if we don't know the host, we cannot load that resource anyway.
// But in case we use a proxy, it is possible that we dont have a DNS service.
@ -1392,8 +1392,10 @@ public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<plasmaSwitchbo
if (hostAddress == null) {
if ((remoteProxyConfig != null) && (remoteProxyConfig.useProxy())) return null; else return "the dns of the host '" + host + "' cannot be resolved";
// check if this is a local address and we are allowed to index local pages:
boolean local = hostAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() || hostAddress.isLoopbackAddress();
//boolean local = hostAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() || hostAddress.isLoopbackAddress();
boolean local = url.isLocal();
//assert local == yacyURL.isLocalDomain(url.hash()); // TODO: remove the dnsResolve above!
if ((this.acceptGlobalURLs && !local) || (this.acceptLocalURLs && local)) return null;
return (local) ?

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ package de.anomic.server;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
@ -54,6 +55,333 @@ public class serverDomains {
private static final Set<String> nameCacheNoCachingList = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
private static final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private static final String[] TLD_NorthAmericaOceania={
// primary english-speaking countries
// english-speaking countries from central america are also included
// includes also dutch and french colonies in the caribbean sea
// and US/English/Australian military bases in asia
"EDU=US Educational",
"GOV=US Government",
"MIL=US Military",
"ORG=Non-Profit Organization",
"AN=Netherlands Antilles",
"AS=American Samoa",
"AG=Antigua and Barbuda",
"CC=Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CK=Cook Islands",
"CX=Christmas Island", // located in the Indian Ocean, but belongs to Australia
"GS=South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", // south of south america, but administrated by british, has only a scientific base
"GU=Guam", // strategical US basis close to Japan
"HM=Heard and McDonald Islands", // uninhabited, sub-Antarctic island, owned by Australia
"IO=British Indian Ocean Territory", // UK-US naval support facility in the Indian Ocean
"KI=Kiribati", // 33 coral atolls in the pacific, formerly owned by UK
"KN=Saint Kitts and Nevis", // islands in the carribean see
"KY=Cayman Islands",
"LC=Saint Lucia",
"MH=Marshall Islands", // formerly US atomic bomb test site, now a key installation in the US missile defense network
"MP=Northern Mariana Islands", // US strategic location in the western Pacific Ocean
"NC=New Caledonia",
"NF=Norfolk Island",
"NR=Nauru", // independent UN island
"NU=Niue", // one of world's largest coral islands
"NZ=New Zealand (Aotearoa)",
"PG=Papua New Guinea",
"PN=Pitcairn", // overseas territory of the UK
"PR=Puerto Rico", // territory of the US with commonwealth status
"PW=Palau", // was once governed by Micronesia
"Sb=Solomon Islands",
"TC=Turks and Caicos Islands", // overseas territory of the UK
"TK=Tokelau", // group of three atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, british protectorat
"TT=Trinidad and Tobago",
"TV=Tuvalu", // nine coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean; in 2000, Tuvalu leased its TLD ".tv" for $50 million over a 12-year period
"UM=US Minor Outlying Islands", // nine insular United States possessions in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea
"US=United States",
"VC=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"VG=Virgin Islands (British)",
"VI=Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"WF=Wallis and Futuna Islands",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica = {
// primary spanish and portugese-speaking
"CR=Costa Rica",
"DO=Dominican Republic",
"FK=Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"GF=French Guiana",
"SV=El Salvador",
private static final String[] TLD_EuropeRussia = {
// includes also countries that are mainly french- dutch- speaking
// and culturally close to europe
"BA=Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BV=Bouvet Island", // this island is uninhabited and covered by ice, south of africa but governed by Norway
"CS=Czechoslovakia (former)",
"CZ=Czech Republic",
"FO=Faroe Islands", // Viking Settlers
"FX=France, Metropolitan",
"GB=Great Britain (UK)",
"HR=Croatia (Hrvatska)",
"MS=Montserrat", // British island in the Caribbean Sea, almost not populated because of strong vulcanic activity
"MQ=Martinique", // island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, overseas department of France
"NATO=Nato field",
"PF=French Polynesia", // French annexed Polynesian island in the South Pacific, French atomic bomb test site
"PM=St. Pierre and Miquelon", // french-administrated colony close to canada, belongs to France
"SJ=Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", // part of Norway
"SM=San Marino",
"SK=Slovak Republic",
"SU=USSR (former)",
"TF=French Southern Territories", // islands in the arctic see, no inhabitants
"UK=United Kingdom",
"VA=Vatican City State (Holy See)",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia = {
