added flag for YaCyHop - proxy access for all paths that start with /yacy/

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 18 years ago
parent 9f74b128dd
commit 47ab83a7c0

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class SearchStatistics_p {
prop.put("page_list_" + entCount + "_host", host);
if (page == 4) {
yacySeed remotepeer = yacyCore.seedDB.lookupByIP(natLib.getInetAddress(host), true, true, true);
prop.put("page_list_" + entCount + "_peername", remotepeer.getName());
prop.put("page_list_" + entCount + "_peername", (remotepeer == null) ? "UNKNOWN" : remotepeer.getName());
prop.put("page_list_" + entCount + "_count", new Integer(handles.size()).toString());
prop.put("page_list_" + entCount + "_dates", handlestring);

@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
private InetAddress userAddress; // the address of the client
private boolean allowProxy;
private boolean allowServer;
private boolean allowYaCyHop;
// for authentication
private boolean use_proxyAccounts = false;
@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
this.userAddress = null;
this.allowProxy = false;
this.allowServer = false;
this.allowYaCyHop = false;
this.proxyAccounts_init = false;
this.serverAccountBase64MD5 = null;
this.clientIP = null;
@ -192,9 +194,10 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
this.allowProxy = (proxyClient.equals("*")) ? true : match(this.clientIP, proxyClient);
this.allowServer = (serverClient.equals("*")) ? true : match(this.clientIP, serverClient);
this.allowYaCyHop = switchboard.getConfigBool("YaCyHop", false);
// check if we want to allow this socket to connect us
if (!(this.allowProxy || this.allowServer)) {
if (!(this.allowProxy || this.allowServer || this.allowYaCyHop)) {
String errorMsg = "CONNECTION FROM " + this.clientIP + " FORBIDDEN";
throw new IOException(errorMsg);
@ -449,11 +452,9 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
} else {
// pass to proxy
if (this.allowProxy) {
if (this.handleProxyAuthentication(header)) {
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler(switchboard);
proxyHandler.doGet(this.prop, header, this.session.out);
if (((this.allowYaCyHop) && (this.prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH, "").startsWith("/yacy/"))) ||
((this.allowProxy) && (this.handleProxyAuthentication(header)))) {
proxyHandler.doGet(this.prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
this.session.out.write((httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore.crlfString + serverCore.crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard.getConfig("proxyClient", "*") + serverCore.crlfString).getBytes());
@ -524,11 +525,9 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
} else {
// pass to proxy
if (allowProxy) {
if (handleProxyAuthentication(header)) {
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler(switchboard);
proxyHandler.doHead(prop, header, this.session.out);
if (((this.allowYaCyHop) && (this.prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH, "").startsWith("/yacy/"))) ||
((this.allowProxy) && (this.handleProxyAuthentication(header)))) {
proxyHandler.doHead(prop, header, this.session.out);
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" +
@ -608,11 +607,9 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
} else {
// pass to proxy
if (allowProxy) {
if (handleProxyAuthentication(header)) {
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler(switchboard);
proxyHandler.doPost(prop, header, this.session.out,;
if (((this.allowYaCyHop) && (this.prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH, "").startsWith("/yacy/"))) ||
((this.allowProxy) && (this.handleProxyAuthentication(header)))) {
proxyHandler.doPost(prop, header, this.session.out,;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore.crlfString + serverCore.crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard.getConfig("proxyClient", "*") + serverCore.crlfString).getBytes());
@ -677,11 +674,9 @@ public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
// pass to proxy
if (allowProxy) {
if (handleProxyAuthentication(header)) {
if (proxyHandler != null) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler(switchboard);
proxyHandler.doConnect(prop, header,, this.session.out);
if (((this.allowYaCyHop) && (this.prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH, "").startsWith("/yacy/"))) ||
((this.allowProxy) && (this.handleProxyAuthentication(header)))) {
proxyHandler.doConnect(prop, header,, this.session.out);
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session.out.write((httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore.crlfString + serverCore.crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard.getConfig("proxyClient", "*") + serverCore.crlfString).getBytes());

@ -122,14 +122,6 @@ public final class httpdProxyHandler extends httpdAbstractHandler implements htt
private static boolean redirectorEnabled=false;
private static PrintWriter redirectorWriter;
private static BufferedReader redirectorReader;
// public static boolean remoteProxyUse = false;
// public static String remoteProxyHost = "";
// public static int remoteProxyPort = -1;
// public static String remoteProxyNoProxy = "";
// public static String[] remoteProxyNoProxyPatterns = null;
// private static final HashSet remoteProxyAllowProxySet = new HashSet();
// private static final HashSet remoteProxyDisallowProxySet = new HashSet();
private static htmlFilterTransformer transformer = null;
public static final String proxyUserAgent = "yacy (" + httpc.systemOST +")";

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ fileHost = localpeer
# specify the path to the MIME matching file table
mimeConfig = httpd.mime
# specify the path to message resource file
messConfig = httpd.messages
# proxy use. This server can also act as an caching proxy.
# to enable that function, set proxy=true
# a path to the file cache, used for the internal proxy and as crawl buffer
# This will be used if the server is addressed as a proxy
proxyCache = DATA/HTCACHE
@ -178,7 +170,6 @@ proxyCacheLayout = hash
# the migration flag shows, if the different layout shall be migrated from one to another
proxyCacheMigration = true
# the following mime-types are the whitelist for indexing
# parseableRealtimeMimeTypes: specifies mime-types that can be indexed on the fly
@ -190,7 +181,6 @@ parseableMimeTypes.PROXY=
# media extension string
# a comma-separated list of extensions that denote media file formats
# this is important to recognize <a href> - tags as not-html reference
@ -275,6 +265,14 @@
# YaCyHop: allow public usage of proxy for yacy-protocol
# this enables usage of the internal http proxy for everyone,
# if the file path starts with /yacy/
# This is used to enable anonymization of yacy protocol requests
# Instead of asking a remote peer directly, a peer in between is asked
# to prevent that the asked peer knows which peer asks.
# serverClient: client-ip's that may connect to the web server,
# thus are allowed to use the search service
# if you set this to another value, search requst from others
@ -282,13 +280,6 @@ proxyClient=localhost,,192.168.*,10.*
# search services.
### proxyAccount: a user:password - pair for proxy authentification
### leave empty for no authenication
### example:
# use_proxyAccounts: set to true to restrict proxy-access to some identified users.
#use User_p.html to create some Users.
