removed superfluous file

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 19 years ago
parent 1137605edf
commit 462c64a935

@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<TITLE>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Search Page</TITLE>
<META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="20060314;23554900">
<META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="20060315;225700">
<SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/ajax.js">
<SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/xml.js">
</SCRIPT><SCRIPT SRC="file:///js/yacysearch.js">
<FORM ACTION="index.html">
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="search" VALUE="#[former]#" SIZE=52 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 11.78cm; height: 0.61cm">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="Enter" VALUE="Search" STYLE="width: 1.71cm; height: 0.7cm"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="former" VALUE="#[former]#">
<P>Max. number of results:</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="count" STYLE="width: 1.89cm; height: 0.67cm">
<P>order by:</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="order" STYLE="width: 4.29cm; height: 0.67cm">
<OPTION VALUE="YBR-Date-Quality" SELECTED>YBR-Date-Quality
<OPTION VALUE="YBR-Quality-Date">YBR-Quality-Date
<OPTION VALUE="Date-YBR-Quality">Date-YBR-Quality
<OPTION VALUE="Quality-YBR-Date">Quality-YBR-Date
<OPTION VALUE="Date-Quality-YBR">Date-Quality-YBR
<OPTION VALUE="Quality-Date-YBR">Quality-Date-YBR</OPTION>
<P><SELECT NAME="resource" STYLE="width: 2.07cm; height: 0.67cm">
<OPTION VALUE="global" SELECTED>global
<OPTION VALUE="local">local</OPTION>
<P>Max. search time (seconds):</P>
<P><SELECT NAME="time" STYLE="width: 1.39cm; height: 0.67cm">
<P>URL mask:</P>
<P>#(urlmaskoptions)# <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="urlmaskfilter" VALUE="#[urlmaskfilter]#" SIZE=12 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 2.79cm; height: 0.61cm">
:: <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="urlmask" VALUE="yes" CHECKED STYLE="width: 0.29cm; height: 0.29cm">
restrict on <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="urlmaskfilter" VALUE="#[urlmaskfilter]#" SIZE=12 MAXLENGTH=80 STYLE="width: 2.79cm; height: 0.61cm">
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="urlmask" VALUE="no" STYLE="width: 0.29cm; height: 0.29cm">
show all #(/urlmaskoptions)#</P>
<P>#(excluded)# ::
<P><STRONG>The following words are stop-words and had been excluded
from the search: #[stopwords]#.</STRONG></P>
<P>#(/excluded)# #(num-results)# ::
<P>No Results.</P>
<P>No Results. (length of search words must be at least 3 characters)</P>
<P>No Results. If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may
consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer.
If everybody contributes, the results will get better.</P>
<P>Other possible reasons for no result:</P>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The search time was too short.
Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">There is currently no support for
german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Words of length &lt; 3 are not
indexed. Please omit such words
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">YaCy tries to index singular
instead of plural words. Please use the singular form
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Only complete words are indexed,
not parts of words
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Don't use stopwords as search
<LI><P>During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is
unknown. Please repeat your search to see if there are
late-responses from remote peers
<P>If you think the information you searched should exist in the
global index, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your
wanted information to make it available for everyone. Then stay
online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!</P>
<P><STRONG>#[linkcount]#</STRONG> results from <STRONG>#[orderedcount]#</STRONG>
ordered links of a total number of <STRONG>#[totalcount]#</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="/index.html%3Fsearch=#[former]%23&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=%23[count]%23&amp;order=%23[order]%23&amp;resource=%23[resource]%23&amp;time=%23[time]%23&amp;urlmaskfilter=.*">Catch
up more links</A> from 'late' peers.</P>
<P>#(/num-results)# #(combine)# ::
<P><STRONG>Topwords</STRONG> (to refine search): #{words}# <A HREF="index.html%3Fsearch=#[newsearch]%23&amp;Enter=Search&amp;count=%23[count]%23&amp;order=%23[order]%23&amp;resource=%23[resource]%23time=%23[time]%23">#[word]#</A>
<P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">#(/combine)#<!-- linklist begin -->
#{results}#<!-- link begin -->
<P><FONT COLOR="#000080"><A HREF="/Bookmarks_p.html%3Fedit=#[urlhash]%23"><FONT COLOR="#000080"><IMG SRC="/env/grafics/empty.gif" NAME="Grafik1" ALT="bookmark" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=2></FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000080">
<A HREF="#[delete]#"><FONT COLOR="#000080"><IMG SRC="/env/grafics/empty.gif" NAME="Grafik2" ALT="delete" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=2></FONT></A></FONT>
<H4><A HREF="#[url]#">#[description]#</A></H4>
<P><A NAME="#[urlhash]#"></A>#(snippet)#loading snippet
<P><A NAME="url#[urlhash]#"></A><A HREF="#[url]#">#[urlname]#</A></P>
<P>#[date]# | YBR-#[ybr]# | <A HREF="ViewFile.html%3FurlHash=#[urlhash]%23&amp;words=%23[words]%23">Info</A></P>
<P><!-- link end -->#{/results}#<!-- linklist end -->
<P>#(resultbottomline)# :: The global search resulted in
#[globalresults]# link contributions from other YaCy peers. :: You
can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option: This will
search also other YaCy peers :: You cannot get global search results
because you are not connected to another YaCy peer. To connect you
must first use the proxy. See here for an <A HREF="">installation
guide</A>. Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online
mode, which also grants global search. To do this, press this button:
<FORM ACTION="SettingsAck_p.html">
<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="pmode" VALUE="go online" STYLE="width: 2.16cm; height: 0.7cm">
<P>:: You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option;
you must also switch to online mode (by using the proxy) to
contribute to the global index. #(/resultbottomline)#
<P>YaCy is a GPL'ed project with the target of implementing a
P2P-based global search engine.<BR>Architecture (C) by Michael Peter
<IMG SRC="/env/grafics/mcemailh.gif" NAME="Grafik3" ALT="Mail-Adresse von Michael Peter Christen" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=44 BORDER=0></P>