// states that are influenced by islamic culture and arabic language
// includes also eurasia states and those that had been part of the former USSR and close to southwest asia
"AE=United Arab Emirates",
"SA=Saudi Arabia",
private static final String[] TLD_SouthEastAsia = {
"BN=Brunei Darussalam",
"HK=Hong Kong",
"KP=Korea (North)",
"KR=Korea (South)",
"LK=Sri Lanka",
"MM=Myanmar", // formerly known as Burma
"MO=Macau", // Portuguese settlement, part of China, but has some autonomy
"MV=Maldives", // group of atolls in the Indian Ocean
"TP=East Timor",
"VN=Viet Nam"
private static final String[] TLD_Africa = {
"BF=Burkina Faso",
"CF=Central African Republic",
"CI=Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
"CV=Cape Verde",
"EH=Western Sahara",
"GQ=Equatorial Guinea",
"SH=St. Helena",
"SL=Sierra Leone",
"ST=Sao Tome and Principe",
"ZA=South Africa",
private static final String[] TLD_Generic = {
"COM=US Commercial",
"NT=Neutral Zone"
private static HashMap<String, Integer> TLDID = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
//private static HashMap<String, String> TLDName = new HashMap<String, String>();
private static void insertTLDProps(String[] TLDList, int id) {
int p;
String tld;
//String name;
Integer ID = new Integer(id);
for (int i = 0; i < TLDList.length; i++) {
p = TLDList[i].indexOf('=');
if (p > 0) {
tld = TLDList[i].substring(0, p).toLowerCase();
//name = TLDList[i].substring(p + 1);
TLDID.put(tld, ID);
//TLDName.put(tld, name);
// TLD separation, partly separated into language groups
// https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_continent
public static final int TLD_EuropeRussia_ID = 0; // European languages but no english
public static final int TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID = 1; // mainly spanish-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID = 2; // asia
public static final int TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID = 3; // middle east
public static final int TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID = 4; // english-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_Africa_ID = 5; // africa
public static final int TLD_Generic_ID = 6; // anything else, also raw ip numbers
static {
// assign TLD-ids and names
insertTLDProps(TLD_EuropeRussia, TLD_EuropeRussia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica, TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_SouthEastAsia, TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia, TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_NorthAmericaOceania, TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Africa, TLD_Africa_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Generic, TLD_Generic_ID);
// the id=7 is used to flag local addresses
* Converts the time to a non negative int
@ -136,28 +464,6 @@ public class serverDomains {
return null;
// /**
// * Checks wether an hostname already is in the DNS-cache.
// * FIXME: This method should use dnsResolve, as the code is 90% identical?
// *
// * @param host Searched for hostname.
// * @return true, if the hostname already is in the cache.
// */
// public static boolean dnsFetch(String host) {
// if ((nameCacheHit.get(host) != null) /*|| (nameCacheMiss.contains(host)) */) return false;
// try {
// String ip = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress();
// if ((ip != null) && (!(ip.equals(""))) && (!(ip.equals("localhost")))) {
// nameCacheHit.put(host, ip);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// //nameCacheMiss.add(host);
// return false;
// }
// }
* Returns the number of entries in the nameCacheHit map
@ -218,43 +524,65 @@ public class serverDomains {
public static boolean isLocal(String address) {
public static int getDomainID(String host) {
int p = host.lastIndexOf('.');
String tld = "";
if (p > 0) {
tld = host.substring(p + 1);
Integer i = TLDID.get(tld);
if (i == null) {
return (isLocal(host)) ? 7 : TLD_Generic_ID;
} else {
return i.intValue();
public static boolean isLocal(String host) {
// attention! because this method does a dns resolve to look up an IP address,
// the result may be very slow. Consider 100 milliseconds per access
assert (address != null);
assert (host != null);
// check local ip addresses
if (address.equals("localhost") || address.startsWith("127")
|| address.startsWith("192.168")
|| address.startsWith("10.")
|| address.startsWith("169.254")
if (host.equals("localhost") || host.startsWith("127")
|| host.startsWith("192.168")
|| host.startsWith("10.")
|| host.startsWith("169.254")
// (I think this is faster than a regex)
(address.startsWith("172.") && (address.startsWith("172.16.")
|| address.startsWith("172.17.")
|| address.startsWith("172.18.")
|| address.startsWith("172.19.")
|| address.startsWith("172.20.")
|| address.startsWith("172.21.")
|| address.startsWith("172.22.")
|| address.startsWith("172.23.")
|| address.startsWith("172.24.")
|| address.startsWith("172.25.")
|| address.startsWith("172.26.")
|| address.startsWith("172.27.")
|| address.startsWith("172.28.")
|| address.startsWith("172.29.")
|| address.startsWith("172.30.")
|| address.startsWith("172.31."))))
