@ -42,13 +42,10 @@ InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy"
!define RecommendSpace "30"
; some string for Firewall
!define WinXPAddFwRulePort 'netsh firewall add portopening protocol=tcp port=8090 name=YaCy mode=enable'
!define WinXPDelFwRulePort 'netsh firewall del portopening protocol=tcp port=8090'
!define WinVistaAddFwRulePort 'netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YaCy" program="%SystemRoot%\System32\javaw.exe" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=8090'
!define WinVistaDelFwRulePort 'netsh advfirewall firewall del rule name="YaCy"'
var WinAddFwRulePort
var WinDelFwRulePort
!define WinAddYaCyPort 'netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YaCy" program="%SystemRoot%\System32\javaw.exe" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=8090'
!define WinDelYaCyPort 'netsh advfirewall firewall del rule name="YaCy"'
!define WinAdduPnpPort 'netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YaCy uPnp" program="%SystemRoot%\System32\javaw.exe" dir=in action=allow protocol=udp remoteip=defaultgateway remoteport=1900'
!define WinDeluPnpPort 'netsh advfirewall firewall del rule name="YaCy uPnp"'
;requested execution level on Vista / 7
RequestExecutionLevel admin
@ -186,7 +183,7 @@ Section "Desktop Icon"
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\YaCy.lnk" "$INSTDIR\startYACY.bat" "" "$INSTDIR\addon\YaCy.ico" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
Section "Open Firewall (Port 8090)" Sec_Firewall_id
Section "Open Firewall (Port 8090 for YaCy and 1900 for uPnP )" Sec_Firewall_id
SectionIn 1
SetShellVarContext current
call OpenFirewall
@ -268,18 +265,9 @@ Function .onInit
${If} ${IsWinVista}
${OrIf} ${IsWin7}
StrCpy $WinAddFwRulePort '${WinVistaAddFwRulePort}'
StrCpy $WinDelFwRulePort '${WinVistaDelFwRulePort}'
ReadRegDWORD $FirewallServiceStart HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MpsSvc" "Start"
ReadRegDWORD $FirewallServiceStart HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MpsSvc" "Start"
${If} ${IsWinXP}
${AndIf} ${AtLeastServicePack} 2
StrCpy $WinAddFwRulePort '${WinXPAddFwRulePort}'
StrCpy $WinDelFwRulePort '${WinXPDelFwRulePort}'
ReadRegDWORD $FirewallServiceStart HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess" "Start"
;need Admin for firewall-config
${IfNot} $0 = "Admin"
IntOp $FirewallServiceStart 3 + 0
@ -386,12 +374,22 @@ FunctionEnd
Function OpenFirewall
var /global ExecErrorCode
; run netsh
nsExec::ExecToStack '$WinAddFwRulePort '
; run netsh for Port 8090
nsExec::ExecToStack '${WinAddYaCyPort} '
pop $ExecErrorCode
; if run without error register for uninstall and clear finish page
${If} $ExecErrorCode = "0"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwRulePort" '$WinDelFwRulePort'
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwYaCyPort" '${WinDelYaCyPort}'
IntOp $FirewallServiceStart 0 + 0
IntOp $FirewallServiceStart 3 + 0
; run netsh for Port 1900 - uPnP
nsExec::ExecToStack '${WinAdduPnpPort}'
pop $ExecErrorCode
; if run without error register for uninstall and clear finish page
${If} $ExecErrorCode = "0"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwuPnpPort" '${WinDeluPnpPort}'
IntOp $FirewallServiceStart 0 + 0
IntOp $FirewallServiceStart 3 + 0
@ -402,15 +400,22 @@ Function SHOW_PageFinish_custom
; hide and disable firewall info from wiki if firewall is open
${If} $FirewallServiceStart = 0
SendMessage $mui.FinishPage.ShowReadme ${BM_SETCHECK} 0 0
ShowWindow $mui.FinishPage.ShowReadme ${SW_HIDE}
ShowWindow $mui.FinishPage.ShowReadme ${SW_HIDE}
Function un.CloseFirewall
; get string for closing port from registy
ReadRegStr '$WinDelFwRulePort' HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwRulePort"
var /global UninstallCmd
; close YaCy-Port 8090
ReadRegStr '$UninstallCmd' HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwYaCyPort"
; if found > run netsh to close port
${IfNot} '$WinDelFwRulePort' == ''
nsExec::ExecToStack '$WinDelFwRulePort'
${IfNot} '$UninstallCmd' == ''
nsExec::ExecToStack '$UninstallCmd'
; close uPnp-Port 1900
ReadRegStr '$UninstallCmd' HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YaCy" "DelFwuPnPPort"
${IfNot} '$UninstallCmd' == ''
nsExec::ExecToStack '$UninstallCmd'