(host.startsWith("172.") && (host.startsWith("172.16.")
|| host.startsWith("172.17.")
|| host.startsWith("172.18.")
|| host.startsWith("172.19.")
|| host.startsWith("172.20.")
|| host.startsWith("172.21.")
|| host.startsWith("172.22.")
|| host.startsWith("172.23.")
|| host.startsWith("172.24.")
|| host.startsWith("172.25.")
|| host.startsWith("172.26.")
|| host.startsWith("172.27.")
|| host.startsWith("172.28.")
|| host.startsWith("172.29.")
|| host.startsWith("172.30.")
|| host.startsWith("172.31."))))
return true;
// check the tld list
int p = host.lastIndexOf('.');
String tld = "";
if (p > 0) {
tld = host.substring(p + 1);
if (TLDID.get(tld) == null) return true;
// make a dns resolve if a hostname is given and check again
final InetAddress clientAddress = dnsResolve(address);
final InetAddress clientAddress = dnsResolve(host);
if (clientAddress != null) {
if ((clientAddress.isAnyLocalAddress()) || (clientAddress.isLoopbackAddress())) return true;
if (address.charAt(0) > '9') address = clientAddress.getHostAddress();
if (host.charAt(0) > '9') host = clientAddress.getHostAddress();
// finally check if there are other local IP adresses that are not in

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ package de.anomic.yacy;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
@ -42,341 +41,14 @@ import de.anomic.tools.Punycode;
import de.anomic.tools.Punycode.PunycodeException;
public class yacyURL {
// TLD separation in political and cultural parts
// https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_continent
public static final int TLD_EuropeRussia_ID = 0; // European languages but no english
public static final int TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID = 1; // mainly spanish-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID = 2; // asia
public static final int TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID = 3; // middle east
public static final int TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID = 4; // english-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_Africa_ID = 5; // africa
public static final int TLD_Generic_ID = 6; // anything else, mixed languages, mainly english
public static final int TLD_any_zone_filter = 255; // from TLD zones can be filtered during search; this is the catch-all filter
private static final String[] TLD_NorthAmericaOceania={
// primary english-speaking countries
// english-speaking countries from central america are also included
// includes also dutch and french colonies in the caribbean sea
// and US/English/Australian military bases in asia
"EDU=US Educational",
"GOV=US Government",
"MIL=US Military",
"ORG=Non-Profit Organization",
"AN=Netherlands Antilles",
"AS=American Samoa",
"AG=Antigua and Barbuda",
"CC=Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CK=Cook Islands",
"CX=Christmas Island", // located in the Indian Ocean, but belongs to Australia
"GS=South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", // south of south america, but administrated by british, has only a scientific base
"GU=Guam", // strategical US basis close to Japan
"HM=Heard and McDonald Islands", // uninhabited, sub-Antarctic island, owned by Australia
"IO=British Indian Ocean Territory", // UK-US naval support facility in the Indian Ocean
"KI=Kiribati", // 33 coral atolls in the pacific, formerly owned by UK
"KN=Saint Kitts and Nevis", // islands in the carribean see
"KY=Cayman Islands",
"LC=Saint Lucia",
"MH=Marshall Islands", // formerly US atomic bomb test site, now a key installation in the US missile defense network
"MP=Northern Mariana Islands", // US strategic location in the western Pacific Ocean
"NC=New Caledonia",
"NF=Norfolk Island",
"NR=Nauru", // independent UN island
"NU=Niue", // one of world's largest coral islands
"NZ=New Zealand (Aotearoa)",
"PG=Papua New Guinea",
"PN=Pitcairn", // overseas territory of the UK
"PR=Puerto Rico", // territory of the US with commonwealth status
"PW=Palau", // was once governed by Micronesia
"Sb=Solomon Islands",
"TC=Turks and Caicos Islands", // overseas territory of the UK
"TK=Tokelau", // group of three atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, british protectorat
"TT=Trinidad and Tobago",
"TV=Tuvalu", // nine coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean; in 2000, Tuvalu leased its TLD ".tv" for $50 million over a 12-year period
"UM=US Minor Outlying Islands", // nine insular United States possessions in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea
"US=United States",
"VC=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"VG=Virgin Islands (British)",
"VI=Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"WF=Wallis and Futuna Islands",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica = {
// primary spanish and portugese-speaking
"CR=Costa Rica",
"DO=Dominican Republic",
"FK=Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"GF=French Guiana",
"SV=El Salvador",
private static final String[] TLD_EuropeRussia = {
// includes also countries that are mainly french- dutch- speaking
// and culturally close to europe
"BA=Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BV=Bouvet Island", // this island is uninhabited and covered by ice, south of africa but governed by Norway
"CS=Czechoslovakia (former)",
"CZ=Czech Republic",
"FO=Faroe Islands", // Viking Settlers
"FX=France, Metropolitan",
"GB=Great Britain (UK)",
"HR=Croatia (Hrvatska)",
"MS=Montserrat", // British island in the Caribbean Sea, almost not populated because of strong vulcanic activity
"MQ=Martinique", // island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, overseas department of France
"NATO=Nato field",
"PF=French Polynesia", // French annexed Polynesian island in the South Pacific, French atomic bomb test site
"PM=St. Pierre and Miquelon", // french-administrated colony close to canada, belongs to France
"SJ=Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", // part of Norway
"SM=San Marino",
"SK=Slovak Republic",
"SU=USSR (former)",
"TF=French Southern Territories", // islands in the arctic see, no inhabitants
"UK=United Kingdom",
"VA=Vatican City State (Holy See)",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia = {
// states that are influenced by islamic culture and arabic language
// includes also eurasia states and those that had been part of the former USSR and close to southwest asia
"AE=United Arab Emirates",
"SA=Saudi Arabia",
private static final String[] TLD_SouthEastAsia = {
"BN=Brunei Darussalam",
"HK=Hong Kong",
"KP=Korea (North)",
"KR=Korea (South)",
"LK=Sri Lanka",
"MM=Myanmar", // formerly known as Burma
"MO=Macau", // Portuguese settlement, part of China, but has some autonomy
"MV=Maldives", // group of atolls in the Indian Ocean
"TP=East Timor",
"VN=Viet Nam"
private static final String[] TLD_Africa = {
"BF=Burkina Faso",
"CF=Central African Republic",
"CI=Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
"CV=Cape Verde",
"EH=Western Sahara",
"GQ=Equatorial Guinea",
"SH=St. Helena",
"SL=Sierra Leone",
"ST=Sao Tome and Principe",
"ZA=South Africa",
private static final String[] TLD_Generic = {
"COM=US Commercial",
"NT=Neutral Zone"
public static String dummyHash;
private static HashMap<String, Integer> TLDID = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private static HashMap<String, String> TLDName = new HashMap<String, String>();
private static void insertTLDProps(String[] TLDList, int id) {
int p;
String tld, name;
Integer ID = new Integer(id);
for (int i = 0; i < TLDList.length; i++) {
p = TLDList[i].indexOf('=');
if (p > 0) {
tld = TLDList[i].substring(0, p).toLowerCase();
name = TLDList[i].substring(p + 1);
TLDID.put(tld, ID);
TLDName.put(tld, name);
static {
// create a dummy hash
dummyHash = "";
for (int i = 0; i < yacySeedDB.commonHashLength; i++) dummyHash += "-";
// assign TLD-ids and names
insertTLDProps(TLD_EuropeRussia, TLD_EuropeRussia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica, TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_SouthEastAsia, TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia, TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_NorthAmericaOceania, TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Africa, TLD_Africa_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Generic, TLD_Generic_ID);
// the id=7 is used to flag local addresses
// class variables
@ -960,15 +632,10 @@ public class yacyURL {
assert this.hash == null; // should only be called if the hash was not computed bevore
int p = this.host.lastIndexOf('.');
String tld = "", dom = tld;
if (p > 0) {
tld = host.substring(p + 1);
dom = host.substring(0, p);
Integer ID = (serverDomains.isLocal(tld)) ? null : TLDID.get(tld); // identify local addresses
int id = (ID == null) ? 7 : ID.intValue(); // local addresses are flagged with id=7
int id = serverDomains.getDomainID(this.host); // id=7: tld is local
boolean isHTTP = this.protocol.equals("http");
int p = this.host.lastIndexOf('.');
String dom = (p > 0) ? dom = host.substring(0, p) : "";
p = dom.lastIndexOf('.'); // locate subdomain
String subdom = "";
if (p > 0) {
@ -1081,10 +748,6 @@ public class yacyURL {
return (kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeByte(urlHash.charAt(11)) & 28) >> 2;
public static boolean isLocalDomain(String urlhash) {
return domDomain(urlhash) == 7;
public static boolean isDomDomain(String urlHash, int id) {
return domDomain(urlHash) == id;
@ -1096,7 +759,8 @@ public class yacyURL {
// checks for local/global IP range and local IP
public boolean isLocal() {
return serverDomains.isLocal(this.host);
if (this.hash == null) synchronized (this) {this.hash = urlHashComputation();}
return domDomain(this.hash) == 7;
// language calculation
